Nu huggies, nu wub! PART:2 (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

PART:1 can be found here.

Gaz had already taken the liberty of setting up cameras across his garden to deal with break-ins and herd invasion that he had been suffering a few months prior. Unfortunately after the neighbourhood crackhead was caught and the local smarty got decapitated with a shovel, he now found himself with an expensive surveillance system and nothing to use it for. That was when an idea struck him. Gaz’s dear departed mum was a massive fan of Celebrity Big Brother and Gaz had taken to creating the show at home for his own amusement.

He didn’t have any extreme intent to harm the fluffies that unknowingly participated and he wasn’t a sadist, he just rather liked the cute and silly antics they got up to when they weren’t aware of prying eyes, sometimes they’d even surprise him with a little bit of drama. Although this family in particular definitely seemed to have some underlying issues.

Gaz would even record all of the footage, edit it and then upload it on his FluffTube page to the elation of his 30,000 subscribers. It wasn’t a bad side hustle when he wasn’t off doing plumbing or odd jobs down by the water.

This would be the third herd/family that he had let stay in his garden. Eventually they either ask to leave and are evicted without problems or they begin to break one of his rules and in doing so forfeit their right to stay, or life, depending on the severity of the offence.

He checked his feed and found that the Leaf family were slow to rise, still snoring and cooing, huddled up in a massive fluff pile… all but one of them. The black and currently still nameless colt with early signs of smarty syndrome, forced to sleep out in the cold by his mother. The little bastard was pretty lucky that it was the middle of summer, otherwise he would have probably died of hypothermia at any other time of the year.

Gaz got downstairs with his dad’s old waking trumpet from his time as a drill instructor for the Royal Marines. The burly biker then stood himself dead center in his garden and played the all too familiar tune that roused him from his sleep as a child.

Immediately banging and fumbling about could be heard from inside the fluff house until a very exhausted looking Leaf poked his head out.

“Good morning my lovelies and welcome to Gaz’s garden! I know I’ve already been down a few of the rules with you before, but I’m gonna go through them again!” Gaz announced before listing them off.

"1. Do not poop anywhere in my garden except in the vegetable patch or the rose bushes

  1. Under no circumstances can you eat from the vegetable patch or the rose bushes. You have water bowls in your fluff house and an automatic Kibble dispenser, if you want to eat flowers then there are plenty of daisies and dandelions about.

  2. Always come to me if there is a problem by tapping on the back door or by pressing the red panic button near the entrance to your fluff house

  3. do not invite ferals in! This is your home now and there isn’t room for more

  4. And finally, do not try to leave without asking. There is no way for you to leave without me helping you, so don’t bother stressing out" he explained with a tight throat full of discipline.

“otay! Famiwy pwomis!” Leaf said with a chipper voice as his family followed behind him from the fluff house and into the garden to give it a good looking over in the daylight.

While they were off exploring their new surroundings, Gaz took the opportunity to rush over to his trusty tool shed and grab a needle and thread with which he sealed up one or two holes in the fabric of the fluffhouse roof.

By the time he had finished up, he turned to witness the family who were immediately smitten with the amount of room, the colours, the cleanliness, the smells and the safety that their new home offered. For them it must have appeared as paradise.

The garden contained a shed, a Jacuzzi at the center, rose bushes, an old apple tree and a handsome vegetable patch.

“mistah daddeh Gaz? Hoew can Weaf ebah pay yew backsie? Weaf nebah eben hab sweepie time pictews dis pwetty!” Leaf asked with a tear welling in his eye.

“you owe me nothing except your family’s happiness and good behaviour. Now I need to zip off but I’ve got my eye on you” Gaz assured before attempting to leave, finding the tiny black puffball blocking the backdoor.

“am… s… s… sow-… wy, fow gib-in hoofsies tu Peenut… can hab namsie noaw?.. Pweas!” he begged with visible discomfort and a heavily deflated ego.

“yeah alright… your name is Twat” Gaz said with a chuckle.

