Stuffy Fluffy - Story by Hornlarry - Art by Carpdime (FB id: 41899)

that was indeeed a clever idea! I wonder how things would work if the pink fluffy managed to grown more, accept he was a toy and then be introduced to regular fluffies as a toy.


Man, there’s something about fluffy neglect that’s kinda spicier than even physical abuse, y’know? Great stuff.


Being reduced to an object? Being refused the very point of their existence - huggies and wub? The complete denial of their value whatsoever?


I seem to recall there was an experiment along these lines, sort of. Like, middle ages or something. “What is a baby’s native tongue?” So the babies never got attention or talked to so the people doing it could see if they’d speak German, English, French, whtaever. They were taken care of otherwise. The babies died.



It also reminds me of Harry Harlow’s experiments with monkeys. The one that struck out to me was where he took baby monkeys and put them in a cage with what are basically two mother “dolls”, one which is entirely bare wire and scary looking but with a milk dispenser attached, and one that is soft, made out of cloth.

The monkeys would always spend most of their time hugging the soft cloth mother, then when they got hungry quickly run over to the wire mother, drink their fill and run straight back. Horribly unethical stuff, but interesting nonetheless


You mean fluffies aren’t objects? Then why are they labeled as toys or soap?!


Every country in the world has a similar story like that. “The child just dies” was never the end, though, afaik. Here’s the oldest straight outta Wikipedia:

Throughout history, several rulers have claimed to have carried out this kind of experiment:

An early record of a study of this kind can be found in Herodotus’s Histories. According to Herodotus (ca. 485 – 425 BE), the Egyptian pharaoh Psamtik I (664 – 610 BE, i.e. 200 years before Herodotus) carried out such a study, and concluded the Phrygian race must antedate the Egyptians since the child had first spoken something similar to the Phrygian word bekos, meaning “bread”.


Implying a fluffy has value


Poor little pinky.

Well, stompies will end its suffering.

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I remember reading this story, one of the first that truly got me into this fandom and beyond gratuitous violence.


Gosh this kinda stuff hurts. Even on my worst day I couldn’t imagine making a fluffy suffer so much when all it did was ne a little bratty as a baby.


This is absolutely insidious and sociopathic.

It’s fantastic


Honestly, I half wonder how many psychological experiments that would be inethical/illegal to perform on humans would be immediately be redesigned and tried on fluffies? I think @anon68543914 has alluded to a number already.

As such: insidious and sociopathic could be replaced by something arguably far worse for the fluffs: forward thinking and demonstrably useful.


I’ll have to look into that. I can’t even remember where I heard about it the first time.

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Probably any and all, depending on their legal classification. The old ‘Fluffies are legally soap’ trope, although silly, illustrates a pretty important aspect of law. Just because something is legal, does not make it right. This is used in some fiction to justify the lack of care with abuse, or even to discount a fluffies testimony in court (I forget the comic). But I suppose that is what makes this medium so fun to work with, you CAN illustrate these stories without too much backlash.

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Well that’s a way for torturing a “bestest babbeh”, nice work.

Yeah I remember learning about those experiments during my first psych degree and thinking they were completely fucked up


I suppose “silly” is another, more PG-friendly way of calling that trope.

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Title has been amended to include the Fluffybooru id. To my memory, this story was written a while after Carpdime’s first major hiatus from fluffybooru in 2016.

The images used in this story were Foals fighting over a hugtoy, and two images from Pink Pet Foal. These images were drawn before the story was written and are otherwise unrelated.

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Now this is the good shit

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