Uphie (Part 19) - END - [by MEY]

The end is here! And the format is kind of different. I wrote each Fluffy’s ending seperately and realized that each ending had a different kinds of “vibe” which contrasted each other quite noticeably. Initially I was planning to make four separate posts, but it didn’t seem nice to have four posts called “Uphie (Part 19) - blah blah”, so instead I put each ending into a separate tab, except Uphie’s final ending. It also means that you can skip the endings of the Fluffies you don’t care about. Each ending is pretty much their own standalone story, but it would be recommended to read about Uphie’s ending if you are interested in Veve.

Anyways I hope you enjoy. Mey <3

It was just Uphie and Wewe alone in the car. Mummah had gone into the housie of Gwasses mummah and Oddah dummeh daddeh. Something about giving them hurties and needing to say sowwi, but Uphie wasn’t too sure what that was all about and honestly it did not matter. What mattered to Uphie was the important job, mummah had given her: To be a gud mummah and look after Wewe. It was very important that she did this, because mummah had asked this. Not the meanie munstah that gave her owwies and heawt hurties, but her mummah. The one who only gave her huggies and wuv. She knew this, because her mummah had suddenly become so nice and gave her such nice pets and promised to give her the bestest huggies, so it made sense that this was her mummah.

However, Uphie was conflicted. Mummah had said to be a gud mummah and look after Wewe, but she didn’t want to look after Wewe, after all Gweenie babbeh was a munstah babbeh. A wuv thiew who was tricking both her bestest babbeh Gwent and her beloved mummah. What was right? Being a gud mummah for mummah or saving Gwent and mummah from the twicks of the munstah Wewe? Uphie wasn’t sure.

“wub… Mummah” Wewe muttered softly.

Uphie’s heart melted from hearing such loving words. Wewe might not have been the bestest, but she sure was cute. So cute. Even though she stole all of Uphie’s toys. Even though she stole half of Uphie’s safe room. Even though she stole Gwent and mummah. Uphie stared at the munstah with a sickening sneer. She realized what was going on. Wewe was twicking her, just like Gwent and mummah.

This was all part of the munstah’s plan. Uphie would spare her and then she would go back to stealing everything Uphie owned and everyone Uphie held dear. Uphie needed to do this. She needed to protect all her stuff and she needed to save Gwent and mummah. She needed to do this, because she was the only one who could not be twicked by the munstah Wewe.

“Com Wewe. Com tu… mummah fo… huggies” Uphie whispered.

Wewe stirred in her sleep slightly, yet her ears began to twitch ever so slightly

“Com… hewe Wewe. Com tu mummah… fo huggies n wuv” Uphie whispered slightly louder.

“M…mummah” Wewe muttered weakly.

“Dat wite” Uphie responded softly “Com tu… mummah fo… huggies n wuv”.

Uphie watched eagerly as Wewe began to stir slightly, the green foal inching closer and closer. That was right, Uphie was going to twick the twick munstah Wewe. Twick the foal to come closer with talksie and then give her foebah sweepies. She was so close. Just a bite or two and she would save Gwent and mummah.

“Wub mummah” Wewe suddenly said.

Uphie looked at Veve in shock, and she realized what she was about to do. She was going to num her babbeh. Just like how she had eaten her babbehs in her nestie all those foebahs ago. She really didn’t want to do it again. Even if Wewe was a twick munstah that dewsewve foebah sweepies. Even if she knew that she needed to do it to save Gwent and mummah. She really didn’t want to relive the feeling of numming babbehs, so she decided to use her words.

“Uwpee nu gib Wewe foebah sweepies, bu Wewe nee staph twicking Gwent n mummah, n Wewee nee tu gib dem bac to Uwpee. Otay Wewe?”

Wewe stirred in her sleep, making a slight noise, though still fast asleep.

“Otay Wewe?” Uphie said, as she puffed her cheeks menacingly.

“O… Otay… mummah” Wewe muttered in her sleep.

Uphie made a firm nod and made a proud huff, then grinned proudly. She had done it. She had saved Gwent and mummah from Wewe. She waited patiently for mummah to returning. Waited for so many foebahs that she was sure that it was soon going to be bright time.

Suddenly she heard some noises. She knew the sound. The sound of the vroom vroom munstah doorsie opening, and mummah suddenly peered inside the Fluffy carrier.

“Mummah!” Uphie exclaimed with glee.

“Hi Uphie” mummah said with a smile “Be quiet so you don’t wake up Veve, okay?”

