Smarty's Stay At Daycare Pt. 2 [By MuffinMantis]

Part One

Smarty tried to spit, but the mixture of shit, semen, and blood coating the inside of his mouth stuck, and he’d gone too long without water, so he only managed a dry wheeze. The foul mixture burned where his bleeding gums had once had teeth. Tears, semen, and urine matted his face fluff where Ghast had done a final disrespect to the poor fluffy.

“Nu wan huwt nu mowe. Nu wan wib nu mowe. Jus’ wan die. Wai nu wet Smawty die?”

“Oh, you don’t get to die yet. Not until I decide you’re allowed to, once I’ve decided you’ve suffered enough.”

“Pwease, Smawty nu nyo wut Smawty du wong, bu’ Smawty am sowwy. Wiww nebah du ‘gain. Pwease! Smawty nu am wyin’!”

“And you still haven’t learned. Not that it matters, it’s way too late.”


“You know what you did wrong. You know what you are. Maybe if you could stop being so narcissistic for one second you could realize why I’m doing this. Fucking fluffies, no sense of self-awareness.”


“You might be the dumbest smarty I’ve ever had here. Most will at least acknowledge what they’ve done, or will pretend to not be a smarty anymore. But not you. Nothing but lies from you.”

“Nu undastan’. Nu undastan, nu undastan, nu undastan’! SMAWTY NU UNDASTAN’ WAI MUNSTAH WADY AM SU MEAN!”

“Monster? ME? I’m not the psychopath who’d kill a foal just because I wanted to get my rocks off.”

“Den wai am ‘ou huwtin’ Smawty?”

She paused. “That almost sounded intelligent. Bravo. I guess you really are a smarty, then. What to do to you, what to do? I know, how about we play the Clamp Game?”

Smarty’s face lit up with an expression of hope. A game! He could have playsies! No more hurting, just playing! This was what good fluffies were for! Maybe if he was good at playing he could have huggies to make his hurties go away and he could have his teethies back!

“Smawty wan pway! Smawty wub pwayin’!”

“Ok, but in order to play you need to know the rules. Are you ready?”

“Smawty am weady!”

The lady held up a clamp, actually one of those clips used to hold stacks of documents together. “This is a clamp. I have two of these. You get to pick where each clamp goes, but if you yell or cry you get a sorry-sticking.”

“Smawty nu undastan’.”

“Oh well, I tried. Ear, tongue, or lumps?”


“Do. You. Want. The. Clamp. On. Your. Ear. Tongue. Or. Lumps?”

Smarty began shaking again. “Nu wan cwamp. Nu wan huwties!”

“Well, if you don’t want to play, I guess you aren’t a good fluffy. Good fluffies are for playing, right?”

“EAW!” Smarty wailed desperately.

“Good.” With a sharp “snap!” sound, she released the clip so it snapped into place on one of his ears.

“SCREEEEE! Heawin’-pwace hab owwies! Pwease nu mowe cwamp gaem!”

“You yelled. Time for the sorry-stick.”

“Nu! NU! Nu wan sowwy-stick! Nu wan owwies! Nu wan bad enfies! WAN GU HOME! WAN DADDEH!”

THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! The sorry stick slammed into him again and again, his already-injured haunch and poopie-place burning with pain. He wailed, but the strikes didn’t relent. Again and again she struck him, until blood dripped onto the immobilizing board.

“Are you ready to keep playing?” she asked, once she finally finished.

“Nu hu hu hu hu!”

“So you want more sorry stick?”


“Good. Now, tongue, ear, or lumps?”

Smarty struggled desperately, but the board was as immovable as ever. Desperately he thought. Not his ear! The pain was too severe, he couldn’t take it on his other ear! But he needed his tongue to talk, daddeh always loved to talk to him! He only had one choice.

“Hu hu hu. Wumps.”

“Oooo, bad choice. Well, bad for you, fun for me!”



“You yelled again. Sorry-stick time.”


“No. But I’ll be nice to you, just this once. I’ll take the clamps off if you let me take one of your seeing-places.”


“Alright then. Hold still!”

With a sickening noise, she dug her fingernails around his eye, ripping it from its socket. For a few blessed moments, he blacked out from the pain, but the respite was terribly brief. The pain rushed back, worsened and renewed when she dropped the eye, still attached by the nerve, letting it fall and jerk to a halt, hanging there.

“ScReEeEeEeE!” the cry was strangely modulated as Smarty flickered in and out of consciousness, unable to bear the agony for more than a moment.

“Well, a deal is a deal. I guess I’ll take those clamps off now,” the lady said, although Smarty was barely able to comprehend the words. The clamp came off his ear, offering a tiny amount of relief, but as she reached to remove the second clamp a chiming noise played over the daycare’s speakers.

“Well, looks like my shift’s done. I’ll take the other clamp off when I’m back in the morning. Good night, fucking shitrat.”

“Pwease jus’ taek cwamp 'way.”

“Sorry, can’t. Got to go home and feed Strawberry,” she said as Smarty was dumped into a bare metal box. She didn’t even bother to ensure the dangling eye was out of the way when she shut the lid, so it was crushed with a horrible popping sound and a renewed cry of torment.


“…now all the babbehs are safe from the meanie smarty!”

“Stwawbewwy hab bwavest and bestest mummah! Stwawbewwy am su happy tu hab gud mummah!”

The fluffy looked up at her, eyes full of wonder and worship. She deserved it, though, dealing with those smarties, keeping good fluffies safe. Still, this wasn’t quite enough…

I’ll post about it on the hugbox forum! They always love to hear about how I protect the foals at the daycare!

She quickly began typing, regaling strangers with her tale of her own heroism. With each like and comment, she felt a new surge of vindication. It didn’t matter how much the smarties suffered! What mattered is that the good fluffies were safe! She was their hero! Other hugboxers couldn’t compare to the good she did!

“Stwawbewwy wub 'ou, mummah!” Strawberry said, hugging her leg.

A vicious kick sent her rolling away, crying in pain and surprise. Dumbass fluffy! She needed to focus! She needed to tell people about what she’d done! THEY HAD TO KNOW SHE WAS BETTER THAN THEM!

Part Three (End)


God the woman is such a cunt, reminds me of one of OCs old posts , where some people feel abuse is justified just because a fluffy called themselves smarty. X_X hope karma (or her job) gets her for torturing and traumatizing an innocent fluffy oxo’’
Good story! :slight_smile:


That thread’s actually what this is based on.


ah that explains a lot lol


Great the bitch is a psycho :man_facepalming: Tryin to prove she is better but she is the same as any abuser, that justice was only a front for her social media.


Sadistic bitch is what that woman is. And that public image front is sickening. Unfortunately it’s also a bit too close to reality with a bunch of people I’ve had the misfortune of encoutering. The whole sing and dance about doing good but behind closed doors they do the exact opposite. :rage:

… and yes, I am throwing a mental tantrum like a pissed off cassowary on mission to destroy those that trespass on its territory. Great work yet again. :sweat_smile: