Unpacking with Moving Friends - Commissioned for Lothmar - Art by Purplegem

The story in case you want context but they’re effectively packing peanuts.

Purplegem’s commission thread.
Commissions Info - CLOSED [by purplegem]


Dem floofers gon be flat.


Moving friends: Crush fluffies not precious cargo.


Please tell me they can’t reproduce.


How do you think we get more of them


Due to their composition though it’s more like ‘budding’ like with a sponge~


I know some packing peanuts are “edible” (being based on cornstarch and having a consistency/taste similar to an unseasoned cheez-curl), so i wonder what packing fluffs would taste like…

Also, are they flammable?
I’m asking for…um…a friend.

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I actually didn’t do a whole lot of research on packing peanuts prior to this.

I based them on the kind that dissolve in water and are safe for general drains and can be eaten by bugs like meal worms.

They might be flammable, but I also equally imagine them melting from open flame as well like plastic. xD







Ok looks like I was thinking of the petroleum product type that you can turn into napalam.

No clear answer from a quick search on the type that is biodegradable (which these are) that are relatively safe to eat (though probably taste terrible). Might have to test later. :slight_smile:

Though they will still melt if exposed to heat and moisture~ so ‘cold wash only’. o.~


It’s like a Where’s Waldo of abuse.


2 parts mouth huggies, 1 part Wuv and 80% collagen supplement.

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The ones in the bag are gonna be dead by the time you reach your location.

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I remember getting stoned and writing something where normal micros were used for this. Yours works better I think. Less shitting.


These are the ones that reached the location. :slight_smile:

The ones in the bag were those that got damaged/deceased during the move/unpacking. Even if they can manage to go into hibernation mode again to conserve oxygen, they’ll eventually starve while unconscious so long as no one opens the bag and they eat each other to survive or something…

They’re being converted into non living versions to use later since it saves on the food upkeep and they’re still usable to a limited extent. At least until their bodies can no longer recover from the impact/compression etc.

But yes, it is wise not to mix living and dead moving friends in the same box~ unless you dont care about traumatizing your packing material.

They’re actually small enough they could fly huh, though a gentle breeze might take them off course i suspect.

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Nah, they’re just light enough that they sway back and fourth as they slow fall.

I remember doing this as a kid when visiting my dads factory. ~chuckle~

Ah, i said fly, but glide is what i meant, they are adorable either way… do they still cling to everything? Like can i static cling 30 of them to my cat?

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These still kind of shit~ but it’s a fine powder excreted from their body pores since they dont have an anus.

Thankfully it doesn’t smell either, unless you feed them standard nutrigel then it’s a brown dust.

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I can not legally advise this, but yes. :slight_smile:

And dont worry they’re safe for pets to eat cause they’re made primarily of starches and collagen.