Uphie awoke and looked around in confusion. Her surroundings were foreign yet she felt a sense of ease. She was not a mummah’s housie. She was outside and she knew she was in the forest. A familiar smell and comforting sights. This was a safe place. A place that protected her from the scary darkie times, the meanie coldie hurties and the worstest of munstahs. This was where she had biggest poopies and where she first met her babbehs. This was her nestie.
She looked around in a daze. Wondering why she was here, then she remembered what she was doing. She was on a quest to find mummah. Right, she had run away from home because mummah was being a meanie and did not have babbehs. Now that she had babbehs, she needed to return home and show mummah how wrong she was. After all, she had four pretty babbehs and once mummah saw them, she would realize how wrong she was for not letting Uphie have babbehs, she would get on her knees and apologize. Uphie would forgive her, because Uphie was a kind, good Fluffy and then mummah would shower her with love, hugs, toys, sketti and anything else that Uphie’s wonderful heart desires.
A fitting reward, as Uphie really was a good Fluffy. A fantastic Fluffy in fact. She had runaway from her nice home, because she was teaching mummah what a dummeh she was. She braved the scary darkie times, endured the meanie coldie hurties and fought off the worstest of munstahs. All so she could have babbehs. Four of them in fact. Just four foals. She only gave birth to four and had no more.
“Miwkie twimes” she called out with a smile, as she sat on her rump.
She could not help but giggle at the cute sight of her four foals excitedly scampering towards her for their much beloved milky times. However, she noticed that one of her foals was not following her predetermined order and quickly yet gently admonished the foal.
“Nut ye Pwie. Nee wet bestest babbeh Gwent n oddah bestest Newio dwink miwkies fiwst den iz Pwie n Wewe tun fo miwkies”.
The brown foal made a slight whimper, then nodded with tears in her eyes.
“Otay dummeh mummah, Pwie wisten”.
Uphie blinked in confusion and stared at Pwie.
“Wut Pwie caww mummah?” She asked
Pwie looked back at her in confusion “Mummah?”
Uphie looked back confused. She swore Pwie had called her something else, but she lost that train of thought as she noticed Gwent and Newio drinking her miwkies so cutely. Just the sight of those two was enough to ward off whatever confusion and she possessed. She giggled again and noticed Gwent looking at her.
“Wub mummah!” Gwent cried out with glee.
Uphie’s heart melted and she picked up her bestest babbeh, staring at him with pure adoration. His bright pink fur. His cute little pointy thing. His black mane. His black eyes. This foal was so cute and he was the bestest for so many reasons:
- Gwent was a pointy Fwuffy much like Sanny.
- Gwent had pink fur, much like Sanny’s pink mane and tail.
- Gwent had a black mane and tail, much like Sanny’s black fur.
- Gwent had black eyes, much like Sanny’s black fur.
- Gwent was smart like Sanny.
- Gwent was strong like Sanny.
- Gwent was supportive like Sanny.
- Gwent was caring like Sanny.
- Gwent was basically Sanny as a babbeh and boy Fluffy.
That was right. Gwent was just like Sanny. It made sense. Bestest fwen. Bestest babbeh. Then there was Newio. Cute, lovable Newio, who still needed miwkies despite being a big foal. Wait they all needed miwkies, so that wasn’t right. It was because his colors were like Specaw Fwen. No wait. That wasn’t right. Specaw Fwen had dummeh poopie colors. Wait what? No! Specaw Fwen had nut su pwetty colors, but also had a very good heart. Like Prie. No. Not like Prie. Prie was nothing like Specaw Fwen. She was a meanie, dummeh babbeh that called Uphie a dummeh and gave Uphie worstest heawt hurties, as well as owwies to both her and oddah babbehs. That was right, Prie was a munstah. Not her babbeh. A munstah in her nestie.
Uphie looked around in horror. The munstah was in her nestie and was gonna hurt her babbehs. Her three babbehs! She looked around and found the munstah. As expected the poopie munstah was in the poopie pile eating poopies, because that’s what meanie, dummeh, poopie munstahs ate, while they were not hurting babbehs. Her babbehs. Uphie puffed her cheeks angrily and stomped towards the munstah, glaring at Pwie as the foal munches on poopies so happily.
“Pwie am dummeh poopie munstah” Uphie exclaimed in disgust.
Pwie had no time to respond, as she was hit on the face with a swift sowwy hoofie. Uphie’s hooves might have been soft and pretty, but she was a good mummah, and like any good mummah her hooves gave the worstest hurties in order to protect her babbehs. She laid down a barrage of sorry hoofies down on the poopie munstah Pwie, beating the munstah senseless, as it screamed and cried.
“Pwease mummah!” Pwie begged “Nu gib hurties. Pwie sowwi! Pwie sowwi! Pwomise awways wisten mummah n gib oddah foals hurties no moaw!”
Uphie let out an angry huff. It was far too late for forgiveness. This poopie munstah only deserved hurties. She got up on her hind legs and pressed down on Pwie with both fore hooves, feeling the foal being squished under her weight and then burst. Uphie looked down the ground. Poopies covered in boo boo juice. The smell of foebah sweepy babbeh. It was not a pretty sight, yet Uphie remained unphased. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as so many foebah sweepy babbehs spoke to her thinky place.
Uwpee mummah am su stwong
Uwpee mummah am su gud
Uwpee mummah sabe babbehs
Uwpee mummah gib munstah foebah sweepies
Uwpee mummah am da bestest
That was right. She was the best and she had protected her three babbehs. Her only three babbehs. She only had three since the very start. She stared at the three with pride. All three clapping and cheering. It made her so proud. She was so lucky to have her three very supportive foals.
“Otay babbeh” Uphie cried out with glee “Twime tu lookies fo mummah n housie!”
The three foals cheered, as they clambered onto her back and carefully Uphie left her nest. It was bwight time and the forest looked so beautiful. Trees of every color, as far as Uphie could see. She felt warm and safe. She was ready to start her quest.
Sob sob sob .
A shiver ran down Uphie’s spine. She turned to her side. There was a hooman. A weird one. It was a wady but she was all black. As black as mummah’s hair or Gwent’s see place. Black like the darkness. The wady was crying. The wady was kneeling, with her hands over her face.
Sob sob sob .
Uphie felt scared yet also sorry for the wady, so she approached carefully. As she got closer, she smelt something. It felt familiar, but Uphie could not recognize why.
“Am otay scawy wady?” Uphie asked.
The scawy wady looked at her. Her see places were a shining blue and they looked so sad that even Uphie felt the worstest heawt hurties.
“Iz otay scawy wady, Uwpee am hewe”.
“Uphie?” The scary wady asked.
Uphie nodded confidently and held her head up high.
“Dat wite, Uwpee am hewe. Uwpee hewp scawy wady”
“Uphie?” The scary wady asked again
Uphie pouted, annoyed that she had to repeat again, but then she noticed the scawy wady’s see pwaces turn a shining red. The scawy wady wasn’t sad anymore. She was angry. Very, very angry and Uphie began to grow scared.
“Sc… Scawy wady?!” Uphie cried out in horror.
The scary wady stood up. Truly all black except for her angry, red eyes.
“UPHIE!” The scawy wady screamed.
Wun Uwpee wun
That voice in Uphie’s thinky place. It sounded familiar, but Uphie had not time to figure out why. She quickly backed away and then sprinted away.
“UPHIE!” The scawy wady screamed.
Uphie kept running. She turned around and saw that the scawy wady had gotten on all fours and was chasing her. Uphie wanted to scream, but nothing came out of her mouth and she could only run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run.
“UPHIE COME BACK HERE!” The scawy wady screamed.
Uphie turned back again, but this time the scawy wady was not chasing her, it was another munstah. A very big Fwuffy. One of those munstah kinds with both a pointy thing and wingies. It was orange with a red and yellow mane. Piercing red eyes. Sharp teeth. Uphie recognized the munstah. It was Rolly and she knew that it was gonna eat her.
“Uwpee am nut nummies!” Uphie screamed.
Uphie kept running. Running as fast as she could. Yet she could feel Rolly coming closer and closer. She felt like his sharp teeth were almost touching her. She turned to her babbehs on her back, looking at them for support as she continued running at full sprint. All three of them were crying and hugging each other tightly. Gwent, Wewe and Newio. Bestest babbeh, oddah bestest and no tawkie babbeh. It made her feel the worstest heawt hurties and Uphie strengthened her resolved. She began to run faster. Run faster than she ever could.
“Wittle bwuddah!” Gwent suddenly screamed.
Uphie looked back and much to her horror, Newio was on the ground. He had fallen off. Uphie wanted to turn back to save her, but it was too late, Rolly was next to Newio and was holding the foal. Uphie could not look. She turned away and continued running, as the sound of Newio’s agonizing screams filled the air.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch .
The sound of Rolly munching down on Newio reverberated in her thinky place. It sounded just like when she ate her own babbehs. Wait what? No wait. She would never eat her babbehs. She was a good mummah. Uphie looked around in confusion. Rolly was gone. It was only her and her babbehs. She checked her back and both her babbehs were still there. Gwent and Wewe. There were her two babbehs. She had no other. She only ever had two her entire life and both were such good babbehs? Well maybe Gwent was. She seemed to recall Gweenie Wewe being a dummeh babbeh for a while, but she could not remember why. However, right now they were both good babbehs, because that was how much of a good mummah she was.
Uphie raised her head up high and puffed out her chest. She felt great and began strutting about. On her back, Gwent and Wewe were dancing and singing, just like teebee babbehs. Filling her with heawt happies and pride. She really was so lucky to have such wonderful foals. She continued humming to herself merrily as Gwent and Wewe called her bestest mummah over and over, but then she stopped. Something felt different. The forests.
It did not feel so nice now. The trees didn’t have pwetty leaves anymore, the sky was an ominous grey and the wind gave her coldie hurties. Uphie turned to her two foals. Both were huddling each other tightly, shivering violently. Uphie realized that she needed to find a warm, safe space and she needed to find it soon. The fun atmosphere from before was gone and now all she felt was fear and urgency. She needed to find shelter soon and began to wander around in a panic.
The forest felt really scary now. It was becoming darkie time now and the trees looked more like munstah hands. There were scawy noises and sorry boxes were everyone. Inside the sorry boxes were other Fluffies who glared at Uphie, making Uphie feel nervous and all the more frightened.
“Oh look Uphie, that Fluffy looks just like you” came a lovely voice.
Uphie stared at the source of the voice. Scawy wady was back, but her eyes were a shinning yellow this time, and she had a scawy smile. The kind that those meanie hoomans had. She was also holding a Fluffy that looked like Uphie, dancing and singing. Uphie didn’t know why, but that scene gave her heawt hurties, and she just felt the need to scream.
“Dat nut Uwpee, Uwpee am Uwpee”.
However, she couldn’t focus on the heawt hurties for long, as the Fluffies in the sorry boxes began banging their hooves on the gates and amongst them, one stood out. A Fluffy of orange and blue, with eyes so angry that it felt like it was burning through Uphie. The beige mare could only whimper.
“Nu huwties pwease” Uphie pleaded
“Enegwy hatechu, Uwpee” The orange Fluffy replied.
The forest was gone. Just a large room filled with sorry boxes. Fluffies trapped inside each and every one of them, but no one was scared, crying or pleading. They were all just staring. Each and everyone glaring at Uphie as angrily as the orange Fluffy.
Hatechu, Uwpee.
Uphie tried to cover her hear places with the hooves, but that did not stop the noise.
Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee.
Uphie whimpered, as tears fell from her see places.
“Pwease nu hate Uwpee!” Uphie cried out desperately.
Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee.Hatechu, Uwpee.
All Uphie could see were sorry boxes filled with angry Fluffies. Just so many angry Fluffies. She closed her see places and buried her face in the ground, desperately trying to hide away from the hostility, but that didn’t block out all the voices, so all Uphie could do was curl up into a ball. Her front hooves trying to cover her hear places, with her tail tucked between her legs.
Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee. Hatechu, Uwpee.
“Dummeh Fwuffy! Weave mummah awone!” Command a strong yet high pitched voice.
Uphie opened her see places to see who said that. Standing in front of her with his head held up high and his cheeks puffed out, her savior Gwent stood proudly as his pointy thing began to glow.
“Weave mummah awone munstah!” Gwent demanded bravely.
Uphie felt her heart melt. Her bestest babbeh had come to her rescue. She quickly scampered up to him and gave him a big hug.
“Uwpee wuv yu su muchie bestest babbeh Gwent!” Uphie declared.
Gwent beamed proudly as Uphie gave Gwent a tight hug. Her other Fluffy foal was there as well. Uphie stared at the two and she felt her convictions renew.
“Uwpee be gud mummah!” Uphie declared “Uphie pwotect babbehs!”
Gwent and the other one cheered, as Uphie raised her head up high and huffed with confidence. She felt unstoppable. That confidence quickly shattered upon hearing a voice.
“Uphie” A voice said playfully.
Uphie let out a whimper as she stared at the voice. Scawy lady was back and she still had the shining yellow eyes and the evil smile. She was holding the other Uphie and in one swift motion ripped the Fluffy in two, letting out a terrifying laughter as she did it. Uphie stared wide-eyed in horror as all the boo boo juice and insides bits came dropping down.
