Passing by an alley, see this foal, what do we do? (by DarkMatter)

Hello, Fluffy Community! First post here.

I used to lurk on the Booru, but went away from the community when it got nuked a few years ago. Back on a whim and getting updated on the new artists and stuff, I just absolutely fell in love with @infraredturbine 's art. Hope they don’t mind me trying to draw things close to their style, though it’s not even close lol. I’m just a guy with a computer trying to draw without skills and with a mouse, so bear with me.

Now, the background is some random AI image that I blurred, I didn’t find any rule or tag regarding it when reading the ToS, so let me know if this breaks any rule or not.

And with all that said… I’ll try to draw the most interesting comment to this. No commissions, no pricing, no nothing. Let’s just have fun. And if this gets zero replies, all good lol, the foal will have the fate I decide and I’ll make it next week. See ya!


This foal is going in a sock and he’s going to experience herculean levels of G-force. That’s what I’d consider for a fluffy story.

Irl, however, I’d probably take him home, I’m a soft touch.




Well, you put your name in the title on the first try, which makes you better than most of us.

I’d just step on it. Brief moment of satisfaction and blessed silence for me, merciful death for it. Win-win.


Pulled apart with someone’s bare hands.


AI for the background is just fine imho. there’s a separate category for fluffies generated with AI, though, so keep that in mind

as for the fluffy… i would love to say i would drop him off something high and watch him splat like an overripe watermelon, but im actually a fan of those colors lol. i would probably take him home and give him a little mohawk


Pretty good approximation of turbine. It’s hard to match others’ style.


I imagine for most people, they would simply ignore it. Anyone more humane would instead snap its neck then throw it in a dumpster. I feel like if fluffies were real, a lot more people would just be utilitarian in killing fluffies rather than being abusive. Just a quick neck break and you’re done with the begging and sorry poopies, no need to mutilate.

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Turn around and take a different route.

If he somehow sees me and tries to call out, turn up the volume on my headphones to drown him out.

Either he realises I can’t hear him and fucks off, or he keeps trying to follow me and gets run over because he’s not looking where he’s going.


Fool it that you want to help → Wrap it in a cheap cloth to ease the transportation, muffle the whining and limit the mess it makes → Bring it home and play god.

Simple. Efficient. Glorious.


Dog treat.

Bonus points for confusing it by baby talking to the dog before hand.


Call the shelter and let them deal with it.

Take him in and whatever happens to him depends on my mood at the moment

Yeet it for mrbeast 1000$

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Take it home adopt it, if it acts up at all like torture it or something man idfk

Twist his weggies till they crack, pop his eyes and crack his spine

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Pick it up, let it suckle on the tip of my pinky finger to help it cope as I began to walk around with him and search for a mummah. If I found one, I’d have her describe the foal accurately without showing it to her. If she was correct, I’d ask he foal if that was his mother. If affirmed, he’s reunited with mom. Otherwise, I am mummah now.

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Shave him, cover him in spaghetti sauce, and feed him to a bigger fluffy by claiming he’s a talking meatball.

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Run, little fluffy! Before you’re swallowed up by the AI and gain really off-putting impossible detailing!! The AI’s gonna give you toes and turn your tail into a conveniently placed bush!!

(Welcome to the site!)


Honestly, probably take the lil’ fella in. A brown fluffy is probably less likely to act like a smarty, for it (hopefully) had humility engrained upon it from birth.

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