Ruby’s new life Part 3 - Lucky once (author: Carpdime)

Ruby’s new life Part 3 - Lucky once

Following on from Part 2

As the fluffy clinic was closed on the weekend, no volunteers were officially registered on the work roster. In spite of this, there were still a number of routine responsibilities that needed attending to. Things like checking the overnight fluffy patients and finishing up unfinished tasks left over from the week.

Dr. Samantha Johnson was a veteran at the clinic, being one of the two veterinarians who had built the clinic from scratch. Having veteran status at the Valley Drive Fluffy Clinic however did not excuse her from having to do mundane duties when no one else was on call. With a large Thermos full of coffee in one hand, Dr. Johnson walked weary eyed on this warm Saturday morning towards the gated door of the clinic.

To her surprise someone was already there at the gate, a young woman with shoulder length brown hair, dressed in a light yellow t-shirt.

“Good morning Dr. Johnson.” Becky greeted as she straighted her t-shirt. “I’m Becky Jones, I work at the clinic as a volunteer.”

“I know who you are Becky, I’ve seen you around quite often.” Dr. Johnson said. She fumbled around in her bag before producing a large set of keys. “What brings you here this morning? I didn’t think we had any volunteers rostered on the weekends.”

“I’m really sorry to butt in here like this but there is something I need some help with.” Becky said.

The doctor looked at Becky with mild suspicion, but the sincerity in Becky’s eyes dispelled any trepidation she was starting to feel.

“Right. Can you help me with this first?” Dr. Johnson pointed at the gate that was now unlocked but required two free hands to slide open. Obliging immediately, Becky helped the doctor pull the gate open and they both entered the dim interior of the clinic reception. As each of the fluorescents flickered on, the doctor dusted her hands and walked over to the overnight sheet sitting on the reception that listed the outstanding tasks from yesterday.

“As you were saying before, you needed my help with something?” The doctor said, not looking up from the sheet.

“Yes. I want to adopt Ruby.” Becky stated plainly, hiding the anxiety she had felt whilst waiting for the doctor to arrive.

Dr. Johnson looked up at Becky then double checked the tasks on the overnight sheet.

“Right, I see.”

“Yes. I mean, if that is possible?” Becky said, the resolve in her voice wavered.

“But Ruby already has an owner.”

“Yes. But she is scheduled to be put down this morning. I don’t think that it should happen.”

“So you want me to go against the wishes of the owner?” Dr. Johnson said, staring sternly at Becky.

“Can we not reach out to the owners to see if they will approve this? To spare Ruby’s life?” Becky asked.

“Highly unprofessional. We don’t do things like this that introduces ethical dilemmas for our clients to deal with. What they tell us we do. We don’t ask questions.”

Becky glanced down to avoid the intense gaze of Dr. Johnson. She instantly felt unprepared and naked. The brilliant idea from last night to adopt Ruby was suddenly becoming a foolish, ill conceived idea.

Becky didn’t want to back down, but she had no words to convey how she felt so she stared back at the doctor.

Dr. Johnson smiled and put down the overnight sheet.

“How long have you worked here Becky?” The doctor asked.

“Six weeks.”

“You know, we get a lot of student volunteers coming and going. I often joke with my colleague that we should install a revolving door at the entrance for the volunteers that rock up one day and never show up the next.”

“I’m here for the long haul Dr. Johnson. I’m at veterinary school for another 3 years and I want to be here. I am very grateful for the opportunity.”

“Then you better get used to it. At the clinic we put the wishes of our clients first. We don’t impose our own decisions on these matters. This is not the first time I’ve had to deal with situations like this as you can imagine. Your intention is well meaning and it comes from the heart.” Dr. Johnson placed her hands on her own chest.

Becky’s eyes darted from side to side, seemingly lost in thought.

“I get it Becky.” Dr. Johnson continued, “It’s important to be in touch with our own humanity in this line of business. But we cannot let these feelings get in the way of doing what we have been trusted to do.”

The resolve in Becky’s eyes suddenly hardened, she remembered the urgings of Mark the night before and the ingenuity he had shown when he was raising his young fluffy in an unaccommodating environment.

“Dr. Johnson.” Becky said.


“Isn’t it a bit unusual for a fluffy to stay overnight on a weekend? I mean, head nurse Lucy told me the clinic generally doesn’t want the legal responsibility for keeping someone else’s fluffy over a weekend.”

“It’s unusual but it has happened before.” The doctor replied.

“What happens if something bad happens to a fluffy under our care?” Becky asked.

“I fail to see how this is relevant to the matter at hand.” Dr. Johnson started walking towards the adult fluffy pens to commence her morning responsibilities. Becky followed in pursuit.

“I’m just interested in learning about clinic procedure, and maybe also, I just want to see if there is something that can help Ruby.” Becky said.

“We don’t like it happening. That’s the answer.” Dr. Johnson stated with mild annoyance.

“With all due respects Dr. Johnson, that really isn’t an answer.” Becky said, totally self conscious at how rudely she may have spoken.