“Gu… Gu way… Mu… Munstah” Uphie manage to utter between frightened whimpers.
Suddenly scawy wady ran at her, causing Uphie to scream and close her see places, but nothing happened and when she opened her eyes, she realized that she was still untouched. However, scawy lady was holding something new. One one hand she held Gwent. On the other hand she held Wewe. The scawy lady put Gwent in a sorry box on the right, then put Veve in a sorry box on the left. Then she sat down in front of Uphie and giggled.
“Sabe Gwent, mummah!” Gwent cried from one side.
“Sabe Wewe, mummah!” Wewe cried from the other.
Uphie didn’t know why, but she knew that she could only pick one. One would be save and something bad would happen to the other. She looked at both of them and acted conflicted, because good mummahs were supposed to love all babbehs, then she quickly ran to the box on the right, opening the gate and freeing Gwent. I mean it was such an obvious choice. Uphie was a good mummah and what kind of good mummah would not save their bestest babbeh?
“MUMMAH!” Uphie thought she heard Wewe screamed.
Uphie turned to face the voice, but Wewe and the sorry box were gone. All the sorry boxes were gone. It was just Uphie, Gwent and the scawy wady.
“What about Veve, don’t you wanna say anything about her?” Asked scawy wady.
Uphie looked at scawy wady in confusion and noticed her eyes turns from a shinning yellow to a shinning red. Uphie backed away feeling scared, but she felt Gwent behind her. She needed to protect him. After all, he was her only babbeh. Her one and only babbeh in this whole wide world. She never had any others and that made Gwent truly special.
“WELL UPHIE?” The scawy wady asked angrily.
“Get on mummah backsie” Uphie said softly to Gwent.
Gwent nodded and climbed up her back, and Uphie made an angry snort. She was not going to lose her one and only babbeh to the scawy wady. Uphie closed her see places and began to flap her wing hard, feeling herself getting lighter. She opened her eyes and she found herself high up, amongst the clouds, soaring through the sky.
“Han on tu mummah!” Uphie cried out to Gwent.
“Otay mummah!” Gwent cried out.
Down below, the scawy wady was glaring at her with those shining red eyes, her long arms extending to try and grab Uphie and Gwent, but Uphie ducked and weaved pass the arms as she continued to soar through the sky, but the scawy wady was getting close, Uphie needed to break away. She needed to protect her bestest babbeh. She knew what she needed to do.
“Sownick Bwoom!” Uphie screamed.
Like her hero Dwashie, she flew so fast that the clouds zipped on by. Scawy wady getting father and father away. Uphie had done it. She had managed to escape.
“UPHIE!!!” The scawy wady screamed.
Uphie realize that the voice was coming from in front of her. Uphie faced forward and found the scawy wady standing right in front of her. So menacingly large. Uphie felt terrified, but as the scawy wady got closer, Uphie knew what to do.
“Mabe mummah sa staph!” Uphie screamed.
Just as she hoped, the scawy wady looked stunned and had suddenly stopped moving. Uphie took this opportunity to zip past by and soar faster through the clouds, but she could feel the scawy wady coming. Coming closer and closer. Uphie just kept flying, trying her best to keep calm as she thought of what to do, but Gwent already had a plan.
“Gwent pwotect mummah!” Gwent suddenly shouted “SKETTIWAND WANGEW BEAM!!!”
Uphie watched in utter amazement as a dazzling colorful light suddenly shot out of Gwent’s pointy thing. A powerful beam that hit the scawy wady, causing her to scream and then an explosion of flashing, blinding light. Uphie opened her eyes and she realized was somewhere familiar. Somewhere safe. She was in her safe room. The scawy wady was there, sat on a seat, but she didn’t seem so scary anymore. Her eyes were a shinning, calming green and she had such a sweet, gentle smile.
“Hi Uphie” she said in such a gentle voice.
Uphie realized why this lady was so familiar. Her voice. Her smell.
“Mummah!” Uphie cried out with glee.
Uphie ran up to mummah and hugged her tightly. The feeling of warmth, the familiar scent, the gentle touch. Uphie felt at peace, as mummah stroke her mane ever so softly and then mummah began to sing.
It’s a world of laughter
A world of tears
It’s a world of hope
And a world of fears
There’s so much that we share
That it’s time we’re aware
It’s a small world after all
Uphie opened her see places and looked around in confusion. In front of her was a wall. She recognized it immediately. It was the wall of her safe room. The same wall that she had been staring at for many foebahs. She looked around in a daze. She was still lying on piwwow beddie and her fwont weggies were still covered in that thing mummah called a cast, the things that were supposed to protect Uphie fwont weggies, but also gave her the worstes scwatchies.
Those cast were annoying and it really was annoying that she couldn’t make walkies or pway without giving her fwont weggies worstest hurties. It was also annoying that she had to wear that diapew that made her look a babbeh. She didn’t like those things, but at least she didn’t have to pway with Mistah Wok Wagon for so many foebahs, and no need to pay fo went n nummies with Hwappy Cwoins. Plus mummah was being nice again.
Still it was confusing. How was she in the forest, the sorry box place and even the sky, yet back to her safe room with the dummeh casts? What was going on? Suddenly she remembered. She used to have these all the time in her nestie! Sweepy time pictures. Yes. That was it. This was a sweepy time picture! That made so much sense.
Uphie felt so smart figuring that out all on her own, and she began to giggle and hum a soft tune. It was a pretty good sweepy time picture after all. It was really good, right? What did she do? There was her nestie. Scawy wady. Something wanted to eat her? Fluffies saying Hatechu, Poopie? Oh yeah, she was soaring through the air like Dwashie! OH! And Gwent doing Skettiwand Wangew beam! That was very amazing, but then Uphie felt sad.
The last part of her sweepy time picture. Song Time with mummah. Mummah really hadn’t given her any song times in so many foebahs. Not since she ran away. It was so sad. Why hadn’t she gotten Song Time? She was a good mummah. She ran away because mummah was being a dummeh who didn’t want babbehs and she wanted to show mummah how good babbehs were. Sure mummah got some heawt hurties, but Uphie had heawt hurties too. Fair was fair. Plus Uphie had to survive in the cold, scary forest filled with munstah. Uphie suffered and she struggled, but she kept her babbehs safe and brought them here, because she was a good mummah. Uphie was a good mummah and deserved to be loved, so why did she not get Song Time yet?!
Her thoughts were interrupted by soft coo-ing on her back. She immediately got excited as she imagined Gwent and his adorable sleeping face, so was left disappointed, when she realized that it was just Wewe. She looked away with a frown. Then a thought occurred. Didn’t Wewe also get Song Time from mummah!? Uphie huffed with annoyance. This was seriously so unfair. When mummah comes back into the room, Uphie decided she was going to demand Song Time.
Uphie looked at her back again, glaring at Wewe. However, her face softened when she saw Wewe’s cute sleeping face. Okay. Gwent might be the cutest, but Wewe was still a cute babbeh. Her cute babbeh. There was still some lingering resentment. Uphie still remembered Wewe being a mummah thief. She made mummah a bad mummah. Stole all of mummah wuv and huggies. Taken all of Uphie’s toys, nummies, and even her bed. That was such a horrible time.
However, ever since Uphie broke her fwont weggies, Wewe had become such a gud babbeh. Hewping Uphie earn Hwappy Cwoins for went and nummies. Having mummah return all of Uphie’s toys and all the wuv and huggies. Also Wewe was able to stop mummah from turning into that scawy munstah again. That really scawy mummah.
Uphie could not forget that darkie time. That really, really scawy darkie time. The time where mummah became a really scawy munstah that turned fake Uwpee into a foebah babbeh. All that screaming and the boo boo juice. It really was so scary. Yet Wewe was able to stop mummah from turning into a munstah with just those magic words. What were those words again? Uphie tried to think of it, but her mind quickly wandered off to the thoughts of Wewe being a teebee Fwuffy.
That was definitely what made Wewe a gud babbeh. The fact that she was a teebee Fwuffy. After all, Uphie had always dreamed of being a teebee mummah like those shows, and Wewe was living her dream. Plus all the praise mummah and Mabe mummah would tell Wewe. Praise from the voo wers. All the nice things they said. That was all about HER babbeh. That was right. HER babbeh. All those nice things people were saying about Wewe. It made Uphie so proud.
She just wished the voo wers would say nice things about her as well. After all, she was the one who cared and raised Wewe back in the forest. Braved the cold, scawy darkness to make sure that Wewe had nummies. She fended Wewe from the munstahs and meanie Fwuffies. She was the one who made all those long, painful walkies just to reach mummah housie. Didn’t she deserve to hear some nice things from the voo wers as well? It really was so unfair.
That really made Uphie feel bitter, and she begin to pout slightly as she rested her chin on her pillow bed. It really was so unfair. Why wasn’t she a teebee Fwuffy. She wanted voo wers to see what a gud mummah she was. She could already imagine it. Like her favorite show. The mare named Mawy. Uphie wanted to do the same. She wanted to be on the teebee, dancing and singing while her babbehs played. Gwent, Wewe and Newio running around. Her telling them to be careful. Giving them nuzzles and kisses. A nice famiwy hug. Gathered together to eat nummies with mummah. Playing with toys and then sleeping together in one big fluff pile. Uphie really couldn’t wait for that day when Mabe mummah would ask her to be a teebee Fwuffy as well.
She really couldn’t wait. There was so many things to be excited for. She was also waiting for the next bwight time that Mabe mummah would come with Gwent and Newio. Reunite the family. She had decided it for herself on the day Gwent had told her that he didn’t have a mummah. She decided that he would be her mummah. It made sense. All babbehs nee mummah fo wuv n huggies and she was a mummah who loved giving wuv and huggies. She hadn’t told mummah and Mabe mummah, but she didn’t need to. They both seemed to understand, after all they would bring Gwent and Newio over and leave Newio under Uphie’s care. So it was clear that she was their new mummah.
Of course, it did annoy Uphie how little time she could spend with her bestest babbeh Gwent. Gwent would come over to give her and Newio huggies and nuzzles, sometimes Wewe would join. Sometimes Uphie wanted long huggies n kisses, and would ask Gwent to stay for a bit, but usually Mabe mummah would get angry and tell Uphie to let Gwent go back and play with Wewe. It was honestly, very annoying. I mean it made sense that babbehs should be pwaying, but babbehs were also fo giving mummah huggies n wuv, so why was Gwent’s time with Uphie so short every time. It really made no sense at all and it was so annoying.
Uphie made another annoyed huff. This was another thing she would need to ask mummah to help her with. She would tell mummah that she wanted to spend more time with Gwent, and the mummah would talk to Mabe mummah for her. It really was unbelievable how Mabe mummah would always try to interrupt Uphie’s time with her bestest babbeh, especially as Uphie had so much to tell and teach Gwent. Like so much.
She already had a plan. Gwent was like Sanny in so many ways. So she wanted to tell Gwent so many stories about Sanny. All the adventures. All the fun. All the things the two did together. She wanted Gwent to really know how great Sanny was, then she wanted to teach Gwent how to be like Sanny. She wanted Gwent to grow up and be exactly like Sanny. Strong. Smart. Supportive. It would be perfect. When Gwent became a big Fluffy, then he would end up like Sanny, by then Uphie’s fwont weggies would heal, and everything would be perfect.
Uphie and Sanny out on more adventures, or rather Uphie and Gwent. The fun things to do. Maybe they could play in outsie in the backyard again. Expowew Fwuffies. Adventure Fwuffies. Sure Wewe could join too, sometimes, but it was mainly going to be Uphie and Gwent. Just back to the good old days, when the bwight times and darkie times just seemed like so much fun, because it was just Uphie and her bestest fwen.
That gave her heawt hurties. Thinking about her bestest fwen. She had to wonder where Sanny was now. Part of her hoped that Sanny was still alive wandering the forest, searching for Uphie. Maybe one day Sanny would find her way here, and Uphie could introduce Sanny to mummah and Gwent. Wouldn’t that be fantastic, but part of Uphie knew that Sanny probably had foebah sweepies. Probably in the tummy of some barkie munstah. It made Uphie sad that she would never see Sanny again.
Thinking of Sanny reminded her of her herd. All those Fluffies of such beautiful colors. Yellow. White. Purple. Light blue. Wait a minute. That wasn’t right. They had poopies colors. No. What was she saying. Not poopie colors, just bad colors? Uphie felt guilty. It was true that they didn’t have pretty colors, but they were all good Fwuffies. Or at least she thought they were. She could barely remember them now. Sanny was a pink pointy Fluffy with a black mane and tail. Just like Gwent, right? What about Specaw Fwen. What was his colors? Poopie brown? NO. Brown. Just a light brown. Like the sweet nummies. What was she having such meanie thoughts?!
Uphie realized why. She glared at the Fluffy carrier. She had forgotten about one babbeh. Not just a bad babbeh. Her worstest babbeh. That’s right. Her worstest babbeh. She continued to glare at the Fluffy carrier and pouted angrily. Inside there, resided the worstest Fwuffy in all of existence. A dummeh meanie babbeh who said meanie words, gave oddah babbehs foebah sweepies and worst of all, she gave Uphie heawt hurties, didn’t listen to Uphie and even called Uphie a dummeh.
