The Tale Of Giovanni Rossi Or: How I learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being Reincarnated As A Fluffy Chapter 2 part 4 Snitches Get Stitches (FluffySadist)


They were completely unaware of what we just did, as the Herd started to approach the storage facility two tear gas canisters went off making the herd fall into chaos. Seizing the moment we opened the door and began our attack on the herd, the first few members were easy pickings just a quick swing at the head with a blunt object and it was lights out. Things started to get challenging when the herd started to realize what was happening. They started to fight back with me even able to see them kill a few of my employees in blind rage. As the fighting continued I could hear Jackie speak.
“Gio hewp!”
Looking over at him I could see that Jackie was dealing with the toughie and I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, the toughie was massive. So big that I thought he had to not be natural, that he must had been fed steroids as a foal or something. Approaching Jackie I tried to get his attention.
“hey 'ou dummeh piece of shit fuck 'ou!”
That seemed to worked the toughie looked at me with a look of shock and rage and spoke.
“Skuww found him! Wucia wiww wewawd Skuww nicewy fo’ bwingin’ 'ou in!”
And just like that, he ran in prepared to attack.

I knew there was no way I could take this guy on 1v1 I had to be smart about this… Running I was to dodge the toughies attack in a similar way to bullfighting… Bullfighting that was it! I could tire this guy out using my surroundings and defeat him. With my confidence higher than ever I speak.
“what a pathetic fwuffy! I bet am Mummah hated 'ou!”
Low blow but it worked, the toughie snarled as snot came out of his nose and began running at me again. What a dumb fuck he fell for it twice! Dodging He ran right past me hitting several members of his own herd and it wasn’t pretty, blood was everywhere with several of them having broken bones and deep cuts. Toughie after seeing what he did to his own herd didn’t seem to care that much as he gave all his attention on me and spoke.
The toughie for a moment didn’t attack me as he actually looked like he was trying to put in some strategy in his next attack, after a few seconds he looked content as he looked at me and ran to attack. Once he got up to me he stopped abruptly and began to raise his front hooves, dodging the first hits I fell back a bit. And when he went in to attack me again he was actually able to get a punch in knocking me back and causing a nose bleed and several teeth to come out.

Toughie started to laugh manically slowly going up to me thinking he won. He didn’t know what was right behind him though. As he raised his hooves prepared to knock me out he stopped for a moment, eyes in shock before screaming in agony. Beast who had been in the battle saw that I was in trouble and without hesitation ran at the toughie biting his leg. I knew I had to do something quick with Toughie in a blind rage I could get a shot in so with a solid punch to the jaw Toughie fell collapsing to the ground with a large thud. Oh no looking at the aftermath I could see blood and brains and holy shit… Beast he was crushed under the toughies weight. Dammit fuck!

[Beast has left the family]

“Ouw wewationship nu did stawt out as ‘ou see it nao. When Giobanni fiwst met Beast he was awwogant Smawty who needed to be thought a wesson. Aftah I defeated him an’ made him my beast. Things stawted out wocky he was awways depwessed ‘ou know wiff me awways fowcin’ him to suck my dick when a mawe wasn’t awound, an’ he eben twied swit his own fwoat fwom time to time. Buh swowwy I saw him change an’ to be honest I changed to. I awways wettin’ him hab aww dah weftobews he wanted an’ wet him sweep indoows. Beast ‘ou made dah uwtimate sacwifice today, we wiww awways miss an’ wemembah 'ou.” With that eulogy Beast’s body was thrown into a vat of acid, and as it started dissolving we all saluted him and to be honest I couldn’t help but shed a tear. After the service was finished I went into once of the storage rooms where Toughie was being held. Once I came in I saw that he was awake and he started to speak.

“Am not tawking!”
I had a feeling he was going to say that so without hesitation I grabbed a hammer and hit the toughies left eye.
Blood started to come out of his left eye socket and I decided to speak.
“Whewe am Wucia Bitch!”
The toughie even when injured still kept his mouth shut so I decided to hurt him again. Grabbing a saw I began to saw off his front right leg, and not even a few seconds later he spoke.
Giving a satisfied look, the toughie signs thinking he won’t get hurt but just as I put away that saw I take out a power saw and begin to pillow him in revenge for beast with the Toughie screaming.

Once I am finished I am covered in blood with the Toughie crying like a foal and shit and piss everywhere. Jackie who was outside looks at me and speaks.
“‘Ou know whewe Wucia am? That scweamin’ sounded howwibwe.”
I respond
“somewhewe in dah outskiwts of dah city. Whewe stiww goin’ to nee’ dah toughie, to find dah exact house buh dis am a big win.”
Heading outside most of the bodies had been removed and thrown into shallow graves and as expected Nathan had showed up with the car hitched to a large trailer. Jackie confused speaks.
“what’s wiff dah twaiwah boss?”
I speak.
“Wucia pwobabwy isn’t goin’ to be awone. It’s pwobabwy goin’ to take an awmy just to get to hew. so C’mon Jackie wet’s go we hab nu time to waste.”
And as I finished saying that I could see the fluffies and the tougie being loaded in as soon Lucia was going to be in for a rude awakening.

[Pov switch Louis]

Fuck I could hear his screams from the inside. Tear gas… Fuck! Looking over at Stephan I saw that he had put on his disguise and I spoke.
“Stephan we have to go! That trailer is going to leave any second and if we don’t get on it my Mom is going to die!”
Stephan speaks.
“Dis costume am su itchy Wouis!”
I grab Stephan by his chin and speak.
“Well I didn’t have long to make it, so c’mon we have to go now!”
Basically forcing Stephan to leave our hiding place we joined the crowd of fluffies entering the trailer. We were lucky it seems like Dad didn’t see me or Stephan as we entered and sat we waited until the trailer started moving and with a smile I spoke.
“He has no idea what’s waiting for him.” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And of course constrictive criticism is appreciated.

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Ooooh, things are gonna get wild.

You’d think Gio would pay better attention to his surroundings.

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