Selfish Monsters part 1 (by Yibbo)

I was visiting a local fluffy shelter on my day off; messing with the fluffies there had become a lunchtime activity for me as of late. The way they always lived in the moment with no thought as to how their actions would impact them…I hated it. I deal with morons like that all day and coming here was a way to vent.

Today there was a bloated mare who looked like she’d give birth at any moment. Nice colors, light blue coat with a rose-colored mane. Probably a runaway with how healthy she looked. She was happily singing to her stomach and cooing in satisfaction.

“Hello there.” I said.

“Hewwo nice mistuh. Posey am soon-mummah! Hab babbehs soon! Take Posey to wawm housie?”

I ground my teeth and forced a smile on my face.

“I don’t know…babies are a lot of work and I’m pretty busy at the moment.”

She giggled, ”Dat am otay! Mummah take cawe of aww babbehs!”

An idea popped into my head, ”Really? Well that’s good to hear. But I need to know you’ll take care of your babies no matter what. If you really had to would you eat a baby to provide milk to your other babies?”

She gasped in horror, “NU! Babbehs nu am fow nummies! Nummin’ babbehs gib wowstest heawt-huwties!”

“Well that’s too bad, I was going to adopt you but I can see you’re not able to be a good mother.”

“Posey…Posey be gud mummah and num a babbeh if nice mistuh take fwuffy home…”

I laughed. “Hell no. What kind of mother would kill her young just so she could be comfortable. You’re an awful mother, you bitch.”

“Huuhuu nu am bad mummah!”

She began crying loudly as I turned away.

“Pwease! Take Posey! Nu num babbehs! Pwomise!”

I turned and looked her in the eyes, “No.”

That moment of heartbreak in their eyes, THAT is what I live for. Savoring it I walked down to the open play area.

Oh? Looks like there’s a fight happening. Could today get any better?

There was a black-coated fluffy with a green mane battling a unicorn. Wait…his mane is way too short for a grown fluffy. Is that just a really big foal? Goddamn he’s huge!

The crowd behind him watched in a mixture of fear and awe as he fought against a fully grown fluffy and was driving him away.

“Gu wai dummeh! Nu be mean to otha’ fwuffies!” The black one said as it kicked the unicorn hard in its side.

“Huu! Wai huwt Smawty?! Am gud fwuffy!”

The unicorn ran off bawling and the gaggle of fluffies that had gathered to watch cheered and began to babble as they surrounded him.

It was at that moment I knew I had to have him.

I walked over to him and it was then I noticed the many scars covering his body. Seems like fighting is something he does often.

The other fluffies scattered as I approached except for two others hiding behind the black earthie. A bubblegum pink pegasus filly with a short white mane shuffled closer to the large black one, “Huu…make meanie gu’ wai…”

“Hey, no need to be scared! I’m a nice person.”

The black foal spoke up, “Weawwy? It am otay den, nu be scawedies Gumdwop.”

The pink filly moved a touch away from her friend and watched me.

“What’s your name big guy?”

“Spike’s name am Spike!” he said proudly. I chuckled at his simple response.

“Well Spike, I have a big house but it’s so lonely without any fluffies in it. How would you like to live with me?”

Spike gasped in surprise, “Nice mistuh is goin’ tu adopt Spike?!” His excitement suddenly dropped, “Buh den Spike nu see fwiends nu mowe! Spike nee’ pwotect dem!”

What? He had to be bullshitting me. I’ll prod him some, he’ll crack eventually.

I smiled warmly, “I sure am, I know your name is Spike and your little pink friend is Gumdrop but what about your other friend?”

A teal pegasus with a maroon mane cautiously came out from behind Spike.

He quietly whispered, “Am Seafoam…” He shrunk back behind Spike.

“That’s a nice name Seafoam. You all seem like good fluffies. How would you like to come home with me?"

“Weawwy?!” Gumdrop shouted. Ear-splitting little shit.

“Yes, I mean it. Let me go talk with the nice lady and then we can all go home.”