“huuhuhu! B-b-but nu wike namsie, am bad wowdsie” Twat protested with eyes full of tears, on the verge of overflowing.

“and you’ve been a bad fluffy, so it suits you. When you behave for a very long time then I will change it” Gaz said sternly before stepping over the miserable little creature, vanishing into his house, sitting at his desk and hitting record as he checked the feed.

First anomaly to be found was Milkshake, as she had been the first and only one of her family to approach the black colt.

“hey dewe, suuuu… am bwuvah gun be otay?” she asked in her high pitched yet monotone voice.

“nun ob yew biz-ee-niz! Wy com tu bebbeh? Tu wub namsie in facie?” the sulking little jr smarty inquired.

“heh, dummeh tink Miwkshayk cawe bout namsie? Id nu eben mattah, nufin mattah…” she said morosely.

“weww, uhh, den wy com tawk tu wowstest bebbeh?” he asked with his head cocked to the side in confusion, still wiping his tears away with a hoof.

“cuz am sissie, big dummeh… Wub yew, eben ib famiwy don… Jus… Twy nu be such-an big meanie an dey wub yew gain, pwomis” milkshake replied with a very faint but warm smile, partially hidden by her long fringe.

Gaz switched to a different screen to find Leaf trotting around the garden with Ganja on his back.

“hehehe! Wuv! Fastew daddeh, fastew!” the little green bundle of fluff squeaked with joy as his dad ran around the jacuzzi, lap after lap with the biggest, most sincere of grins.

“heh, cute” Gaz sighed with a tiny smile before switching to the camera inside of the fluff house, then his ears pricked up.

“am seebweeze gun wisten tu mummah fow wunce?” Charlotte huffed and stomped about as Seabreeze sobbed uncontrollably into her hoofs.

“am su sowwy mummah! Nu meanies tu mayk bad peepees in da nestieeeeEEEEEEEEEEE!” the little filly suddenly screeched as Charlotte bit down on her scruff and threw her out and onto the grass.

“ib dummeh seebweeze nu peepee wite den can sweepies ousidies wid worstest bebbeh!” she asserted before Leaf intervened.

“speshew fwend, wat am pwobwem? Am bebbeh seebweeze mayk bad peepees gain?” he asked with both concern and an undertone of fear about him.

“yus! Noaw nee punismen!” Charlotte declared with a stomp uncomfortably close to her child’s leg.

The fear on Leaf’s face was sudden and brutal as his jaw visibly shook at the sight.

“Speshew fwend, pweas be cawefuw, Chawwotte nu eben teach Seebweeze hoew mayk gud peepees, nu am bebbeh fauwt… Seebweeze am onwy widdle bebbeh” he tried to explain softly.

“NU CAWE! SEEBWEEZE AM BIG NUFF TU KNO WEN NU PEEPEES IN NESTIE!” she said with another stomp, this one narrowly missing the filly’s ribs by a fifth of an inch.

Leaf got the picture, whether or not Charlotte was aware of the potential collateral damage, she was too volatile to speak with. Leaf simply locked eyes with his trembling and fearful little daughter and then turned away for her own safety.

“D… Daddeh?..” she sobbed before Charlotte got herself into position and began administering physical punishment.

“SCREEE MUMMAH STAWP! AM GUD BEBBEH!” the turquoise ball of fear screamed out as hoof after hoof batted her around until a tooth came loose and her eye had swollen shut.

“dewe! Noaw Mummah gun askies gain… Whewe mayk da gud peepees?”

PEEP in da PEEPEEP gwassies…PEEP” she squeaked out slowly in a terrified and defeated voice.

Her mother didn’t confirm her answer, she simply huffed hot air over the petrified foal and then stomped off.

Leaf and Ganja immediately went to comfort the foal, whispering promises of safety and motherly innocence.

“id am otay! Ganjah pwomis tu awways wook afta Seebweeze!” her sibling assured, followed with a warm hug.

With that display, Gaz had decided that it was time to do digging in the family closet, so to speak. The biker cliped a camera and mic to his jacket and waited one hour exactly before stepping outside to begin his investigation.