An unbelievable poopie Fwuffy. The worst of the worst. She would never call Pwie her bestest babbeh. That babbeh only deserved worstest babbeh. Worstest than actually poopie babbehs. Uphie continued glaring at the Fluffy carrier, making loud huffs and puffs, cursing Pwie with every fibre of her being. Pwie was just such a worstest babbeh. She could not recall how she was able to stand her worstest babbeh before, out in the forest. Like how was she ever okay with an ugly, meanie poopie Fwuffy who only gave Uphie worstest heawt hurties? It really did not make sense. Pwie must have tricked or something. Speaking of Pwie, the poopie Fluffy had come out of the Fluffy carrier.
Uphie gave the babbeh a death stare. Pwie just ignored her, as she walked to the nummie bowl in front of Uphie.
“Pwie!” Uphie shouted angrily.
“Mu… Mummah?” Wewe asked groggily.
Uphie ignore Wewe and continued glaring at Pwie. In the same way Pwie ignored her, eating the soggy kibbles from the bowl, making Uphie all the more irritated.
“Pwie!” Uphie shouted again.
Uphie could feel movement in her back as Wewe made some noises, but again Uphie ignored the babbeh, as she had to deal with the worstest babbeh.
“Pwie!” Uphie shouted a third time.
Again Wewe made some soft noises, and again Uphie ignored her. Again Pwie ignored her them as well. Eating slowly with a calm face. This is really made Uphie so angry. She had tried to be nice so many times before, but today she was finally going to be firm.
“Wisten tu mummah, Pwie!” Uphie demanded “Am mummah n Pwie nee wisten!”.
This time Pwie looked at her. Giving Uphie a meanie face.
“Wut dummeh mummah wan?” Pwie asked casually
“Dummeh mummah!? DUMMEH MUMMAH!?” Uphie screamed.
“Yus dummeh mummah. Iz mummah tu dummeh tu kno iz dummeh mummah?”
Uphie let out an angry screech. This insolent bad babbeh. If her leggies were not broken, she would have given Uphie the worstest sorry hoofies, yet she could nothing but flail. Shake her head violently and try to squirm to her worstest babbeh. Pwie just grinned then turned her ass to Uphie, making a bad poopies before walking away.
Uphie could only scream.
“Dummeh Pwie!” Uphie cried out “Pwie am worstest babbeh! Worstest babbeh!”
Pwie turned around and puffed her cheeks angrily.
“Wut dummeh mummah caww Pwie!?”
“Worstest babbeh!” Uphie declared loudly
Pwie began to stomp her hoof and made a snort.
“Pwie gib dummeh mummah worstest hurties” Pwie threatened.
Uphie looked at Pwie in shock, and felt very scared. This was the first time her worstest babbeh had ever threatened her before, and though Pwie was smaller, she knew what the foal was capable of and she was well aware the she could not move that much as well. She let out a nervous whimper, as Pwie stomped her hooves and made another snort.
“Nu huwt mummah” came another voice.
It was Wewe, her other babbeh had stepped forward, standing between Uphie and Pwie. It filled Uphie with so much pride. Her Wewe, bravely defending her from the worstest babbeh, just like that time where Wewe had stopped mummah from turning into the meanie munstah again, but Pwie was not intimidated, in fact she was smiling.
“Pwie gon gib Wewe worstest hurties!”
“Nu Wewe gon gib Pwie hurties!”
Uphie watched in delight as Wewe charged to give the worstest babbeh the worstest hurties.
Millie was in her bedroom. Lying on her bed. She felt. Lost. Confused. Something weird was going on. Lize had started acting strange two nights ago, ever since he came back from Tally’s Playground with Prie. He had dropped Prie off and then suddenly said that he needed to go home for some work thing. Millie had asked for details, but Lize was being vague, saying that he had work commitments and wanted some of his independent time again, plus he was being weirdly evasive. Millie had no idea what to make of that.
Alize was not the only one being evasive. Grem grem was too. Apparently Grem grem was back to staying late at the farm labs doing personal research. Hanny found out a few days ago when he saw Charlotte at the supermarket and Charlotte revealed that it wasn’t overtime work, but just self research. Both her and Hanny had been trying to ask Grem grem about it, but she just said it was important. It was just like the old day where Grem grem spent more time at lab than at home, and Hanny was definitely annoyed about that. Complaining that Grem grem was being distance and cold again. It was worrying and Millie had to wonder if this whole Uphie thing was to blame somehow.
She’s been feeling a lot like that recently. Wondering if this Uphie thing really was worth it. She had all these plans of making Uphie work, but lately it just seemed to be headache after headache after headache. Part of her was telling her that it really wasn’t worth it, and she had to wonder if perhaps she was pushing her loved ones away. Was this Uphie thing an obsession? A dangerous obsession? As bad as when she was a Hugbox?
She remembered those days. The days where she practically had no social life. Most of time spent at home. If people wanted to visit her, they had to come over. Meanwhile, her life consisted of work and Uphie. If she was not working, she was doing something with Uphie. If she was doing something with Uphie, she was working. A cycle, or perhaps a bubble. A self contained existence of just her and her Fluffy, living in this house.
Days of arguing with Alize, times hardly spent with her cousins and her friends. Devotion to a creature that did not even love her. How could it? Uphie did not understand love. Only tribute. You were either her worshiper or nothing. All this abuse that Millie was putting her through. It was justified. It was needed, or was it? Like Alize had said. Things had changed, but some stuff remained the same. Uphie was still the center of her life, abuse or Hugbox, it was all the same. What was the term? Two sides of the same coin. This was all just obsession.
Alize staying over, felt different. Change. A new path, but him suddenly leaving. It felt like she was going back. Did she want to go back? What did she want to do? Uphie’s existence remained a blight. Was she just supposed to forget this parasite. Release it back to the wild without purifying it the vile corruption? Who was the one in the right? The hero who sacrificed their loved one to defeat a wretched monster, or the hero who spared the wretched monster to save their loved ones.
Millie did not know, but these thoughts had been running through her mind more.
Millie practically jumped from her bed and ran to the source. It was clearly from the safe room. Clearly from Uphie. She burst into the room, and stared at the scene in disbelief.
Prie was stomping on Uphie’s casts, pounding her hooves on Uphie’s broken leg. More importantly, Veve laid on the floor, a bloodied beaten mess. Bruises, bleeding bite marks and ripped up feathers. Millie saw red.
“FUCKING SHITRAT!” She screamed at Prie.
Prie stared at her in surprise as Millie grabbed a block from the table and threw it at Prie. The block missed hitting Uphie in the leg.
As Uphie screamed, Prie quickly dashed away and ran into the Fluffy carrier. Millie grabbed another block with the intent of murdering Prie. However, she stopped as she remembered Veve. The foal was breathing to indicate she was alive, but the question was for how long.
“Uphie shut the fuck up!” Millie screamed.
The mare ignored her, continuing her loud pained screech. Millie held the back of Uphie’s head and in one swift motion.
Uphie’s head smashed against the floor. Knocking the Fluffy out. Unconscious or dead? Millie wasn’t sure and currently she did not care. Veve was more important and Millie needed the peace and quiet to think.
“Mu….mummah?” Veve cried out weakly.
“I’m here baby” Millie said softly
She scooped the foal gently in her hands and placed Veve on one of the extra beds. The fuzzy, circle pink one, then she thought about what to do. She needed to get Veve medical help.
Millie ran to her bedroom and grabbed her phone. Checking her contact lists, she found the number of the clinic she used to send Uphie for medical check ups. Six rings, but no response. She looked at the clock. Shit. It was 09:00 pm, the clinic was probably closed. She called the quirky doctor from that abandoned warehouse. No ring. Was his phone off? Millie began scrolling her contact lists, but she did not know who to call. One name came to mind. Aunty Sera. She called Alize. Desperately hoping that he would answer her call today. He picked up within two rings.
“Lize!” Millie cried out in panic “I need your help Veve’s been injured. Fucking Prie beat her up. She’s bleeding and bruised. I tried calling the clinic, but…”
“Woah woah. Slow down, slow down. Veve’s injured. Wh… What do you need me to do?”
“I need your Aunty Sera. I need her help, please!”
“Got it! You get Veve ready for transport, I’ll ask Aunty Sera for her help”
“Thank you so much, baby!”
“Is cool, get Veve ready. I’ll text you the details”.
Millie quickly hung up the phone and prepared to leave. She quickly got dressed and ran to the safe room. Veve was still lying on bed, breathing. It sounded weak and raspy, filling Millie with anxiety. The thought of Veve dying. Not just the loss of this dear Fluffy but the fact that she would have failed Mabe. She brushed away such thoughts and stared at Uphie. The mare was durable as always. Still knocked out, but still breathing.
Millie gave Uphie no more thought and entered her space, grabbing the Fluffy carrier, and peering inside. Prie was still in there, giving her a menacing glare. She thought of ending the foal’s life then and there, but wanted to do it slowly, and she could not help but notice the pile of waste that Prie had left inside. She didn’t really like the idea of bringing this dirty carrier to Aunty Sera.
“Get out” Millie ordered.
Prie didn’t have much of a choice. Millie jerked the carrier violently, sending the foal flying out and landing on some stuffed toys. She walked away, ignoring Prie’s high pitched screeches, as she went to the bathroom to give the carrier a wash. It took her 10 minutes to clean the carrier and just as she came back into the safe room, she received a text from Alize saying that Aunty Sera would meet her at the clinic, accompanied by the clinic address.
She sent a quick thank you text back to her boyfriend, then put Veve and the bed into the carrier, with the intent of leaving then and there, but for a brief moment she thought about Uphie. The mare would most likely have a head injury and who knows what damage Prie did to Uphie’s legs. She was going to have a check up for Veve, so she might as well bring Uphie along. She grabbed Uphie and placed the mare inside. Uphie just about fitting, even with her cast legs, and both Veve and the bed fit nice and snugly between the cast covered legs.
Millie took one last look at the safe room, Prie was still lying amongst the stuffed toys and Millie gave the foal a death glare.
“When I come back, you’re gonna wish you were dead” Millie stated.
The foal just glared back and puffed her cheeks. Millie rolled her eyes and left.
The drive to the clinic was uneventful, though stressful. Millie needing to drive quickly yet carefully and it took her forty five minutes to get there. At the door of the clinic was a tall, thin woman. Brunette with green eyes and pale skin. She had a dead, unamused look in her eyes. The kind that made Millie feel guilty, and Millie quickly rushed out of the car with the carrier.
“I’m sorry for asking Alize to call you out so late at night, but this is an emergency” Millie said.
“Mhmm” Aunty Sera replied, as she opened the door.
The two walked into the clinic and Aunty Sera took the carrier.
“Check up for both?” Aunty Sera asked.
“Yes. Veve has…”
Aunty Sera raised her hand “Okay” she said coldly “You wait out here. I’ll come back when I’m done”.
Millie nodded and sat down. She waited at the reception, feeling very anxious. She felt worried for Veve’s health. Hoping that it was nothing too serious. Hopefully it was a simple injury that Veve could walk away from. Fucking Prie. She needed to think how to punish that foal. She was thinking a razor and lemon juice. Screw Tally’s Playground, Prie was going to suffer a slow, agonizing death when Millie got home. Maybe she would mimic some of the more brutal stuff online.
Thinking of Fluffy videos made Millie think of Mabe and her own channel, and suddenly Millie grew anxious again as she began to wonder how this could possibly affect Mabe. She remembered Mabe saying how harsh the community could be, and feared what would happen if Veve had serious injuries or visibly scaring, How would this affect Mabe and her channel? She remembered Mabe had made mention of viewers canceling Hugbox channels, using even the slightest hints of abuse to start a crusade. Could this possibly set them off? What if it did? Then what? How was Millie supposed to make up for that? A loss of a channel. All that time and effort Mabe had put into growth. All the money?! How was Millie supposed to make it up to Mabe then.
“Fucking Prie” Millie muttered in anger.
If it really did ruin Mabe’s streaming career, then what? Could she maybe work something out. Maybe she couldn’t kill Prie just yet. Perhaps the earns from Tally’s Playground could go to Mabe instead? Would that really make up for everything? What if Prie actually screwed up and died, then what?! Millie was panicking. Thinking of possibility that could happen, but was interrupted by a notification bell coming from her phone. A message from Alize.
You arrive at Aunty Sera’s place?
Yeah I’m here.
Thank you so much Lize
Seriously thank you
Is no problem
Are you coming over?
I’m still at home
Your not coming over?
I wanna see you
What’s going on?
Why aren’t we talking about you leaving all of a sudden
I’m busy y’know
Aunty Sera say anything weird?
No. She just took Veve and Uphie
Can we talk about you leaving suddenly?
Maybe some other time?
Millie was interrupted by the sound of Aunty Sera coming back from the operating room.
“Aunty Se…”
“It’s Dr. Barkley” Dr. Barkley snapped.