I walked over to the shelter worker and got her attention, “Excuse me, miss? I was hoping to adopt those fluffies over there.”

She looked over at the enclosure and Spike was waving happily, surrounded by his friends, ”Sure, let me get the paperwork.” she said.

I wrote down their types and colors.

I paused, “Are the two colorful ones siblings?”

“Hm?” She looked over at the pen, “Oh those two. Yeah they are.”

“You don’t say…” My mind began racing with fun ideas.

I gave her the forms and while she was working I walked back over to the pen.

“Hey guys, it’s almost time for you to come home with me!”

Spike started to wag his tail excitedly and Bubblegum and Seafoam did happy tippy-taps.

The three were bursting with excitement as I walked away. They would make for wonderful fluffies…

I led the three fluffies into my modest home. It wasn’t anything lavish and I really didn’t like spending money on overpriced things I’d hardly use. The one thing I did indulge in, however, was fluffies. I had the best saferoom money could buy. There was heated, padded flooring, super soft beds, tons of toys, a TV, fluffy accessible nightlight and a self-cleaning litterbox. Perfect to get any fluffy cozy while I worked on my plans for them.

The three fluffies stared at the room like they’d found the real skettiland. They immediately set out exploring their new home as I watched. Seafoam flopped on one of the brightly colored beds, Gumdrop sniffed the kibble dispenser, and Spike looked through the mountain of toys.

“I take it you like your new room?”

I was met with a chorus of approval.

“Ok, let me go get dinner ready while you get used to your room.”

“Otay, daddeh.” they said in unison.

Spaghetti would be a good first meal. Fluffies loved my special pasta sauce.

After whipping up three plates of spaghetti I placed it in their feeding area.

I hardly had moved my hands away when they all dove into their pasta. Noisy, gross eating sounds filled the room as they ate like, well, fluffies.

Spike finished his food first and walked over to me, “Tank ‘ou fow bestest skettis, daddeh!”

I gave him some head pats as I waited for the others to finish eating. Soon I was surrounded by pasta sauce covered fluffies snuggling up to me as I sat on the floor.

“How would you all like to play a game with Daddy?”

“Spike wub game! Wha’ we pwaying?”

“Is it scawy?” Seafoam asked.

“No, in fact it’s a very safe game. I’ll pretend to be a meanie who has captured you all and the hero has to save everyone else.”

Seafoam yawned loudly. My smile grew. My special pasta was taking affect.

“Oh, but I can see you’re all so tired! Why don’t you all go to sleep and when you wake up I’ll have the game set up so we can play right away.”

“Otay, gud sweepie pictuwes daddeh.” Gumdrop said as she curled up on a pillow.

I made sure the nightlight was on as I quietly shut the door to the saferoom.

In my time with fluffies I had come a realization: they only cared about themselves. I’d seen mothers trample newborn foals to get away from predators, horny fluffies abuse other fluffies for carnal release, and I’d even gotten fluffies to eat each other in order to not starve upon learning I was no longer giving them food. They weren’t even hungry, in fact they’d just eaten. The idiots vomited everything up and had to live off their sick and fecal matter until they starved.

I went down the stairs that led into the basement. My new toy was pretty simple. It was an enclosed wooden box with no doors or windows. There was an immobilizing rack raised up on a piece of wood at one end of the box. The roof could only be opened by me from the outside so there was no chance of escape. I had taped a walkie-talkie to the ceiling, to a fluffy it would seem as if I was speaking from everywhere. A webcam secured in the back-right corner gave me a video feed to a laptop I had nearby. Lastly, the only source of light was one of those cheap LED lights that could stick to things. I pulled hard on the straps and latches on the immobilizer. Yep, those shouldn’t budge once the fluffies get strapped in.

Going back upstairs I found all three fluffies passed out. Tranquilizers were a blessing when it came to manhandling fluffies. Grabbing Gumdrop and Seafoam I walked back downstairs. I put Gumdrop’s legs into the immobilizer and secured her body with a leather strap around her midsection. Next, I grabbed Seafoam and put him inside the box. Securing the lid I smiled. Now I just had to wait.

