Short Fluffy Tales Part 2 by Karn (GoreTober Themed)


This should be more than enough, thought Kevin as he skulked away from the alleyway, his garbage bag filled with the evenings spoils. Sticking to the dark corners as he made his way to his car, he told himself again and again that what he was doing wasn’t wrong. Hell, if he didn’t take them, then they would have just rotted within that bin and gone to waste. Most had been far too gone to ever suit his needs, but several had expired today, their bodies just fresh enough that the ice within the polyurethane bag would keep them preserved, at least until Kevin could get them back to his basement. There he could finally finish his grim task. Dropping the bodies into his trunk, he made the short drive back to his modest home. Carefully, he hefted his ill gotten gains into the undercroft of his home.

Kevin flicked the light switch as he entered the basement, the fluorescent lights above humming and flickering to life. It was all coming to fruition soon, he thought as he gingerly took the chilled fluff corpses out of the bag and placed them into a metal basin, making sure to cover them in ice. There were seven in total, with most of them looking rather beat up but still intact enough to harvest the parts that were crucial to save his beloved pet. Looking away from the cadaver pile, his eyes fell to his makeshift laboratory, with hundreds of dollars worth of pilfered and scavenged medical equipment and a small gurney that held the covered body of his fluffy, Lenore.

It had all happened so quickly, thought Kevin as he took the first corpse over to the adjoining table, his hand falling to the sheet that covered his fallen pet. He had left the door open for just a moment, only realizing his terrible mistake when he’d heard the mare’s scream. She’d foolishly wandered too close to the road, the victim of a distracted driver, her body viciously mangled beyond recognition. Kevin had been devastated, with the introverted and quiet man not really having anyone in his life, save for the deceased biotoy. Perhaps it had been too much for him to handle, or maybe he had always been slightly off and the accident only shined a light on what had always been.

Regardless of which, Kevin neither buried nor cremated her remains, his twisted mind coming to a far more ghoulish conclusion. Not ready to come to grips with losing Lenore, he placed her remains within his freezer, specifically her head as little else had survived the accident. Scouring the internet, he learned as much as possible about fluffy medicine, anatomy, and the strange and paradoxical survivability of the fragile biotoys. Seeing that what he thought was technically possible, at least to his grief stricken psyche, Kevin then spent the next few nights engaged in pilfering lab and medical equipment, clearing out several Vet Clinics as well as a local Pharmacy, and an old abandoned hospital just outside of town. Fueled by desperation, he had managed to create a makeshift life support system, one that would pump the stolen blood and filter the build up of toxins and the like, thawing Lenore’s frozen head and affixing it to his apparatus. It wasn’t until he hooked up the electroencephalograph that he saw that his plan wasn’t insane, the monitor displaying that despite the her apparent death, her brain was still active, albeit barely.

The scalpel tore through the flesh of the first cadaver as Kevin began to sever and salvage what he could, wishing that the Fluffmart had taken more care when they had disposed of their dead. The torso was nearly intact, but many of the limbs were ruined and broken, most likely from the impact of being dumped within the waste bin. And despite how quickly he had gotten to them, some of the organs were already far past gone, with Kevin carefully severing the ruined entrails and innards to make room. Already on to the second corpse, and then the third, Lenore’s new body was coming along nicely, except that as he rounded all but the last body, he was still missing a viable heart, with all the others being too damaged to use. “Only one left…Please let it have what she needs…” As he took the last body from the bin, lifting the blue pegasus up by it’s scruff, he felt it twitch within his hands, with Kevin nearly dropping it from shock. Placing it on the table, it shivered as it slowly looked up towards him.

“F…f…fwuffy su c…c…cowd…P’wease n…n…nices’ mistah…H…h…hewp fwuffy…”

Staring down at the trembling fluff, Kevin’s eyes slowly fell to Lenore’s near complete body. He truly wanted to spare the pegasus, but he needed one last part…

Life had been hard for Smidgen and his colony ever since their habitat had been thrown out. Being micros, survival was even harder outside than for the average fluffy, with nearly everything they encountered being potentially lethal. Braving many hazards, from the swarm of ants that had claimed nearly a third of their numbers, to the disaster that was the great sprinkler flood, he and his remaining colony had nearly lost hope. But then, when it seemed that they were condemned to death, they had found it, the promised land. It was a gargantuan nest, tall as the eye could see, but made entirely of food. Unable to believe their good fortune, the nest was as beautiful as it was filling, the entire colony feasted to their hearts content, with their mountain of a nest barely depleted. Staring at his fellow microfluffs, Smidgen was pleased, knowing that they could start a new life her. That they could try and preplace those that they had lost, that their young would never know hunger, fear, or hardship ever again…




It happened so fast, with the embers causing the entire nest to catch flame, the burning debris quickly cutting off any escape. Crying as he tried to find any way out of the hellish nightmare, desperate to save his colony, Smidgen could only watch in horror as their new home was consumed by flames, with the macabre chorus of the micros’ screams rising as the mountain of food collapsed in on itself.



