The Devil's Daughter Ch. 3 [By BFM101]

Alright, I’m falling into bad habits again so I’m putting everything else on hiatus so I can focus on this series and finally get round to Jonathan’s part of the story. I’ve had that series planned out for months now but keep moving onto other tales because a lifetime of TV has given me the attention span of a Fluffy.

Ironic when you think about it.

Scarlett strained as she pushed out her morning poop, she had to be careful not to make too much noise since she was further away than usual from the communal poopie hole, but past experiences had taught her to be careful after a good meal.

With her teeth gritted, she heaved one final time and pushed out a sloppy chunk into the small hold she’d dug for just this moment. With a morbid curiosity, she turned round to inspect her droppings, and sure enough, amongst the wet brown slop there were small pieces of white, the undigested bones of Forrest’s son, now a literal piece of shit as opposed to a metaphorical one.

Scarlett silently chuckled to herself before refilling the hole with dirt and patting it down, there was nothing over in this direction anyway aside from too many sharp, low hanging brances so the chances of anyone finding the poop hole was slim and even if they did, there was nothing to connect her to the skeleton.

Of course there was the other, larger issue that she couldn’t deal with just yet, but Scarlett knew the best way to handle that was to slip back into the nest and act shocked when the alarm was raised, feign ignorance until it all blew over.

It was a good plan, and one that had worked in her favour during other, infiltrations. It would’ve been a better plan had a small dull green face not been watching her return to the nest from their sleeping spot.

Forrest looked down at the state of the Fluffy in front of him, Winston stood beside him, trying not to throw up at the horrendous sight. Their friend Mac had his nu-nu stick ripped off and shoved into his poopie-place so hard that his back and neck had been broken, and much like Clarence, a final look of terror and pain was forever frozen onto his face.

Unlike Clarence though, Mac’s body had been found by nummie finder Rolo, which meant now the whole herd knew. Forrest’s took a deep sigh as he tore his gaze away from the corpse.


Winston turned away, not wanting to look at the gruesome image anymore. “Dis am bad.”

“Yu fink? Two fwiends gu foweba sweepies, of couwse dat bad.”

“Am sowwy Smawty, Wins-ten jus say. Wha Smawty wan du?”

“Wha yu wan Smawty du? Aww hewd knyo dewe am munstah hewe nyo, dey gun be scawed, dey gun be dummehs. Smawty nu can be Smawty tu dummehs.”

“Am Smawty nu scawed?”

A thought flashed across Forrest’s mind, it was small, barely noticeable, but he understood what it was telling, him. That he was, in fact, terrified.

“Nu, couwse nu. Smawty gib dummeh munstah foweba sweepies if see dem. Smawty pwotect hewd.”

Winston nodded, truly believing in Forrest’s rule. “Need teww hewd dat, dey need bewieve Smawty can sabe dem fwom munstah.”

Forrest nodded but as the two of them headed back to the herd, he lagged behind a little bit to hide the scardie pee-pees leaking out between his legs.

Queenie was in a panic, she was sure she had gone to sleep with her bestesh babbeh in his favourite spot on her neck fluff, but when she woke in the morning he wasn’t there.

“Bestesh babbeh, bestesh babbeh nu pway hidies fwom mummah, it am miwkie time.”

This wasn’t like him, he wasn’t a splorin babbeh, he got curious at some things but he always got too scared and ran back to her. If he couldn’t hear her, then he had gone too far away…

Or something had taken him too far away.

Behind Queenie, her three other foals whined at their grumblings tummies, starving after not eating for eight full hours.

“Mummah.” Her unicorn daughter cried out. “Babbeh hab wowstesh tummeh-huwties, wan miwkies nyo.”

“Nu babbeh, bestesh babbeh awways hab fiwst miwkies, den udda babbehs. Nu can hab miwkies tiww bwudda du.”

“Bu dummeh bwudda nu hewe. Bwudda nu am bestesh, babbeh am nyu bestesh nyo.”

