uh?whats happening,everything is blurry, forming thoughts hurts,the last thing you can remember is-
babbeh?.. BABBEH!
You open your…eyes? you can do that again? you do your best to look around you,but you cant recognize this place,there is a see trought-wall that cover the entire place ,not tall enough to cover all the way up,but tall enough to stop a fluffy ,in one of the walls,you see your babbeh strugling against one of the gaps, she is stuck,you…cant really tell how far she is? odd, it seems like you are having trouble telling how far anything is right now,that,and the fact that you dont remember ever having a blonde babbeh,but when was the last time that you could see them in the first place?she doesnt smell familiar,but she seems pretty and have markings,yeah it makes sense now,she must be “expensive” to them
“MUMMAH chirp HEWP BABBEH peep ”
BUT WHAT ARE YOU THINKING RIGHT NOW?,she is screaming for you,you still dont have your front legs, but you learned to move like this already, you just need to get down this pillo-“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”
Sudenly all your body hurts,your insides burn,you feel like your skin is gonna tear itself apart,your left see place feels hollow
It doesnt matter,you must ignore the pain and move foward before your last babbeh-
“oh i forgot to tell you,they tend to talk to everything like if it was alive” too late,they are here
two of them,a small,light brown mare with long black fluff that becomes slighty green at the end and a white,bigger human stallion with black fluff on his head and mouth
they are not…they are not THEM, maybe…maybe they will listen to you?, you beg them to not take your last babbeh,you know that she can be “sold” for much “money” ,but maybe…they are different?someting inside you says you that they can love you,and give you hugs,and love,and hasbio™ approved toys and hasbio™-
“hey relax is ok” all your thoughts are overriden by pure fear as you see a hand going close to your head,your fathers words resonate within you stronger than any other idea and you bite,you bite with all the strenght that your half sedated body can make.
she gently puts your baby next to you and the big man gives you a bad look,you paralize in fear,you know what that looks means,you want to close your eyes but you are afraid that you might not be able to open them again like last time
they start to talk to you,but cant hear them,you can only hear a very sharp whistle coming from your insides
“look,i found you in a dumpster and you told me your name,then i take you to a man that healed you thats why you have all those bandage around you,there you told me the story of your fathers, fortyseven and zero ”
Those names take you out of your trance like fear
you know those names,those are your fathers names, how did he know them?who is he?
You can only ask why?you know the answer already thougth,your babies off course he wants you to have babies.he is a human after all
surprisingly you are wrong , he says that he is looking for THEM,that the shiny head monster is gone for good,and only the little monster is somewhere,why would he want to find him?
“he is a human toughy” the human mare says, the word toughy resonates within your head,you know that word!,is for the strongest fluffies of the herd,they make sure everything is in order,they punish bad fluffys and protect the herd from others bad herds,humans also have toughies?could he be…good?like a thoughie?like…like rocky?
“'ou am not bad hooman? 'ou wiww find dah wittwe munsta?”the little monster, the liar, the one that was with the shiny head monster , you HATE HIM
In your rage attack at the mere idea of that monster still alive you start to shine, as your awareness shift away you seem to be moved to a familiar place
“twewbe, thats enough sweepies ‘ou nee’ to wakies” as your open your eyes again,you see your dad again,what were you two doing?oh right,you were drinking milkies,then he came with blueberrys your mommah´s favourite,her happines made you very happy! so your started to dance and shine and shine more and…and you fell asleep
“twewbe do 'ou wemembah what daddeh towd 'ou befowe?”your dad is looking at you ,he is not angry,he just seems…sad, you look at your mummah,but she is just looking at you,holding her desire to hug you
“uuuh…twewbe must contwow hewsefw and not do shinies, shinies are tiwing and put twewbe to sleepies”you say,ever since you found a home in a hollowed trunk you were not allowed to leave except to go to the poopie place,you daddeh told you countless (or more than four,you cant really tell the diference)times this every time you wanted to go to explore with him
your daddeh loves you,and you love him! too,he wants you to understand why you cant leave without him,but you already know why you cant,is just so hard to control!
