Twick Ow Tweaters (Pastry_Knight)

Thinking of doing some follow up to this.

Octoberthon Marathon Prompt #1 - Community Posts - FluffyCommunity (


“Just cause the lights on an there’s a pumpkin does not mean it’s Halloween. Get lost!”

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Ummm… decisions, decisions. Shall I give them rat poison or candies? :thinking:

Awwww isn’t that cute?

Stuffs razor blades into candy

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Oh little babies! I got a whole bunch of sugar cubes for you!

Aww, they’re adorable I love them.

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I wonder if fluffies love sugar cubes just as much as regular horses do. Could be a decent treat for them!

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Trick. Trick them all.

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Id give them treats… if you do a follow-up with Fluffy ferals that either demand treats or used a lazy costume they stolen from or used a paper bag, etc (think BatFluff from GWN) then i wouldnt give them treats… and if they do something like the Fluffy equivalent to egging my doorstep aka sorry poopies then im gonna turn them into Halloween decorations.

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Make it painful please.


Squeeze them over their candy buckets so they cover all their treats in their own shit

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Trick of course! Pirate will be hung from a slowly rising noose, the witch will suffer trial by water, and ironically the vampire will have garlic bulbs stuffed up his ass until he dies.

did actually want to do the garlic bulb stuff on the followup I did but couldnt really get it to look right, and it was a 50/50 whether I did dunking or burning at stake for the witch

“okay first off who dressed you. second how do you even know about trick or treat, thirdy the answer to both of those things is you already have a owner, go mooch off someone else and tell your owner if he cant be bother to feed you guys himself maybe he shouldnt have fluffies in the first place” :gotsketties:

Theres always one house who has to be a big Grumpus!

LoL why do it indirectly.

stuff Fluffies with 13 inch Bad Dragon Dildos

I say this as a compliment: your style of fluffies makes me hate them.