Ode to Munstah Babbeh 2 [ by Milky]

You are a munstah babbeh— no wait, that’s not right. Your mummah says you aren’t a munstah, and that it’s actually the meanie mare who is. Your hearties had the happiest flutters when you heard that!

You felt a little scared when your mummah brought the meanie mare back into the safe room, but you found she was missing her front leggies!! Your mummah said that bad fluffies lose their leggies— they get so scared of the fluffy that they run away. Your mummah said that the meanie mare still has a chance to keep her back leggies, but only if she’s good. The meanie mare seemed to be a little less meanie after that.

Well, for a little while anyways.

You watch as the meanie mare sobs softly, unable to hug what you’ve now come to recognize as her foal. The foal always trots over to the meanie mare, crying for huggies and love, but the meanie mare is unable to give them. Then, after crying and crying for a few forevers, the foal gulps down its meal quickly then moves to the other side of the cage.

You can hear the foal ask, sometimes, to play with you and your siblings. You feel bad, but you’re too scared to go near the scary cage. It doesn’t help that the meanie mare yells at the foal every time he asks, causing him to once again cry and hide.

The bright times and dark times pass slowly, and before you know it your first teefies appears!! Your mummah is so proud of you, and you’re so happy that she’s happy! She says it’s almost time for you to meet your new mummah— as much as your current one loves you, she says she just can’t keep you all. You feel a little sad by this, but you’re still so excited to meet your new mummah!

Your mummah brings in a weird boxy with a big, bright light!! She says it helps her take… your picture??? So that your new mummah can see you! You don’t understand, and the flash hurts your seey places, but you manage to sit still and smile. Your brothers get their photos taken, too, but your sister does not. You don’t know why, but she doesn’t seem to mind— especially after seeing you blink awkwardly as you try and recover from the flash.

One bright time, you and your siblings are woken up extra early. Three of you are scooped up into a basket, giggling about upsies. You look around to find your sissy is missing, then manage to peek over the edge and see her still in your nestie.

“Mummah— ‘ou fowgot sissy!!” you state, giving a soft pout as you’re worried about her being left all alone.

“Don’t worry, your sissy will be staying with me, so it would be silly to take her out with all of you when she doesn’t have a new mummah or daddy meet. But, she’ll get to have a special friend and lots of babies when she’s older!”

You frown at the answer, but nod your head sorrowfully. Slowly, your mummah carries you out into a room you’ve never seen!! It’s big, with lots of human nesties and couchies!

Your basket is set inside a play place, and you and your brothers leave the basket in order to explore. There’s a few toysies in the gated off circle, but you can see any milkies or wawa. You look to your mummah with a frown, but simply receive a pet on the head.

Before you can even register your empty tummy, there’s a loud knock on a big door. Your mummah goes to answer it, and in walks a couple of people! There’s a big daddy with a little mummah, a big mummah with a little daddy and a big scary daddy by himself.

The group enter and make their way towards you and your brothers. You feel a little scared, backing up slightly, but one look from your mummah and your plopping your bottom down and giving a small smile.

You watch the scary daddy lift up your white brother with the peachy mane and give him a look. The little daddy is petting your all white brother. The little mummah is in front of you, picking you up with gentle hands.

“Oh you’re so pretty!! I like your fluff, it looks just like a lemon!” she giggles and gives your mane a gentle stroke.

“N-nyu… mummah?” you ask softly, earning you a warm huggies.

“Yeah!! When you’re old enough, I’ll be your new mummah!!” she squeals and you squeal back.

The big daddy looks to your old mummah, and she smiles.

“About a week and she’ll be off of the milk completely and ready for adoption— she’s already got her first couple of teeth and I’ll be starting her on softened kibble tonight,” your mummah says, and the big daddy nods and shoves his hands back into his pockets.

Your new mummah is now sitting on the floor with you in her lap, stroking your pretty fluff.

“You’re the cutest thing— What am I gonna name you?” she questions, tapping her chin.

“What about… Lemonade?” Your old mummah suggests, and your new mummah gives a grin.

“Yeah!!! Lemonade!! Your name is gonna be Lemonade!!” she says, your tail now wagging excitedly.

“Babbeh hab namesies?? Babbeh wuv namesies!! Dank ‘ou new mummah!!” you squeak, both of you giggling happily. Your old mummah must be so happy for your new namesies, too, because she’s trying really hard not to laugh with you!

A few forevers pass by before your new mummah sets you back down in the gate and says she’ll be back for you in a week. Your heart has the worstest hurties, but you try and put on a brave smile and think about how she’ll be back for you soon!

Your old mummah has placed you and your brothers back into your basket and returned you to your nestie. She gives you all bowls of kibble softened with mare milk, to which you all gobble down— you hadn’t eaten all morning!

“Dank ‘ou mummah—- owd mummah, wuv nyu nummies!!” You cheer, your old mummah giving you a soft grin.

“You can just call me nice lady, okay?” she tells you, and you nod your head excitedly.

“Otay nice wady!! Dank ‘ou!” you reply.

Once you’re all finished eating, the three of you excitedly tell your sissy about your adventure and how you all got new namesies!!

“Nyu namesies am Owion, widdle daddy say su!” states your all white brother.

“Namesies am now Dwagonfwuit!!” Your white and peachy brother states.

“Nyu widdle mummah say babbeh’s namesies am wemonade!!” you giggle proudly, but your joy is cut short but a loud gasp and angry screech.

“NU!! DAT AM WEMON’S NAMESIES !! DAT NAMESIES NU FO’ UGWY MUNSTAH B—“ you’re covering behind a blockie now, though her tirade is cut off when the nice lady opens the cage and grabs the meanie mare by the scruff. She screes, attempting to get free from the grasp as her nubs and leggies wiggle desperately.

