One in a Miwwion (Imp Story) -GooGooDa

Harr harr! Here I am again!!! As always I’m legaly obligated to state this story is part of my modern setting where magic is real. If you enjoy it please check out the rest of my shitty stuff here!: “GooGooDa’s Grimoire of Tales”.

This is going to be the first segment of a series called “One in a Miwwion”, where I explore the effect of different rare magical “Racial Traits” that can be applied to fluffies in my setting, these are NOT new Fluffy subspecies.


The shit colored pegasus mare shat and pissed on the grass just outside her burrow, her spawn came out of her womb and fell down onto her feces, now peeping and chirping in distress.

She lived in the wide cold grasslands of Iceland. She was a domestic runaway Fluffie who’d ran away to have babbies before she had even started craving special huggies, only to realise how cruely her own species treated those who shared her color.

"“Speshul fwen! Yu am habin babbehs!?” Her special friend Apple, a red unicorn with a light beige mane, woke up startled by the cries of his partner; running out of the little burrow they called home. The burrow used to belong to a now gone rabbit, and both the Fluffies happened to find it after running away from their previous home.

“Huu huu… wowstest huwties, babbehs nu huwt mummah…” The mare cried out in pain. Her body hadn’t properly developed for pregnancy due to being a ‘Poopie Mare’ for her last herd, only able to eat Poopies most of the time; That meant that she had a hard time pushing her babies out. Her ‘Special Place’ hurt so much she hadn’t even realised her children were already out, even with their chirping and peeping.

About a week ago her herd had gotten their well deserved Forever sleepies from a pair of adult arctic foxes. Her now partner, Apple, had managed to sneak them both away from the massacre, being the only one to have ever seen her as more than a Poopie

The name she received at birth was just “Poo”, nothing more, nothing less. But from the moment she locked eyes with Apple he’d only call her “Pwetty Mawe”
and “Speshul fwen”, a level of respect and love she’d never hoped to receive before meeting him.

“Speshul fwen!! Babbehs nee’ wickie cweans!!” Apple frowned at the sight upon coming out of their burrow. His Special Friend was hunched on the floor huu huu’ing, not tending to their children.

Apple however, didn’t blame his partner, instead puffing out his chest and taking on the burden of being a parent. Getting close to his Babbehs he’d througly clean every last one of them with his tongue, it tasted awful but it was worth it to see their little clean faces for the first time. They were in total, one Green Pegasus foal, one Pink Unicorn filly, two red Earthies, a Foal and a Filly, and lastly- Gasp


Before apple could react, a hoof came crashing down on his child, his 'Special Friend stomping on it as it puked out it’s innards and-


They were in total, one Green Pegasus foal, one Pink Unicorn filly, two red Earthies, a Foal and a Filly, and lastly- Gasp


Apple shielded his child with his head, blocking his Special Friend’s sorry hoofsie before it could kill it.

“Speshul fwen, Nu! Wha yu duin!? Dis am babbeh!!!”

“Wingie pointy babbeh am munstah!! Gud mummah gib fowebah sweepies!!!”

Apple frowned, he’d hoped that his Special Friend wouldn’t behave like this, especially with her tormented past as a Poopie fluffy. Apple himself knew he was really an Alicorn, but his own mother had bitten off his horn when he was but a young foal, shielding him from his peers’ prejudice.

Even then, Apple had known this was a risk, he’d caven into his partner’s desire for babbehs even though she’d probably not developed properly, they should be the same age, but lack of nutrition made her hormones a mess, increasing the chance of BMS and other shitty stuff Apple didn’t know about. Apple looked beneath his body, at the shivering chirpy, getting ready to bite off her horn as his mother did to him. Hoping he could convince his special friend she’d been wrong.

But then he saw them.

“Silly speshul fwen!! Babbeh nu am munstah! Hab two howns!!!”

He lifted his body, allowing his partner to look at her child properly. It was a Black fluff filly, but even though she didn’t have a Mane yet, there were glittery golden lines across her fluff and a star of the same color on the middle of her forehead, like some sort of disco party zebra, she had two black bat-like wings and a small Imp’s tail with the same pattern. On top of her head there were two tall glittery golden horns, which differed from an Alicorn’s horns, these looked akin to Oribi horns instead.

“Wuh!? Babbeh nu am munstah?” She had a quizzical expression, Apple thought she might cry of regret from trying to stomp her children.

“Mummah so happeh!!! Babbeh am jus’ ugwy babbeh!!! Gud mummah onwy maek gud babbehs!!!” She cheered for herself, taking her two red chirpys to feed them milk.

Apple’s face of disbelief clearly showed that if he could talk normaly he’d go “Bitch, what the fuck!?” But with his lack of appropriate vocabulary he only frowned dissaprovingly. He had hopes that his partner wouldn’t be so prejudiced, but she hadn’t rejected any of her babbehs yet, so at least that was something…

Poo suddenly gasped.