Millie was taken aback by Dr. Barkley’s rudeness, but she could not fault the woman, after all the veterinarian had been called in late at night to handle an injury involving Fluffies.
“I’m sorry Dr. Barkley. I…”
“Veve’s fine” Dr. Barkley said in a cold tone “The injuries are non-severe. I’ve patched her up and given her a shot. Her wings are a bit damaged, but nothing permanent. She just needs rest. A couple of weeks at most and she’ll be back to normal. Nothing serious for Uphie. Just a head injury. Casts are intact, so she’s fine, but you should really change her diaper. That should be about it”.
Millie sighed in relief. Veve was safe and it would seem her fears regarding Mabe and her channel would not come to light.
Millie bowed politely “Th… Thank you Dr. Barkley. How much is…”
“Actually. I want to talk about something else. It’s about Lize”.
Millie raised an eyebrow in surprise, but nodded “Um… Sure?”
“You know I love Lize, right? Adopted him after his parents died. He’s like a son to me…”
Millie nodded firmly, fully aware of Alize’s relationship with his aunt, as Dr. Barkley continued.
“… So you should know that when I ask you this, it’s because I care about him deeply…”
Millie gulped. The tone suggesting that she was in for a scolding.
“… What exactly are your intentions with my boy?” Dr. Barkley asked in her cold tone.
“I’m sorry? I don’t really unde…”
“What exactly are your feelings for Lize?”
“Oh! I love him. I…”
“Is that so? You’ll have to excuse me, but it does not really feel like you love my boy”.
“Excuse me!? I love Lize!” Millie declared with a hint of anger.
Dr. Barkley’s face remained emotionless, clearly unaffected by Millie’s simmering rage.
“You claim that, yet you dragged my boy to some dodgy, dangerous abandoned factory in the middle of nowhere, all so that you can have a foal participate in some sort of death game, as part of some revenge scheme against that idiotic runaway of yours…”
Millie’s anger quickly faded, replaced by a stunned silence, as Dr. Barkley continued
“… Yes. Alize told me those details. He also told me NOT to tell you the that he got into a fight in the same dodgy, dangerous, abandoned factory, but I really do not see the point of hiding that matter when you were pretty much the one who dragged him there for something as minor as a petty dispute with your idiotic runaway, who I might add is a Fluffy, so no more than an ugly dog with the mental capacity of a five year old”.
“Li… Lize got into a fight?”
“Yes. A bad one. Bruised fists, injured chest. I had to bring him to the doctor. He got it, because he brought a Fluffy foal into a den filled with unstable, violent thugs”.
“I… I didn’t know, Lize never told me”.
“Of course not. My Alize is a sweet boy who cares more about you than himself, so he probably didn’t want to worry you. That’s what really pisses me off, the fact that you are taking advantage of my boy like this”.
“Oh, spare me the sob stories. I did my research on Tally’s Playground. One read and I already knew it was an unstable powder keg filled with desperate deplorables and blood-thirsty brutes. Everyday you went there, you risked danger and you dragged Lize with you”.
Millie looked down silently in shame. Unable to find the proper words to say in the face of such damning evidence. She could only stare, as Dr. Barkley made a frustrated sigh.
“Look. I’ll be straight. I am aware that your Uphie incident has affected you deeply, and that you were hurting badly, but that is no reason for you to get my boy hurt. If you really love my boy, then I suggest you choose: Give up on Uphie or break up with Alize”.
Millie stared at Dr. Barkley in shock.
Dr. Barkley did not stay to hear what Millie had to say. She went back into the operating room and came back out with the Fluffy carrier. Uphie, Veve and the bed, all inside. Millie reached for her wallet and got out two one hundred dollar bills.
“I don’t need your money” Dr. Barkley stated coldly “But I do need you to choose. I don’t expect a decision right now, but if you really love Alize, then you will either end your idiotic revenge scheme or you break up with my boy. If you can’t do either, then never show your face in front of me ever again and don’t expect my blessings”.
Millie stayed silent, only nodding.
“Here” Dr. Barkley stated, handing the carrier to Millie.
Millie put the $200.00 down on the counter and walked away with the carrier.
“Thank you, Dr. Barkley” she said softly.
She left the clinic quickly and quietly. This feeling of guilt and shame. She picked up her pace, trying to get as far away from the clinic as possible. Getting into her car silently, placing the Fluffy carrier on the front passenger seat without a single world. She stepped on the gas, focused on getting as far away from the clinic as possible. The source of her shame, as this feeling of self-loathing gnawed on her brain. Stupid, fucking IDIOT
The roads were empty and Millie drove aimlessly. She was silent but her mind was a mess. A dozen thoughts all at once, yet amongst all those thoughts, Dr. Barkley’s harsh words still rung fresh in her mind. The scolding. The disdain. The ultimatum. The shame of having her love questioned. The guilt of putting Lize at harm. Millie’s face may have looked stoic as she drove silently, yet her was anything but calm. Stupid, FUCKING IDIOT.
How could she had done this? Why didn’t he tell her? Could this have been avoided? What should she have done? She shouldn’t have let him go to Tally’s Playground alone. If they were together, Lize would probably not have gotten into a fight, right? No. As Dr. Barkley said. A powder keg ready to blow. It was always going to happen. She was basically walking on the edge of a cliff every time she went, and she made Lize come along. STUPID, FUCKING IDIOT.
“Mu… Mummah?” Asked a voice weakly from the Fluffy carrier.
Millie stared at the carrier with scornful eyes. It was Uphie’s voice and Millie felt her heart grow cold. She stopped the car in front of some empty playground. It was on the outskirt of town, in front of some steep hill. Millie stared at the carrier, then the playground.
“Mummah?” Uphie cried out again, this time with a little more energy
A rage began to well up inside Millie. A cold, dark feeling. An raw desire to punish and break. Millie began to breath heavily, trying to keep herself calm. Uphie. Uphie. UPHIE. This was all her fault. This was all the fault of this stupid, entitled beige mare. This stubborn, narcissistic runaway who broke her heart yet somehow thought she could just waltz on back home. This arrogant, manipulative princess who expected a heroes welcome after she tore down her kingdom. How this one Fluffy just so stupid?
Ran away from home, because of one rejection. Got knocked up in the forest and had all those kids. How many was it? Eight? Nine? Doesn’t matter, she only came back with two, because guess what, the mare who lacked the mental maturity to handle rejection, didn’t actually have what it takes to be a decent mother. Stupid, fucking UPHIE.
Then by some miracle she returned home. The shitty mare with two foals. Couldn’t handle the forest life. Went back home, thinking she deserved her comfortable life again? She couldn’t even make it as a basic citizen. Scary box was a failure because she was too much of a coward. Hurt button didn’t work because she was too much of a wimp. Work Wagon didn’t work because she was weak, pathetic and useless. Stupid, FUCKING UPHIE
Well she got what she wanted. Got to relax at home with the foal she always wanted, but no surprise here, turns out she didn’t have any redeeming qualities as a parental figure. One ended up being an arrogant psychopath, the other would have a better life under the care of someone else. She couldn’t even control these two. No authority. No respect. Made sense. Instead of being a responsible parent for her two kids, she just ended up fawning over another foal. STUPID, FUCKING UPHIE.
“Mummah?!” Uphie asked once again.
This time Millie heard another voice. A soft moaning. It seemed to come from Veve. The mare’s pleas were interrupting her foal’s rest. So selfish. Millie opened the Fluffy carrier gate, causing Uphie to make a pathetic, frightened whine. Millie ignored her and carefully removed Veve, still asleep on that pink fuzzy bed. The little thing looked so adorable, all snuggled up and curled into a ball, yet Millie could only look at Veve with pity. She didn’t deserve this. She didn’t deserve to live with such an shitty mother and an unstable owner. Maybe Veve should really just live with Mabe.
“Mu… Mummah?” Uphie asked shakily.
Millie sighed and carefully placed Veve on the passenger seat, before shutting the Fluffy carrier gate.
“Mu… Mummah!?” Uphie cried out once more.
Millie didn’t say a word. She got out of the car and brought the Fluffy carrier along with her, walking to the empty playground as Uphie made some low whimpers and whines. She placed the carrier on the table and looked inside. The mare was trying to push herself deeper into the carrier, shivering as she stared back at Millie.
“Mummah” Uphie whined “Uwpee hab worstest hurties”
Millie remained silent as she stared at the mare.
“Mummah!” Uphie cried out “Y nu sa anytin! Uwpee hab worstest head hurties n weggies scwatchies. Habe coldie hurties n tummy hurties! Pwease mummah! Uwpee wan huggies n warmsies n sketti”.
Millie continued to maintain her silence as she opened the Fluffy carrier gate, causing Uphie to whine.
“Mummah!” Uphie begged “Pwease gib Uwpee huggies n wuv!”
Millie pulled the Fluffy out, causing it to make a happy squeal.
“Huggies?!” Uphie cried out in disbelief “Mummah gib huggies?!”
Mummah did not give huggies. Instead, Millie placed Uphie on the table. The mare could sense that something was wrong, looking around the empty playground and making a long, low whine.
“Hab coldie hurties… Mummah… Pwease gib Uwpee… Pwease gib Uwpee huggies n warmsie”
Millie remained silent. Maintaining her stoic look, but her heart was pumping so fast with anger with the seething hot rage keeping her warm against the bitter winter cold.
“Uphie” Millie said coldly.
“Mummah!” Uphie cried out “Uwpee nu wan pway hewe! Wan huggies n wuv. Nu wan be hewe. Wan go housie. Wan go warmsie safe woom. Wan be on beddie n wach Gwent on teebee. Wan Song time. Wan sketti. Wan…”
Millie had give Uphie a firm slap to the face. The mare looked at her, stunned with disbelief, but as the realization of what had just happened slowly dawned over Uphie, the mare made an ugly face and began to cry.
Another slap to the face. Uphie was left stunned once again. Tears began to flood down her face and she began to breath heavily, trying to find the words as she looked at Millie with both betrayal and fear.
“This is all your fault” Millie said calmly.
Uphie let out a low, frightened whimper. Desperately trying to cover her face with her cast covered legs.
“Nu… Nu… Nu mowe hurties, mummah” Uphie pleaded.
Millie sneered in disgust and grabbed one of the casts, squeezing it so tightly that Uphie began to screech.
Millie looked around. The playground was empty, but there were still residential building nearby, plus it was late at night. Millie held her free hand over Uphie’s mouth, muffling the mare’s screams, as she continued to tightly grip the cast covered leg. She stared at Uphie coldly, the fear in the mare’s eyes as tears began to pour out like a waterfall.
“Shush” Millie said, releasing her grip over the cast.
The mare continued to screech, so Millie kept her hand over the mouth, until eventually the screaming died down into a whimper. Millie released her grasp.
“Nu… Nu… Nu… Nu… Mow… Hurties… Mummah… pwease” Uphie managed to utter between tears.
“If you didn’t break you legs, none of this would have happened” Millie scolded harshly
“Uwpee… Uwpee sowwi… Sowwi mummah!” Uphie exclaimed “Nu mean… Nu mean to bweak weggies… Sowwi… Sowwi. Am gud Fwuffy! Am gud Fwuffy!”
The mare was trying to protect her face again with her cast covered legs. She was trying to curl up with her tail between her legs. Batting her eyes, as though trying to charm her attacker. Millie stared at her with contempt. That apology felt so meaningless. So empty. So fake. There was nothing cute about this Fluffy. Nothing. Not a single thing and all Millie could focus on was the diaper. The gross, filled diaper stained a mix of yellow and brown. A symbol of Uphie’s incompetence? Pathetic nature? Disgusting existence? A mother who acted like a child. The forever baby.
Millie placed a hand over Uphie’s mouth, causing the mare to screech again, but once again her screams were muffled, as Millie placed her free hand over Uphie’s stomach.
“Let’s get all those bad stuff out of you, okay Uphie?”
It was a rhetorical question. Uphie had no choice. She tried saying something, but her words were muffled by Millie’s hand and she couldn’t really move, as she was turned on her back with her front legs covered in casts. As for Millie she began to press down on the stomach, slowly yet deeper. Pressing down on the inside as Uphie began to make screech.
There was a gurgling sound. The sound of farting and squelching. The sound of Uphie unloading all her waste inside the diaper, as Millie pushed her hand deeper and deeper into her stomach. Uphie tried to bat Millie’s arm away with her legs, but it was a such futile action. The physical difference between Millie and Uphie so clearly evident as Millie pushed her hand against the flesh. Millie continued slowly. She wanted Uphie to feel every agonizing second, realize their vast difference. This was not an act of sadistic amusement, it was a means to show Uphie how little control she had. A way to let this entitled aberration realized in the most simple of manner that she actually had no power in this relationship. She was in no position to make any demands. She had no influence to say where things she go. Just like Millie once did when she was a child.
Millie let go. She still kept her hand over Uphie’s mouth, to muffle the screams, but she had stopped pushing on the stomach. She was curious to see if she had made her point. She waited patiently in the harsh cold for Uphie’s screeches to quiet back down to a whimper, and stared at those fearful, tearful eyes with her own calm, vengeful eyes, then she calmed removed her hand from Uphie’s mouth.