“'cos shinnies atwact munstas,ow wowse,hoomans”sometimes you wish you didnt shine at all,everytime you manage to catch your shadow,your mommy starts singing to you or anything that makes you happy happens you need to control that happines and remain calm or you do shinnies too much and go sleepies,you can shine a little,but if you get super happy (or super scared,or super anything)you go to sleep and dont wake up until you feel your mummahs milk in your mouth
you admire your daddeh for being able to stay calm all the time,how can he do that?the world is so fun!and you love everyting so mu-
“TWEWBE”your dad snaps you out of your thoughts,the shadows shifting around your fluff tells you the reason
“s-sowy daddeh” is the only thing you can say,you know how hard he looks for nummies for you to have enough milkies,you drank a lot of them,and you got super big in this time,your mummah told you how you were supper little when you were born,how you were the last of your brothers to open your eyes…your brothers,you wish you could meet them all,a sudden stream of sadness makes you emit a tiny ammount of light,you sudenly feel yourself wrapped in warm and love
“daddeh wuvs you, buh ‘ou must weawn to contwow youw feewings,dad wiww pwotect ‘ou fwom dah monstews buh fwuffy cant awways be hewe,dad needs to go find nummies an’ find otha fwuffies , one day fwuffy wiww go fowebah sweepies an’ ‘ou wiww be big an’ stwong fwuffie capabwe of pwotectin’ youw hewd ,but to do that 'ou must not do shinnies
shinnies take aww youw stwengff”
after talking for so long your daddeh coughs a little and sits near your mummah that starts to lick his blood stained horn, hes been like that ever since you had memory,thats why he insists so much in looking for other fluffys,sadly,most fluffys he encountered consider him a monster so he has to defend himself, the thought of your daddeh going forever sleepies terrifies you,but you control yourself,for him
“sowwy daddeh twewbe wiww do bestes” you give him the biggest hug that you can possibly give and the three go to sleep into a fluffy pile
The nexts days were out in a blurry,after a while controlling your shining it became easier and easier,you finally understood what the secret was,you just had to think and not feel your emotions and dont be distracted by everything!
and so your did, you thought a lot about a lot of things,about the animals,the house,your mom,how many leaves was your bed made off,after some shiny days you even learned to count past five just by thinking! it was awesome,maybe thats why your daddeh was so awesome?maybe you could be as awesome as your daddeh?that idea only make you think even more,and to make things even better,your daddeh finally found other fluffys that were not scared of him!they called him Pointy-wingie smartie
or smarty for short
there was Elizabeth,a yellow mare with a purple mane and tail,your daddeh found her in the street while looking for nummies,aparently her hooman mummah went forever sleepies and his sons took her housie and vroom vroom munstah and decided that they didnt want her,so they left her lost in the middle of the road
greeny,a Deep brown stallion with a dark green tail and mane,he was the best nummie Finder, his herd send him to find nummies on a cave full of skeety monsters as a test so he could have a special friend,he managed to survive and came back with funilly shaped flowers,but when he came back the herd was killed by fluffy tail Orange monsters,he was so alone that the first thing he did when he saw your daddeh was run to him give him huggies and cry until he fall asleep
Optimus,a blue unicorn that had a fire red tail and legs, his colours were weird, the colour on his legs would become more yellow at the top and he had a black mark in her chest,he was a runaway,after his father refused to gave him a mare to have his own herd he decided to escape and make his own herd,at first he called himself the smartiest of smarties and wanted to take the herd to himself and you as his enfie babbeh,your daddeh had to beat him a lot to stop saying those things ,from time to time he would ask for a fight over the control of the herd,but your daddeh was super smart and he knew that optimus will always run horn first,so he just waited near a three and dodged at the last second,only to then start to beat the unicorn whose horn was stuck on the three ,eventually he managed to convince himself that being a thougie was great too,and acepted his place with pride(and completed his duties with extreme prejudice)