“alright-alright-alright, how’s it going?”

“HEWWO MISTAH GAZ!” the family called back in near unison, with the exception of the still sobbing Seabreeze, still comforted by a cooing Ganja by the entrance to the fluff house.

“I’m going to play a game with you all!” he called out to the elation of his guests, “I’m going to select one of you at random and we’re going to seek as the others hide” he added.

Gaz had decided that the best place to start would be Leaf.

He counted to thirty with Leaf by his side, who looked amazed that there were even that many numbers, all the while his family found the most ridiculous places to hide that could only fool a fluffy.

After the count had finished, Gaz and the emerald coated patriarch wandered through the garden to the only area out of earshot from his partner and children, under the old appletree.

“hey, Leaf, you don’t mind if we just wait here a moment do you? My back is all twisted up, just need to sit a moment” Gaz explained as he sat down with his back to the trunk.

“otay, dem bebbehs nu goin anywhewe, su nu wush, Daddeh” Leaf said as he sat beside the man

“you’re a pretty alright fluffy, you know that? How did you get that way? Did you have an owner before me?” Gaz asked as he popped a cigarette in his mouth.

“nu, nebah hab homsie, mummah an daddeh wiv in big twee an gwassie pwace. Mummah wus gud, Deddeh wus stwong… Den yippie munstahs com…” Leaf explained, rather stoically for a fluffy as well.

“Yippie monsters?.. Oh, I get it, foxes, right?.. Sorry to hear that” Gaz said solemnly as he searched his pockets for a lighter.

Leaf nodded silently before taking a heavy breath and continuing. “Mummah an sissies gu foweva sweepies, bu Daddeh sabe bebbeh Weaf an bwuvah Thown… Miss Mummah and sissies” Leaf mourned.

“yeah, lost my mum too, it sucks… but what happened to Thorn?” Gaz asked.

“himb tuwn inta smawty, bu him wus nice at da stawt, hab hewd an Weaf wus bestest tuffie” he smiled weakly as he recalled the memory.

“that explains the tiny scars under your fluff, I noticed them when I was cleaning you…” Gaz noted, “so what happened? Why leave him?”

“met speshew fwend. Chawwotte choosie Weaf wen join hewd bu watew teww Weaf dat bwuvah am gun gib foweva sweepies tu Weaf an soon-bebbehs an den tayk speshew fwend fow sewf, bu Weaf nu wet himb” he answered with a puffed up chest.

“so, you and your brother had a fight over Charlotte?” Gaz asked as he lit up his smoke.

“nu, himb wus secwet sneekie munstah bwuvah! Wus gun gib stompies tu Weaf wen was habin sweepies an den du it… himb nu fite faiw, su Weaf nu fite faiw…” he huffed.

“I’m going to assume that you killed him in his sleep first and then made off in the night, yeah?” Gaz said as he took notes in his pad.

“…yus…” Leaf added as he lowered his head to the ground and a single solitary tear of regret ran down his eye.

“well shit… you’d do anything for your family, definitely a lot more than I’ve seen other stallions do” Gaz chucked mid puff before narrowing his gaze, “so why do you let Charlotte bully your children” Gaz added with a serious tone.

“Chawwotte nu kno hoew be an mummah, nebah hab, onwy weawn fwom meanie mummah… Chawwotte wun way fwom bad pwace dat mayk mummahs an den tayk bebbehs” Leaf sighed.

“she was a domestic huh? Interesting…” Gaz said after he took a deep drag, “and Ganja… why is he your favourite? Is it because he has your wings and colours? And don’t lie to me, you don’t need to” he probed further.

“Ganjah am Weaf bestest…” the stallion admitted with shame in his voice, “bu onwy jus an widdle bit, cus him am speshew”.

“Leaf, all babies are special, you can’t ju-” Gaz attempted to explain before being a abruptly cut off.

“NU! him am speshew, wike Peenut bu nu da samsies” he clarified.