“Pwe… Pwease… mummah” Uphie managed to utter softly “Nu… Nu… Mowe hurties. Uwpee… Uwpee sowwi… Nu mowe hurties. Wan huggies n wuv… Wan… Wan… Gud mummah backies… Pwease… Pwease… Nu mowe hurties”.
Millie let out a long, frustrated sigh and massaged her forehead in annoyance. Even after that display in power, Uphie still believed she could make demands? She really was just so unbelievably arrogant. Time for another lesson. Until Uphie finally understood.
Millie reached out to grab Uphie again and the mare began to shake violently, seemingly aware that more pain was coming.
“Ma mummah so staph” Uphie managed to utter.
Millie paused. Staring at Uphie with confusion.
“What?” Millie asked.
“Ma mummah so staph. Ma mummah so staph. Ma mummah so staph” Uphie repeated over and over.
Millie continued to stare at Uphie in confusion, then it clicked.
“Wait. Are you saying, Mabe mummah says stop?” Millie asked.
Uphie nodded tearfully.
“Mabe mummah sa staph” Uphie uttered weakly “Mabe mummah sa staph”
Millie stared at Uphie quietly. Feeling at a loss for words. Uphie was an idiot? How could she possibly be an idiot if she was capable of saying things like this. How could she be an idiot, when she showed an awareness on the power of words. An understanding of effects. A notion of action and consequences. She was able to understand how to use this term, yet could not even grasp how much her actions had hurt Millie? How running away had broken Millie’s heart? Was it because of importance? Was this how unimportant Millie was to her? A mere worshiper whose only purpose was to shower Uphie with praise and gifts!? She could never win this could she? In the grand scales of things, she must have been a blight in Uphie’s eyes. A nothingness compared to the importance of Uphie.
Millie felt a boiling rage. Like a volcano that was finally able to erupt. There was no lesson to learn, as Uphie was incapable of learning. Millie closed her fist and like a meteor hurtling upon the land, she sent it crashing right into Uphie’s face letting out a sickening CRACK.
Uphie let out another scream, as blood trickled down from her snoot. That did not stop Millie from winding up her fist and sending it hurtling right into Uphie’s stomach.
Mabe mummah says stop. Unbelievable. Those were words that only Veve could used. A message that only applied for Veve. For Uphie to use them. Tainting those sacred words with her vile mouth. Millie winded her fist and again it hurtled right into Uphie’s stomach.
“HEY YOU!” Screamed a voice “SHUT YOUR SHIT RAT THE FUCK UP!!!”
Millie looked to the source of the voice, feeling startled and embarrassed. It had come from the residential building, but no one was there, whomever had screamed their demand had pulled away from the window. However, it did serve as a strong reminder that Millie was in a public place and a reminder that it was late at night, with this sound only serving as a nuisance to someone sleeping. Millie sighed in frustration and once again covered Uphie’s mouth, muffling the screams.
Uphie writhed and squirmed as Millie’s hand maintained a firm grasp over her mouth. The mare was trying to breath, but was finding difficulty as her nose was blocked from all the blood.
“Shush” Millie whispered into Uphie’s ear “Or you won’t be able breath”.
The words registered and Uphie quiet back down into a whimper. A needy, annoying but otherwise soft whimper and Millie let out another pained sigh.
“nu… Nu… Mowe hurties” Uphie plead softly.
Millie did not respond to the plea, only looking at Uphie’s diaper. It bulging quite noticeably, clearly near bursting as it was filled with waste.
“Can I remove your diaper?” Millie asked softly.
Uphie made another soft whimper, as her previous request remained unanswered, but nodded in agreement, as the diaper certainly made her feel not pretty and very much like a baby.
Millie said nothing as she removed the diaper. The wretched stench of waste. The vile sight of feces collected within this disposable undergarment. This mark of Uphie’s disgusting nature. The mare was breathing heavily, staring at Millie with fearful eyes, and Millie dangled the filled diaper above her mockingly.
“Look at all this shit, Uphie. You’re such a gross, shit rat aren’t you”
“Nut… Nut… Shwit… Wat” Uphie managed to protest softly.
“Yes you are” Millie said mockingly “Gwoss wittle shit wat aren’t you?”
Uphie began to tear up again, raising her cast covered legs up to her as though trying to cover her ears. Millie just sneered and stared at her filthy rear end. Her fur and teats were covered in waste. This needed to be cleansed. She looked around and saw a vending machine.
“Be a good stupid shit rat and stay quiet” Millie ordered.
“Nu… Nut… Shwit… Wat” Uphie managed to utter between tears.
Millie ignored her and walked up to the vending machine. She found what she was looking for. A bottle of water. A few coins in and out came the water bottle. She stared at the bottle and felt the cold breeze. This would certainly make things more unpleasant for Uphie and it would seem Uphie recognized this.
“Wawa… Bad… Fo… Fwuffy” Uphie whimpered with fright.
“Mhmmm” Millie replied, uncapping the bottle “But dirty shit rats need a bath”
Millie began pouring water onto Uphie’s rear end and the mare was going to scream, but Millie had covered her mouth again, leaving Uphie to only struggle as the cold water soaked her dirty fur on this freezing night. Millie watched as Uphie tried to struggle, tried to breath, tried to scream, pouring the entire bottle of water down Uphie’s rear end, until there was nothing left. It did very little to clean the mess. The solid parts of waste remained stuck to the fur and teats, but it certainly left Uphie feeling a strong discomfort.
“Y’know. I just realized you’re supposed to be my forever baby. What does a baby need with milk bags?” Millie asked crudely.
Upon asking that question, Millie took a hard firm grip of Uphie’s teat and began to pull on them with the intent of ripping them off. Uphie tried to scream. She tried to struggle. She tried to squirm free. It really was such a pointless attempt. Uphie was completely helpless. Unable to stop Millie. She never had any control over Millie. Not since she ran away. So why did she always act like she had control? Why did she stubbornly believe she could walk back into Millie’s life and think that she could just take control again? How did she think she had any right?
Millie’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of ringing. It was her phone. Letting go of Uphie’s teat, she looked at her dirty hand and wiped it against Uphie’s fur, the cleaner bits, which served to clean her hand slightly, but it was still a little bit dirty.
“Ah shit” Millie said with mild annoyance.
Millie let go of Uphie’s mouth. The mare could barely scream, only able to let out a hoarse cry. One far too quiet to bother the nearby residents. That allowed Millie to use this relatively cleaner hand to fish her phone out of her pocket. It was Hans.
“Hanny?.. What’s up?” Millie asked softly.
“Mimi. We got to talk. Like serious talk. You free?”
Millie stared at Uphie, the mare was shaking intensely, but was pretty much quiet and docile. Seeming much too afraid and much too tired to draw any attention.
“Yeah I’m free” Millie replied “What’s going on?”
“Okay. I need you to listen, alright? I love you cuz, but I am seriously angry at you right now?”.
“Wha… Why?”
“You lied to us! You said Uphie broke her legs on the 5th, but she broke it on the 2nd!”
“Huh?! How…”
“Grem found out. I don’t fucking know how, but you really hurt her Mimi. You really, really hurt Grem so bad. Like seriously cuz…”
“Hanny. I’m…”
“Wait! Let me talk, okay? Remember how we’re talking about Grem being back to her old self and how she’s ignoring us and stuff. So I get annoyed and drive over to her farm, and…”
“Wait. You drove over!? Hanny you’re not supposed to drive, what if you blan…”
“Cut that shit. Whatever. Family emergency. I drove and I’m fine. Anyways I confront Grem and she didn’t say anything first, but then I told her I would keep driving over until she told me and she finally tells me. Told me the whole thing. All her suggestions ending up shit, you lying to keep her happy, and she’s back to that bullshit nonsense about her being useless when it comes to family. Like seriously, Mimi. How could you do that shit!?”
“Hanny! I’m…”
“Wait! I’m not done, okay? Seriously Mimi. I love you cuz, you know that. And I really, really wanna support you on this whole Uphie thing. Like fuck Uphie, fuck her hard, I was the one to tell Lize to bring her to you, but ya got to stop. Like really, really stop. Kaput. Swish. Cut it off, because seriously Mimi this shit has going sour. Ya got to cut it out, causing your hurting family. Family, Mimi!”
“Hanny. I’m sorry”
“Save it. Just think about what I said. Like seriously think. Then we meet face to face. You, me, Grem and Lize. All four of us. Your house, my house, Lize’s house. I don’t fucking care. We meet in person and discuss this shit, because this is just too crazy Mimi. Revenge is fine, but when revenge hurts family that ain’t cool and… And I’m seriously pissed off with you, right now?”
“Hanny. I’m…
“Seriously Mimi. Just save it. Promise you’ll think about what I said okay?”
“Promise me!”
“I promise”
“Fine. Think about it. We’ll discuss this another day. Maybe tomorrow we meet? if I can get Grem to go”.
“Okay. I’ll think about it…. Really think about it”.
Hans hung up, leaving Millie once again alone to her thoughts. Whatever anger she had was gone now, replacing by that immense feeling of guilt and shame. Stupid, fucking idiot. How could you be so dumb? Millie remained still. Millie remained silent. She basked in the silence, the cold, bitter wind. The sound of Uphie’s low whimpering, reminding her of the mare’s existence. Quietly she approached Uphie, the mare shrinking under her gaze and trembling so violently.
“Pw…pwease… Nu mowe hurties” Uphie pleaded quietly “Uwpee… Nut fo hurties… Onwy… Onwy fo huggies… N… N… Wuv”
Millie sighed in frustration. Not towards Uphie, but towards herself. This whole thing really was just so stupid.
Her phone was making a notification bell. Another person come to give her a lecture? Maybe Bebe? Turns out it was Lize. Her darling boyfriend had sent some messages. An apology and a request to call. Why? It didn’t matter, she needed to do something with him.
I’m coming over
Wait? Now?
But so late
You didn’t go home
I’m coming over
Millie put her phone back in her pocket and stared at Uphie. The mare continued to shrink under her cold gaze, continuing to tremble and shake. Millie remained emotionless.
“Pwease… Nu… Nu… Mowe hurties” Uphie pleaded softly.
“Okay” Millie said in a neutral tone.
“H… huh? Nu… nu mow hurties?”
“Yup. No more hurties”
“Pwo… pwomise?”
Millie nodded and Uphie looked surprised, but a small smile escaped her lips. She began to life her cast covered legs towards Millie.
“Hu… huggies?” Uphie requested softly.
Millie picked the Fluffy up. Not to give her a hug, but to put the mare in the carrier. The mare began making a soft whimper to voice her dismay, but Millie paid her no heed, as she opened the car door.
Grabbing some disinfectant wet wipes from the glove compartment, Millie cleaned her hands and her phone as she took in the sight of Veve sleeping so cutely atop her fuzzy pink bed. The adorable foal blissfully unaware of all the abuse her mother had endured at the hands of her owner. As for Uphie, the mare was crying softly, making those soft hu hu hu noises. Millie placed the carrier on the front passenger seat and squatted next to it, so she could stare Uphie at eye level, staring at the mare with an expression faced
“Uphie” Millie said softly “Are you the bestest mummah?”
Uphie looked at her in surprise “Uwpee… am be… Bestest… mummah?”
“Sorry. Do you want to be the bestest mummah?”
Uphie nodded quickly “Uwpee wan be… Wan be… Bestest mummah”
“That’s great baby. Okay. If you want to be the bestest mummah you’ll keep quiet so Veve can sleep, right?”
“O… Ottay mummah… Uwpee be… Bestest mummah… Fo… Fo mummah… N… Wewewe… Nu… Mak noisie… Su… Su… Wewe can… Hab… Hab… Sweepies, eban… Tho… Uwpee… hab… Hab worstest hurties… N… N… Cowdie”
“That’s wonderful Uphie. What a bestest mummah”
Uphie let out a soft, delighted squeal and then kept quiet as Millie placed Veve and the fuzzy pink bed in between Uphie’s cast covered legs. True to her word, Uphie kept silent. Well almost silent. There were occasional pained whimpers, uncomfortable groans and comments about the pain, but all together she kept silent.
That worked well for Millie. Some peace and quiet. She drove her car silently, heading towards Alize’s apartment and using the time to reflect. A single question ran through her mind. Was this all really worth it? Part of told her that it really wasn’t worth it. Part of her told her that this needed to happen. Uphie needed to be educated and cured. To forgive Uphie was to to go back to a time where Uphie would walk all over her. A time where everyone came second to Uphie. A time where Uphie was everything to her.
She needed to talk to Lize, see why he kept things from her. One they figured out the problem, then things could work out. Same for Grem grem and Hanny. An issue that they could discuss and a matter to work out. The Work Wagon clearly was too much. Adjustments needed to be made. Clearly she was being too stubborn on the plan. She need to adapt a bit. Fit the plan to make everyone happy. This was just another wrinkle that needed to be smoothen out. The road to recovery was often quite rocky, but the pay out would be worth it. Everyone just needed to work together and communicate more.
What if no one agreed?
