The folly of hope: Bob (Cmss by Zethhh01) (InfraredTurbine)

I worked the nightshift for two and a bit years at my local grocery store. Let me tell you, if I have to hear another rendition of I’ll be home for Christmas I WILL go fucking POSTAL

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Thanks and sorry again :sweat_smile:

Absolutely a joy whenever I see Folly of Hope and how the description of the Fluffy and its needs get turned against it, in this case the fluffy is forced to be a christmas decoration surrounded by all the things it can’t stand, absolutely beautiful, and also hilarious that this is the day after thanksgiving it was posted


Forcing anyone to listen to Mariah Carey’s wailing is beyond abuse. Poor foal. I would also bawl my eyes out. :sweat:


the worst possible fate. Mariah Carey

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Every retail worker after Thanksgiving

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