Rose,a Pink mare with a brown tail and mane,she was a soon mummah that was abandoned by his special friend after she became too big too move because “she was fat and ugly now”
She had five sons,two monochrome blue earthies that were always together ,one yellow pegasus filly with green tail and mane,she was your best friend and the fastes of the five,a red unicorn colt and lastly a very shy black pegasus colt that was always above her mummah,he was scared fo himself because he was the colour of darkness,eventually he would forget about it and would happily play with his brothers,then it would remember it and go away to hide in his mummah´s fur,you wonder if you could been like him if you didnt do so much thinkies
Lastly there was princess,a white mare with a Pink mane and tail,she also was a runaway like optimus,but your daddeh didnt seem to like her,something about her name he told you
that and the fact the she just couldnt believe that your mummah was his special friend the first time she saw her,she was always mean to your mummah and greeny,she quickly became Optimus special friend,but for some odd reason she couldnt have babies,they would try every day(sadly,everyone on the herd would hear them,also this was probably one of the reasons why Optimus was always so calmed )to no avail,sometimes you would see how princess would try to seduce your father,she once called your mommah a “usewwes poopy mawe that cant get speshuw hughies without scweamin’ an’ cwying" before you could say anything your father quickly gave her sorry hoofies without holding back,but after hearing some weird moanings coming from her, he stopped, called her a “cwazy weiwd mawe”and leave to go do something else,after that you started to notice how princess would always be slightly hurt,wich was weird because she did nothing all day other than teach manners to rose´s sons and try to have babies with Optimus
Generally the herd was safe and food was plenty,your daddeh was great at finding food and loking for temporary shelters,the only problem was the lack of a proper safe place,the herd was mostly nomad due to this,the only fights were between rose and Pink wherever she would try to teach her foals to be mean against ugly colored fluffys
And the ocassional encounter with another herd,you specially remember that time that your daddeh found a great cave that could be a perfect home for the entire herd
except that said cave was occupied by a herd already,you remember how the smarty,a very fat yellow unicorn with red mane and tail screamed to the top of his lungs to his toughies to charge at your daddeh uppon seeing him,he didnt tried talking to him,he just wanted to kill the munstah fluffy and take the mares,you also remember how weak his toghies were in comparision to your dad and Optimus,and how even worse the rest of the herd looked like,they were all malnourished,the mares didnt have legs,they all had multiple starving foals and to make things even worse they were ALL soon mummahs,you remember how your daddeh´s horn started to shine after he saw the mares,even he couldnt contain his anger,after seeing that the remaining herd surrendered to him,probably after seeing the light as a hope of a better life or just fear of the shiny monster ,you dont know what your daddeh did to the smartie,your mother didnt let you see nor any of the herd,you only know that you heard lots of screams for many forevers,and some time later daddeh came back with a colt in his mouth,a green foal,covered in poopies that could barely talk and move,you could see his bones trought his skin due to fact that he was lacking almost all his fur, your mummah inmediatly put the dying foal in one of her teats,you remember how he started to suck greedily while bathing his face in tears,poor fluffy,who could do this to just a little baby?they didnt know that all fluffys are for love and hugs and milkies?
