Raising Rainbow Ch. 4 (FluffyChimera)

Will everyone please knock it off? I kind of get where Alanasolo is coming from, but I also see why Za and everyone else might not agree. At this point, Alanasolo is just going in circles, rehashing the same argument over and over, while everyone else initially tried to politely correct that argument only to be needlessly rebuffed. Now, the whole thing’s devolved into a dumb contest to see who can be the biggest dickwad on the thread.


Nobody was being polite.

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This was the most retarded and consistent Convo I’ve seen in a while not gonna lie…And pointless too! Lol

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Honestly lmaoooo.

I literally said: they arent a boomer, i got a chance.

Boy, i was wroooong

Okay, maybe not “polite” so much as “genuinely trying to help”. Either way, it’s all turned into a shit-fight now, so maybe we all just try to find some way to end this on a relatively civil note?


It isn’t about being a boomer or not, I just came back to check a notification and saw all this shit show.

The anti pathetic fella if you read this, in the most genuine way yet rough, know when to shut up, hell even see it as a “don’t feed the trolls” situation. People called you dumb just move the fuck on. Don’t take a bait (or do, it was fun to read)

I’ve said my dumb shit both here and online in general, hell the only reason I haven’t been here saying and making even more dumb stuff is cause life is a bitch. But instead of bitching and moaning, just take the L, shut up and move on with life. Geeez


…talking about saying dumb shit, about the boomer thing, you don’t need to be one to be just stupid or not catching something, I never added that to the start of my answer lmao

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Oh i know, but a lot of people are able to admit when they are wrong, minus boomers (in my opinion). I wasn’t saying anyone here was a boomer: I was saying there arent any boomers, so I have a chance here.

Bad joke on my end, I can admit


Eeh 4/10 but you will do better (?) jk I’m just messing with you

Back to actual important matters, expect (Jesus I can’t English at these hours) hug box ending or accidental death of the cheerpy/foal in the future?

Hugbox until at least the “talkie” stage, after that I don’t care.

I will strive to better my humor!

This little guy has a fun future ahead of him~ Rainbow is gonna have quite an adventure in his character development.

I still wanna punt him though, completely disrespectfully. Little shit’s gummy mouth makes me m a d


Damn H4B that’s cold but fun lmao

Honestly I expect him to accidentally turn him into a bestest and then he’ll get fucked up by other fluffies. But whatever it’ll come, knowing these artists, it’s gonna be good :ok_hand: not so much if it’s way too hugboxy, love sweet stuff but sometimes it’s too much for me.

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Nah, Chimera says this will stay neutralbox. If you want abuse, we are working on the Bad Mummah series together and are always taking suggestions.

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Let him open his eyes and start walking and talking. Then, just as everyone thinks he’s in the clear, bang! A completely avoidable accident happens because they all let their guard down. Then have Trixie blame Jitters for it.

Trixie has the biggest mads towards Jitters rn.

We have something planned for that specifically. I fear that switchblade will find its way into him if he shows up to Loretta’s house.


Personally I say the best punishment for a bitch of a mommah is a sweet mix between physical and psychological, always trying to reach the point of almost getting her to “the loop”

If I could get to mess one up and have some funds to do that … I would either turn her into a living enfie toy, as in not only turn her into a enfiepal but mess her insides so you have a living sperm collector, bitch will think she’ll get babies but she’s online filling up bottles. Hell probably her metabolism will make her produce milk.

Or the other route, mess her up and make her produce brown or “monsters” yet never turn her fully into a milk bag, so she can see and suffer while she has to feed “poopie milky thiefs”

Yet whatever you have in the bag of punishment, boy am I sure it’s gonna be magnificent and exquisito


Soo… tell me about how you would do this living sperm collecter. I am extremely curious how this would be done.

I feel I do need to clarify something though: “pathetic” does not upset me. Why would it? I’ve been through way worse the past 4 years. I really failed at communication if that’s what you took from this. Last year my little brother killed himself. The goriest images on this site are nothing by comparison. Much less a mere word. I really am sorry if it came off that way. Also, didn’t realize Pallas worked on this fic too. It seemed like he was just white knighting for FluffyChimera. I really failed to read the room there.

Surgery and “disassemble” enough so she stays alive.

Take off her ovaries and exchange it with leather “balloons” or non easy to break glass (if she gets a rough stallion or a kick, she’s going to die from inside bleeding)

It’s better to go with the leather one since if they keep fucking her, they’ll get filled with even more sperm making them bigger, this making the dumb count think her “tummeh babbes” are growing. If you use any other type of vial make sure to give her food that makes her more fat to get a similar response.

The tricky or not so tricky part, make sure to add an easy access to these in her side abdomen (and adding an ugly scar) so you won’t need to shove anything inside her special parts … Or do it if you want you sick son of a gun.
You can see how similar (totally not related tbh) surgeries are done to cows with too much gas inside of them. Well imagine that but you drug her up (or knock her out) to reach inside and exchange the containers.


My brother in Christ, let it fucking rest, we are talking about shoving stuff inside fictional creatures that are barely “living beings” and other shit.

And my condolences or not, cause this sounds rude, but no one fucking asked or cared about cause we were talking about a fucking (quite really good) fanfic. If you have issues, save money, go to a fucking specialist or your close friends, not just a bunch of fucking creeps online. GEEZ. This whole shtick turned out as a pathetic soap opera of dumb answers n people