"The herd" part 3(by Able)

(Before this part of the history starts with me thanking Wefston_Hafsen for letting me use his fluffies


and to FallenAngel for letting me use the milk plant,first appeared in chapter 4 of the Invited series Invited # 4 (By: FallenAngel).Now we can start)

It was a fine day in the safe-place,3 bright times after the problem of the faker,and the Elder had in schedule to show the plant-fluffies to the babbehs,so he called them…

Rose,Orange,Camo and Lavender-Hewwo Ewdew!
Elder-This bwight time is impowtant,because we wiww meet da pwant fwuffies!
Rose-Wha is a pwant fwuffy?
Elder-Is a fwuffy dat is wike nummies.Wet’s go see da fiwst.

They walked to a room at the other side of the principal hall,and they found something…


Elder-Hi Fung
Fung-who awe dis babbehs?
Elder-Dey awe the newest babbehs,you have to expwain to dem about u
Fung-Fwuffy is Fung,awe a muwti fungi fwuffy,fwuffy has thwee fungus:shiitake,chicken an bwown beech,wike darksie pwaces and pwaces with humity!
Elder-do 'ou wan Ewdew to hawvest 'ou?
(Elder grabs a fluffy sized tong and harvests the fungus and mushrooms,not giving harm to Fung)

(They go to the entrance,meanwhile,they’re talking)

Orange-Whewe was Fung when ‘ou met him?
Elder-Fung was wookin’ fow a pwace to wive,and we bwought him to the best room fow him,a dawkie woom
Camo-Dat is good

(They arrive)
Lavender-Wai awe fwuffies hewe?
Elder-Fwuffies awe gonna go to the gawden

(They exit and find some plants…)


Orange-Calm down!
Elder-Hi Jeww
(jellenheimer voice)Jell-Hi Elder
Elder-how awe ‘ou doin’?
Jell-Great,a guard fed me a purple fluffy some days ago
Elder-Gweat,couwd you hewp me teach dem about 'ou?
Jell-I am a tomato jellen,i eat bad fluffies,i can be eaten,and me and the other tomato plants defend the herd from other fluffies,but if they’re small they can escape us
Elder-Any questions?

(they walk farther into the garden…)
Elder-The wast one we awe going to see this bwight time is the miwkie pwant
(6 milk plants appear with fluffies getting the milk out)
Elder-This awe the miwk pwants,a wady giv Ewdew seeds a wong time ago,dey giv miwkies and fwuffies get it for the cowd times
Milker 1-Ewdew!The miwk pwant nu gives miwkies
Elder-The pwant has to wechawge de miwkies,bwing the miwkies to the safe pwace!
Milker 1-Otay!
(He grabs a pot with milk and brings it inside)
Elder-Weww,what do babbehs dink of the pwants?
The babbehs in unison-Pwants awe super coow!!
(the 5 of them go back inside,as night is coming)

(this part has ended now)

First:“The Herd”Part 1,by:Able
Previous:“The Herd”part 2,by Able


Nice :smiling_face: love this part the Jellen tomato seems i imagine a deep voice talking to the elder.

Nice way of harvesting the miwkie plants :+1: seems they met Cassandra way back :grin:


Yea,he has a deep voice


6 miwkie plants so they can get milk the next day on the other fruit once it ripe

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They harvest it for several reasons:1:Foals,2:CHEESE


Hmmm cheese, hmm might try that revisiting the garden again :grin::+1:

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It’s normally used in the winter,infact they’re building a food storage if you see the map of the safeplace,you can see one of 2 places to build it