“We are not a wealthy organization Becky. We can’t afford to pay legal costs when our clients sue us and insurance costs really limit how much liability we want to take on board. We’ve tried to get our clients to sign waivers but it didn’t fly with the local authorities.”

“And yet this clinic has remained operational all these years…” Becky mused.

The two entered the adult fluffy pens where Ruby was kept. Once again, upon hearing the two enter, Ruby stepped forward from the cage she was housed in.

“Mummah!?!” Ruby called out in desperation. Her tone was heartbreaking and Becky immediately rushed forward to greet the red fluffy.

“It’s me Ruby. Everything is going to be all right.” Becky reached in and patted Ruby.

“Hewwo nice wady…Ruby su happeh to see yu.” There was uncertainty in Ruby’s voice. She wanted to ask where her mummah was but Ruby didn’t want to further impose on Becky.

“We’ve remained operational through the years because of our ability to adapt. We are survivors here at Valley Drive Fluffy Clinic.” Dr. Johnson said proudly, “Head nurse Lucy is particularly good with procedures and making sure the interests of the clinic is taken care of. You should spend more time with her to learn a thing or two.” The doctor suggested.

Becky nodded disingenuously and looked at the stack of notes taped to the side of Ruby’s cage. Behind the cover note declaring instructions to euthanize Ruby was another note that Becky didn’t notice last night. She quickly read through the contents of the note and she shivered with delight when she understood the implication of the note.

“Doctor! Take a look at this.” Becky said as she pulled the stack of notes apart to hand over the relevant note.

Dr. Johnson put on her reading glasses and read and re-read the note four times.

“I don’t understand. Why would head nurse Lucy do that?” The doctor said with slight bemusement.

“I think head nurse Lucy has found a way to eliminate the liability risk the clinic has for fluffies staying overnight. If anything happened to Ruby overnight, the owner would never sue the clinic if the new owner of Ruby is the clinic itself. It’s genius really.” Becky said with a smile on her face.

“Well I never! I sure hope this kind of thing doesn’t happen all the time…” The doctor re-read the note for the fifth time, “This is all highly unusual…adopting fluffies under the name of the clinic…Lucy is acting beyond her authority on these matters…very annoying…” The doctor muttered to herself.

Becky opened the cage excitedly and lifted Ruby free, knocking about the plate of half eaten spaghetti that was sitting cold in Ruby’s cage. Ruby was taken by surprise by the sudden movement but she was glad to be held warmly and to see Becky’s face which was now overflowing with joy.

“I suppose you’d want me to approve the adoption then?” The doctor asked.

Becky nodded.

“It would be cruel for me not to approve this request, but it would be equally cruel of me if I don’t make you promise that you will pay fully for Ruby’s medicine. I got a quote back from the FluffyMart Pharmacy of $943 for the full course Ruby needs.” Dr. Johnson said.

Becky was too busy hugging the confused fluffy to hear all of the doctor’s words.

“Becky.” The doctor spoke in a louder and more serious voice, “As the representative of the clinic and the new owner of Ruby, I demand you pay for Ruby’s medicine if I were to approve this adoption. You understand me?”

Becky turned her attention away from Ruby for a second and nodded again. “Of course I will!”

“Right, let me get the paperwork done then, I should be able to complete the adoption process online easily enough.” The doctor left the room to go to Lucy’s computer at the reception.

“Ruby. Things are going to be very different from today onwards. But I don’t want you to be scared. I will be with you all the way.” Becky said.

Ruby wriggled uncomfortably in Becky’s embrace.

“Wuby sumtimes nu feew gud…hav big huwties and feew scawed…”

“I know Ruby, I will help you the best I can. You have to be strong for me.”

“Otay nice wady…” Ruby hugged back weakly with her hooves.

From the reception, Dr. Johnson found that the online fluffy adoption page was still open on head nurse Lucy’s computer from the previous night.

“Oh, how convenient is this?” Dr. Johnson said loudly with sarcasm.

The doctor then pressed the large pink button on the screen that submitted the adoption form. A few seconds later, the request was completed, officially handing over ownership of Ruby from Valley Drive Fluffy Clinic to Rebecca Jones.

“Here it’s done.” Dr. Johnson said as she returned to the room, presenting Becky with a printout of the adoption papers, “It’s been an interesting morning, very unusual and not routine.” She looked down at the next task on her overnight sheet now that Ruby was no longer to be put down; cleaning out the feces from the foal nursery. “You got lucky this time Becky, just acknowledge this fact. Don’t count on being lucky the next time round.” The doctor put on a pair of thick cleaning gloves and was about to turn to leave.

“I know I got lucky. But I only need to be lucky once.” Becky said. She closed her eyes and held Ruby closely to her heart. Tears of relief began pouring out of both hers and Ruby’s eyes.

Continues in Part 4



After completing Part 2 yesterday, it felt easier to put together this Part 3 that I’ve also had in my head for a while. This part was much clunkier to write as the first version had a few plot holes. Hope everything makes sense now after the edits. If anything it’s great to get some more writing practice.


Aww. At least it worked out this time.


Love this! More please!!

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