“fwuffy am gon’ be youw new bwuddah”you hear your dad saying,only after you look at him you realice that he is all covered in boo boo jiuce,but you know best that to ask from who is it
“fwuffy am just wittwe babbeh ,he wiww nee’ wots of miwkies an’ wub fwuffy had wot of huwties,but fwuffy am stwong,he wast babbeh in poopie piwe ,he managed to suwwibe in piwe of poopies aww dis time” what? he was eating poopies to survive?god you cant even imagine how horrible that must been,that smarty was a monster, as you rush to hug him,you notice how cold he is without his fur,how he react to your hugs,probably the first sign of love he received in all his short,miserable life
“his name wiww be wockie,because fwuffy am stwong wike wock”your daddy says,the babbeh stop drinking and looks at his new family
“wub…namsie” is all he manages to say after drifting to sleep
Sudenly you too feel like sleeping,it was a long day (for a fluffy) so you just close your eyes and rest next to your new family
You wake up again,this time you can feel that annie is sleeping right next to you,you can recognize the place now, but this time is diferent,everything looks…better?less dangerous?your bed feels so nice,you can see some little blocks,balls,and an open door that leads to sunlight,something smells so nice,you feel so light that you really want to go back to sleep,until your tummy growls and you realice the reason why you woke up in the first place
“so…why the long face mary?”you know for a fact the food is not the reason,you daughter loves chinese food since she was a kid, something is been bothering her since home,you can get in the mind of a criminal,but the mind of your daughter is simply on another level,better ask directly
“sorry dad is just-“ María sudenly drop the food in the plate “i am really sorry,i am just…look,sorry, i understand that you couldnt answer my messages,i know how important your job is for you and everyone,it happened a lot in the past,and it will keep happening in the future,i know you,so when i saw that you adopted two fluffies i was genuinely surprised,for the first time in my life i saw you doing something good OUTSIDE your work,something that my dad did, not something that officer Mike Miller was tasked to do, but at the end,you just wanted to interrogate them for a CASE??..i am worried about you dad,ever since i came here i tried to text you to go together somewhere,to see YOU,but you barely answer and you are always tired and working extra hours and putting yourself in danger for others and i miss you and you been working even MORE ever since mom-“she finish,the mere thought of her mother brokes her into tears,even after all this years,some wounds simply do not heal
you cross the table to hug her while she cry in your arms,it doesnt take more that 3 seconds for her to double tap your shoulder, stop the hug and recompose herself
“sorry for ruining the food,is just,i am tired you know,we should go home,we still have stuff to do,tomorrow i will be better i promise”
“I have stuff to do,you will go home and take a nap while i do everything ok?we can talk once you are well rested”
“really , wich part of i am worried that you are overworking yourself to death you didnt understand?WE are gonna make a safe…oh crap i used the room that you were gonna use as a saferoom right?”
“what,you mean they need a whole room?”you really thougth that with a bed and some toys in the living would be enough
“don’t worry we will figure out something”
Back in home,the box was surprisingly full of all kind of things,carpets with all kind of patterns,metallic retractable walls,food cans of multiple diferent flavours,some of them were just too weird or too specific,there was a can of “seafluffy based milk for cannibal fluffys” among those things,some plushies that looked like alicorns and other types of fluffys,one caught your atention,it was red and just had a happy face emoji has a face, and other things that seemed to be extremely high quality in comparision with the stuff you saw in the fluffy store,weird,but high quality nonetheless
Among those things,right at the bottom there was a black small box,you noticed that it was wrapped like a gift,and if there was any doubt who put it there,the dark purple gift bow with a skull pattern just made it a little too clear.
You open the box and see two different pairs of prostetics
but not the cheap plastic wheels that you saw before,these are real,black foam covered legs conected to a body harness that was extremely soft to the touch,the legs were designed to look like both front legs and back legs mostly foam,with a recurved steel end that acted like an impact cushion,after touching the foam part,you can also feel some sort of metalic spring at the center,inside the box were also a harder vest like harness,this one had a hole for a stainles steel tube that was inside the box,and right below it,they were two medium size wheels,after all there was a lot of diferente size parts for the legs and some extra bearings for the wheels and the manual for the whole thing
basically the manual said it was a kit to make a custom harness for your fluffy depending on how many legs it was missing
the harness was modular so you could mix back legs with front wheels or back wheels with front legs,the holes inside could change size to fit from half a leg to a stump,in theory,even a pillowfluff should be able to move using these,worse than actual legs but still beter than nothing
you make two sets,two front legs and two front wheels for…well obvious reasons,you are not gonna cut her back legs so you can use the entire thing at once
at the end there was no enough space for a safe room,so you had to fluffy-proff the entire departament(still relatively easy due to the size of it)you half opened the door to your balcony,and after making sure that they had no way of comiting suicide by putting the metalic fence right next to the balcony walls you conected the pen to it,putt the litterbox outside,and inside the toys,bed and automatic food dispensers(food dispensers that speaked in japanese for some reason,maría tried to configure it into english but just gave up and leave it like that)the “safe place” ended up looking like a S block from tetris,but for one foal and discapacitated mare a place too big would be trouble(and an excuse for shitting everywhere)
once Pearl was capable of walking she would have free roam in the house,the safe place was mostly to keep annie to getting outside and get accidentaly stepped on at 3 am
speaking of Pearl,it was time for her bath,your daughter wanted to wait till she woke up to avoid the shock of water,luckily for us there was a dry bathing solution in the box too,as you removed the bandages noticed that the lacerations looked a lot better than yesterday,you couldnt help but feel a little envy for her healing habilities,if only your old bullet wounds healed that fast that time you would be out of the hospital and working again in no time,instead of that you ended up losing almost a year of service for those dammed bullets
you ended up using all the dry bathing solution because it was,at lack of a better word
too fucking useless
it worked at the end tought,and now that she finally stopped smelling like a trash can and her hair was all clean you could really apreciate the clean metallic cream colour,of her fur as well as the silver wings that had a peacock like reflection at the light,you clean her wounds,put the fluffygel in the wounds again,and put fresh bandages,while this happened she would ocassionally twich a little,probably reacting at the cold gel on her naked skin,but was still,pretty much asleep.
