This was my first textpost story written for the community. It was also the first thing I ever submitted to the community. For that reason, I decided to turn it into a PDF book and do some minimalist illustrations. Missing here is the table of contents as a concession for the upload limit, but it’s not needed.
honestly, couldve used a healthy dose of torture
I mean this as politely as I can manage,
But you did notice the sadbox-ish tag, right?
This was written before my fluffy hate had fully germinated, and so that is part of the reason I preserve it as opposed to my other writings. It strikes me as more genuine.
I think you’d enjoy this one. I should have run it you way sooner!
Oh my gosh that was REALLY REALLY REALLY good! I really enjoyed that! It went at a good pace, the descriptions were excellent, the stallion wasn’t super smart but he wasn’t dumb either. No, this was great! Thank you!
@Booperino - its a very good read.
To further expand: I think the stallion was portrayed honestly, no “bad faith” so to speak. He had it rough, no saccharine to his thinking. Very pragmatic in dealing with his needs, wants, and even fears. I liked the tension he had going on. He couldn’t wrap his head around everything, but I think he did well with what he could comprehend.
The sense of loneliness was well done. Likewise, the daily grind, the sameness day to day can have when there’s not much to look forward to? Well done. I almost wonder if he didn’t have some degree of depression on top of everything, but no enough to stop him from being functional.
The little joys found here and there, particularly towards the end, helped things along. Especially when he grasped problems with them. The tradeoffs. The fears.
@OtherCoraline - I’m not sure its quite your type of story, but I think you’d appreciate the writing and storytelling.
While we’re tagging people, @Oculusfluffy
Holy crap that was amazing, loved how the stallion grew wiser as the story went along
thanks for tagging me, it was a great read
@Chikahiro I’m impressed how you both breezed through this thing haha
I had to read to on my laptop, magnified by a bit. Middle age eyes and all.
It is appreciated comrade. Thanks for the feedback!
I don’t think I could ever write a story like this again.
It’d be worth trying again at some point. I really enjoyed the perspective and emotion. Maybe it won’t be a fluffy story but I think you could.
I’ve got one series called “July Babies” that I think is my current best. Well I meet or exceed it? I don’t know but I hope so. Best thing I did was give up on trying to to previous work and focus on practicing, enjoying what I am writing or drawing, etc.
This was very nice! I don’t know if I’ve read any other fluffy stories that are just about feral/s surviving and living out in nature, without having humans or evil enemy herds come along to provide all the conflict. And a fluffy that has reasonable survival skills at that, who succeeded in his life’s goal! Good job, fluffy!
I was just waiting for the moment where a Meanie Human tore up his hiding spot for that “humans destroy all nature to build parking lots” or “you can only be happy as a pampered pet” ending, but it never happened and the end result we got is so much better. Great job on this!
Thank you.
As I said before, back when I cared.
I rather like the presentation.
It look like an actual story book rather then just a text file.
Thank you.
I lifted the chapters from Reddit and made them into a graphical PDf using inDesign.
I think more of us should do that.
Just for that extra oomph.
I’ll be real with you chief.
I don’t like your attitude.
And you don’t like mine.
But. And this is hard for me to say for the aforementioned reasons, I was wrong.
I had some free time at work and I’ve read The Long Haul.
It is actually masterful. Tiny details, such as fluffies actually retaining important memories, were damn nice to read.
Just how much time did it take you to embellish every page?
Not long. The longest part of the process was finding a paragraph style that I thought looked nice. After dumping the text in, InDesign handled the dropcaps, hierarchy between titles and so on.
Then I used the shitty pen tool inside the program to doodle shitty doodles.