Uphie pouted slightly. Veve again. It was so unfair, especially since Uphie just saved mummah, but Uphie endured for she was a good mummah.

“Uwpee be quiet… bu mummah gib Uwpee huggies, caw Uwpee sab Gwent and mummah?”

“Um… Okay? Sure. I’ll give you huggies later”

Uphie made a delighted squeal. She had managed to save mummah without giving Wewe forebah sweepies.


Millie walked out of therapist office with a large frown

“How do you feel?” Alize asked with a supportive smile, as he stood up to greet her…

Millie shot Alize a dubious glance, then quickly cuddled him tightly.

“Mii?” Alize asked in confusion.

Millie began peppering Alize’s neck with light kisses, as Alize looked around in embarrassment. An old couple was watching with light amusement, whilst a young man averted his gaze. Alize blushed slightly, but made no efforts to stop Millie.

“Was it that rough?” Alize asked softly.

Millie stopped kissing him and nodded, then she held his hand and walked to the counter to pay the bill. Neither said a word until they reached the elevator. Just the two of them in this descending metal box, both staring at the lift door.

“I hate therapy” Millie suddenly admitted.

“No way!?” Alize said with mock surprise

Millie gave Alize a dead look, followed by an amused grin, then hugged him tightly.

“Ugh… I hate therapy so much”

“Yeah I figured, but why?”

“It’s just makes me feel so… So uncomfortable”

“Huh? Why?”

“Like talking about my… Feelings to strangers. It’s just so… ugh”

“Um… That’s what therapy is, talking about your feelings to strangers”.

“I know, and I hate it. It just makes me feel so vulnerable”.


An awkward silence. Alize pondered what to say. Something supportive, but also firm. Something to show he understood her feelings, but also urge her to bear with it. The elevator door opened and the two stepped through, entering an underground car park.

“I’m not stopping therapy by the way” Millie suddenly added with a grin.

Alize sighed in with relief, then looked back with a big smile.

“Good, because I didn’t know what to do if you did”.

Millie giggled and hugged Alize’s arm, as they walked to the car.

“The therapist gave me insight” Millie admitted “Like a bird’s eye perspective on everything and I realized that it was incredibly lucky that the only consequences of my obsession were well… Gremmie closing herself off for a while and you getting these kinds of injuries. Things really could have ended with much more damaging consequences…”

Alize nodded with agreement and Millie kissed him lightly on the cheek, before gently inspecting his knuckles. They looked a little better, but it still filled Millie with guilt.

“… It’s not just that too. The session. We talked about underlying issues, root causes and stuff. A need for control. Dependency issues. Victim mentality. Uphie was just a symptom, and I realized that if I don’t address this, it’s going to affect us in the future, like I mean I could be overly dependent on you…”

Millie paused, as she had noticed a look on Alize’s face. The kind that came from someone imagining something inappropriate.

“No. Not that kind of overly dependent, but a more toxic, life-ruining kind… Or at least more so than how I was with Uphie”.

Alize squeezed his girlfriend’s hand tightly for support and smiled.

“You weren’t toxic, just… Uh… Passionate. Very passionate”

Millie shot him an disapproving look.

“You and I both know that’s not true”.

Alize grinned, then gave her a serious look with a firm nod.

“I know and I’m glad you’re willing to change for the better”

Millie hugged her boyfriend tightly. This feeling of change. She would never admit it, but she was only doing this for Lize, Grem grem and Hanny, but perhaps these sessions would change those mindsets. Perhaps. She looked at her phone, staring at the clock. It was 10:42 am.

“We better get a move on” Millie suggested.

Alize nodded “Okay time to do Fluffy stuff” he said with a grin.

Prie: Sell to Tally / Something bad happens

Zeri stared at this abandoned factory that had been renovated into a Fluffy abuse establishment. Under the daylight sun, signs of aging and disrepair were quite evident, but Zeri had to admit, she was really liking the vibe. Really fit the bill of seedy, underground Fluffy fight club and she wondered if her Fluffy had what it took to make it big here. Regardless it was certainly going to be exciting and Zeri had a big smile as she walked pass the guards, across the cool looking hallway and up to the counter, where a woman in pop-punk fashion looked at her with boredom.

“Welcome to Tally’s Playground. Participant submission?” The woman asked in a monotonous tone.

“Yup” Zeri chirped, as she placed the Fluffy carrier onto the table.