“did she ate anything yesterday?”maría ask,looking at the cans and bags of food,uncertain of wich one to choose
“no,she had an IV for a while and thats it”maybe thats why she shined that bright?the sudden nutrients going directly into her sistem after being half dead maybe gave her some sort of temporal boost to his bioluminescence?it doesnt really matter for the moment
“well shes gotta eat something,bioluminescent fluffys use a lot of calories in order to be able to shine so they need to eat a lot to compensate,here,what do you think, Nero spagetti with chicken strips or ramen noodles with whale meatballs”
“what does the nero have?are there any ,you know,more normal flavours? i think i bought some normal spaghetti cans yesterday too”
“ink,and nope,only those,why did you bought them in the first place?”
“ink?like…pen ink?”
“oh, the lady at the store gift them to me,said they were products they could never sold,i guess i know why now”
“OOOoooooOOOOOhh a lady gifted you all this uh?”your daughter sudenly dropped the cans and went right next to you “tell me everything”
“uh?she was a kid,maybe your age,all black,she also left a gift for Pearl,she seemed to be nice to fluffies,was pretty happy with me after i arrested a guy that was gonna use annie to beat his meat in an alley” as you finished your explanation,maría sat back with an exagerated sad face,grabbed a random can from the lot and dropen his contents into a pineapple shaped bowl to heat it in the microwave,ocassionally looking at you with said face,righ right i got it this time,i said something related to work again,but it was just a coincidence this time it wasnt me going vigilante mode
As soon as she took it out and the steam began to fill the room they both heard pearl´s stomach going wild,if there was any doubt about his apetite,now it was clear
“dad,please,do not interrogate her just now,yes?”she was right,she had an attack just after hearing about the other biker,you would have to wait,is not like you were assigned to the case in the first place,you just happened to be near the place when they called for backup this was just you going the extra mile for your job…maybe your daughter was right,you been a little too focused on your work lately
This time Pearl was fairly calmed after seeing you,her eye mostly focused in the can of spaghetti that it turned to be just regular bucatini pasta with pesto that maría mas holding,maybe one of the cans that you actually bought?