“!!! Speshul fwen! Am sumfin wong!?” Apple rushed to her aid, and she suddenly beamed with a huge smile.

“Mummah can gib babbehs namesies!!!” This made Apple beam with a smile as well. Having a pretty name, he knew how important a name was for a Fluffy’s self esteem, and also knew his special friend, having a name such as ‘Poo’ would probably want a better name for her children, full of care and wub!!!

“Pink babbeh namesie am Pink Babbeh!”


She moved on to name her green Foal, whom she’d latched onto her teat.

“Pwetty gween babbeh namesie am pwetty gween babbeh!”

Then named her two red babbehs, whom both looked like her special friend. Can you guess their names?

“Babbehs namesies am Speshul an’ Fwen!”

Apple remained silent, half because naming the children was a privilege bestowed upon the Mother, as far as he knew. And half because he lacked the ability to yell “Jesus fucking christ woman!?”.

“Ugwy babbeh namesie am… ugwy!!!” Oh hell no.

“Nu!” Apple intervened, his partner having crossed one of his very few lines. “Dat am meanie namesie. Nu gib babbeh meaning namesie speshul fwen! Be gud mummah fow babbehs!!”

Poo frowned at the insinuation that she could EVER, POSSIBLY, be a BAD MUMMAH! She scoffed at Apple then gave her last child an angry look. “Hmph! Den ugwy babbeh nu hab namesie!!!”

Apples’ ears flopped down as he shot her a concerned look, hugging his no name babbeh. To him, she was actually the prettiest babbeh he’d ever seen. But that didn’t matter, at least Poo was feeding them all the same ammount, even though from then on she started calling all of her children Bestest, except for her “Nu namesie Babbeh”.

The next day, Apple went out scavenging, there was only grass all around, but Poo insisted that the grass near their home was “Yucky nummies” and wanted the best nummies for her babbehs’ milk. Which meant Apple had to go out every day and get grass somewhere else.

Meanwhile, after Apple left, Poo took pride in feeding her babbehs one by one, she’d take them out of their Fluffpile, feed them and then bring her back to it. The No Name babbeh would be fed last, of course, and after every feeding Poo would just casually forget to add her back to the Fluffpile. This pattern would continue for days, even though No Name yearned for the love of her mother, she could somehow tell that her mother didn’t love her as much as her siblings.

"Coo..." However, she did enjoy nuzzling her siblings very much. Even with closed eyes she could tell they loved her just as much as she loved them.

The little Filly was something known as an Imp, she was a Fluffy born with a particular magic trait that allowed to perceive the world differently from the others, being more emotionally intelligent due to her alicorn father’s DNA also helped her use her inherent abilities. Right after being born she was swiftly stomped by her mother, but thanks to being born with one of the Inherent Imp abilities, she stopped the action from happening by basically retconning it, an ability she could only perform once per day and on a very small scale. But it would save her once again soon.

Gasp “Gud mummah hab best idea! Taek babbehs outsies su babbehs can pway!!!”

With little care for her offspring’s safety, Poo scooped them all up and lifted to her back, her babbehs crawling to her back to form another fluffpile on top of her, following their basic instincs.

Poo, after waddling out of the burrow, took the small chirpies out of her back and set them on the grass to watch them run and play. Much to her disappointment, they didn’t start immediatelly running and playing while singing her praises, and instead just cuddled eachother for comfort.

“Wai babbehs nu pway fow mummah?? Be gud babbehs!!”

The babbehs wouldn’t pay her please any mind, barely being able to tell she was even talking to them. But someone had heard her childish rambling, overhead a Gyrfalcon flew by, watching the technicolor family with hunger in its eyes.

It flew down at high speed, instead of attacking at once, however, it stopped and landed between the mother and her babbehs.

“WINGY MUNSTAH! BABBEHS WUN” Poo waddled over to her burrow as fast as she could, not realising her babbehs couldn’t just run away on their own.

The bird would go on to target the small No Name babbeh, pecking at her face and tearing half of it off in a single strike.


The bird would go on to target the small No Name babbeh, she, however, twisted her body and puked, as if she just felt a great ammount of pain, making a screeching sound that alarmed the bird. So it chose to take away one of the red Chirpys, called “Speshul”.


The bird closed one of it’s talons around the foal’s torso, crushing it’s spine and ending it’s misery before it could make a single distressed noise.

Poo could only sob as the falcon flew away with her dead child in it’s talons, Apple soon came home to find her berating her little No Name babbeh, who seemed terrified the entire time, still remembering the pain of getting half her face torn off.

“Dummeh ugwy babbeh! U SHULD HAV GUN FOWEBA SWEEPIES!!!”

“…Speshul fwen?..”

“…” Poo shuddered then looked at Apple, her eyes swelling up with tears.

“Whewe am speshul!?”

(Part 2)


I’m definitely stealing the inner dialog of fluffies next time I write something.
They still talk like toddlers but in their head’s they’re like (bitch, I told you to eat shit!)


I hope NoName gets good homsie and the bad mummah becomes nummies