The Burning Fluffy [Day 2] -GooGooDa

Read day one Here: [Day One]

You’re glad you rented a trailer for this whole thing.

People who went to hotels near the region had to deal with Fluffies pleading for food around 24/7. This region of iceland was known to have a great ammount of Fluffies just hanging around begging for all sorts of things.

Meanwhile you’ve only had to deal with two of them thus far, one was a purple Soon Mummah called “Sunsparkle” and the other was a grey unicorn stallion with a rainbow mane and no name, you’ve decided to call him Glitter.

After yesterday’s display, when confronted by the Soon Mummah you decided to just let the environment do it’s thing and ignored her as she cried about “tummy hurties” or whatever, she looked quite malnourished. And Glitter? You took him in and let him hang around with you. This was of course a planned move. In the soon future in the exhibit there might be an interactive piece in which you can have your own Fluffy join! An epiphany that came quite late after seeing the one Fluffy that got teleported into the Frozen Fluffy tank.

You’re sure that after seeing the accidental piece, the other artists will kick into action and come up with all sorts of Fluffy interactive pieces.

Of course, this was a gift of the environment. The little icelandic surroundings littered with Fluffies was an optimal choice. If any artists felt like adding more Fluffies to their pieces, all they had to do was look around and grab a smarty or group of micros from under a nearby Bush.

"Daddeh.. can.. Gwittew hab nummies? Hab tummie huwties, nu can eben make gud poopies fow daddeh..."

Your internal monologue is interrupted by Glitter, you didn’t think to give him any food, he hasn’t eaten in a while and has nowhere to go, you COULD give him food and take him outside to shit, but who knows his capacity for bowel control? You’re not going to go home in a rented trailer house smelling like fluffy shit… That said however, it’s better to have him in a better condition for the festival…

You go outside, you’re still in the festival’s range, and a lot of the artists and critics have stationed their trailers nearby. You see what you came outside for. There’s an artist tampering with some kind of large glass tube, bigger than him. There’s a cage/enclosure full of screeching microfluffs nearby, probably ferals, And the insides of the large glass tube are a bit blurry.

You ask him for Nutrigel and he happily has a bunch of nutrigel walls hanging around. This stuff is quite neutral to Fluffies and shouldn’t cause any issues like diarrhea, don’t know for sure how it works for a normal Fluffy but it must work the same, right?

You go back and give the food to Glitter, who cries a bit, saying stuff like "Fank yu fow nummies, am wuckies fwuffy ebah" with his eyes closed. Weirdo.

You go to sleep and wait for the next day to come.

The Burning Fluffy

Day Two

The day starts with you bathing Glitter in the trailer’s skin, he doesn’t complain about the water surprisingly, he just shivers and looks at you throught the process. And after it’s done you take him outside to dry him with a towel from the trailer, he smells much better now, hm… you’re not using one of the shoes you brought, so you use one of the shoelaces as a makeshift collar for Glitter, wrapping it around his neck, he smiles at you while you do it and Coos, he seems quite happy with himself.

But you know that it’s in the artists’ hands what happens to him, if the interactive pieces to come are too lethal you can always just get another one…

You wait for two hours and take your breakfast before heading out. It’s 8 A.M, time to look at the exhibits.

As you leave for the exhibit, Glitter, who looks a lot better now having taken a bath and eaten a meal, walks around with your shoelace tied around his neck. You don’t see a lot of attendees here with their own Fluffies quite yet.

The First piece you arrive at is…

“ROOTS” by “BestestestestestestBabbeh”

In the art piece there can be seen a 1:1 scale model of a Horse, you fail to see how it correlates to Fluffies in any way other than them being pig-horse abominations. But looking closely…

"Huuhuu.. smew wike booboo juice..."

Hell yes it does, the Horse’s exterior skin is a blend of multiple brown Fluffies’s skins, they are sewn together expertly, making up the Horse’s own coat, with the skin still bleeding a bit… It’s magnificent if distasteful. You can’t argue with execution though. Seems like the piece is a metaphor for “changing your exterior but keeping the inside pure, honoring your origins”.

In other words “You’ll always find your way back home” huh? I too was once a huge Hannah Montana fan, 6/10, but you’ll leave a nice text review for it.

Next up is a piece called “Fashion Huwties” and the artist is “OraOraOra”, at first all you see is the artist sitting alone at a table, people are looking through… menus? You greet the artist and go look at one of the Menus.

It contains a variety of Fluffy skins sewn into fashionable clothes and accessories for Fluffies, this just seems like a merchandise stand, but the clothing actually looks quite nice… Too bad it’s only for Fluffies. Yet, I pick out a nice hat for my pal Glitter, it’s a black and white fedora, looking like a coat Cruella would wear. The artist tells me to wait until they bring out the stock, so I do. But Glitter needs to use the bathroom, so I let him use one of the communal litterboxes lying around the place, they clean up automatically to not smell up everything so it’s quite fine.

As glitter concentrates on his poopies I turn around and look at the art piece from OraOraOra, and they are… skinning a dalmatian pattern Fluffy alive! It tries to shriek but the gag in it’s mouth stops it. You thought the clothing to be quite cheap for an art exhibition, only costing around 20 dollars, but you never expected the artist to sew the Fluffy’s fur right from the go! The now flayed Fluffy looks in horror as OraOraOra sews his skin into a coat in incredibly high speeds. Trying to crawl in the clothing article’s direction as it’s finished. Then OraOraOra dresses the Fluffy in the coat, the piece is finished.

I tie Glitter for a second and go retrieve the coat, thanking the artist for the show. And go back to give the coat to Glitter.

"Daddeh... nu-fwuff smeww wike booboo juice"

You chuckle at him calling the article of clothing “No-fluff” because in this case it very much is.