“I think I see what you mean, he does seem a little bit too oblivious, even for a fluffy…” Gaz chuckled as he put his cigarette out on the bark of the tree.

He then picked up an apple that had fallen in the night, “here, this is for answering my questions” he smiled as he popped the shiny red sphere into Leafs smiling face, “now… Let’s go find some fluffies!” he grinned as he got up.

“otay!” Leaf tried to excaim with a mouth full of half chewed fruit.

It didn’t take long for Gaz and Leaf to find Charlotte, who had taken to hiding in a coiled pile of garden hose. It would have been a pretty good hiding spot if it wasn’t for the fact that she had elected to hide with her sensitive baby that peeped in confusion.

“GOTCHA SPESHEW FWEND!” leaf shouted gleefully has he peered over into the middle of the pile, making his partner immediately jump and “eeek”, which in turn caused her special child to coat her back in milky diarrhoea from the noise.

“two in one, nice work” Gaz softly patronised as he ruffled Leaf’s mane, before getting low and lifting the mare and foal duo out. “I think you too are going to need a quick cleaning, good thing you’re already by the hose” Gaz laughed to himself. “you go look for the others, Leaf, I’m going to get this crap off Charlotte and Peanut” the big biker ordered before grabbing the hose and leading the mare to the tap.

After a quick twist and a metallic squeaking, the water began gently trickling from the rubber pipe. At this point, Charlotte had come to understand that Gaz wouldn’t bring harm to her, so she put her special child down and walked towards him for a rinsing.

“ok now, this is going to be colder than the bath, Charlotte, but we gotta get it off you now before it dries” Gaz explained before turning the hose towards her and immediately dousing her body.

“EEEEEEEEEEPPP! WAWA AM COWD! CHAWWOTTE NU WIKE! SCREEEEEE!” the mare reacted instinctively, all the while maintaining her still composure, fighting her urge to run from the water.

“you’re doing great, Charlotte” her owner assured her.

And just like that it was over in a flash and due to it being a particularly hot day it wouldn’t take very long for her fluff to dry out. Despite her shaking she seemed pretty happy to be clean, Gaz however did notice that she became visibly unhappy as he picked up her sensitive foal.

“nu pweas, wawa am bad fo-” she tried to explain as she jumped up on her hind legs and pressed up against her owner’s ripped jeans.

“CHARLOTTE, STOP! Don’t break my concentration!” Gaz ordered, sending a visible tremor of shock through the mare’s body, freezing her in place.

Carefully he positioned the cascade of water over Peanut’s feces coated anus, being ever so sure as to not splash the visibly terrified creature.

“PEEEEEEPEEPEEPEEP!” Peanut panicked as he flailed about helpless in Gaz’s gentle grip, darting his eyes around aimlessly. Then just like that it was over and peanut was returned to the floor, sobbing, wet bottomed, but unharmed.

“while you’re here, Charlotte, I’d like to talk to you” Gaz said as he turned the hose off and sat next to the mare, who was already in the process of licking Peanut dry.

“otay, wat wan tawkies bout?” She asked, her eyes ever fixed on her beloved child.

“I want to know why you don’t treat your babies equally, especially Twat” Gaz clarified.

“himb bad bebbeh, awways bad bebbeh!” she huffed.

“and the others, are they bad? I never see you give them hugs or love” Gaz asked with a bushy eyebrow raised up high.

“dey bad tuu, bu nu as mush, wuv aww bebbehs, bu… nu da bwack wun” she said in a lowered voice.

“I’m sensing there’s a little bit more to this… I think you didn’t like him from the moment he was born, why?” Gaz probed a little bit further, all the while resting his hand on the top of her head, giving reassuring pets, a silent promise of secrets kept.

“himb wook tuu mush wike Weaf bwuvah… Thown…” she confessed.

“don’t tell me… Charlotte, no…” her owner gasped in genuine shock.

“pweas nu teww Weaf! Himb wouwd hab da wowstest heawt huwties!” she begged, throwing her hoofs up on his lap.