There was a sudden yelp as Queenie bonked her unicorn daughter on the nose. “EEEEKK! Wai mummah gib bestesh babbeh wowstesh huwties?”

“Yu NU am bestesh, onwy bestesh babbeh am bestesh babbeh. Yu nu tawkies ow mummah make yu WOWSTESH babbeh an nu gib anee miwkies EBA!”

The unicorn filly let out a spurt of shit and ran away to cower behind her brother and sister, both of whom looked at their mother with fear in their eyes, never seeing her act this way before. The family heard a noise from the entrance to their cave and saw Forrest returning, Winston had gone off to gather the Toughies.

“Wai am speciaw-fwiend shoutin at babbehs?” Forrest asked, having heard Queenie’s raised voice echoing out of the cave.

Queenie ran over to Forrest and wept into his shoulder. “Speciaw-fwiend, am wowstesh fing. Qween-ee nu can find bestesh babbeh.”

Forrest felt his blood chill, and his mind flash with images of Mac’s brutal death. “Wha yu say?”

“Nu can find bestesh babbeh, he gu sweepies on mummah fwuff bu wen wakies he nu dewe. It am miwkie time, bestesh babbeh need miwkies.”

“Mummah pwease.” Her earthie colt whined out behind her. “Udda babbehs need miwkies tuu.”

“NU TIWW BESTESH BABBEH HAB MIWIES FIWST!” Queenie yelled out, attracting the attention of the other Fluffies in the herd.

Forrest panicked and pushed Queenie deeper into the cave. “Owwies, wai speciaw-fwiend gib bad pushies?”

“Yu nu tawkies su woud dummeh mawe. Hewd awweady hab wowstesh scawdies bout fwiend guin foweba sweepies, if dey fink Smawty nu can pwotect own babbehs, dey neba wisten tu Smawty gain.”

Queenie took a large gulp between shallow, anxious breaths. “Du Smawty… du Smawty fink dat munstah git bestesh babbeh.”

Forrest’s eyes widened in anger and, for the first time in their relationship, he smacked Queenie in the face, knocking her to the ground with a black eye.


Leaving Queenie to weep in the cave, Forrest stormed off to find Winston and the Toughies. Across the way, lazily chewing on some grass by a tree, Scarlett watched the idiotic Smarty dig his own grave as she silently enjoyed the show.

As the day went on and the sun got higher, Scarlett started to feel the heat and made for a small pond nearby, while none of the Fluffies knew it, they were in the height of Summer and in the hottest week of the year, today being one of the more mild days compared with what was to come.

Scarlett made her way down to the pond, it was a small, shallow piece of water surrounded by mud banks, the previous Smarty Harold had personally stomped down all the grass and plants to ensure there was a clear view all around the water source so as all Fluffies could be seen if they ever needed help.

Of course the ease of access to the pond meant that some debris had been kicked around, as Scarlett discovered when she nearly tripped over a large, sharp rock that had embedded itself in the mud.

“Mummahfucka.” She hissed out, looking to see if she was bleeding at all. “Dummeh wock huwt wike a bisch.”

With only her pride taking any real impact, Scarlett turned back towards the pond and slowly took a few gulps of water, it didn’t taste particularly nice, a lot of excess dirt floated around near the edges, but considered what she’d had to drink the alleyways where she was born, Scarlett was just happy that it was at least mostly water.

As she stood there, taking in the midday sun, Scarlett became aware of something, there was something… no, someone close by. Someone trying to be sneaky, and failing miserably.


“Nu make noisies mistah bwach, nu wan scawy mawe tu heaw.”

Scarlett rolled her eyes and turned around, she vaguely recognised the voice and confirmed her thoughts when she saw Pickle standing in the clearing, frozen in place as though hoping standing perfectly still would mean Scarlett didn’t see her.

“Wha yu wan dummeh?”

Pickle slowly unfroze, she looked around, trying not to make eye-contact with Scarlett. “Um… Pickew jus wan tawkies tu scawy… mean, tu Scawwett.”

“Weww Scawwett nu wan tawkies tu yu, gu tawkies tu udda mawe.”