It had been a long days work, with Robert having to take many breaks in between, but he had finally dealt with that pesky pile of leaves. Sitting back in his hammock, he took a small swig of his beer and enjoyed his makeshift bonfire.

Cookie couldn’t have been more excited as he scampered around the fields, gathering as many flowers and weeds as he could carry in his mouth. They were always plentiful, as he rarely saw any other wild fluffies around, but today he had finally made a friend. She was bashful, more of a listener than one to lead the conversation, but that mattered little to the brown earthie. With the nummies in tow, he made his way past the large field and back into the neighborhood, careful to avoid any of the humans nearby. While some of them had fluffies as pets of their own, they kept them indoors, and looked down on ferals like Cookie, with some even being outright dangerous.

Once he had traipsed past several houses, he finally made his way to where his new friend lived. She had lovely white and red fluff, with pretty crimson streaks that ran down from her neck all the way down her back. Her wide smile just as he had remembered it, she was once again silent as the feral approached, dropping half of his gathered foodstuffs just below the window pane she stood in, careful of the broken glass that littered the old porch.

“Hewwo 'gain nyu fwend! Gud tu see yu am stiww happies! Wook! Cookeh bwing nummies tu shawe wiff nyu fwend!”

Nibbling on his portion, Cookie prattled on about his life, from finding ways to play without any other fluffies about, to how scary it could become when the sun went down, blissfully unaware of the fate of the expired fluffy. Having been a fellow scavenger, the mare found the old abandoned house and thought it would make for a fine shelter, clambering and and climbing until she had made her way into the open window. But as she tried to squeeze through, the already broken pane cracked further as the window slammed down, the sharpened glass slicing cleanly through her neck. Her head rolled about on her bloody stump until it was facing backwards and out the window, the joy of seemingly finding a new home forever frozen on her face.

Candy Gore
It was Halloween and the streets were rampant with the sounds of excited children. Dressed up in costume, they ran from house to house, gathering candy in pails, buckets, and bags as the parents took photos, bragging on their children and catching up with the neighbors. But with the occasional mother or father too distracted to watch as their child went from house to house, they were oblivious to the arrival of the feral fluffies. Careful to only approach the children that weren’t in eyeshot of the adults, they walked in front of them, pleading for just a few pieces of candy, with most of the kids giving in to their sweet charms and parting with a morsel or two. Once they could carry no more, they would retreat to a hidden wagon that was hidden behind the bushes, dropping their candy within before heading back to swindle more. When the cart was piled with sweets and could carry no more, the fluffies then pulled it back to their den, an old underpass that hadn’t been used in nearly a decade, the trek slow and tedious due to the weight of the wagon’s load.

Once they had finally made it back, they pushed the wagon past the cardboard and trash nests to their smarty’s lair. He was an overly rotund earthie, with deep orange fluff and a massive gut that dragged against the concrete as he wobbled about. Pleased to see the massive pile of sugary treats, he began to salivate as it made his way closer.

“Gud…bewwy, bewwy gud…Deez wook wike dah bestest nummies…Yus…nummies wiww be gud fow Smawt…fow hewd to hab wen cowd time comes…”

Pleased with their efforts and tired from taking turns moving the wagon, the fluffies stepped towards the pile, ready for their well deserved meal, only to be cut off as the Smarty stepped between them and the candypile.

“Wat fwuffies tink dey do’n?!”

“…Fwuffies am hungwy…hab tummeh owwies…”

“An’ am tiwed…nummies piwe am tu hawd tu moov…”

Even as the more vocal of the fluffies voice their complaints, the Smarty looked away, his eyes on the candypile as he licked his lips.

“Dis am a gud stawt… buh Smaw…fwuffies wiww nee’ mowe nummies den dis…Nao, dumps o’wt wagon an’ gu gets mowe!”

Saddened by their Smarty’s orders but too frightened to contradict him, the fluffies obliged, turning the wagon over and piling the contents beside their leader before pulling the wagon back out of their den and towards the neighborhood once more. But with the hour growing later and later, there were no children to be found, the porches now bare save for the occasional errant discarded treat lying on the ground. It took nearly a forever for the tired fluffs to scour the neighborhood with what little sweets they could gather being barely a fraction of what they had gotten earlier. Tired, hungry, and expecting to be reprimanded for their failure to get as many nummies as before, the fluffies shuffled back to the underpass den. But by the time they returned, they were shocked to find that the slovenly Smarty was lying belly up in a pile of candy wrappers, moaning from the stomach ache that all the sweets had given him.

“Owwwwww…tummeh tu fuww…”

Outraged, the overtaxed fluffies began to circle him, angry that all their hard work had found it’s way into the Smarty’s gullet.

“Smawt num aww dah tweets!!! Nu weeb any fow fwuffies!!!”

“Nu faiw…Fwuffy hungwy…*huuu…huuu…huuu…”

“Nao deww am nu enuff nummies fow fwuffies! Aww dah nummies am in…in Smawties tummeh…”

Hungry and desperate, they all shared the same epiphany that the red fluff had spoken of, that there was still plenty of candy to be had. Closing in on the fallen Smarty, they began to bite and tear into him, the slovenly fluff too stuffed to fight back.