“I really should, but… fine, I won’t, only if you and everyone here behaves. And that includes not kicking the shit out of your children for little things” Gaz requested before getting up.

“otay, Chawwotte twy…” she sobbed before turning to her sensitive child to seek comfort.

As Gaz walked away he felt a disgusting ball in his stomach, to think that Leaf was unknowingly raising his dead Brother’s litter, the brother that he was manipulated into killing. It was all sickening but unfortunately made for great views on FluffTube, and he would be lying if he said that he didn’t want to see where this was all naturally going.

Leaf eventually found everyone but Twat and try as he might, he couldn’t be sussed out, this unicorn was surprisingly good at hide an seek.

After a solid five minutes of searching Gaz decided to take a quick break with a sip of water from the hose tap. As he got low and closed his eyes, he felt a cold comfort as the heat in his body dissipated, when he opened them however, he noticed something odd, it was Twat’s beady little eye, staring through the drainage hole of one of his flower pots.

When he picked up the flower pot with the foal inside, the first thing he noticed was how drenched in tears Twat’s face was.

“d-d-daddeh Weaf nu am weaw daddeh…” Twat sobbed uncontrollably.

“shit… I guess you were in ear shot, huh?” Gaz said awkwardly.

The emotionally crippled foal simply looked up at him, with pleading eyes and a broken heart.

“am aww awone… Nu fwuffy wub T-Tw… nu can say namsie, am bad wowdsie, gib head huwtie wen twy…” he sobbed

“right… I forgot about the built in censorship, maybe I ca-” Gaz attempted to speak before Twat went into a tantrum.

“DUMMEH BABBEH NU CAN EBEN SAY NAMSIE WITE! STOOPID, STOOPID, STOOPID!” he would scream before smashing the side of his head against the insides of the pot.

“HEY, STOP THAT YOU LITTLE PSYCHO!” Gaz said as he plucked the spiritually defeated ball of fluff out of the pot and held him in the palm of his hand.

“listen… I need you to do something for me and in return I promise to change your name, ok?”

The foal looked so heartbroken then it simply stared dead eyed over the edge of Gaz’s palm, as if he was silently debating on whether or not to jump.

“wut wan?” he said in a flat and emotionless tone.

“if you can keep this a secret then I’ll give you a new name right now” Gaz stated plainly.

“…otay…” the little colt sniffled before being put on the grass.

“ATTENTION EVERYONE!” Gaz roared out before waiting until the family had assembled.

“I would like to introduce everyone to Coal! He has earned his new name!”

As soon as the news reached their ears, the family circled the foal and enclosed him in a massive group hug. The air was alight with coo’s and giggles, but not from Coal himself, his eyes were as dead as they were the moment the truth had sunk in. He barely cracked a smile.

The next day came and it began with an explosion of noise.

“BEBBEH! WHEWE AM PEENUT! WHEWE?!” Gaz heard from his bedroom. He rushed downstairs still wearing his pajamas and flung himself out into the garden to find Charlotte and Leaf wondering around, calling for their special child.

“don’t worry I’m sure he couldn’t have gon-” Gaz wanted to say until his eye caught the the shed door, open just a-jar, just enough for a foal.

When Gaz opened the door and looked inside his stomach churned. Sitting before him on the floor of his shed was Peanut, weakly peeping.

The poor creature was covered in bruises and piss. He was stuck with countless pin needles. They punctured through his sides, his legs, his cheeks, ears and even his genitalia. This was clearly an act of malice and the moment Gaz picked up the beaten and bloody foal, it sprung to life in fear of his touch, urinating as it whimpered and peeped in rapid succession.

Gaz braced himself as he carried it into the sunlight to meet with his parents, the response being exactly what he feared.

“BEBBEH! NUUUUUUUUUU!” Charlotte screeched.

“here! Look after him… I have someone to punish” Gaz growled sternly as he stomped towards the fluff house, lifted the roof and found coal, sitting there amongst his scared and concerned siblings, smirking.