“Bu dis… uh, dis bout Scawwett. Pickew see Scawwett weave nestie dis bwite-time.”

Scarlett felt her stomach lurch, how did this idiot see her. She had to do damage control, and fast.

“Scawwett jus du poopies, dat aww.”

“Wai Scawwett nu du poopies in poopie howe? Wai faw fwom hewd?”

Before Scarlett could answer, Pickle leaned in closer and whispered.

“Yu gib Mac foweba sweepies?”

“Fukin qwe-it dummeh.” Scarlett hissed as she placed a hoof over Pickle’s mouth, looking around to make sure nobody heard her. “Wha it matta tu yu, if Scawwett did gib dummeh foweba sweepies ow nu?”

“Mac am daddeh tu tummeh-babbehs, he neba say su, nu wan aneefing du wiv Pickew ow babbehs, bu Pickew knyo he am daddeh.”

“Su wha, yu wan gib Scawett foweba sweepies tuu? Yu wan wevenge fow dummeh tummeh-babbehs?”

Pickle immediately shook her head, farting a little out of fear. “Nu, nu. Pickew jus wan… jus wan say fank yu.”


“Mac gib wowstesh bad speciaw-huggies, Pickew su scawd an wonewy afta daddeh gib foweba sweepies tu speciaw-fwiend an babbehs, Mac say he fwiend, bu he onwy gib wowstesh huwties tu speciaw-pwace. Pickew nu hab heawt-huwties tu see him gu foweba sweepies. If Scawwett am wun tu gib him foweba sweepies, den Pickew wan say fank yu.”

“…Yu fuckin wiv Scawwett, wight?”

“Eek, pwease nu say bad wowdies in fwont of tummeh-babbehs.”

“Oh fow fuk… Ok sowwy, Scawwett twy nu say bad wowdies. Bu dis am twick wight?”

Pickle shook her head. “Nu twick, Pickew nu wub Mac, nu wub anee stawwion in hewd, bu nu knyo whewe ewse tu gu.”

Scarlett leaned forward and placed a hoof on Pickle’s shoulder. The dull green mare felt slightly comforted by Scarlett’s action, or at least she would’ve if not for the sadistic grin on her face.

“Dummeh Pickew can gu anee-fukin-whewe ewse. Su wong as it nu whewe Scawwett am.”

Leaving Pickle to deal with the shock of Scarlett’s cold heart, Scarlett left the pond and returned to the herd, as she did she tripped on the sharp rock again, missing it completely from it’s well-disguised hidden place.

They would need to be careful, someone could hurt themselves on that thing.

Forrest stared at his stallions, for the first time realising just how tragic their situation was.

They had lost three friends in as many days, it was a fair number but it never felt like a lot until Forrest saw what little he had remaining. Outside of himself and Winston, there was only Fing, the nummie-finder Rolo and the blue unicorn Toughie Beetroot, granted Fing was as strong as two Fluffies but it still felt like less than he should have.

“Wha Smawty wan Tuffies du?” Beetroot asked, hoping on his feet at the excitement of taking down a monster.

“Cawm down dummeh.” Winston snapped at the overeager young stallion. “Nu eben knyo wai Smawty caww yu hewe.”

“It cos dewe am munstah wound hewe, wight?”

Rolo shuddered at the thought. “Nu wan fight munstah, nu am stwong Tuffie wike yu aww.”

Forrest stepped forward and smacked Rolo in the face. “Yu du as Smawty say an dat am dat.”

As Rolo huued and hunkered away from Forrest, the Smarty looked across his group. “Nyo, sumfing is gibben fwiend foweba sweepies. Smawty say it nu munsatah, cos munstah nu be scawdy wittew babbeh, weaw munstah face Smawty wike a stawwion.”

Winston nodded in agreement. “Whaeba am gibben fwiends foweba sweepies, it knyo dat Fwuffies can gib it wowstehs huwties dat wai it onwy huwt Fwuffin in da dawk time wen aww Fwuffies am sweepies. Nu mowe, fwom nyo on, at weast wun stawwion stay wakies in dawk-time, if see munstah, den wakies west of hewd.”

