"The Herd"part 2,by Able

Meanwhile,Rose had been running the faster she could to the nursery,because Nurse would be there always,and the little filly passed fast through the passage,and she arrived to the nursery,she couldn’t believe what was there…

-W-Wavendew?-said Rose.
-Wha happen,Wose?-said Nurse.
-Nuwse,fowwow Wose,Owange needs hewp!-said in panic Wose.

They quickly returned to the place,where the Elder was paralyzed because of what Lavender said and carried Orange to the nursery,where Nurse treated the wounds of the nursery Lavender and Orange,moment in that Rose called the guards to help the Elder with the other Lavender…

(in the adult fluffy room)
Guard 1-Ewdew,wha happen?
The Elder-i-its Wavendew…
Guard 2-Wha-(Lavender hits Guard 2 in da balls)
Guard 2-OWIES!
Guard 3-its too wate,we have to giv fowevah sweepies to Wavendew,is dat otay?
The Elder-yes,dat otay…
(Guard 3 smashes Lavender’s skull)
-SCREEEEEEEEE-screamed Lavender before dying

Then the Elder walked to the nursery,and Lavender explained how he found a faker,and how the faker had beaten him up,and taken his place,but Orange had blown up his cover and the smartie had been revealed,so the security had been increased with actual questions being asked,like special friend,date of birth,job in the herd,etc.

The herd returned to the daily life pretty quickly and Rose,Orange and Lavender helped with the garden,Camo practiced the guard job with his father,and after a while,they were introduced to the plant fluffies…
Who will they be?

(I know this was a little shorter but the next part will be larger)
Previous:“The Herd”Part 1,by:Able
Next:“The herd” part 3(by Able)


Damn a faker then causing havoc seems they got an rival herd? Damn that fake is a bastard.

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It is a little based of the story of Starstruck,of Star betraying the babbeh for food and the other herd,but changed a little

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