“YOU LITTLE CUNT!” Gaz roared as he grabbed the little psychopath by the mane, lifted him high into the air and dropped him roughly on the grass.

“Owwie!” Coal yelped as his ass collided with the ground.

“‘owwie’? FUCKING ‘OWWIE’? I’LL SHOW YOU WHAT AN ‘OWWIE’ LOOKS LIKE! THAT’S AN ‘OWWIE’!” Gaz seethed as he pointed to the little lunatic’s brother.

“HIMB DESERB ID! MUMMAH DESERB HUWTIES TUU!” Coal squeaked back vengefully.

When Gaz turned around he saw the mad genius of Coal on display. Charlotte was aggressively trying to give hugs to Peanut so as to ease his suffering, yet in doing so she herself was being violently punctured by the needles that sprung out from every inch of him.

“SCREEE! PWEAS NU GIB HUWTIE BEBBEH! MUMMAH WAN HEWP! MUMMAH WUB EEEEEEEK!” she cried madly as she pulled him to her chest in a panic, as if her love could heal them both.

“you evil little shit! Why? You got your name, so why?!” Gaz demanded as he pinned the vicious little creature to the ground.

“NU CAWE BOUT NAMSIE! CAWE BOUT WUB! NU HAB WUB, NU BEBBEH BU PEENUT GIT ANY WUB FWOM MUMMAH! NU HUGGIES, NU WUB!.. su Coaw mayk dummeh peenut an huwtie pointie bebbeh. Noaw himb wike west ob bebbehs, NU HUGGIES, NU WUB!” he spat and hissed as he thrashed.

Gaz let him go as Leaf appeared by his side. If anyone had the right to kill him for this then it would be Leaf.

“YEW AM WOWSTEST BEBBEH! DADDEH HAY-” Leaf attemped to say, until Coal did the unthinkable.

“SHUDDUP DUMMEH! YEW AM NU DADDEH, aww bebbehs am Thown bebbehs! Mummah wie tu yew!” he smirked victorious as he watched his father’s heart shatter in real time.

At that moment the entire garden was quiet save for Charlotte still frantically trying to hug away the pain of her prickly child.

“sp-speshew fwend… am d-dat twue?” Leaf asked her, although she was still herself wrapped up in her own madness.

The lack of answers drove Leaf to the breaking point and so he spun himself and then lunged at her, knocking Peanut out of her grasp and pinning her neck to the ground of his hoof.

“AM ID TWUE!” he screamed into her face.

“am wat twue?! Owwies, speshew fwend, wy gib huwties, wy a-” suddenly she felt his other hoof strike he across the face. Although the pain was sudden and powerful, it was not what forced the tears out of her eyes, it was the realisation that Leaf was capable of hurting her.


“nu…” she whimpered only to be met with another hoof to the face.

“nu!” she lied again, only to be rewarded with another strike.

“NU!” she lied a third time only to be rewarded with one final hoof to the face, audibly cracking her muzzle and causing a cascade of blood to escape her nostrils.

Leaf did not bother to ask her again, he simply got off of her, stomped over to Peanut, who was chirping in utter fear on the grass, then Leaf positioned his hoof over the foal’s head.

“AM DEY THOWN BEBBEHS!” he threatened, his eyes shot with blood, his legs shaking and his chest heaving with murderous Intent.

“…yus…” Charlotte softly cried as she curled up into a ball.

Leaf now had the answer he needed, he simply huffed and pulled his hoof away before walking away to the furthest end of the garden and planting himself below the apple tree to sob in private.

Gaz spent the next two hours pulling needles out of Peanut.

“sorry…” Gaz would say as he carefully yet swiftly pulled each needle from the whimpering and confused sensitive baby.

“shhhh it’s all over now” Gaz assured the child as it splashed around in a sink full of Hasbio brand BooBoo gel, to promote healing. Afterwards he would be returned to his mother, who still laid sobbing in the grass.

With the parents out of the picture and unable to contribute, Gaz lined up Coal’s three capable siblings on the patio to serve as the jury, while Coal sat in an overturned flowerpot.

