The Tale Of Giovanni Rossi Or: How I learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being Reincarnated As A Fluffy Chapter 2 part 7 Danger Zone (FluffySadist)


“What! we’ve been looking for you in a panic all day what happened!”
I speak trying my best to keep quiet.
“Giobanni was taken duwin’ dah dawk time. Wucia’s henchmen infiwtwated dah twaiwah an’ took me! am in pwetty bad shape Giobanni needs ‘ou an’ ebewyone ewse to get hewe fast!”
I could hear Nathan walking as he spoke.
“Where the hell are you!”
I go on google maps to see my current location, once there I see that the address 12 Newark St I can start hearing footsteps coming from the hallway getting closer and closer, so being quick I speak.
“It’s 12 Newawk St, be quick Wucia am goin’ to be back soon!”
I hang up as I hear a voice from the hallway.
“Mawk what’s goin’ on in dewe, what’s wiff dah siwence?”
I grab some rope and hide in a corner, as they start to enter I prepare to make my strike.

Holding a rope I rush at him with my two front legs, he is completely unaware it already being to late before he could turn around. Once I put the rope around his neck and started to pull as hard as I could. For the first few moments of henchman struggled trying to get me off of him but my survival instincts proved to be stronger, as I continued to tighten the rope and the henchmen slowly started making less noise and going limp. When I finally let go, I saw that his eyes had nearly popped out of his head with the being bloodshot. I really hoped Nathan wasn’t that far who knew when Lucia was going to be back. Thinking for a bit I went over to the torture supplies and began to take what I could. I could hold the taser and a pair of scissors and went to go wait by the door, less than a minute later I could hear a car pull in. Waiting I heard a voice confirming who came.

“Dis am dah addwess? C’mon Nathan we hab to find him!”
They were here, taking a deep sigh I began to shout to get their attention.
I heard Nathan speak with him sounding a little relieved and shocked.
“Oh my god that’s him let’s go!”
I could hear Nathan kick down the door and head inside, also I could hear the voices of all the other henchmen around the house in chaos I just hoped they were more focused on Nathan than me. Waiting I could start to hear fighting coming from downstairs it sounded like a complete brawl but after a few more minutes things had become quiet and waiting in a corner I saw the door open and was greeted by Nathan, Jackie and a few fluffy employees Jackie spoke.
“howy shit boss am weggies, c’mon we nee’ to get 'ou to hospitaw!”
Hearing this I speak in defiance.
“Nu wowwy about me! Wucia am about to come back any moment, nao am ouw chance!”

Both Nathan and Jackie look stunned but ultimately honored my wishes, for the meantime before Lucia returned I had them collect all the bodies of the henchmen and hide them so nothing looked suspicious and as they were bringing the last body outside I heard another car pull into the driveway and soon after I heard her voice.
“That was a totaw waste of time! Wantin’ to pay hawf fo’ dah same pwoduct fuck 'ou!”
As Lucia and all of her henchmen slowly started to approach the door I hoped they didnt see Nathan or Jackie, seconds later I could hear Louis speak.
“We had enough muscle to get rid of those fools you should have just asked Mommy.”
Lucia speaks in a low voice.
“nah wasn’t feewin’ wike it… C’mon wet’s just go towtuwe that foow!”
All of them were inside now and for the moment things were quiet than I could hear Stephan’s faint voice.
“Whewe dah heww am ebewyone?”
I could start to hear someone walk up the staircase I was only with a few employees and didn’t know how many henchmen Lucia brought back but prepared we waited by for door, ready to strike.

I started to hear someone approach the door they entered as they spoke.
“Dah sawe was a bust, Wucia’s pwetty upset su nu make hew mad. How’s dah pwiso-”
One of my employees swung the bat right at him holy shit! The poor bastard dint even have a moment to react before his brain’s splattered over the hallway with me and a few employees cackling at the sight. With how loud the noise was almost instantly I heard Louis start yelling.
Knowing we didn’t have much time some of my employees started to carry me as we went downstairs to the second floor and once there we hid in a dark room as Stephan and two henchmen started running upstairs. Once they were gone we started going to the first floor and as we made it down the last steps Stephan puked than yelled
Shit he runs fast! Continuing to run we didn’t see anybody yet, looking for a door outside I turned my employees turned right and just as we did… We saw Lucia with over a dozen henchmen. Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week, and of course constructive criticism is appreciated.


I almost feel bad for Lucia.


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