The hurties never end. Part 1 (by nu_sketti_on_tuesdays)

This is a continuation of my story “Returned”
Just because it’s bad now doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t get worse. Of course who knows. Maybe he learned his lesson… Maybe.
Hope you folk enjoy.

Your name is Marty. You’re a strong and loved unicorn stallion. Smarty to the bestest herd and Daddeh to a legion of precious fluffy babbehs. You passed your trials with flying colors. First you willingly left dummy Daddeh for thinking he could even TRY to take you back to the shelter. You grabbed your bestest binky friend and went willingly. To your dismay dummy Daddeh kept your TV along with your beloved safe room. You plotted your vengeance.

You were extremely popular in the shelter. On your first day you gave the icky bowl of kibble worstest sorry poopies. Then you made the monster fluffy who was making your friends num the kibble give your poopy place bestest lickey cleanies. Your friends laughed at the stoopie poopie.
“Hehe. Dummeh pickwe fink he desewb Huggies. He onwy get poopies!”
“Dummeh pickwe am wowstest Nummie findew ebah. Nebba ebba bwing sketties. Onwy dummeh kibbwe. Mawty am bwubewwies bestest fwen!”

A dummeh stawion named cloud tried to take your binky friend and your new special friend starlight but you have him wowstest hoofsies. You then Gave starlight bestest Enfies and had babbehs! You love babbehs. Meanie shelter lady tried to give you to a monster that wanted to take your leggies away. You geve them both the worstest sorry poopies and hoofsies ever! Eventually you went back and demanded your safe room and TV back from dummeh Daddeh. Now he lives as your servant. His old housie now your castle where dummeh pickle is your litter pal.
“Am gud ta be smawty… Wha dat?”
Suddenly a bell rings.

You wake up to realize it’s an alarm clock in your… You mean pickles safe room. It was just a dream.
“Oh… Was sweepy time pictuws…huuhuuhuu”
In reality you are Marty. You USED to be a pretty fluffy stallion but now you’re only a litter and Enfie pal for Pickle. It’s been many bright times. (Three weeks) since the meanie Bruno took away everything you had and brought you back here. You’re in the luxurious safe room your Daddeh built just for you, but you’re in hell. It’s not yours anymore. You spend all day getting worstest Enfies from pickle and Numming his poopies.

“… P… Pickwe … C-can Mawty pwease hab sum Nummies?”
You ask your sworn enemy as he Nummies a bowl of sweet sweet apple slices.
“Pickwe nu knu… Daddeh teww pickwe dat weaw Nummies am bad foh wittah paww… Maybe one nu huwt.”
Pickle brings you an apple slice.
He sits it down in front of you.
" Sniffle fank ou pickwe. Mawty nu hab Nummies in su Wong. Nu eben memba wah taste wike."
You put the apple slice In your mouth. You can’t chew it but you use your gums to squish it. As the juice hits your tongue you get a rush of euphoria. It’s the prettiest taste ever.

“Huwwy up an num wittah paww. Pickwe nu wan be in twoubwe wif Daddeh.”
Realizing pickle is right. You hurry and smash the apple slice as much as you can in your gums before swallowing it.
“Huuhuuhuu fank ou pickwe sniffle
You say. You feel the apple hit your stomach. It feels a little weird having actual food in your system again. Suddenly the door opens.
Old Daddeh says.
“… What did I tell you about giving your litter pal your Nummies?”
He says.

Pickle hangs his head.
“Not tu… Pickwe sowwy Daddeh. Wittah paww ask pickwe weeeeaaaawy nicewy foh Nummies.”
He says. Old Daddeh sighs.
“Pickle I told you. I can see everything you do. I have a camera in here.”
He points to a funny looking boxy on the ceiling.
“I know you like helping people pickle but litter pal doesn’t deserve any Nummies.”
Pickle looks up.
“Otay Daddeh. Pickwe sowwy.”
You look up.
“Why Daddeh do dis ta Mawty? Mawty weawn Wesson. Mawty wose evewyfing.”
You say to old Daddeh.
“… Ya know Marty… Maybe you’re right. I mean it’s not like you’re gonna stab anyone else in the leg anytime soon. I’ll tell ya what. I’ll let you out of your litter pal box for a week. If you do good. Maybe I’ll consider letting you stay out as a regular pillow fluffy.”

Your ears perk up. Did old Daddeh just say what you thought he just said? You… You don’t have to num poopies or get bad Enfies anymore? Tears well in your eyes.
You scream.
“Guess that means I need to bring a litterbox back in here. Now I said you aren’t a litter pal anymore… For now. You’re still an Enfie friend.”
You’re sad you still have to take bad Enfies but you’re so used to it by now that you can live with that.
“Fank ou Daddeh fank ou suuuuuu muchies! Huuhuuhuu!”

“Now hold up. I’m still not Daddy. You haven’t EARNED that privelage back yet. For now I’m your owner. Only pickle calls me daddy for now.”
You nod your head.
“Otay Ownah!”
Pickle was busy watching Fluffy TV. The danceh show was playing and he was dancing his dummeh ugwy danceh. Little did he realize you were about to have Daddeh, your safe room, maybe even your leggies and special lumps back too. All you had to do was be good for a whoooole week… However long that was.
Carefully Daddeh opens the dummeh sorry boxie and picks you up out of it before sitting you down.
“Ugh… Well you’re definitely gonna need a bath first.”
He picks you back up and takes you to the bathroom.