Millie stopped the car. She arrived at her destination. Alize’s apartment was just there and all those feeling of shame and guilt came flooding back. Part of her wanted to drive away. Drive home and curl up in some corner, and just hide away from the world, but she needed to do this. She needed to talk to Alize about this and see what things they could change. How to change the Uphie plan so it could work for both of them. No. All of them.
Uphie made a soft whimper, and more of those hu hu hu noises and Millie could hear Veve stirring about. She looked inside the carrier, to see Uphie given her those tearful, puppy dog eyes.
“Uphie. Can you be my bestest Fluffy and stay here quietly? I need you to look after Veve, okay?”
Uphie nodded weakly and tried her best to smile, but her eyes quickly told a picture of a Fluffy desperate for warmth and comfort.
“Uwpee… Uwpee… Twy… Bu… Bu… Hab worstest… Worstest hurties… N su… N su cowdie”.
“I know Uphie, but you wanna be a good mummah, right?”
“Uwpee… wan be… Wan be gud mummah”
“Well a good mummah would be quiet so that Veve can sleep, right?”
“O… otay… Uwpee be… gud mummah n… n be qwiet fo Wewe huhuhuh…”
“Good girl”
Uphie let out a soft, delighted squeal, followed by another pained whimper, as Millie exited the car. There was an option she had not considered. She actually could do this all alone. Like Dr. Barkley had said. Break up with Alize. That was right. If you love them, you would let them go, right? Same for her cousins. It was an option. A painful option, but perhaps it was best?
If she broke up with Alize and told her cousins she didn’t need them anymore. It would definitely hurt, but at least they wouldn’t have to get involve in this anymore. Sure they would try to barge in, but measure could be taken. Locks could be changed.
Or Uphie could be moved? Placed in a separate location. A warehouse. What about Tally’s Playground? An arrangement? Sure it was dangerous, but she had something to trade. Prie must have had value, for Tally to offer an invitation to that new game. Could she trade that for a private space? One where she could force Uphie to do the Work Wagon in secret? Wouldn’t that be a perfect third option? Sure it was a big secret, but if it would avoid Lize, Grem grem, Hanny and Veve from ever getting hurt again. Could this be the best of both worlds? Could it?
Millie had been so engrossed in her thoughts that it took her a second to realize that she was already standing in front of Lize’s front door. She rung the door bell and Lize opened the door with his cute smiling face.
“Mii!” Alize exclaimed “Come in come in”.
Millie offered a weak smile as she followed her boyfriend into the living room.
“You cold?” Alize asked “Want something to drink? I have tea and…”
“I’m fine” Millie said.
“Ah… Okay… Um…”
The two stood in the living room, standing around awkwardly. Neither really sure what to say. Alize was the one to break the silence.
“About Aunty Sera…”
“I’ll get rid of Uphie” Millie suddenly stated.
Alize looked at her with surprise and Millie looked back at him with a smile. Yup. This was the only choice. Tell everyone that she was getting rid of Uphie. Make a deal with Tally and… Millie’s thoughts were interrupted, as she noticed Alize covering his hands with his sleeves. Alize was the kind who loved walking around with his sleeves rolled up, even on cold days. So for him to hide his hands like this.
Millie suddenly grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand close.
“Hey!” Alize exclaimed.
She pulled down his sleeve and stared at the damage. His knuckles were a purplish grey. Somewhat swollen. Definitely looking bad. The shame and guilt came flooding back, as Lize pulled back her wrist.
“Uh… I… I can explain…”
“Is this why you immediately left after you dropped Prie over on Tuesday?”
Alize looked away in shame and shrugged “Y… Yeah” he said nervously.
“Why didn’t you just tell me!?”
“I… I don’t know. I didn’t know how you would react, like I got scared that you might push me away again and keep secrets?”
“What!? Why would you ever think that?!”
“I… I don’t know… I’m just… I’m just. You know how bad I am at reading people. Like you know my circles are small and like people say my perspective is weird and…”
“Again with other people tells you, how YOU should be thinking”
“I know! But like… Like… Like the time we argued. The photo thing, it didn’t even occur to me how much of a big thing it would be for you that someone took your photo. Like I didn’t think it was a big deal, but then you got really angry and…”
“What photo thing?”
“The photo thing. The one in Tally’s Playground, like you got so mad. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but you got so mad and it made me realize that maybe I didn’t know your perspective and y’know”.
“Lize! I wasn’t upset about someone taking my photo!”
Millie rubbed her hand over her face in frustration
“Lize… Ugh!!! I wasn’t upset about that. I was upset because… because I got caught. I mean sure I didn’t wear a disguise but discretion is kind of a thing in Tally’s Playground. No names. Everyone is pretty much a stranger and yet, I got caught because some curious Charlie took my photo and asked his friends if they recognized me, of all the…”
Millie paused and took a deep breath. Thinking of Tally’s Playground had reminded her of that feeling. The time where she kept her trips a secret. She looked at Alize’s bruised knuckles and cringed. God. How could she even entertain that earlier thought.
“This is all my fucking fault” Millie muttered.
“Hey hey hey! No. No. No. Don’t talk like that. It’s…”
“It’s my fault. Like your aunt said Tally’s Play…
“Aunty Sera’s just being dramatic, she…”
Millie kissed Alize deeply in an attempt to silence him, then held his cheeks in her hand. The kind that left him flustered and at a loss for words.
“Your aunt is not being dramatic” Millie said firmly “She’s saying what needed to be said, and I… Well I really need you to be like that as well”.
“You’re too passive, baby. Too lenient on me. Don’t get me wrong. I love you for that. My cute, submissive and breedable boyfriend, but at the same time, I need that Alize, the one who used to call me out whenever I was being too soft on Uphie. I know I don’t have a right to ask that, given how much we used to argue, but at the same time I really need you to be the one who calls me out when I’m going out of line. Call me out on my bullshit when I can’t see it. I don’t need it all the time, just when you think it’s going to count, just like our argument at home. I need you to be the one who calls me out, when I’m wrong and set me straight”.
Alize looked down cutely, his hands holding Millie’s hip. He pulled her in for a tender kiss and separated with a loving smile.
“I guess… I guess I’ve been too passive lately haven’t I?”
Millie nodded and gave her boyfriend’s ass a playful squeeze.
“Yes. Much too passive. I’m getting worried that some other girl is going to sweep you off your feet and steal you away, or some guy”
“Funny you should say that. Submission booth guy was really coming onto me, his name’s Jojo, oh and I met a very bold Fluffy her name is Rose, showed me private spots on our first date”
Millie raised an eyebrow and grinned.
“Did you go the Fuck Fluffy place without me? Also you need to tell me more about this Jojo”
Alize grinned, as Millie laughed. The two held hands tenderly and gazed at each other lovingly, as they enjoyed the serenity of the moment in silence. Just staring at each other, until Alize became too self conscious and looked away. Millie grinned and inspected his hands, tracing her fingers over the bruises…
“Can… can I see your ribs?” Millie asked.
Alize nodded and lifted up his hoodie, revealing the purplish grey discoloration around the rib area. She noticed him wincing slightly from her touch, feeling the roughness of the wound and this feeling of guilt.
“If… if it’s any consolation… I…um… I won”
Millie gave Alize an unamused look, as Alize chuckled slightly.
“Was it the angry bar fight scenario again?”
Alize shook his head “It was me being stupid and not listening to what Grut always told me. I… I really do need to stop being affected by what other people say, but… it’s hard not to get riled up when people call me a pussy or stuff like that”.
Millie nodded in agreement, but sighed softly. Regardless of whether he had instigated the fight or not, the fact remained that he shouldn’t have been in that situation in the first place. He would never have gone to Tally’s Playground alone if it weren’t for Millie. This was her fault and she knew it. Her fault and no one else.
“Oh, where’s Veve and Uphie?” Alize asked
“In the car. I didn’t want to ruin the moment”.
“So about what you said earlier. Are you really going to get rid of Uphie?”
Millie looked at Alize in surprise. She had momentarily forgotten she had said that, but she did and she decided to come clean.
“I said that as a lie” Millie admitted “I wasn’t actually going to get rid of Uphie”
“I thought so. It was kind of abrupt, but then what were you planning to do then?”
“I… well… I thought I would tell you guys I’ll get rid of her… I dunno… maybe shave some fur as proof, then maybe make a deal with Tally… I was thinking Prie might have value, so I trade her in exchange for a private room to do the Work Wagon thing with Uphie… I… It’s… It was a stupid plan”.
“Oh” Alize replied, the tone of disapproval quite evident in his voice.
Millie looked at him and nodded in agreement “Yeah, but then you brought up that photo thing and just reminded me of the days where I just felt so guilty keeping a secret from you, Grem grem and Hanny, and I just… I just really… well… I really didn’t want to do that again”.
Alize nodded in agreement and he had a gentle smile.
“Yeah. Definitely. Terrible idea. It would also really hurt us, when we eventually found out”
Millie chuckled, noticing a certain firmness in his tone “Wait, are you trying to be less passive?”
“Practicing” Alize retorted.
Millie laughed and squeezed her boyfriend’s hands gently.
“I really am so lucky to have you as my boyfriend. Honestly” Millie said lovingly.
Alize blushed and looked away, making cute gibberish noises to hide his bashfulness, causing Millie to laugh again, and the mood felt lighter.
“So what’s the real plan with Uphie?” Alize suddenly asked “Because if you want me to tell you straight then I’m pretty sure the Work Wagon plan will never work out. I’ve watched the way Uphie acts when you change her feeding bowl and her diapers, she genuinely still believes that you love her, even after all this. I don’t know if she’s an idiot or if she’s just stubborn or that much of a narcissist, but I don’t think the Work Wagon will ever teach her anything about humility and appreciation. She’s probably just going to think herself a victim again”.
“I know” Millie said with a soft sigh.
“Oh! Okay… um… so are we exploring other avenues to teach her?”
“No. No need”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I’m… I’m done”
“Huh? What do you mean done?”
“Done. Like really done”
“Wait what? Like done done?”
“Yup. Done with Uphie. Over it. No more anger… okay still a bit of anger, but done with teaching her. Done with Work Wagon. Done with Happy Coin. Done with the whole system”.
“Just like that?”
“Just like that”
“This isn’t a trick, like before”.
“Nope. No trick. Maybe I’ll send her to a shelter or maybe I’ll go the abuse route, but either way, I’ll ask one of you to join me, so you can see me do it for real”.
Alize nodded in agreement, but he looked perplexed.
“So really done, done?”
“Yes… Why?”
“Don’t get me wrong. I totally support this decision. One hundred percent, but I’m also a bit confused. It’s just… it’s just so sudden”.
“Not really” Millie admitted “I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Ever since our argument. Your aunt… Well her stern lecture was like… like a splash of cold water, I guess. A wake up call. You or Uphie… I’m choosing you by the way, just in case you didn’t realize”
“No way?! For real?”
Millie punched her boyfriend playful in the arm with a slight grin.
“Yes for real, or do you think that’s a mistake?”
“Oh what!?” Alize replied “Naaaah I’d choose Alize over Uphie any day, and that’s saying something. You know how much I hate Alize”
Millie gave Alize an unamused look, while Alize shrugged with a slight cheeky grin.
“Heh heh… Lil… Lil self depreciation there ha ha”
“Yeah… You and Grem grem are experts on that”
“Eh? What happened to Grem?”
“It’s stupid. Not her. Me… I did something stupid, and reverted Grem back to closed off scientist mode again”
“Huh, she’s back to that? Why? What happened?”
“I lied about something”
“What? Tally’s Playground?”
“No. Not that… Another thing”
“Another thing?! What?”
“You remember the date Uphie broke her legs”
“Uh… yes?.. Okay not really”
Millie smirked and kissed her boyfriend in the cheek.
“I lied about that” Millie admitted “Said it was the 5th of November, when it was actually the 2nd”
Alize gave her another confused look.
“I know” Millie replied “It’s only three days, but it was supposed to be the days Grem came over. It’s stupid… or rather I’m stupid for lying in the first place”
“Yeah… Uh… You are”
Millie grinned in amusement and playfully squeezed her boyfriend’s arm, as Alize grinned slightly.
“So… Uh… How you gonna fix this with Grem?.. And Han I guess”
Millie shrugged “I guess… Well I mean, I’ll just tell them everything. Hanny says he’ll arrange a date and…”
“I mean you could meet with them now?”
“I… Well like only if you still have energy and if they’re still awake, but like… You’re already in town, so it’s much closer than driving from home, and your serious about the done with Uphie thing, so like why not set everything straight immediately, show them your willing to change instead of letting them just wait?”
Millie nodded in agreement. She understood what Alize was getting, and whipped out her phone, sending Hanny a message to see if he was still awake.
“Um… So your done with Uphie, but what about Veve and Prie?” Alize asked.
Millie shrugged, as she put her phone back in her pocket.
“I’m not sure yet. Part of me wants to keep Veve, try being a Hugboxer again, BUT more restrained. No more spoiling Fluffies like I did with Uphie and maybe it would help me mentally? But another part of me just wants to give her to Bebe, let Veve live with her best friend and make things easier for Bebe. I mean I don’t really need company, I have y… Uh… Well… Are we still doing the partial living with me thing?”