“we’re holding a vote… If you think that Coal here has done something so bad that he cannot be forgiven then raise your hoof” Gaz explained

“wat habin ib guiwties?” Milkshake asked nervously.

“then he will be killed” Gaz explained, plain as day.

Only one hoof went up, Seabreeze’s. Ganja seemed too frightened to lift his, although he appeared to want to. Milkshake simply stared bloody daggers into her sister for what she believed to be the grandest betrayal of her brother.

“very well then… Coal is allowed to live…” the biker grumbled as he flipped over the flower pot and gripped the brat like a stress toy. “you will spend the remainder of your worthless life as Twat! Do you understand me?” he growled at the tiny ex-convict.

“Nu cawe, am bettah den ebewy fwuffy! Am bettah den Gaz, am smawty fwuffy!” Twat huffed and hollard defiantly as he was placed on the floor.

“yeah, well you’ll always be a Twat” Gaz said coldly as he looked for a ciggy in his jacket.

“SCREEEEE WOWSTEST FEEWS! BIGGEST POOPIES!” rung out by the shed. Gaz ran and found that the stress had forced Charlotte into premature labour.

“Shhh, it’s ok, it’s time” Gaz tried to comfort her.

“NU AM TIMSIES! AM TUU SOON! DEM… NU… WEADY!” she cried out between painful contractions.

“it’s either risk it now and they MIGHT die or hold them in and they WILL die! Come on, Charlotte! You’ve got this!” Gaz cheered while softly rubbing her back.

Charlotte pushed and screamed until wet pops and an explosion of gelatinous liquid oozed their way out of her body, then she collapsed flat upon the grass.

“here, eat this, it’ll give you some strength, then rest” Gaz said softly as he handed the shaking, exhausted and emotionally broken mare her own afterbirth, before scooping up her gore stained foals and heading off to the kitchen to wash them.

Fortunately for the surviving newborns, they were practically at full term and so those that made it were born with little to no problem, save for being on the smaller side.

What Gaz did notice was that this litter was mostly stillborn save for just two.

As Gaz washed the still living twins, after disposing of their siblings, he saw how they chirped and peeped desperately before calming at his touch, a good sign to be sure. After carefully drying them with a cloth, he had found that one was a brown alicorn with a very curious little mind. At not even an hour old she was already sniffing at the air and peeping sweetly. Gaz lifted his mug in the other hand and sipped it as he watched the curious little foal sniff at the scent before sneezing as a tiny “spff”.

“well that does it, your name’s Coffee” he whispered calmly before lowering his cup and lightly rubbing the top of her head, causing her to coo faintly at his touch.

Her sibling on the other hand was a loud little thing, so full of life and energy. He was a flesh coloured fluffy with two patches of brown, with one on the face and a heart-shaped one across his back. His most interesting trait however was the fact that he was missing a wing. And years of playing video games had prepared Gaz for this once in a lifetime opportunity.

“you’re Seph…” he smirked at the little one winged squeaker.

Later he returned to Charlotte and introduced her to her surviving children. To say that Gaz was nervous about introducing a brown alicorn to Charlotte would be an understatement but to his surprise and amazement the mare was head over hills in love with them from the moment she touched them.

Gaz decided to retire for the day, so he simply popped inside to make his lunch. He stared out of the window, slid a new ciggy into his mouth and sighed. “fucking hell… All this in a day…” he grumbled as he watched Charlotte caress her new children before carrying them into the fluff house, as all the while Leaf watched and weeped from under the apple tree at the opposite end of the garden.

“I almost can’t wait for tomorrow…”

-to be continued-



Oops I got carried away again and now this is going to be a three-parter… Yay!

I also really wanted to try my hand properly doing art with my limited resources, backgrounds and all. I hope you enjoy it.

(as a side note: I’m particularly proud of how well I drew Coffee here, so adorable and squishy. And yes, she’s THAT Coffee.

Her story can be found here.)