“Names are for GOOD fluffies, and you are NOT a good fluffy. Therefore, you lose your name,” shouts the nice lady, causing the meanie mare to sob. She’s dropped back into her cage roughly, nearly landing on her foal.

“Oh that reminds me! You didn’t get a name, little angel,” the nice lady chimes, walking back over to your pink sissy.

“What about… Ambrosia?” she says, your sissy jumps around happily, babbling about her new name. You join her in her excitement, no longer scared by the meanie mare sobbing in the corner.

After a few moments of gleeful cheering, the mare gives a soft sniffle and nudges her foal with her nose.

“W…wha bout bestest babbeh… can hab namesies?” she softly sobs, whimpering at her own words.

The nice lady thinks for a minute, before giving a smile. “Right, I guess he gets a name— he looks like an ugly little hotdog, how about wiener?” she states, earning another barrage of huuhuus.

“Nu wike ugwy namesies….” the meanie mare sobs, her foal not understanding what was wrong with his new name.

“Well, tough luck, shitrat. I make the rules,” you hear the nice lady say, then watch her leave the safe room.

You stop paying attention to the meanie mare now, far more concerned with a drink of wawa and a game of ball with your newly named siblings. You’re so excited for your namesies!

Now you know you’re not a munstah babbeh.

You are Lemonade.


Sorry it took so long, I’ve had like no writing motivation! But here’s the next part :slight_smile:


Love it :+1: thats a good way introducing to clients,not having em meals to avoid poopies when scared.

Man Lemonade just lost her name :joy: well she deserves it! Glad the (new) Lemonade will have a better fit to it.

Just feel sad for Weiner , he cant even play with his siblings thanks to his dumb mom but sadly locked by the owner seems he wasnt affected by the “bestesh” syndrome? Or the mother wasnt too focus on making him?

Hope Ambrosia would grow up better than her bitch mom.


I know this lady is clearly all about money, but it seems very depressing that she didn’t let wiener out to be with the others. It would have been a great punishment for FFKAL (fluffy formerly known as Lemonade) on top of being nice to him.

Speaking of FFKAL, I’m guessing things are going to get a lot worse very quickly once they don’t need her milk anymore…


Maybe she’s doesn’t want any bestest babbeh syndrome near her Alicorns, maybe she’s afraid wiener would call them munstahs, maybe she just doesn’t care about the ugly babbehs feelings :joy:

But also yes you assume right!


Thanks!! I thought it would be a smart idea to avoid accidents. Plus, make em hungry enough to go right for the kibble :slight_smile:

Also, yeah, wiener really got the shit end of the deal, but the owner really couldn’t care less for the thing. She deems him worthless.

Ambrosia will also be much better behaved especially since the owner is making sure the alicorns know that bad fluffy = no leggies, etc.


Damn do I feel the dread aura of fear when them alicorn dont need no mummah miwkies anymoh to bitch mare.

Poor weiner be strong lil one


May I ask what her plans with weiner are?
Will she kill him at some point or give him to a shelter or sell him as breeding stud because he has still good genes

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Yeah FFKAL ( thank you weasel for that name ) will be right fucked when they’re done with milk.

As for wiener, idk what will happen to him. Maybe she’ll try and sell him for a quick buck as one last shank to FFKAL. Idk


I haven’t actually decided yet!

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I think even if nice lady has her quirks, she doesn’t seem to melyshous. So I think Weiner
Should be safe. I mean she did not punish him to punish old lemonade when she fucked up, it’s easy er to heart a foal than a full grown Fluffy.

Hope you get what I mean and love your stories.


I think I’m get what u mean! Honestly, wiener will probably be safe for the most part, though if you’ve read the bestest babbeh chapters you’ll find the owner did murder old lemonades whole family just to take her!


I read bestest that’s why I know she can be goal driven but it was not out of the blue she wanted lemonade so she did what needed to be done.
A cruel person had killed all baby’s an crippled Lemonads Mother to die slowly and lament ofer her dead children. She did not, just a kill that seemed focused. Even the half pillowing was focused no love for her foal to give but able to get to food water and litter box, so no extra work load for her.


Hmm… I see you have a point!! I will keep this in mind when it comes to wieners fate!


That’s to kind, thank you

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  1. What is Lemonade’s (babbeh) mane/tail color? I think it would be sooo cute if her’s was pink. Like pink lemonade!
  2. I think FFKAL shouldn’t be killed. That’s too good for her. She should be fully pillowed and have her voice box cut out. Then used to pop out more foals.
  3. Does Weiner have bestest babbeh/smarty syndrome? I think he’d actually have self esteem issues from human mommy calling him an ugly fat shitrat, being isolated from the other babbehs, not having toys, no hugs from FFKAL after he half pillowing
  1. Real life comes first.
  2. You’re not being paid for this so don’t feel any obligation.
  3. Anyone who complains is free to start writing themselves!

Liking it, hope things go well for the babies :slight_smile:


Wiener xD


I like weiners. Get some saurkraut, mustard… hrm… not hungry but could go for one now…


My 2 cents. Wiener makes a perfect scapegoat. When abrosa acts up you punish wiener loudly.
He becomes the example of what happens when you step out of line. This happened to me when my father would would see behavior he didn’t care for in my cousin. Would berate me when my cousin was near by to intimidate them while they over herd. It worked for the most part.


Baby lemonade has a white mane/tail! Old lemonade actually has a pink mane/tail haha

She probably won’t be killed, but will definitely be tortured and given no happiness. I’m sure she’ll be a breeding machine since she provides a lot of alicorns.

And honestly, I don’t think Wiener has much of a bestest babbeh syndrome, but the owner still finds him ugly and doesn’t have any remorse for him.

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