The Tale Of Giovanni Rossi Or: How I learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being Reincarnated As A Fluffy Chapter 2 part 8 All Things Must Pass (FluffySadist)


“Not to fast! it’s time we finished dis once an’ fo’ aww, today ou die Giobanni!”
Lucia spoke in a stern but calm way like she was confident that she was going to win. My employees began to get ready to fight, with me being put down and getting ready as well. Also I saw all her henchmen go in preparing to make the first attack. When the first henchmen came upon us they unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, and with me being in the back I was only able to get a few strikes in. As the battle raged I could feel a henchmen hit me in the back of the head causing my vison to go blurry for a few moments,. Dammit I really wish Jackie and Nathan were here, if they were this fight would have been wrapped up already! Once my vison got back to normal I turned around and saw the him and began to charge at him in a pure rage, and once I had him I slammed him against a countertop hearing several bones snap as the henchman now has blood coming out every hole in his body.

As the battle raged Lucia remained outside all the fighting looking in glee at all the chaos. Seeing her I decided it was time to finish the job so out of nowhere I start to run as fast as possible with my two working legs. Once Lucia noticed me for a second it looked like she was going to try to fight me, only to turn and run once she fully saw me covered in the blood and guts of her henchmen. As she ran Lucia ran outside heading out into the yard trying to find a place to get away, chasing her I speak.
As we ran Lucia constantly yelled for help from her henchmen only to be ignored, as they were still very much fighting my employees. I started to get closer and closer to Lucia sometimes close enough to where I could bite her tail. But finally after some more chasing I bit her tail and stopped her right there and began my attack. The first punch came in her jaw with her screaming in pure terror and agony and me feeling myself going into a primal rage as I kept attacking it punching all of her teeth out. The next place I attacked was her eyes using both my hooves I scratched them to the point where they were useless than right before I was about to make my next attack I heard a voice coming right at me.

It was Louis as I started to turn my head he rammed right at me kicking me off her. When I hit the ground it took me a few seconds to get back up and when I did I saw him over her crying and panicking. Lucia’s face was completely covered in blood, with with coughing nonstop and her puking and choking on blood, I speak.
Holy shit… Louis after hearing this instead of fighting me while I was in a broken state, just started to run away. I had caused so much terror they all now feared my wrath. Looking at Louis I saw him trying to escape and just as he was about to leave… BLAM! he was hit across the face falling back unconscious with his upper beak now broken. Going to to see who had done this I saw that is was Jackie! Both Jackie and Nathan had finally come back entering the yard. Looking over at the battle I saw my employees were triumphant, with all of Lucia’s henchmen leaving her behind to save their own skin pathetic.

Once we were sure the yard was secured I went over to speak to Jackie.
“Hab 'ou seen dah wetawded awicown?”
Jackie looks at me and speaks, as he prepares for our own secession of “Fun” with Lucia and Louis.
“Nu we wooked, Jackie thinks he wan wiff dah west of them.”
I respond.
“wet’s just hope animaw contwow gets to them den!”
I chuckle as I look over I see Nathan preparing the last knots on the chairs and finally we were set. The house had a pool and with everything ready to go, I grab a large rusty cleaver from the torture bag and go over to Lucia and speak.
“It’s time I make ‘ou suffah fo’ aww 'ou done!”
Lucia looks at me and even though she had a gag in her mouth, her eyes were of pure terror. With the cleaver I strike her upper left hoove nearly removing it. Hearing her muffled screams of agony make me start to laugh like a maniac as I take the cleaver and striked her right upper hoove this time the strike completely cut it off. Blood started spewing everywhere as Jackie went over to patch the wound (I didn’t want her to die of blood loss) when Jackie was almost finished I started to hear Louis

Of course with his beak being broken I couldn’t actually talk with hearing him try to make sounds I went over and began talking to Jackie.
“Make suwe she sees dis!”
Jackie holding Lucia’s head point’s it at Louis as I began my next torture. Using tweezers I began heading to his right eye. Once Louis realized what I was about to do he started to struggle breathing heavily and crying. Taking both his eyes out wasn’t as hard as I thought, with it finished now Louis was a shell just gasping and going in and out of consciousness and Lucia looking at it the whole time gave broken sobs. holding his eyes I felt a little disgusted… Than an idea popped into my head, I speak.
wemobe dah gag, open hew mouff.”
Lucia started screaming louder than I had ever heard and we hadn’t even removed the gag yet! Nathan who was keeping watch overheard me and spoke.
“I think it’s time we just kill them dad!”
I give him the dirty eye than look back as Jackie removes the gag and make’s sure Lucia can’t scream. With her mouth now open she is trembling as I drop the eyes down her throat and quickly put the gag back on as she tries to puke.

With all of this glorious suffering it was now time for the final act! The first thing to do was to dispose of Louis, making her watch I pushed the chair and made it fall into the pool. And made her continue to watch as he drowned and headed straight to hell. Thinking about Louis I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, when I first learned about him right before the mansion explosion I thought about trying to recruit him making him one of us, but it was to late for that now… Heading over to Lucia, she was a husk now, no emotions, no reactions she wanted to die. Going to the torture bag I grab taser and turn it on beginning the final act. Jackie grabbed a bucket of water from the pool and dousing her with it I put the taser on her neck and began to shock her. At first the taser was at a low energy level with Lucia screaming and weeping as I shocked her than across the house I heard Nathan speak.
“What are you talking about, that’s bullshit!”
What? Ugh it didn’t matter only killing Lucia did! Upping the level on the taser it got stronger and stronger and Lucia’s scream got louder and louder, her eyes had now popped out she was approaching death than I heard more voices.
Dammit what’s going on up front? No must focus on Lucia! As I kept raising the taser level finally the revenge I wanted! With a big pop Lucia’s head exploded into a million pieces and her tied body fell into the pool below… Than I started to hear running and saw Nathan and he yelled to us.
WHAT IS GOING ON! Nathan was almost halfway to us than we realized what he meant. two cops were running after him and seeing at all the chaos, pulled out there guns and fired.

[Nathan Has Left The Family]

Holy shit that was… Intense. The next part is the end of this series and, it’s going to be completely crazy that’s for sure! Thank you for reading, and I hope to have the ending done by at least next week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.


Lol. Nathan will now be a fluffy. Or somehow worse. I have no idea what could be worse than a fluffy. Maybe an SBS with the mind of a grown man, and no control of his body.

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