Tutorial (OtherCoraline)

Nobody asked for it, but my stuff is 100% mouse-drawn, so I thought maybe someone might find it interesting how I do it without a tablet/stylus/pencil/paper ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Choose a base color. Then choose a shade slightly lighter and slightly darker. This will be your body, head, and weggies. Choose a fourth color for mane, tail, and eye color

Draw some vague shapes showing rough estimation on how you want your fluffy to be positioned. Head should be about 1/2 the size of the body for foals, 1/3 the size the body for adults. The head is situation so that it looks like the fluffy has “no neck” (i.e. the top of the head should only be slightly above the shoulders).

Next use your fourth color to add a mane, tail, and eyes. Eyes should be roughly 1/3 the height of the fluffy’s head. Smaller for more thoughtful fluffs, bigger for more innocent, expressive fluffs. Use leggie color to create a snout, about the size of the pupils for foals. Bigger for adults.

Outline the fluffy with a dark outline to give some shape.

Add reflective shine to the eyes and details to the snout

Add general purpose shading. The way I do this is use the Marker Tool on color Black at 25-33% opacity (depending on the color of the fluffy). Highlight the shape of the fluffy’s face, darken the lower parts of the body, and add some contrast where needed, including the ears and hair.

Blend any sharp contrasting colors together (in this instance, the only place I did it was the hind leg) with the Watercolor Brush Tool. Also added slight highlighting to the hair using the Calligraphy Pen Tool.

If perspective for pose isn’t correct, separate parts using the Select Tool

Put back together in desired pose

Re-add any shading that may have been covered over. Add texture to fluffy with Spray-Can Tool. Add a small gradient making the fluff darker at the bottom and lighter at the top. Add other final touches like blush on cheeks.

Place fluffy in environment!




Love seeing how other people draw digitally!


Wait wait wait, you colour them in before you make an outline?

Damn, that’s a long process bro


You have any idea how hard it is to draw with a mouse WITHOUT a shape to trace? :sweat_smile: Freestyling a mouse is nigh impossible


True, imagine using ms paint for a year.

Fuck had a hard time adjusting with such a fidgety hand.


You have a good pulse then because I never get out when I draw with a mouse


First off, BOOKMARKED.


Good grief, @OtherCoraline… I am in awe. I half wish I could buy you a pizza and drinks to watch you do all this.


I’ve been freestyling with a mouse for over 8 years, I think it just takes a shit ton of persistence (and having an art program with a brush stabilizer is helpful too)


Step 1: Shapes

Steps 2-5 add fluffy

Step 6: Rip fluffy in half


Bloody amazing. Similarly like @Chikahiro i had no idea you did this all by mouse. Truly Herculean.


Yeah. I need to re-examine my artflow based on this. See the palette dabs on the side is not a small revelation either.

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Oh yeah, I remember those mouse drawing times, my fingers hurt for holding the click too long, specially when using basic MS Paint. Pick another drawing program sure fixed some of that with access to layers.

Look great! :slight_smile: I’ve always like the colors you pick for every fluffy!


I use 3dPaint (it was the default on my computer) I’ve tried some other programs like GIMP but they are seem way too complicated for what I’m trying to do, with insane learning curves. What do you use?

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Well I know it ain’t a reply to me, but I use MediBang now. It’s really easy to use and gives you tools that are simple enough to understand.


Your art has a very distinct look. After seeing your work progress I understand how.


I’ve tried a lot, currently trying to use Krita (free) but has too many tools, however you learn very quicly how all work. It also have animation options.
But for years I’ve used Paint Tool SAI, not sure if it’s free now since there’s a V2 but apparently the V1 is free now, however is not that expensive. It’s way more simple and the interface is quick to learn :slight_smile: Cons is it doesn’t have fonts to add text or anything besides drawing and if it crashes you lose everything so whenever you finish a part try to always save it


Really nice