ok who wants to discuss fluffies on the site dedicated to discussing fluffies. specifically fluffy games i guess.

There’s always the option of just letting players mod the really fucked up stuff in themselves. It’s a win-win.

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Maybe the gore, but you need to provide framework tools. Plus the community has to be there.

Models where cuts, open wounds, broken bones, dismemberment, exposed guts can be, and so on. Systems to react to variables checked by that state. Timers, condition events, randomizers influenced by variables and can trigger other ones, and so on.

Stuff like that.

Plus the system needs to incorporate that to be engaging. If the player needs to turn a profit they can’t just don boots and go stomping through the Safe Room, timers mean torture and care are mutually exclusive, and Hugbox routes can nullify the profit system quickly with excessive income.

Maybe there could be a random event where you find an injured fluffy and have to decide what to do? Like, bring them to a vet or leave them to die? You could randomly generate how severe the injuries are. And rig it so it deliberately won’t pick the worst injuries.

Kinda like this. You get what I mean?

That way, you’ve got the framework for injuries, and plausible deniability if someone just so happens to use that framework for an abuse mod.

Maybe. Though you are doing a ton if work to make a framework.

There’s games that basically sell incomplete and you have to go off-site to get the full content, be it sex or violence. Ones released by some studios in conservative Asian countries do that.

To my awareness the only things Steam totally objects to are ones with violence easily imitated such as first-person suicide which just get higher scrutiny and content warnings, incest such as in A Town Uncovered where your parents default to Landlord and sister to Roommate unless you name them asMom, Dad, Sister when they default to their Patreon version after asking if you really want to do that, and racism which also gets a lot of scrutiny and has to be not shown as a default correct thing.

Of course with Patreon you can do almost anything.

Emphasizing the fantastic nature version of Fluffies, you can depict them as basically human livestock and distant enough to get away with most things. Its only public outcry you have to avoid. But gone is the age of Rapelay, the news cycle has to be quite dull to take note of the truly horrificSteam games out there.

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Yeah, and there was also the Hot Coffee scandal.

Rockstar’s lost a lot of their edge in recent years. Kinda sad how they fell from grace, really.


Hell, Hatred had a controversy. They delayed the game then released it anyway. Though the controversy was the selling gimmick in that case.

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Yeah, Hatred tried to do what GTA did, but what GTA had, and Hatred didn’t have, was actually fun gameplay under the controversy.

Also, GTA wasn’t so damn serious about everything, except in IV.

It’s like the difference between insulting someone in a way that makes them laugh, and just insulting them.


Frogger meets Lemmings, with a herd trying to make it from point A to point B while avoiding obstacles—which can gradually reduce health or instantly kill—and picking up new members/health items/tools along the way. Obstacles include thorn bushes and rocky ground for slow damage, and predators, vehicles and violent humans for instant kills. Upon death, fluffies either explode in a quick burst of blood that then disappears, or else spurt blood and collapse, after which the sprite disappears. Either way, it’s bloody but no corpse is left behind. Health is various foods, tools are things like wooden planks to use as bridges across water. Water can act as a wall, a slow-draining obstacle, or an instant-kill obstacle. All the either-or stuff is the creator’s choice.

Just gonna say it now, I wouldn’t be interested in a herding game at all. There’s been so many across the years that this would just be adding to a pile of them and people will roll their eyes.

Instead, what about a real time strategy game where you play as a smarty leading your heard into different territories, and expanding your herd. Eventually you could get it big enough to where infighting would be an issue, fracturing, and the whole shabang. Obviously your character will die from something, and you’d be able to start from their offspring ideally. (I’ve been playing a lot of crusader kings 3 lately)

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Yes pretty much what I was thinking.

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boy i hope this uploads correctly


Then you have Saints Row.

Damn shame about the reboot though.

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Will message name.

I should have more to say, but if I could get my brain to focus on games I’d be working on mine. -_-

I will strongly advise to plan out the full game before you start making anything.

Know what kind of game you want, how you want it to run, document as much as you can possibly.

Unless something is broken focus on finishing what you started with. You can go back and change things later, but if you get off track half way … ung.


I’ve been keeping quiet about my own Fluffy game project, but I’m also working on one. In addition to what everyone else has said about planning and keeping it simple, I’ll add that the biggest hurdle is going to be modelling the fluffies themselves. The high complexity of making an AI that reacts to things it sees and remembers means has yet to be seen in any of the projects yet.

@eidalac 's fluffGen is a great start and as far as I can tell, is the most complete fluffy game yet. Yet it’s only barely scratched the surface in terms of how the fluffies themselves act. I’d say play through that first before deciding on what direction you want to take it.

Pic related. I’ve spent hours to get this little fucker to shit and give birth and only barely got them to recognize (and remember) food and litter box objects.


Pikmin (2001, Gamecube) alone had a 21 person dev team, of which several had 15+ years professional experience with making games.

The odds of completing a “Pikmin meets Game X” game as a single, inexperienced hobby developer are so low it’s not even funny.

Most game discussions on here are like listening to some people at a bar talking about making a movie on their smartphone, and arguing about which Hollywood A-listers could be in it, and how they didn’t like the SFX and stunts in Day After Tomorrow and feel confident they can do better.

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Don’t forget the, like, totally radical and tubular Retro City Rampage.

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To be fair, these discussions are still fun.


I was literally about to say I liked the idea hahah

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Unless you’re in the movie business.

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