Reemergence Ch. 1 (by fluffysomething)

AN: If you haven’t already, read Worstest Sickies and maybe even Bestest Sickies. Enjoy!

You are FV-0945, and you somehow did it. The meanie lady put you in the burnie-box and you weren’t inactivated! You’ve went without a housie-friend for so long! But, where’s your baby? And, you’ve heard these words a lot. What’s a ‘Bestest Sickie Friend’? Are they like you?

“Nee’ fin bay-bee… Whewe bay-bee…?” You restlessly search around the outside of the burnie-box, then you see someone coming towards you.

A housie-friend! You’ve seen some recently, but you’ve never been in one since the time you accidentally infected a very mean housie-friend who you can’t remember the name of!

Wait a minute, is that her? Is that the aforementioned very mean housie-friend? What is she doing? Is she holding your baby, but bigger? They look exactly like your baby before she took them away!

You’ve got to see your baby again, even if they’re bigger, much bigger than you!

You are FV-0446, and you suddenly are hearing very quiet, high-pitched talking. Do you have thinkie-place sickies again? Why else would you be hearing that? Something sounds vaguely familiar about that voice, though…

“Mom-mee? 'Ou heaw that?” You question, as she shakes her head and shrugs.

“It’s probably nothing. Here, let’s go.” Your mommy walks away from the big box, as you look back at it. You could have sworn you’ve heard that voice before!

Then, the voice gets closer to you. It almost sounds like it’s climbing up you for some reason!

“Nyu fwiend?” You whisper, as they begin to answer.

“Nu, nu jus fwiend!” They respond, sounding like they figured out something.

“Am… speshew-fwiend? Buh, jus nyo knyo 'ou. 'Ou nu Eff-ay-zewo-seven!” You reply, as they sound like they’re about to cry.

“Nu… Bay-bee nu wemembah Eff-vee-zewo-nine-fouw-five…? Am 'ou pawentaw viwus! Wemembah nyo?” They sound desperate for you to remember them, and it all makes sense now!

“Mom-mee! Am fin’ Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks pawentaw viwus! Can mom-mee maek big wike Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks?” You plead, as she sighs.

You hope your mommy remembers them! Maybe you can live together and play together to make up for the lost time you’ve had?

You are FV-0945, and your baby (who’s bigger than you expected) remembers you! You’re so happy!

“Pwease maek pawentaw viwus big wike Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks? Mom-mee, pwease du it!” Your slightly-bigger-than-expected baby pleads to your old housie-friend, as she sighs and walks into a room.

“We haven’t used this thing in a while, but can you tell them to get onto the small circle?” Your old housie-friend sighs again, pointing at a circle as you leap onto it.

“Owwies! Wai jump giv owwi-” You complain as a glass door shuts in front of you and you suddenly feel funny, almost like you’re expanding and there appear to be four stubs growing from out of you.

You suddenly don’t feel funny! But, when you look down…

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! WAI EFF-VEE-ZEWO-NINE-FOUW-FIVE GIT BIGGEW!?” You screech, looking down at yourself and jumping back. You don’t recognize yourself anymore!

“Nu, nu be scawed! 'Ou am nu a vewy wittwe sickie-fwiend aneemowe, 'ou am nowmaw sickie-fwiend!” Your baby, who’s about the same size as you now, smiles and hugs you tight.

They’re right! And, you had a job! Why not finish it?


Harriet is going to regret just not “accidentally” use some sort of disinfect on FV-0945 instead of enlarging it. :no_mouth:

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