The American Dream (Part 44) by DreamMLP

You’d travelled long, and you’d travelled far. Now you lived like a King, no, a Smarty.

You woke on the bed they’d made for you the night before, from the best leaves and grass that could be found here.

“Dummeh!” You barked, stretching your legs.

You heard your tuffy friend’s quick footsteps as he darted to you. “Yesh Smawty?”

“Wan nummies, Dummeh bwing Smawty gud nummies nao!”

Your tuffy instantly darted off in search of the best of nummies the herd had in store. You ventured away from your bed, in the middle of the great field you’d found just a few days ago. In those few days you’d gorged yourselves on all the area had to offer. It was time to move on.

“Wak’ up dummehs!” You yelled. One by one, the members of your herd began to poke their heads. You encouraged the slower ones nearby with a quick sorry hoof.

This was life as the leader of a herd. You travelled to a new place, ate it dry, moved somewhere else. By now you’d lost count of how many places you’d been, how far you’d come from where you started. It wasn’t a bad life, you got all the best nummies, all the best special huggies, and you deserved it, you were the best smarty of all. And speaking of special huggies…

Your favorite mare was just getting up from her nightly rest, her babbehs still asleep around her.

“Dummeh mawe! Smawty wan speshaw huggies!”

She rose, blinking the fatigue from her eyes. “Nu can gib wite nao, babbehs nee miwkies fiw-“

You whacked her across the face. “Smawty wan speshaw huggies!”

One of her older foals approached. “Wai smawty gib mummah huwties? Wan miwkies!” He said looking up at you with red eyes. His mane was yellow, but his coat green, he was one of yours. Not that it mattered to you.

Your no-no stick was hard, and this had gone on long enough. No fluffy in the herd was stupid enough to get in the way of what you wanted, and it was time they were reminded why.

You punched the foal back. Though you were still young, you’d grown big and strong. Almost as strong as an adult.

“Screeeee! Nu wan huwties! Mummah!” The foal yelled.

“Babbeh!” The mare yelled back. You punched her too.

Approaching the injured and struggling foal, you brought your hoof down again.

“SCREEEEE! Biggest huwties!”

“Smawty du wat Smawty wan! Smawty gon gib babbeh foweba sweepies!” You told him, raising your hoof for a final blow.

“Nuuu! Babbeh nu wan foweba sweepies, onwy wan huggies an-“



You snorted, looking back to her. She cowered in fear as you approached, her other foals keeping their distance. Without a word, you grabbed her with your still bloody hooves, and received your enfies. The mare looked to the crushed remains of her foal with tears as you pounded her from behind.

“Gud feews!” You finally said, dismounting her. Now that that ordeal was over with, you wandered back to the center of the herd. All were woken now, and awaiting your next command.

“Hewd get weady! Wiww mobe befowe dawk tyme com!” You yelled to them. As they readied themselves, you wandered back out into the empty field of grass, taking in this peaceful place for the last time. A scent hooked your nose.

Bending down to the dirt, you took in a sniff. Though long washed away, the scent of blood was apparent, fluffy blood. Looking closer, you noticed hoof prints. These were old too, almost unrecognizable, which meant not from your herd. A good find, perhaps you could follow them. Was it a herd? If so that was another smarty to fight, but more mares for you and your tuffies, and foals to bring into your own herd.

You followed the scent, through the grass. This fluffy was a mare, you liked the scent of mares. The scent grew stronger, until it was overwhelming. You looked up from the ground, and found her bones. Eaten clean and bleached by the sun, you could still see whisps of green fluff. Half buried within them was a faded collar.

Dead then. Disappointed, you turned back to the herd. Then you froze. Another scent. A familiar scent.

You bent back down and aggressively combed the area with your nose. No, it couldn’t be. You perked your head up, and growled. Him. The white and blue one, the one that carried you away from your warm home that night long ago.

The scent led off into the forest. Kicking the dirt, you ran back to your herd. You knew exactly where you were going next.


You stopped, who was that?

“HOW MANY TIMES YOU PIECES OF SHIT GONNA GET IN MY LAND!” The hunter cocked his gun as your tuffy friend came at you, nummies in his mouth.

“NU!” You yelled to him, “DAT WAY!” You pointed away from the herd. “HEWD! DIS WAY!” You pointed to the forest.

“I got two foals from the last herd!” The hunter yelled, “How many will I get from this one!?”

You bolted with the rest of your herd into the trees. Behind you a loud BAM! rang out.



You didn’t even consider looking back. Better him than you. Better any fluffy than you.

Either way, tuffy had given you enough time to escape with some of the faster of the herd. The slower ones, and the foals that fell from their mothers or weren’t quick enough to get on her back were left behind. The herd knew by now to do so thanks to you. They really did owe their survival to you didn’t they?

But survival could wait, you continued forward, the scent of the blue fluffy still detectable. It made you remember older days in the warm home with the human that gave you your name, Hulk. You were only a foal back then, now you were an above-average colt. And you had a score to settle.

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Correction: damn its been a while but Hulk survived? This cant be good.

Thanks @BFM101 for the recap :+1:


I think, if I’m remembering right, Hulk is Dream’s brother who went missing after they escaped the little girl and her father.

Either way, it’s likely a problem Dream’s gonna run into, and it doesn’t look like it’ll end pretty

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Oh fuck yeah so this is that idiot who cause the car crash wayyyy back.

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I guess adopted little brother to be more precise