Honestly? I love Gaz, he’s fucking smart and brilliant. It’s good to see humans who acknowledge the fact that Fluffies have surprisingly rich inner lives. So excited for this being a 3-parter as well. Yippie!


That’s what I wanted to give the feeling of. Like you started watching a fluffy soap opera a season or two in and it feels like there is missing context to the tension.

I have big plans for the Leaf family, with any hope it’ll be done soon.


I guess Twat actually lived up to his name and turned out to be a complete twat.

A couple of little things:

  • British Royal Marines have Drill Instructors, much like Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children. Drill Sergeants are Army.
  • Assuming that these fluffies were imported from the US, why would their programming recognise a British swearword (ie twat).
  • Where did Coal/Twat find the pin needles?

That said, like Tenji pointed out, it’s nice to finally see a human who actually understands the complexities of herd hierarchy of a social animal and not use that knowledge to ruthlessly exterminate them.

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Woah. Personally I would have just killed Twat outright… Though it would perhaps be considered more a mercy killing… “The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth

Poor Leaf, my only hope is that perhaps Thorn had raped Charlotte instead of her engaging in infidelity against Leaf; As honestly horrible to say as it is. At least in that case Leaf would have been raising children who were born of only one fluffy’s betrayal, instead of both.

Seeing Charlotte happily accept a brown alicorn makes me think that underneath her faults and flaws, there is a genuinely good mother underneath.

It’s stories like this that make being part of this community so much more worthwhile imho.


This is the only soap opera I will ever enjoy. :sparkling_heart:


Twat is a swear in America too


I smell bullshit here. There’s no way Twat could do what he did to Peanut without the help of someone else. The placement of the needles plus the fact he even had access to them some super off.

BTW I adore Seph’s colors/pattern.


I vote milkshake, the lil downer seems attached… and smart


Fuck yeah FF7 reference but yeah something is fishy here … Or gotta give it to Twat, lil shit head is indeed quite smart for both hiding in an actually good place and to manage to do that shit with the sbs


I’ll fix that first error.

All fluffies were programed with universal censorship, it takes up a very large amount of neurological space. Hasbio wanted to be damn sure that their toys couldn’t replicate any offensive language.

The needles were from the sewing kit in the shed, the one that Gaz had used to patch up the fluff house roof.

I hope that clears up the last two things.


All of you are very inquisitive and I love seeing the theorising going on here. As far as I’m concerned, I am succeeding in creating some interesting drama with big old questiomarks slapped everywhere.

Hope you all enjoy what’s around the corner.


Then I have succeeded. I love writing about fluffies in complicated scenarios that they lack the maturity and intelligence to cope with. I think mind games are in many ways more interesting than the outright violence.


Not only is “twat” profanity in the USA, it’s subjectively a worse one as it specifically refers to female anatomy rather than being a way to call someone a dummeh. It’s a gross word here.


It means the same thing in the UK but it doesn’t hold a particularly grevious connotation, it’s more likely to be used in banter rather than an argument, it’s about as bad as calling someone a tit, knobhead or bellend.


Yeah, here it’s usually directed at women to devalue them, same as the c word. And yes I can’t even bring myself to type it out and I’m a grown-ass man.


Over here we use that word for everything. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t our Australian cousins who started the trend of using it for any occasion, but they do hold the current gold medal for using it the most in single sentences.

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And yes I can’t even bring myself to type it out and I’m a grown-ass man.

I wish to make it clear that I hold you in the highest regard and that the following response is meant in no way to offend, demean or otherwise mock you.


*Ahem * I now return you back to your regularly scheduled programming.


This story was absolutely brilliant. It had dram, heartbreak, action, attempted murder, love and so much more.

Also I find it terrifying how Cole was able to do that to Peanut. But I think he actually didn’t do it alone, Milkshake seems to be the only one who truly likes him. Maybe because she’s also a (poopie fluffy?) but the way she was nervous about the mock jury trial and was terrified to find out he was to be killed and with how she was staring daggers at her sister, really saids a lot.