Magic (or surrealism) is actually inherent in the fluffyverse. How do fluffies manipulate objects with hooves? Magic. How do fluffies survive horrendous injuries (like having all four legs ripped off while conscious)? Magic.
And there are more overt forms of magic as well. You don’t see it much these days, but early unicorns could often perform magic, like using their horns as nightlights, or making sparks fly from the tip (and in one terrifying case, actually igniting the horn as a sort of flaming sword).
In the KMEB meta, fluffies could explicitly break the laws of physics, though usually only when no humans were around. In the Micron meta, fluffies were…really, really weird.
So breadfluffs actually fit comfortably into the weirdbox category. After all, fluffies as food is an old tradition.
Its not really inherently different from eating regular fluffies, except for the rather disconcerting fact that your food would be talking as you ate it. But even if the breadfluff somehow survived being chewed, it wouldn’t survive the stomach acid.
I can suspend my disbelief for about 90% of the stuff here about regular fluffies. but bread fluffies I just can’t same with garden fluffs I start asking too many questions and the suspension is shattered. Oh well maybe bread fluffs aren’t for me
I started the contest cause I wanted inspiration / other peoples take on my concept in development.
It fractured into three unique types and some that are between two schools ; honestly I like everyones take on it. But yes they get less and less plausible and more weirdbox as you proceed. ~chuckle~
Type 1: Normal fluffy that grows dough instead of fluff. dough must be sheared to be baked.
Type 2: Normal fluffy that grows dough instead of fluff. The body is somehow heat resistant to the point it can be baked but only the dough is supposed to be eaten.