The Tale Of Giovanni Rossi Or: How I learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being Reincarnated As A Fluffy Chapter 2 part 9 The End Of Everything? (FluffySadist)


Nathan he… He was gone. Looking at his dead body he had been shot multiple times in the back and head… Than suddenly reality hit and became awake again. Looking I saw Jackie freaking out looking at him and me, I was breathing heavily as the cops overlooked his body than looked at me shouting as they spoke.
“The orange one is there leader get him!”
I looked in horror as one of the cops started getting closer to me than out of nowhere Jackie grabbed me and spoke.
As we started running I tried my best to speak but seeing my son like this… dammit! He and I ran and ran only barley getting out of the backyard. Once we were in the front yard we could see several 2 other police cars start approaching and as we kept running Jackie spoke.
Finally I was able to get out something.
Jackie speaks heading into the direction of the parking lot.

Looking up at it I saw that the 2 cops who murdered my son were dumb as rocks, and left the car on. Starting to climb inside Jackie spoke.
“Am dah tawwah one 'ou steew, Jackie hit dah accewewatow!”
Once inside one of the cops spoke as I attemtped to shift the car into drive.
“Don’t let the escape shoot at them! FUCK!”
As I finally shifted the car it instantly began to drive out of the parking lot, getting on my hind legs the pain was excruciating but through through pure determination and rage I managed. Steering the heavy wheel to the left the car crossed into the street and I made sure once we were on it to steer the car at one of the cops running him over, and not long after I heard a scream and a squash sound as his brains get all over the left wheel I yell.
I start screaming as we drive out of the neighborhood and continue driving, Jackie speaks.
“How dah fuck am we goin’ to get out of hewe!”
Jackie was right I started to think how, I could also hear the sounds of police cars behind us and a voice coming from the car.
“attention all units we have a report of homicide and a stolen patrol car at 12th Newark St, all units respond.”

I punch the radio in a rage than it switches to the normal news I can hear fire and explosions as the newscaster speaks.
“Chaos has ingulfed the city as animal control has been a complete failure in stopping the feral infestation! It seems now the feral biotoy’s are now launching an uprising destroying large parts of the city and the majority of them talk about fighting for someone they call Giovanni. The national guard has been ordered to come into the city and stop this. MORE AT 9!”
Holy shit! This would have never happened if I was left alone, they deserve this! I start to think again of a way to escape than I think of something. I look down at Jackie and speak.
“‘Ou wemembah that boat we bought 2 months back! Dah key fo’ it was destwoyed in dah mansion buh Giobanni gabe 'ou spawe, whewe did 'ou put it!”
Jackie speaks.
“Taped to dah top of dah gwobebox!”
I look at him and speak.
Wet’s do dis!

Turning my direction to the beaches of Miami we drove, cop cars were right behind us. And I just couldn’t help but think how similar this situation was to how I died when I was a human was this it? Was I going to die again and be reincarnated again but this time with me,Jackie,Lucia,Nathan and Louis all together again and fighting for all eternity? I had no idea but I had to try and get to the boat. Driving I started to see the devastation infront of us there were burning buildings and fluffies, puffies, and all the other playing god bullshit all throughout the streets. They attacked anyone near them and I even saw a few dead bodies (some were even eaten) also I saw a mural with me on it with fire in the background. I had no idea what it meant but if I had to guess somehow. These herds have turned me from a drug kingpin into some sort of resistance leader going against the system. As we kept driving we gone deeper inside the city and several more cops cars started to follow us with one getting really close so I decided to attack them. Hitting their car with ours causing the cops car to swirl out of control and crash into dozens of people. I could hear there dying screams as Jackie spoke.

Now nearing the shoreline of Miami that chaos didn’t end as with all the anarchy caused by the ferals. looters, thieves, and opportunists were around every corner taking as much as they could. Now being able to see the shoreline hoped washed over me but just as the tires stated to touch the beach one of our tires got blown out and the car swerved out of control. After a few seconds the car stopped me and Jackie were unharmed but were still a good way’s away from the boat. Getting out we could start to see police cars still pretty far but getting closer. Helping Jackie get out we started to run faster than ever before. Running and running I heard the first gunshots as the police tried to take us down. The boat was near and just as we started getting on to the docks I heard a scream coming from behind.
Looking behind I saw Jackie, she was shot. The bullet had hit his bottom leg and he was bleeding heavily and he spoke.

Looking at the boat than at him I thought for a second before ultimately making a decision… Going back for Jackie I pick him up and start running to to the boat and throwing him in it I heard a crack and felt some of the worst pain ever!
One of my broken legs had finally given out with it now tearing and completely falling off and me bleeding heavily. Not stopping I climb the chair and open the glovebox and he was right the key was there, putting in into the ignition I start the boat and we were off speeding up rapidly barley dodging gunshots in the process. Sitting besides Jackie I take a piece of cloth from the boat and rip it off and start to tie up the wound. Gunshots are still coming while this was happening and one of those gunshots hit’s the engine of the boat, I hear a loud sound but I didn’t care as once I finished tying up Jackie’s wound I started doing the same to myself. As I raped the last makeshift bandage I felt a sudden sense of exhaustion and with the setting sun, I fell down into a deep slumber…

When I awoke it was the middle of the night with there luckily being a full moon out so I Kinda could see. My leg was still in excruciating pain and was bleeding a bit, I hoped in wasn’t going to get infected. The boat had now stopped working with smoke coming out of the engine area, and looking at Jackie he was unconscious but still alive, but breathing very slowly. Looking out from the boat there was no land or life in sight only endless cold ocean from all around. Seeing all of this I decide just to sit down and with a deep sigh and the feelings of hopelessness devouring my soul I close my eyes and just go to sleep. The End?

For a series that I had started just to do something different from Last Hope, this project has grown into something so much more… Will this be the end of Giovanni and the organized crimes bosses of Miami? Maybe… Maybe not… But I just wanted to say this thank you for reading this story! Constructive criticism is always appreciated, and may you have a good day!


“That’s going to be the forecast for the Morning Thanks Linda! What a bimbo am I right! And for other news. Today Officially marks the 1 year anniversary the downfall of reborn kingpin Giovanni, after the death of his son and accomplice Nathan a pursuit began with police where over 27 innocents lost their lives, he and his second in command Jackie fled on a boat with both never found and are presumed dead. You see folks the tale of Giovanni once the world learned of him completely changed the world. Finally humans had the answer to life’s greatest question about where we go after we died of course the first few months were let’s just say… Chaotic with the first month having over 5 million people killing themselves in the US alone most were peoples who’s lives were so shit just the conformation of where they would go was enough, others were religious nutjobs learning they just wasted their entire life! Like that one story of the priest that gunned down his entire church… But let’s stop this is getting pretty dark for some more positive news, the FDA has just approved of a new drugs that increases penis size!”
Sitting near the tv in this godforsaken cell, at this place known as a pound. I sat and listened with my cellmate Nemo my only friend goes up to me speaking.
“Woadie whenebah dey tawk about him on dah tee-bee ‘ou awways wook angwy. We’be known each othah fo’ a yeaw teww Nemo what’s wwong?”
I speak still looking at the tv.
"Ugh fine 'ou see Nemo that fwuffie Giobanni… Am his Son. Fin

(By the way Roadie is not Nathan(He will appear though))

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Nice. I figured this wouldn’t have a happy ending. That said, where do fluffies go when they die?

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Humans that reincarnated into fluffies are reincarnated again but with some changes in memory, while the non reincarnated ones it’s just black.