Walking about the alleyways, a unicorn with dingy pink fluff was sniffling the air, a very familiar scent in the air. It had been ages since he’d had a home, let alone had sketties, but the scent was unmistakable. Following the savory aroma, the fluffy scoured the streets until at long last the favored meal was within his sight. Sitting atop a small box was a fresh plate of spaghetti. The unicorn squealed with delight at his good fortune, trotting towards his prize and awkwardly climbing atop the box.

“Fwuffy findies sketties! Sketties am bestest nummies evah!”

As the unicorn put his weight atop the box there was a strange clicking sound,the top of the box lowering deeper within. Confused, the unicorn leaned over, only to find that he could no longer reach the plate, with each attempt causing the plate to lower just beyond his grasp.

“Dummeh box! Nu taek sketties way’ fwom fwuffy!”

Growing more and more frustrated, the unicorn clambered his way atop the box entirely, with the top shifting under his feet and throwing off his balance. Bothered as he tried to remain upright, it mattered little as the unicorn saw his prize so tantalizingly close. Taking a few steps closer, he once again felt the top of the box sink deeper, with the plate once again too far away for his maw. Creeping closer and closer, it seemed that despite the box lowering itself, the unicorn would finally be able to enjoy his meal, the hungry fluff now standing right above it as he lowered his head to enjoy the rare fluffy delicacy.

“Yay! Fwuffy gowna hab sketties! Sketties am dah bestest nummies ev… … …”

Once his head was inches from the plate his weight finally sprung the trap, with a short blade rising through a slit in the middle of the plate, striking the unaware fluff through the throat and directly into his brain. He was slain instantly, with his weight shifting as the blade lowered once again, the dead unicorn falling face first into the plate of pasta.

Yawning as the awoke in their saferoom, Emerald trotted towards her food dish, only to find that it was strangely empty. While her breakfast was occasionally late, it happened so rarely that the verdant green pegasus grew flustered, her cheeks puffing up as she began to tap her hoof against the plastic dish, the rapping growing faster and louder as her patience wore thin.

“Mummah?! Wewe am nummies?! Am nyu bwite time an Emewawd nee’ nummies nao!”

After what felt like a forever of silence, the pegasus once again puffed her cheeks, kicking over her food dish and trotting over to the fluffgate that barred her saferoom door. Leaning against the bars she once again called out, annoyed that a fluffy as good as she was should have to ask twice.

“Mummah!!! Am nummies time fow Emewawd nao!!! Bwing nummies!!!”

Met once again with nothing but silence, Emerald grew angry. She had never had to ask for her food this many times, and when her owner forgot right away, she would always at least answer her back. Growing less patient and hungrier by the minute, the fluff wedged herself against the bars, pushing and pushing against them until finally the frame came loose, the gate clattering to the ground as Emerald gave a satisfied grin. Trotting through the hallway, the pegasus couldn’t hear her owner anywhere nearby, so she decided that she would head to the living room, hopeful that her forgetful mother would be there. But as she entered , it was clear that something was off. The room was in tatters, with various pizza boxes, snacks, and drink cups strewn about. Crinkling up her nose, Emerald scoffed at how dirty the room was, her disappointment in her owner only growing further.

Mummah no membah nummies an’ wet nices’ housie git diwty…Nu smeww pwetty…

Despite the clutter, the pegasus could only think about how hungry she was, sniffling about as she perused the various containers that were on the ground. Most were empty, save for a small bag of chips that had been mostly uneaten. Frowning at her only option for food, Emerald decided that it was better than nothing, reaching her head in the bag and taking a bite. Despite not being canned food that her owner fed her, it wasn’t as bad as the pegasus thought. But as she tried to pull away from the bag, she quickly realized that she was stuck, the chip packet snuggly around her muzzle as she pawed at it with her hooves.

Only annoyed at first, Emerald quickly grew from frustrated to anxious, with the bag making breathing harder and harder. Trying to grasp it between her hooves, she found it was too taut for her to get a proper grip and free herself. Now in a blind panic, Emerald tried to scream for help, only for the bag to muffle her cries. She shook her head again and again, the packet holding firm as she began to sob, desperate to be free. Losing what little restraint she had left, Emerald began to gallop about the living room, running back and forth until she bashed her head against the coffee table, the harsh impact knocking her over on her back. Feeling faint from the blow, the pegasus tried to force a breath before picking herself up, only to find that she couldn’t take in air. Grasping at the edges of the bag, she could feel that it was slick with blood, her wounded muzzle slowly filling the packet as she gasped and flailed until finally drowning in her own blood and going still.

Wanted to try something like this last year but simply didn’t have the time.
It’s a bit more experimental that what I usually do but it was fun to write.
Based on @Dragonixa 's GoreTober prompts.


Very good stories, you got some neat ideas here.

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Great to see an asshole smarty actually getting rebelled against by his herd for once.


I am loving these little mini stories. I saw the 2 and decided to remind myself if I had seen 1 and apparently I haven’t read that so I am heading over to it now.

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