The Burning Fluffy
A collaborative piece of the community, check out what many talented artists have come up with in a Fluffy centered Art-festival. Countains a lot of Abuse and a bit of Hugbox.
One in a Miwwion
11 Different stories depicting Fluffies born with different special traits in this universe. Contains varying themes.
A young foal gets a new Daddeh, a new home and a New friend. Everything seems perfect, but with each passing day, things seems to get a bit more… wrong…
One Shots
Ms. Leticia’s Thaumaturgy Assignment
An experienced mage gives her young apprentices free range to do magic experiments of Fluffies for an article, severe abuse ensues.
Fluffies, Magic and You! A guide
A happy go lucky young woman teaches an invisible audience the basics of how Fluffies deal with Magic. Hugbox-ish.
Mana Charger? I barely know her!
A foal and his mother are used as bait by a magic beast, when near the point of starvation, they are offered a cruel choice. Abuse, Bleakbox and Crushed-Hopes.