I could see a herd of Fluffies not keeping to this agreement waking up and finding the Garden Fluffs have moved on. I don’t see them needing to sleep, and could just keep going longer than the average fluffy. Or, if you want a horror-ish twist, some of the smaller Garden Fluffs could just crawl into the mouths of sleeping fluffies, going down their throats, choking them.
That watermelon fluffy looks funny, made me snort
It looks delicious
Sorry, wasn’t sure how I wanted to portray it. With or without snoot. Went “without” obviously. Wasn’t trying to make you laugh!
Don’t forget to put your name in the title.
I feel like certain fruit fluffies could actually beat up or even kill the normal fluffies… the watermelon’s hard rind would give it the upper hand, and i imagine it weighs more too. Plus, the fruits can stomp each other, which should be hard with that rind implying that theyre pretty strong
I feel that fruit types would actually rely on fluffies eating them to disperse their seeds (bebbehs), complete with a head start (poop fertilizer). A bit more symbiotic.
I bet its those bad smarty would abuse those fruit fluffies for food.
But love how they would dig and bury with a seed foal to grow with the buried dead.
Smashing watermelon would be so much more satisfying if they were like this.
An intriguing idea to be sure. Considering the lack of defences they have ( while in some ways tougher but their bodies are pretty unwieldy ) and very pragmatic mindset this is a great setup. Especially with the kind of vegetable/fruit fluff you could cut off an equivalent of a leg and it would grow back over time.
Also this brings up another idea that to them the idea that the seeds are more important then any individual foal. In my head it’s because it’s almost like the real fluffy is the seed(s) itself and they can always come back.
The watermelon is a Bugsnax.
Its a video game
It also suggests that, by their nature, a fruit/foal is born pregnant so to speak. The fruit isn’t the important thing, and the garden fluff itself is an intermediate step in the plant’s lifecycle. Its meant to go away, get eaten, and the seeds spread. There are plenty of seeds that can be spread with just the wind, or latch onto a passerby. An ambulatory seed like a gardenfluff isn’t that odd a thing.
Now, something like a sweet potato? Or peanuts? Banana plants? Different story. But that, I think, makes this more fun. Each one has its way of getting around. Some (domesticated) types even being dependent on humans (seedless grapes).
You never heard of Bugsnax?
Nope. Don’t game like I used to. I’m in my mid 40’s, and the only genre I pay much attention to at all would be fighting games. Don’t play those much now either
Amusingly enough: I’d rather draw stuff for FC than play at the moment. And then there’s painting minis for wargames.
There’s so many great games out there now its amazing. Great time to be a gamer
Why isn’t this more common in garden fluffies comics.