María putt he plate right next to Pearl,she quickly went for a bite…and miss,bit the air instead,confused tried again,only to go face Deep into the plate,confused,but even more hungry,she just proceded to empty the bowl in record time,annie awoke after the noise,and after seeing that her mother was eating skeetis,she started a “bestes milkies”dance
“uh so you were hungry girl?”maría didnt comited the same mistake twice, this time she took a safe distance after leaving the bowl,mostly to gave Pearl some personal space
“yus”was the only thing that Pearl was able to articulate while licking the bowl clean,then proceded to clean her own mouth as good as posible with his tongue,after a soft burp,she seemed saciated enough to start talking to us
“fank ‘ou mistah thoughie ,sowwy fo’ dah shinnies eawwiew,it happens sometimes am just that thinkin’ about dah wittwe munsta gabe dah wowstes feewings ebah”she was surprisingly polite now
“you can call him officer,thats how humans call the thougies”maría said with a kind voice knowing that getting called a toughie would get kinda anoying pretty quick
“officew? oh sowwy,peawl didnt wanted to diswespect”Pearl took a look at the dancing annie,still absorted in her best milkies dance to be bothered to anything else,only smiling and dancing harder after noticing the look of her beloved mother “thank ‘ou fo’ sabin’ wastes’ babbeh fwuffy dont know what fwuffy wouwd hab done if fwuffy wost them aww, dah monstews took aww fwuffy’s babbehs,they said dey wewe “bawuabwe” an’ sowd them fo’ wot of “money” “ i see,so she thinks that annie is her blood children,in the state she is in,i dont think that telling her the truth would be a good idea
“you dont have to thank me,is my job,i catch bad guys like the ones who did this to you,now you have to rest,if you need to use the litterbox just tell maría yes?she will take very good care of you and annie,we have some toys for her,if she stops dancing for a minute,maybe she will notice them”after hearing that,annie stopped on her tracks and finally starte to look around her,she was DELIGHTED after taking a few steps,the floor felt so nice on her soft hooves now,there was balls,and blocks,a cross tunnel,and GIANT NUMMIES, it was only after rushing to them and tried to gave them to her mother that she realized that they were just food shaped toys and not real food,her felling of betray dissapeared quickly after she went outisde to play in the sun with a random ball that would say things in japonese when hit,pear just stood there looking at her last foal,while moving her head,she seems that she was having trouble using only one eye
“Pearl,i am sorry to tell you this”it was better for her to know now,maybe she would be more accepting with notices regarding her own body “your left eye was-“
“peaw know,she wost lefwt see pwace wight?that why peawl hab pwobwems tewwin’ if things am faw ow cwose, peaw wemembew now, some toughies wost theiw see-pwaces aftah fights,they had dah same pwobwem,but dey seemed to be fine some shiny times aftah,”after that she started to look at herself very carefully with her remaining eye,quickly took notice of the bandages “weiwd,the huwtiews dont huwt su much nu mowe,is dis some hooman magic?”
“is called medicine,but yes,the man who healed you said that you would be able to move by yourself in some days,i also have something that will help you move better alone,but first you need to be healthy enough to be able to try it”this is going way better than expected,she is not crying for her eye or the cuts,she seems to be absorted in her own thoughts,after finishing her self check,she stared right at you
“mistah officew,you wanted to know fwuffy’s stowy wight?i can teww 'ou,if that means that 'ou wiww catch dah wittwe munstew,i pwopose deaw”
“a…deal?what do you want?”maría is just looking at the scene in silence while watching annie still playing outside,for what she told me fluffys have a limited vocabulary,she must have learned that word somewhere
“gib foweba sweepies tu dah munstah, nu fowebah sowwy box”at least she is calmed now,visibly angry,but calmed enough to not pass out
“if he really is the monster you say he is,then i will make sure that justice is done”not exactly a lie,if he tries to shoots you you will shoot back,so you are not technically lying,off course
“…gud enough,peaww wiww towd ‘ou how she ended up meetin’ dah munstas”she tried to start but was quickly interrumped by annie,she was panting from exaustion,seemed to have used all her energy chasing the ball
“mummah! annie hab dah bigges heawt happies,annie wub mummah an’ daddeh an’ secons mummah and new housie and toys and WUB EBEWYTHIN´”as she said that she start to make happy chirps and dancing for the third time in less than an hour
“there will be time to talk about it later,for now,i think you should have some time with your baby dont you think?”maría said before looking at me with killer eyes,even if she was gonna do it willingly,it still counted as an interrogation to her eyes
“yeah thats right,you should relax and recover pearl,or should i call you twelve?i still have that doubt”
“twewbe is the namsies that daddeh gave to fwuffy…peaw was the name that muntahs gave to fwuffy…fwuffy name is peaww,so fwuffy can wemembew”
“that daddeh was wight,humans can be howwibwe monstews”after saying that she shifted her attention to annie and started "hugging her"by using his face to take her closer to her chest as she started to sing a song about how much she loved her last baby
As you walked to the kitchen to leave them alone you saw your daughter waiting for you menacingly waving a wooden spoon
Sometimes she was just too similar to her mother