You never liked baths but compared to eating shit it was heavenly. Daddeh dried you off and then sprayed you with some kind of pretty smelling wawah.
“Fank ou Ownah. Mawty smeww su pwetty!”
You say.
“Mare in heat number 5. Guaranteed to drive your breeding stallion crazy… Man that Bruno dude is sick… I love it!”
He carries you back in and sits you down. Pickle immediately runs to Daddeh.

He scratches pickles ear.
“There there little guy. Your litter pal had to leave. He had to go num poopies somewhere else. You’re gonna go back to a regular litterbox. Buuut daddy got you something to make up for it!”
Pickle perks up.
“Pickwe wiww use weaw wittah boxie gain. Gun miss wittah paww. He was pickwe fwen… WHAH DADDEH GET PICKWE!”
Friend?.. He made you eat his dummeh poopies for many forevers then calls you his friend? Pickle is biggest stoopie.

Daddy sits you down.
“…buh Mawty am nu-”
Daddeh glares at you and you realize that this wasn’t him being nice to you. This was your new punishment.
Pickle walks up to you.
“Hewwo pwetty mawe. Am pickwe! Hu am ou!?!”
Pickle says excitedly.
“Um… Am Mawty…”
You say sheepishly. Does he not realize it’s you? I mean he just called you his friend.
“Teehee! Mawty am funny namesies foh mawe. Ou wan be Speciaw fwen! Wan babbehs?”

“Mawty can nu ha-”
Daddeh interupts.
“Why of course she’ll have babies pickle. It just might take longer than normal where she doesn’t have legs.”
What is Daddeh talking about. You know you can’t have babbehs. Even if you do have a mares special place now.
“Wow! Fank ou Daddeh! Pickwe can nu wait foh babbehs!”

You’re not a mare? Yes you have a mares special place but… That doesn’t mean you can have babbehs tho?.. Does it?

“Buh… Buh mawty can nu-”
Daddeh suddenly glares at you. You know what that means.“can… Cam nu wait foh babbehs?”
You say looking at Daddeh and smiling sheepishly.
His glare turns into a satisfied smirk.

Daddeh leaves the room but you know he’s still watching through the ceiling boxie.
“Picked gun be bestest Daddeh. Gun hab bestest babbehs wif bestest Speciaw fwen!”
He says. Obviously you don’t share his excitement.
He nuzzles you gently then proceeds to straddle you to make said babbehs. He snuggles next to you after the deed is done and goes to sleep muttering about all the joys of babbehs.

You’re starting to think that being a litter pal was the better option.

Original story


Get fucked(literally)!


Im in two minds about this one :hmm: i mean he was getting bad enfies when he was also little pal so, its a net positive for Marty.

Of course it will be interesting to see what happens when pickle loses his patience and doesnt have his babbehs. only time will tell.


ohhhhhh i like this story, i wana see where this gose

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Pickle is the pretty much the perfect example of what a Fluffy was supposed to be.

Endearingly idiotic. Literally too stupid to be annoyed by.


Oh a continuation, man cant believe even as a litter pal he STILL thinks he can get everything back :joy::man_facepalming:

Im bit confuse Pickle cant distinguish marty the litter pal from marty the enfie pal even with him washed and all :thinking: or is pickle just…dumb?

Love the glaring scene :laughing:


Pickle is a good boi… Never said he was a smart boi :rofl:. Also being out of this litter pal box and being doused with fluffy pheromones pickles brain is probably glitching out rn tryna figure shit out. Lol


Something torturous or messed up would be if Marty actually manages to get pregnant and birth Pickle’s kids. Of course it’d have to be donated eggs, cuz even if there was some way to make Marty produce his own eggs, why give him babbehs who share his blood?

Something to make it more messed up is if Marty’s mind shatters and he accepts he’s a mummah and maybe even loves Pickle.


Oh trust me by the end marties mental state is gonna be far beyond the “wan die” phase.

I was actually Inspired to do this one by a fuckin weird episode of SpongeBob where he became a disturbed cat lady.


Hell yeah! A sequel to one of the best fluffy stories ever imo.

I gotta say, I do kinda hope Marty learns his lesson. He really has lost everything and has nothing left to lose. I feel like the little brat deserves a bit of a break.


Honestly thinking about how I’m gonna do this. Ik his physical punishment is over as there’s not much more I can do without directly killing him. I could take his eyes but that just takes away another way to fuck with him as he couldn’t see his torturer.

Nah. His torture now is gonna be purely mental. Poor pickle doesn’t even know what’s going on. Lol


I really like that pickle sees his litterpal as a friend! What a good fluffy!


Here’s a suggestion just for free, use it if you wish or not.

Let Pickle hump Marty a few times, just to rub his face in it, then cork him up, make sure he is unable to shit at all.

Marty starts to feel bloated, his stomach engorged, almost as if he’s… pregnant?

When the time comes, remove the cork, let him have the ‘biggest poopies’ and then he finds a collection of tiny little foals that had been bought earlier that day and are so smothered in shit that Marty can’t tell they don’t smell like him.


I imagine his dad just told him that litterpals love eating shit and pickle thought he was doing a good thing by keeping Marty fed. Lol


Take it like the bitch you are Marty.

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how is pickle so darn wholesome and amazing. also whywas he returned in the first place?

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and here I was hoping for a redemption ark you sadistic shmucks :rofl::rofl:


Pickle was never returned


A well deserved fate

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the part one of the first story has him being in the returned box iirc

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