Forrest grinned at his stallions as he revealed the carrot to this stick. “Whaeba stawwion find munstah fiwst, git tu hab enfies wiv nyu mawe.”

Beetroot giggled, he’d had his eye on Scarlett since she arrived, Rolo also couldn’t help but giggle, having never been allowed a mare of his own before due to his brown coat. Fing, as usual, said nothing, but he did smile and nod.

With their plans set, the stallions all went their separate ways to prepare for the night, Forrest returning to Queenie and the cave, Beetroot heading straight for Scarlett to tell the good news. He found her alone on the outskirts of the herd’s land, around the low hanging branches.

“Wha Scawwett duin hewe?” He asked with a sing-song in his voice.

“Wookin fow sumfing betta dan wistening tu dummeh mawes tawkies bout dummeh babbehs.”

“Scawwett neba hab own babbehs yet?”

Scarlett turned to Beetroot, her unimpressed eyes staring him down. “Wha biz-ness am dat of yu?”

Beetroot licked his lips and stepped closer, winding his body in front of Scarlett’s so she couldn’t push on and leave. “Cos Smawty teww Beetwoot bestesh newsie. If Beetwoot can find munsta gibben fwiend foweba sweepies, den Beetwoot can hab fiwst enfies wiv Scawwett.”

“Am dat wight?” Scarlett smirked at Beetroot, who completely misread her smile as consent.

“Dat wight, bu nu wowwies, Beetwoot pwomise gu swow… tu stawt wiv.”

Before Scarlett could retort, there was a loud shout from the caves.


Beetroot turned to the voice of his Smarty, wondering what had his glorious leader so upset. Unfortunately taking his attention off Scarlett for just a moment too long.

Back in the caves, Forrest returned to find Queenie feeding their children, at least two of them anyway. The earthie colt and Pegasus filly happily suckled at their mother’s teats while the unicorn filly whined from a damp patch of dirt further into the caves.

“Hewwo speciaw-fwiend, hewwo babbehs.”

Forrest nuzzled into Queenie’s cheek, but she didn’t nuzzle him back, she just sat sullenly as her children fed from her.

Ignoring his mate’s silence, Forrest kept talking. “Speciaw-fwiend am gud mummah, gibben babbehs miwkies, nu wan babbehs hab wowstesh tummeh-huwties.”

The earthie colt popped his mouth off of Queenie’s nipple and belched. “Daddeh, mummah gib babbehs namesies.”

Forrest was taken aback by his son’s statement. “Babbehs hab namesies? Speciaw-fwiend nu wait fow Smawty tu gib namesies tuu?”

Queenie said nothing, but the look of fury on her face grew. Unaware of his mother’s anger, the earthie colt waddled forward towards his father.

“Babbeh am cawwed Stwong.” He said as he flexed, mistaking his fat rolls for muscles.

The Pegasus filly shook her greasy mane. “Babbeh am cawwed Pwetty.” Her double chin wobbled as she spoke.

“Nu wike meanie namesie.” The unicorn filly cried out from her sulking place. “Mummah caww babbeh Dummeh, bu babbeh nu am dummeh, babbeh am bestesh babbeh.”

“Yu NU am bestesh babbeh.” Queenie snapped, finally speaking for the first time since Forrest’s return. “Onwy bestesh babbeh am bestesh babbeh an bestesh babbeh nu am hewe. Yu am wostesh dummeh babbeh, mummah nu wub dummeh babbeh nu mowe.”

As the poorly named ‘Dummeh’ wailed at her mother’s cruelty, Queenie turned to Forrest and snarled. “Bestesh babbeh stiww nu am hewe, du speciaw-fwiend eben cawe.”

“Of couwse Smawty cawe, bu speciaw-fwiend am tuu scawdies tu fink. Dey am nu munstah, dewe am nuffin tu be scawdies of.”