You dress him up in the coat and he doesn’t complain, he actually smiles at you.

"Dank yu Daddeh, nu am cowd anymow..."

Moving on to the next piece, you can see a minuature ballroom setup full of Fluffies, they are walking around disoriented, crying while shouting about their "Weggies nu wistenin’ " The artpiece is by “HardPete”, called “1518”.

The Floor of the Ballroom has the spell [Dancing Plague] Cast on it. It swaps the movement of a set of creatures’ legs in the area it’s cast, so the Fluffies are moving other Fluffies’ legs instead of their own, looking like they’re doing some weird dance as their already split hooves from the hard floor crack even more. A soon mummah can be seen unable to stop moving, crying about the movement hurting her tummy babbehs. Another mummah is nonstop pummeling her young child who is now chirping.

I don’t think Glitter gets the entire situation, as music is playing and he seems to think Fluffies are dancing in the display, he switches the pair of legs he’s standing in from left to right, doing a little wobble dance while smiling. Awww, that’s precious, 10/10 piece.

You give a glance at another piece nearby, it’s called “Scaphism but Fluffies” by "UFluffyBooru".

The piece is… well… scaphism but Fluffies, many Fluffies are standing inside acrylic glass barrels like a sorry box or litterpal container, and they are actually to be used as litterpals if you want to, they have no teeth and you can feed one of them milk or honey if you want. You go to ask Glitter if he wants the litterpals’ services and-


Glitter runs to one of the Fluffies who’s already half digested by vermin which can be seen through the acrylic barrel, and starts pummeling the barrel with his hooves, luckily the barrel is round so his hooves don’t crack on any edges.

“Stahp gibing bawwel huwties! FWUFFY AM FOW HUWTIES!! EHEHEHEHE!!!” Oh this is what people call a “Downer?” doesn’t make the piece too fun… the other literpals seems to be smarties, and they’re not having the most fun time.

“Huuhuu, wai squiwmy fwen gib smawty huwties…”


Glitter gets scared from all the negative feedback and retreats behind you as he starts shivering, you pick him up, I guess that’s enough of Scaphism, but you’ll leave a nice review, 6/10.

You move to the last piece of the day, it has a sorta… M. C. Escher vibe to it. An anormous medieval castle grows from all the walls around a large glass tube, OH it’s the artist you borrowed the Nutrigel from. The piece is called “MicroFantasy” by "WhenRomanceQuitSmoking".

The tube becomes transparent from the direction you’re looking at it from, it seems, like a holographic card, you don’t understand this stuff too much. But the castle seems forever moving. And walking around on the sides of the Glass tubes on the castle’s streets are Micro Fluffies.

You press onto the wall for a closer look, and a Micro on the opposite side from where you’re touching flies up in your hand’s direction.

“Fuffy can fwy!? YAYYY!”

The Micro falls up and you quickly take your hand out of the glass from the surprise, the Fluffy starts falling down as gravity goes back to normal for it.

“Wa?? Fwuffy nu fwy?-”

And as it goes down it gets impaled on one of the castle’s towers.


So by touching the glass you reverse gravity on the opposite side? Holy shit, that’s so fun!!!

You start bouncing Fluffies up from the opposite side, it’s like a rythm game! Pulling the Fluffies up and stopping them before they fall down. Some start puking, some fall down, and from some compartment, more and more Micros come out onto the castle so you can keep playing, another attendee shows up and starts playing a sorta reverse table hockey with you, in which you have to balance the Fluffies flying around together to pull them in your direction, if you manage to kill more than the other player by having them fall on your side? You win!

Two more attendees soon show up and it becomes 4 way free for all, all three of you slapping against your side of the glass as now 20 or so Fluffies fly around inside the tube. You play the game swapping with other players until 4 hours go by.

"Daddeh hab funsies? Gwittew am su happie!" You wipe the sweat out of your forehead from all the playing, holy shit, 11/10 experience. Seems like Glittler couldn’t really see what was going on inside the tube from under you, and fell asleep near you before hearing the first Fluffy crying for it’s life. You tie the shoelace leash around one of your Belt Loops and call it a day, returning to your trailer with a happy Glitter by your side.

Today was a blast! So you’re quite excited for what the next one has in wait…

Thanks for reading everyone! The featured artists for today were:

“Roots” by @Bestestbabeh

“Fashion Huwties” by @Oragami

“1518” by @ezpete

“Scaphism but Fluffies” by @iFluffybooru


“MicroFantasy” by @WhenRomanceSmoked

If you want to be Featured in the next Day’s exhibit please leave your idea on a comment or send in a DM. Also do keep in mind that Glitter is there if you want to have a piece that will interact with an owned Fluffy!!!

Stay tuned for the next part!

[Day 3]

And if you want to check out more stuff with Fluffies and magic check out GooGooDa’s Grimoire of Tales.


My suggestion made it in :heart_eyes:


Hah!! God I lol’d so hard at the artist name you chose. Lol. Glad my concept made it in and was rated so highly. Lol. It does sound like it would be fun af. <3

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I hate replying twice to something but I hate replying to myself just a little bit more and I wanted to ask for permission to play in your sandbox. Lol. I was thinking of the exhibit you made and started thinking of the story as to how it was constructed but I wanted to snag permission before I did my thing beyond outlining. Just a bunch of diy project updates and one very frustrated mage. Lol. (Or whatever she should be called.) lemme know! Either way, I love what you’ve been building and can’t wait to see more. <3

Sure lol, all my stuff is based on a ttrpg module I made and play with my friends so it’s free to use. You can DM me if you want to know more about how magic works in it, or you can just write it however you want!