“Huh? Oh! Yes, definitely. Definitely… Actually I’m thinking of something more permanent?”
Millie grinned “Oh?”
“Yeah. I’ve been looking at what stuff to bring when I come over next time”.
Millie hugged her boyfriend tightly, but he winced slightly, because of the pain in his ribs, causing Millie to step back with guilt.
“It’s fine” Alize said with a small grin “Maybe I’ll think about stuff to move after this all heals”.
Millie nodded in agreement “Yeah… I’m… Lize, I’m so sorry for putting you through all this”
“Huh? Hey, no. It’s fine. The fight was my fault and…”
“Lize. Stop. You might not think it’s a big deal, but it’s a big deal to me and it’s a big deal to your aunt. You should have never been put into that situation in the first place and I am truly sorry for putting you in that position”.
Alize smiled. He looked like he was going to say something witty, but then he just nodded and kissed Millie lightly on the lips.
“Apology accepted”.
The two held hands, and Alize was looked away. He looked so adorable, all embarrassed, as he made more cute gibberish noises.
“Oh… Uh… What about Prie?” Alize asked
“Hmmm what about her?”
“What’s your plan for her?”
Millie raised an eyebrow, wondering why her boyfriend was interested in Prie.
“I might put her down or send her to a shelter. Why?”
“Well. There might be a third option. Of course, I should add that I am totally supportive of putting Prie down, lil’ shit rat, but… Um… I mean we could sell her?”
“To who? Tally?”
“Does Tally even want to buy her?”
“Actually. He does. The time I went on Tuesday, well he offered partnership, but like… His vibe felt kind of dangerous. Like I think he might have ties to the some gang, actually I’m pretty sure Gran works in a gang, the way Tally talked about him”.
“Huh, you talked to Tally? And why Gran what’s… Wait was Gran the one you fought?”
Alize grinned with pride, but realized that was not the best when he noticed Millie’s look of horror.
“I know, I know” Alize said with a sigh “Really stupid. He could have sued or come after us, but…”
“Lize I don’t care about that. Gran?! That guy… Oh my god. Getting injured would have been the least bad thing. That nutcase could have killed you”
“Yeah, I actually thought I was… Uh… Um… Well I survived, and won, and regretted it a lot, but Tally said I don’t have to worry about him ever again”
Millie continued to look at Alize with worry. The guilt stabbing in her heart. It really didn’t feel like simple apologies were enough, but as always Alize was on the case
“Look, relatively speaking, everything turned out fine” Alize assured “And it seems that this helped you get over Uphie, right? So as far as I’m concerned it’s all worked out perfectly”.
Millie let out a frustrated sigh. Getting injured like this yet thinking it was fine because her own problem was fixed? Alize’s lack of self worth was something that definitely needed to be addressed in the future, but for now she had to focus on putting out the fires she had made, and right on cue the notification bell sounded on Millie’s phone. Hanny had texted back saying that Grem and him were still awake and had arrived home.
“I’m going to Hanny and Grem grem, now” Millie announced softly
“Do you want me to come along with you?” Alize asked “Morale support”
Millie looked at her boyfriend. He looked tired and the injuries still needed to heal.
“No. You need to rest. You look like your gonna collapse soon and I should really handle this alone”.
Alize chuckled. Offering no counter-argument. Her boyfriend really was tired.
“About Prie” Millie said “What is this about a partnership with Tally?”
“Oh. Not partnership. He’s kinda dodgy and I’m kinda done with Tally’s Playground, but I’m pretty sure Tally will pay a pretty penny for Prie”
“I see?”
“Well… I’m not actually sure. We might make good money, but he might just say no… And part of me kind of wants to see Prie suffer”.
“I really don’t care what happens to Prie. You can decide and I’ll support your decision fully”.
Alize nodded with a smile, then kissed Millie lovingly.
“I’m glad you choose me over Uphie”
Uphie was miserable. She had the worstest hurties. Her faces had hurties all over, her smell place had boo boo juice, her milky pwace still stung badly, her fur still wet from the wawa and she was just so cold. She shivered terribly and she just felt the worstest heawt hurties.
She really didn’t understand it. Why? Why did this always keep happening to her? What did she do wrong? She was a good Fluffy. A good mummah. A good foebah babbeh. She didn’t deserve this. All these bad things. What did she do wrong? Was it all because she ran away? But she already paid for that. The forest. The munstahs. All the hurties and struggle. She suffered to get her babbehs to mummah. Her three babbehs. Gwent, Newio and Wewe.
Mummah wanted babbehs and she produced them. Even let Mabe mummah take her Gwent and Newio to be teebee Fwuffy while she lived with Wewe. It was fine. She was okay with her babbehs going away so that voo wers could see how wonderful her babbehs were. She was okay with just staying with Wewe. Sure Wewe wasn’t her bestest babbeh, but Uphie still loved her, because all gud mummahs love all their babbehs, right?
Uphie stared at Wewe sleeping so soundly atop that small fuzzy pink bed. The one rested between her cast covered weggies. It looked cute, but Uphie could not help but feel resentful. Why did Wewe get to sleep on something so nice and cozy, while she had to endure the hard, cold Fwuffy cawwiew. It was so unfair. Sure she was a good mummah, but she was hurting too. She was cold and needed comfort, so why did she have to comfort her babbeh? She needed a warm, cozy bed to lie on as well.
“Dummeh Wewe” Uphie muttered under her breath.
Suddenly a realization. How could she have said that? About her own babbeh. She only had two and she was being so mean to one!? Yeah only two. The two who rode on her back out there in the forest. The two who comforted her as she struggled to find home. The two whom she protected from pointy wingy munstah Fwuffy that nummed babbehs and all those other meanie Fwuffies. She only ever had two. Just Gwent and Wewe.
Gwent and Wewe. Where was Gwent? Oh right, he was at home, sleeping in the safe room. They fought right? Why were they fighting? It must have been something Gwent did wrong, but once Uphie came back to the safe room, she would give Gwent a nice big hug and forgive him, because he was bestest babbeh and bestest babbehs were only for huggies n wuv, then they could go back to talking about stories of Sanny and how Gwent was just the same. Teaching Gwent to be like Sanny and watching him grow up, so they could relieve the days when it was just them two.
That was such a nice thought and Millie just could not help but giggle, humming a merry little tune as she dreamed of returning back to her nice warm safe housie with her bestest babbeh, Gwent.
Her song was interrupted by the sound of a soft, pained groan. It was coming from Wewe. The small foal, writhing in her sleep. Uphie stared at her babbeh and quickly went silent. That’s right, a good mummah had to keep quiet for their babbeh, and let their babbeh sleep, even though they had the worstest owwies, the worstest heawt hurties and were had cowdie hurties and su sweepy and just being treated so mean. Meanwhile this babbeh. This BAD babbeh was sleeping. Not even showing any care for Uphie and how hard she was struggling for her, and as Uphie continued to stare at Wewe, a thought occurred.
Wasn’t Wewe the reason she could not spend much time with Gwent? Mabe mummah was always saying that wasn’t she. During all the times where Uphie just wanted to snuggle and nuzzle with her bestest babbeh Gwent, Mabe mummah would always tell Uphie to let Gwent pway with Gweenie Wewe. Yes, that was right. Uphie wanted to give Gwent all huggies n wuv. Tell stories of Sanny. Teach and raise Gwent like a gud mummah, but it was always Gweenie babbeh who got to spend time with Gwent. It really wasn’t fair. It was always Gweenie babbeh.
Gweenie babbeh was a mummah thief wasn’t she? She stole the wuv and huggies mummah was going to give Uphie and turned mummah into munstah. She was doing the same from Gwent now. A bestest babbeh thief who was taking the wuv and huggies Gwent was supposed to give to her. To the bestest mummah. This right here. The revelation. This was the reason for all her misery wasn’t it? Gweenie babbeh was the problem.
“Mu… Mummah…” Gweenie babbeh muttered slightly in her slumber.
Uphie felt a seething rage. Mummah? Look at this pretender. A fake gud babbeh. A munstah babbeh. Gweenie Wewe was the problem and right now Uphie was alone in the Fwuffy cawwiew inside the vroom vroom munstah. It was just Uphie and Gweenie babbeh. Gwent and Mummah loved Gweenie babbeh because she tricked them. Uphie needed to save Gwent and Mummah. She needed to give this munstah Gweenie babbeh foebah sweepies while they were still alone.
Uphie tried to give Gweenie babbeh sorry hoofies. Tried to crush the munstah like she she did in her foebah sweepy picture. It would be fast. Uphie was stronger, but the casts got in the way. Uphie struggled but realized she couldn’t do anything. No. She had one more action. She could num Gweenie babbeh. Num this bad babbeh and then pretend that nothing happened. Mummah might ask when she came back, but Uphie could just say that Gweenie babbeh had flown away. Yes. This was the best move.
Uphie leaned forward and opened her mouth. Damn it. Gweenie babbeh was just out of reach. She tried to stick her tongue out, try to pull Gweenie babbeh closer with her tongue. Nothing. She was just out of reach. She needed Gweenie babbeh to get closer. She had an idea.
“Com Gweenie babbeh. Com tu… mummah fo… huggies” Uphie whispered.
Gweenie babbeh stirred in her sleep.
“Com… hewe Gweenie babbeh. Com tu mummah… fo huggies n wuv” Uphie whispered slightly louder.
Gweenie babbeh continued to stir, but seemed responsive.
“Mu… Mummah?” Gweenie babbeh muttered soft
“Dat wite” Uphie responded softly “Com tu… mummah fo… huggies n wuv”.
Gweenie babbeh began to stir, but began to shuffle towards Uphie, inching closer and closer to Uphie’s mouth. Uphie stared at Gweenie babbeh with excitement. Just a little closer. A little closer and she could num Gweenie babbeh up. Get rid of this munstah babbeh and save Uphie and Gwent.
“Com Gweenie… babbeh. Su cwose” Uphie whispered with desperation.
Closer and closer Gweenie babbeh shuffled. Uphie could already taste Gweenie’s babbehs fur with her tongue. Gweenie babbeh began to giggle, clearly finding the licking amusing. Unaware of her impending death. It was so close.
“Su cwose… Gweenie babbeh. Mummah hewe fo…”
The vroom vroom munstah door opened. Uphie quickly lifted her head. Had she been caught? Someone was looking inside the Fwuffy cawwiew. It was mummah!
“Mummah!” Uphie cried out with glee.
It was weird. Even after all the hurties and owwies mummah gave. The boo boo juice spilled and the heawt hurties made. Uphie could never really hate mummah. She didn’t know why, but it was just something about mummah. This was her mummah. The one who gave her a nice, warmsie safe woom. The one who gave her so many toysies and delicious nummies. The one who gave her that teebee with all those wonderful shows. Her mummah. The one she adored.
“Shush Uphie” Mummah said softly “You’ll wake up Veve”
Uphie let out a low whimper. It was always Gweenie babbeh. Always her. Why always her?! Uphie was here? Why didn’t mummah care about Uphie? The one who worked so hard to return here? It really was just so unfair. Gweenie babbeh wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Uphie.
“Nu… Nu cawe” Uphie said with tears “Y awways… Gweenie babbeh. Uwpee… Uwpee am hewe tu mummah. Y mummah nu… Nu cawe?! Hab worstest…”
Mummah had suddenly opened the Fwuffy cawwiew and given Uphie such a nice warm head pat. Uphie felt shocked, but also this feeling of happiness. A comfort that made Uphie coo softly.
“I know baby” Mummah said softly “I’ve been quite a meanie munstah to you, haven’t I?”
Uphie nodded slightly “Mummah be… Be meanie… Tu Uwpee… Gib owwies n heawt… Heawt hurties”.
“I know baby and I’m so sorry. I’ve been so mean to you and it really is so unfair, huh?”
Uphie nodded again, but also felt delight. Mummah had said sowwi. Mummah knew she was being so meanie. Maybe mummah was going to be nice from now on?
“Hu… Huggies?” Uphie asked.
Mummah gave her another head pat. A nice, warm head pat that filled Uphie with joy.
“Is it okay if I give you a hug later Uphie, I don’t want to move Veve anymore, okay?”
“Bu…bu mummah” Uphie plead “Uwpee… Hab hurties… Nee huggies”
“I know. I know baby, but later okay? Later and I’ll give you the biggest, warmest hug okay?”
Uphie looked down dejectedly, but nodded slightly.
“Otay mummah” Uphie said softly.
Mummah let go of her head and closed the Fwuffy cawwiew door again. There was the sound of movement and once again the vroom vroom munstah came back to life. Once again they were moving. Where? Uphie had no idea. Hopefully home? Maybe somewhere else? It didn’t matter. Uphie was in a lot better mood than she was before. Mummah was mummah again. Nice mummah. Loving mummah. Sweet mummah. The mummah she missed.
Uphie began to hum softly. This feel of heawt happies made it easier to ignore all the owwies and the cowdie hurties. It made everything feel so good. Uphie would have broken into singing, if Mummah didn’t suddenly speak.
“Shush Uphie. Be a good mummah and let Veve sleep, okay?”
“O… Otay mummah” Uphie said softly.
