I thought I wouldn’t make it, but I did! I couldn’t pass up this activity, please read and enjoy.
More context for those interested:
Flowerfluffs were designed with introverts or aging people as their target audience whose hobbies included gardening, so they would have someone to talk to.
Even though your leafy hair can be varied in color, it will always be organic colors that can be found on real plants.
The most appreciated by people is the color of their flowers, usually the same color as their eyes, although this is not always the case.
They tend to reject foals with a bad color because they relate them to the color of rot or as a sign of disease.
For lovers of eating fluffs: Its fruits have the texture of a tomato, but something sweeter, it is not very popular among insects, since Flowerfluffs have their legs to defend their fruits, real plants are more accessible targets.
They can eat with their mouth, but it is not recommended, since their digestive system is not made to work that way, their teeth are very soft, they will only get an infection if they do so and a painful death, so, keep away the food of your fluffs, treat them like a plant and everything will be better with the proper care.
Thanks for getting here!