“Bestesh babbeh be gun aww bwite-time, he nu hab miwkies since wast dawk-time, he am scawed an hungwy an awone an Qween-ee nu can du aneefing cos speciaw-fwiend nu cawe.”

Forrest rolled his eyes at her. “Yu am dummeh speciaw-fwiend, maybe bestesh babbeh jus wan be way from dummeh mummah fow once.”

“Maybe bestesh babbeh am foweba sweepies cos dummeh Smawty nu can pwotect famiwy wike he say.


The sharp yell caused Strong and Pretty to cower behind their mother, even Dummeh only peeked out from behind a rock to see what the shouting was about. Forrest stared Queenie down as she burst into tears.

“If Smawty say he pwotect famiwy, he pwotect famiwy. If Smawty say dewe am nu munstah, den dewe am nu munstah. Smawty am bestesh, stwongesh Smawty eba an wiww neba wet anee munstah ow meanie Fwuffy neaw hewd. If speciaw-fwiend am tuu dummeh tu see dat, den maybe Smawty nu wan hab dummeh fow speciaw-fwiend aneemowe.”

Queenie was in floods of tears by now, Strong and Pretty hugged their mother to stop the sad-wawas. Forrest just scoffed an turned away, he was about to head towards his sleeping area when…


A high-pitch scream from outside grabbed his attention, Forrest raced ouside, soon joined by Winston and Fing as they approached where the scream had come from. They soon found the source, Olive was near the outskirts of the herd’s land, crying and shaking as Lollipop and Scarlett tried to calm her down.

In one of Olive’s arms was her last babbeh, hiding their face away in their mother’s Fluff, Olive’s other arm was pointing at whatever had spooked her. Forrest followed to where she was pointing and felt his stomach turn at the sight.

Beetroot was dead, one of the sharp branches had pierced through his skull and now his corpse was hung up for all to see. It was clear that something had pushed him into the branch, but who… or what?

In an anxious panic, Forrest turned to the fathering herd, his eyes darting between all of them.

“Who du dis? It wun of yu. Munstah nu huwt Fwuffies in dawk-time, it hab tu be Fwuffy.”

Winston jumped in, trying to calm the situation down. “Smawty, yu say dewe am nu munstah, wememba? Dis am jus ak-see-dent, an hewd can gu…”

“NU!” Forrest interrupted. “Sum-wun hewe am da munstah, twy make Smawty wook bad. Twy make Smawty wook wike dummeh. Bu it nu wowk, Smawty knyo it wun of yu, yu nu tweat Smawty wike dummeh, Smawty am bestesh Smawty, Smawty am… am…”

A faint sound of splashing and a waft of piss seeped through the air before Forrest run off back to the caves, taking the stink with him. The rest of the herd turned back to Beetroot’s corpse, the whites of his upturned eyes stained red from the blood pooling in his skull, his front hoofs dangling creepily just above the ground where his front half couldn’t reach solid footing.

There was no doubt about it now, there was a monster in the area, and it was getting braver by the day.

Chapter 4


Ha! That asshole smarty scared shit now!

Love the tension almost like Forrest doing an Among Us and failed miserably.

Man Queenie is been a bitch poor dummeh babbeh.

Will see the next chapter.

Its coming for you Forrest…so run, runnnn, ruunnnnnn! :smiling_imp:


Something makes me especially enraged about little shit foals stealing milk from mares who can’t even feed their own, especially since they’re purely just being gluttonous and fat. Greatly looking forward to Forrest’s herd being utterly destroyed.



Oh damn, is my foreshadowing showing?


WeII the first and second time I was Iike ‘whatever I get it~’ but the third mention, nah I knew it was coming back.

Story idea: A Bestest Babbeh dies and then all it’s siblings starve to death because their mummah won’t give them milk until the Bestest Babbeh drinks.

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Even better if the Bestesh dies while suckling, maybe they suffocate or drown or something. Mummah won’t let any of the other foals near her until Bestesh says they’re full.

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Halfway through and I just needed to comment on Chekhov’s Rock, lol.


She is really becoming more and more like her father.