Wewe again. Always Wewe. Gweenie babbeh. Gweenie Wewe It was always her. Uphie couldn’t get huggies because of Gweenie Wewe. Uphie couldn’t sing because of Gweenie Wewe. Mummah and Gwent loved Gweenie Wewe more than her. Gweenie Wewe should just get foebah sweepies. No! What was she saying!? Uphie was a good mummah. How could she think that. She only had her two babbehs. Wewe and Pwie. Wait Pwie? Pwie was her other babbeh? But what about Gwent? No Gwent was her babbeh? She had three babbehs? Actually wasn’t it four?
Yes. There was Bestest babbeh Gwent, Oddah bestest Newio, Gweenie babbeh Wewe and Poopie babbeh Pwie. Huh? Poopie babbeh? How could she say that? That was like calling specaw fwen a Poopie Fwuffy. Well he was, but he was also a good Fluffy. No Pwie was not a Poopie babbeh. She was Worstest babbeh, who deserved foebah sweepies because she gave Uphie hurties and did not listen to Uphie. Just like Gweenie Wewe. Didn’t Gweenie babbeh hurt Uphie? Gweenie babbeh didn’t listen to Uphie either. Uphie stared at Gweenie Wewe and she had this cold, dark feeling.
“We’re here” Mummah said softly
“Housie?” Uphie asked
“Oh? Sorry Uphie not yet. I’m at Hanny and Grem grem’s house. Do you remember them?”
“Gwasses mummah!?” Uphie cried out in terror.
Mummah chuckled slightly.
“Yup. Glasses mummah housie”
“Nu wan!” Uphie cried “nu wan!”
Once again the sound made Gweenie Wewe stir, and Millie told Uphie to shush. Mummah opened the Fwuffy cawwiew door and began to give Uphie more nice, soft gentle head pats.
“Relax Uphie” Mummah said softly “I need to talk to Gwasses mummah, because I hurt her. Hanny too, and I need to tell them both that I’m sorry, okay?”
“Mummah… Mummah gib Gwasses mummah hurties… N nee sa sowwi?”
“Gwasses mummah… Nu… Nu sen Uwpee tu shewtew?”
“Nope. Anyways. I just need you to stay here for a bit okay? Like you did with daddeh. Stay quiet in the vroom vroom munstah and look after Veve like a good mummah, alright?”
“O… Otay mummah… Wuv yu mummah”
“I love you too baby”
Uphie made a delighted squeal, then mummah closed the Fwuffy cawwiew door and Uphie heard her leave the vroom vroom munstah. It was just Uphie and Gweenie Wewe again. Just her and her babbeh, and Uphie felt conflicted. She was alone again with Gweenie Wewe. She could do it. Give Gweenie Wewe foebah sweepies with a single num, but mummah told her to be a good mummah and look after Wewe. What was right?
Millie rang the doorbell, standing in front of the door to her cousins’ home. She felt nervous. Tense. Guilty. It was 11:00 pm. A very late night visit. A rather inconvenient time to arrive, but she really wanted to clear the air. She really needed to fix this.
She was greeted by Hanny, who opened the door with a frown.
“Mimi” he said harshly “It’s pretty late”
“I know Hanny and I’m really sorry, but I really want to clear all of this up”
Hanny crossed his arms and he looked upset, but he stood aside and let Millie in, following her into the living room. An awkward silence making the atmosphere feel tense.
“I’m done with Uphie” Millie suddenly said.
Hans looked surprised “Huh?.. Wait what?”
“I’m done with Uphie” Millie repeated with a small smile.
“Wait for real? Wait what do you mean done with her?”
“Done. No more work system. No labor. No currency. All that. I’m done. Kaput. Swish. Cut it off”
Suddenly Hans didn’t look upset, he had a big smile.
“Fuck for real? That’s fantastic! Wait, but that still doesn’t make up for lying to us… I mean it makes things better, but seriously you really hurt Grem”
“I know. I know. Is she in her room?”
Hans nodded, and Millie headed to Gremmie’s room as Hans went to the kitchen.
“Grem grem. It’s Millie. Can we talk?”
Millie waited and a few seconds later, Gremmie opened the door. She looked at Millie in surprise. The bags under her eyes suggesting she had not gotten a proper rest in quite some time, filling Millie with even more guilt than before.
“Mimi, what are you doing here?!” Gremmie exclaimed weakly
Millie suddenly hugged her cousin tightly.
“I’m so sorry Grem grem” she replied softly.
“Let me explain everything about why I lied”.
“Uh… no you don’t need to”.
“I do. Come on let’s talk in the living room”.
Millie and Gremmie sat down, as Hans served them all some hot tea. For a few seconds, all three sat in silence as they sipped on hot matcha.
“Grem grem” Millie said interrupting the quiet “Firstly I want you to know that all your suggestions are incredibly helpful”.
“Mimi stop” Gremmie replied “You don’t have to…”
“No you stop sis” Hans suddenly exclaimed in an angry tone “I’m getting sick and tired of you saying that your doing nothing to help us and all that crap about being useless for family”
Gremmie stared at Hans in surprise, but Millie nodded in agreement.
“Exactly!” Millie exclaimed “I know it’s rich coming from me, but you’re far too focused on your mistakes rather than your accomplishments. You think you messed up, but I was the one who messed up. I fucked up the moment I hid Uphie breaking her legs from you guys”.
“Yeah Mimi you did” Hans stated “We already talked about this, but seriously you should have told us on the day, but more importantly why did you lie about the date?”
“It was stupid, but I did it because I was hoping to avoid this very situation. Grem grem, Hanny. I really wasn’t lying when I said that I hid Uphie’s injuries out of guilt. All the effort put into this, wasted with a single injury. It really did make me feel so bad and I knew I would feel even more guilty if you guys had wasted more time on this. So I hide it. That was the only reason. Nothing to do with thinking you guys weren’t helpful or other such BS. Just guilt for wasting your time and sheer stupidity of thinking I could just hide it”.
“But then why did you lie about the date?” Gremmie asked softly.
“Because of this. This very situation. A part of me knew that you would pick up on this. I tell you that Uphie broke her legs on the 2nd. You notice that it was the weekend that I told you not to come, and you start blaming yourself. Even if I try to tell you that it was not your fault, part of me was scared that you would still blame yourself. Tell yourself that I was just being polite and that you really were at fault”.
Gremmie looked down in shame “Sorry” she muttered softly.
Millie and Hans looked at each other in disbelief.
“No” both of them cried out in unison, causing Gremmie to look at them both startled.
“Why the hell are you apologizing sis” Hans exclaimed with frustration.
“Exactly!” Millie replied “I should be the one apologizing. Gremmie. Hans. I’m sorry. I really am sorry. I lied out of convenience. I lied because I was being an idiot. Main point isn’t even that. You’re thinking that these mistakes are your fault. You think they are lapses in your judgment, but they really aren’t. Heck they aren’t even Uphie’s fault. It’s all my fault for trying to force my work system to work. A system that Fluffies are NOT deigned for, and I’m done. I am stopping all of this”.
Gremmie looked at Millie with surprise, while Hans nodded in agreement.
“Wait. You’re stopping this?” Gremmie asked
“Yup. I’m over Uphie. I’m done with revenge consuming me and hurting everyone that I care about. You and Hanny got hurt by my lies. Lize got injured…”
“Lize got injured?!” Hanny exclaimed.
“Yeah. Got into a fight in Tally’s Playground”
“Huh!? He didn’t tell me. Did… Did he win?”
Millie shot Hans a disapproving look and Hans made a nervous laugh.
“Wait, so about Uphie?” Gremmie asked.
“I’m done with her”.
“Just… Just like that?”
“Well not really just like that. A lot happened, but I’m done with her. For real”.
Gremmie had a small smile and nodded in agreement.
“Where is she now?” Gremmie asked.
“In my car” Millie replied “I had to take her to the vet for some emergency. Veve too”.
“What happened?”
“I think that can wait” Hans interjected “Right now. I wanna know. What’s the plan for Uphie? Actually more importantly what’s the plan for you?”
“Yeah. Like just cause you gave up on Uphie doesn’t automatically make you better. We need to think about ways to avoid a relapse, y’know?”
“Maybe therapy? Bebe said I should get professional help”.
“Eh?” Hans replied with a look of disgust “Shrinks hardly ever help. I mean none of them really helped me, honestly. It was all thanks to people who cared for me that I got better, like you two”.
Millie grinned and hugged Hans tightly, as Hans grinned. Gremmie had raised her hand, immediately attracting the attention of the other two.
“Um… I guess… better communication?” Gremmie suggested softly.
“Yes!” Millie and Hans replied in perfect unison.
“Definitely” Millie said.
“Especially from you” Hans added.
Gremmie rubbed her fingers together, while Millie and Hans ambushed from both sides with a tight loving hug.
“An excellent suggestion from Dr. Ludanious” Millie said gleefully
“Indeed! A+ marks” Hans added.
Gremmie blushed a bright red “Hardy har har” she replied sarcastically.
The three burst out laughing. Whatever misgiving the trio held were wiped away in that instant, a reminder of their bond. The strong familial ties, making the mood feel jovial.
“So what are you… Well. What are WE going to do with Uphie?” Gremmie asked.
Millie shrugged “I think shelter might be my best option. Abuse. Not a Hugbox. Even if I’m over her, part of me still doesn’t want to see her happy”
“I mean we could always go abuse route, right?” Hans replied “Paise has a place. He calls it Fluffy Hell. It sounds kind crazy, and well it kind of is, but it’s basically a place where people can abuse their Fluffies. Like toys to borrow, clean up services. I mean you can just hurt Uphie at home, but that place might have more creative options”.
Millie and Gremmie stared at each other.
“You haven’t been going there, have you?” Millie asked.
“No! You know me. Recovering Fluffy abuser. The last abuse I ever did was with Uphie, when I stuck her in the Scary Box”
Millie nodded, as Gremmie shrugged.
“I… Well I might have a suggestion” Gremmie said quietly.
Millie and Hans turned to Gremmie with smiles, both urging her to tell her idea.
“Well… Um… It’s a rather brutal one… And technically it could be counted as prolonging your revenge scheme, which we are trying end”.
“I won’t lie” Millie responded “I still hate Uphie, and the only reason I’m stopping my revenge plan is because it’s hurting other people, so if you can suggest one that doesn’t get other people hurt”.
“C’mon sis, spit it out. What’s your idea?”
“Dollification. Our farm has a contact. A taxidermist who is an expert in preserving dead Fluffies. We use him if we want to keep any aesthetically pleasing or notable Fluffies on display. Either for admiration, or as a lesson. However, he also does live preservation”.
Millie suddenly smiled sadistically “Go on?”
“He calls it Dollification. Based off something called the Charming procedure from an abuser named Ring of Fire. From the specifics of the process, it would pretty much be a living hell for Uphie. I also have some ideas as to how it could benefit Veve”.
“OH!” Hans suddenly exclaimed “Your talking about Carl. I know the guy. Met him a couple of times at Paise’s parties. Yeah he’s a solid dude… But I remember he said that he was often very busy. Lots of jobs and I remember he said that Dollification ain’t always available”.
“Oh” Gremmie replied dejectedly
Millie shot Hans an angry look, and Hans looked away in embarrassment.
“It’s fine” Millie replied “I’m sure Hans can talk to him, RIGHT?”
“Yup. No problem. I can message him tonight” Hans said with an embarrassed grin
“If he’s available in the near future, then we will go ahead with Dollification, but if I have to wait a couple of months or something, I think it might be best if we send Uphie to a shelter, or Fluffy Hell… Or should I perhaps forgive her and keep her as my Fluffy?” Millie asked with a cheeky grin.
“No!” Gremmie and Hans exclaimed in perfect unison.
The three began to laugh again, then the got up close for another group hug.
“Too bad Lize isn’t here to join us” Hans commented
“I swear you’re gay for Alize” Gremmie retorted
“Wow Grem, you only realized now?” Millie asked with a grin.
“Staaphhh” Hans cried out playfully with a blush.
The three continued to laugh, and Millie looked at the clock. It was 11:55 pm. It was getting really late.
“I better get home”.
“Eh? Stay Mimi” Hans moaned “It’s Saturday tomorrow”.
“It’s okay if I stay?”
“Of course!” Gremmie replied.
“You don’t mind if I bring Veve and Uphie in? I’m worried Veve might freeze in the car”.
“Sure” Gremmie replied “Oh, and later you we need to discuss what you plan to do with Veve and Prie”.
Millie gave them a thumbs up and headed for her car. She felt refreshed. Born anew. Free from the shackles of revenge and ready to start a new chapter in her life.
Wow. The end is near. So very close.
One more chapter.
Also a little Christmas present from me to you guys.
Nothing big, but you guys get to decide the fates of our three main Fluffies.
Poll ends 07/01/2025 (Two weeks, so more people can vote)
Uphie options
- Send to shelter (Neutral)
- Fluffy Hell (Physical abuse)
- Dollification (Psychological abuse)
Veve options
- Live with Millie
- Live with Mabe
- Eaten by Uphie
Prie options
- Dispose
- Sell to Tally / Prie becomes successful
- Sell to Tally / Something bad happens