A few hours later the sedatives began to wear off and the two fluffies began to rouse. I gave them a few minutes to shake off the drugs and really wake up.

“Wha’? Dis nu am safewoom, whewe am Seafoam?” he was whipping his head wildly trying to figure out where everyone went.

“Bwuddah, hewp Gumdwop! Nu can mobe weggies!” Gumdrop struggled against her bindings but all she accomplished was tiring herself out. “Huuhuu! Gumdwop scawed! Daddeh hewp fwuffie!”

I picked up the walkie-talkie and began the game in earnest.

“Oh no! Gumdrop has been taken hostage! If you want to save her then listen carefully Seafoam.”

“Daddeh? Daddeh hewp! Fwuffies twapped!” Seafoam said.

“Quiet! This is very important. If you don’t save Gumdrop then she’ll be very hurt.”

“NUUUU! NU HUWT GUMDROP! AM GUD FWUFFY!” She voided her bowels all over her little platform. “Nu mean make bad poopies!!” Gumdrop was sobbing loudly now.

“If you want to free Gumdrop then all you have to do it push the red button, Seafoam.”

He walked over to the button in the center of the box which was completely surrounded by thumbtacks. There was no way to reach the button without seriously injuring his hooves.

“Bu’ dewe am pointy-huwties in da way! Nu wan’ huwties!” he whined.

“That’s the only way to free her Seafoam. If you don’t then she’ll get ‘wowstest huwties’.” God fluffspeak was dumb.

“You have five minutes Seafoam.” A digital timer lit-up above Gumdrop.

Seafoam circled the button frantically looking for any area that wasn’t pointy.

“Huu! Nu wan’ Gumdrop to get huwties bu’ nu wan’ huwties too!”

Four minutes left.

“Pwease meanie button stop bein’ pointy and wet Seafoam sabe Gumdwop!”

Three minutes left.

“Huuhuu! Pweaze push button bwudduah! Sabe Gumdwop!”

Two minutes left.

Seafoam gingerly pressed his hoof into a thumbtack and recoiled. “SCREEE nu wike!”

One minute left.

“Am sowwy Gumdwop! Nu can sabe sissy! Am wowstest fwuffy ebah!”

Predictable results as always. I picked up the walkie-talkie again, “And that’s five minutes. Sorry Gumdrop but Seafoam couldn’t save you in time. Guess you’re going to get your hurties now.”

Gumdrop thrashed about, “Dummeh Seafoam! Dummeh bwuddah! HAETCHU”

I unlatched the lid and they looked at me in horror.


I reached down and undid the strap on Gumdrop and picked her up. She was crying really hard and was wiggling like mad.

“Did you like your worstest hurties?”

Gumdrop stopped and looked at me, “Bu’ Gumdrop nu hab huwties…?”

“Doesn’t the fact that Seafoam wouldn’t save you hurt real bad?”

She glared daggers down at Seafoam, “…Yes.”

“Good. Now with our game over with how would you like a bath and some breakfast?”

Her nightmare over with, Gumdrop’s mood immediately shifted at the prospect of food.

“Yes daddeh! Nu smeww pwetty and tummeh hab wowstest huwties! Nee’ nummies!”

I stroked her back, “Ok, let’s get you cleaned up.” I looked down at Seafoam, “And I’ll come back for you once you’ve had time to think about what you’ve done.”

I left a whimpering Seafoam in the basement as I headed back upstairs to pamper Gumdrop.

Part one of what I’ve been working on for Mutagen’s Munchkins. Next chapter is about Spike so look foreword to that!


Curious to see how this goes!

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Oooh Mindgames! I look forward to see where this goes next!

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utterly fascinating

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When the dude asked if they were siblings my mind definitely went to THAT place, thankfully it’s just regular betrayal not the enfie kind.


Psychological abuse can go on for a very long time if done well.

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Psychological abuse, mmmmm good stuff