This is brilliant. This would be a wonderful idea for stallions that are a bit rougher with mares but still have good genetics. Let him have his fun and you still benefit.
I shall relay this immediately. Not sure this will happen to Lady Belle… but we have a lot planned, and I think this is gonna make an appearance somewhere because it is downright diabolocal and efficient.
Much appreciated that my insomniac brain rot helps out.
Also extra psychological damage, bitch is gonna think she’ll get good babies, ego/selfish factor is going to kick in since she’s going to get fucked by “handsome pretty stallions” day in and day out. And they’re usually dumb enough to forget or not care by th fact that if they were pregnant, mating once more would kill their unborn child. Yet they are more than likely a lost cause of a mother to begin with.
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You have no idea. She tricked her special friend into impregnanting her after killing his old special friend. She would 100% wonder where her babies were if Loretta let them run a train on her.
She would also be traumatized because I highkey subscribe to ugly fluffies with great genes. Combining science and fluffies is a greatly enjoyable past time of mine, and they are too stupid to understand what heterozygous genes are.
Yeah I get what you’re saying, Jitters isn’t an abuse character and hasn’t been for this entire story so it feels sudden and out of character for him to suddenly call the Fluffy pathetic
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This may be hard for y’all to accept, but it was the author calling Rainbow pathetic. Not Jitters…
And yes, that’s from FluffyChimera themselves lmaooooo
Oh Za, you make me laugh so hard sometimes
Can we please let this end, it getting super annoying now
And she bit off multiple fluffy wangs of her suitors! “Biting off a penis” is the new “let’s just be friends. Not speciaw friends. The boring , platonic kind!
She is a nightmare
I promise it only gets worse from here on out for her! I am currently deciding which of Loretta’s breeder’s is gonna be the dad of her new litter…
Its a toss up between her roughest male, or her shyest.
I’d go with shyest. That stallion that ripped out her chip she literally drools over. But either way , I’m sure it will be great! Love you work!
That is actually a random she found!!
I’ve thought about this. Shy stud would be better—she’s had her fluff shaved, she feels ugly. She’s used to lots of colt attention. I imagine she would be extremely hurt by a shy stud not appearing to be interested if he is timid. Just my two cents.
I appreciate the suggestion!
That is also what we decided! They’re gonna have pretty babies, but the shy one is ugly as sin. His genetics are the only reason Loretta keeps him So Lady Belle will be even worse off since he’s an ugly motherfucker.
I hope she’s put in the weggie stocks to keep her from fighting back.
You assume the stallion wants to fuck her.
What if he, oh I don’t know, is instantly repulsed by her and turns her down?
Like I said, better put her in leg stocks to keep her from fighting back. Obviously, what stallion would EVER turn her down?
Aww, I dunno if I wanna torture the lil’ guy with her STANK.
Honestly, using Lady Bell as a punishment is one of the worst things I can think of x.x