The woman stared at the carrier. From the shadows, a Fluffy emerged. One that looked slightly more muscular than the average Fluffy, with one rather notable feature. The Fluffy extended one of it’s front legs towards the woman, revealing not a hoof, but rather a hand.

“What the fuck is that!?” The woman exclaimed in horror, as she backed away.

“Bad wordsie!” scolded a voice from the carrier.

Zeri just grinned.

“So yeah. This is Leri, a Gori-La-Fluff, rare breed. Is he eligible for participant submission?” Zeri asked nonchalantly.

The woman stared at Zeri dumb founded, and raised her hand.

“Wait right here ma’am. Mr. Tally will definitely want to speak to you directly!”

Zeri grinned with amusement, as the woman ran off, then went back to admiring the decor. The interior design was interesting. Sleek, clean walls and floors, as opposed to the outside. It looked nice, but something else caught her eye. Someone rather.

A young woman had come walking down the stairs. Like an angel who had descended down from the heavens. Short, blonde hair with pale blue eyes and fair skin. She was dressed in a baggy red hoodie and those black techwear pants. One of those tomboys who tried to dress all cool, yet did nothing to hide their cute, pretty face. Zeri very much wanted to meet her and approached with a smile.

“Yo Alize” came a voice

The tomboy turned around in surprise, as a handsome man approached.

“Trying to run off without saying hello, bro?” The man asked with a grin.

The tomboy grinned with amusement.

“Actually I was looking for you, Jojo. This is probably the last time I’m coming here, so I wanted to say goodbye and wanted to know if you have IG”.

Zeri stopped in her tracks. The tomboy had spoken in a rather masculine tone and their mannerism would seem to suggest that they were in fact a boy. A rather cute boy. Zeri wasn’t sure if she was disappointed by that or all the more intrigued. It certainly made her more curious, but she was left speechless when another woman came into view. Half a head taller than the tomboy with this air of regal refinement, long black hair with dark brown eyes and pale skin. It was like a taller version of Tomie or a gorgeous version of Sadako, dressed in some light-blue, cottagecore winter outfit. Stunning.

The woman locked arms with the cute boy and looked at him with possessive eyes. The kind that immediately told anyone that the two were a thing, and though she had not said anything, it was clear that her presence had made things tense, with the man trying to act cool, though obviously quite nervous. There was some awkward small talk and soon the couple left. Zeri just watched silently, feeling a hint of regret. She wouldn’t have mind being in a relationship with both of them, but something told her that she had no chance, and sometimes it was best to admire beauty from the sideline. Just admire beauty for what it was.

She walked back to the submission booth to check on her Gori-La-Fluffy, only to find the Fluffy carrier door wide open and Leri no longer inside. She looked around in confusion, but found no sign of him, nor where he had gone.

“Oh shit” she muttered to herself.

– Yu namesie am Pwie
– Yu am Smawty
– Nu yu am Smawtiest smawty ebah
– Y?
– Becaw ebweywan iz dummeh
– Weww awwmost ebweywan
– Dere wan hooman who yu tink am smawt
– Hooman yu caww Tawwy daddeh
– Y?
– Cause Tawwy daddeh sa yu smawtest Fwuffy ebah
– Tawwy daddeh yu nyu daddeh
– Munstah mummah mummah n daddeh gib yu tu Tawwy daddeh
– Tawwy daddeh mak yu do test wit dummeh doctow
– Doctow sa yu heawthy
– Tawwy daddeh sa yu gud Fwuffy
– Den Tawwy daddeh ask if yu miss mummah n sistah
– Tawwy daddeh su funny
– Y yu miss Wewe
– Yu gib Wewe foebah sweepies
– Sam fo Uwpee?
– Dummeh Uwpee am nut mummah.
– Nut anymo
– Dummeh Uwpee caww yu worstest babbeh
– Yu gib Uwpee worstest hurties
– Nao yu Tawwy daddeh Fwuffy
– Tawwy daddeh sa gon mak yu staw
– Staw mean yu hab wots of voo wers
– Gud voo wers dat caww yu smawty, bwoss bwitch n wuthwess Pwie
– Bu Tawwy daddeh sa nee to pwactice fiwst
– Pwactice am mak yu bettah
– Yu dun get it
– Yu aweady bestest
– Bu wat ebah
– Dis bwight time n darkie time am fo pway n sweepie time
– Tawwy daddeh gib yu big safe woom
– Weww not big
– Mummah mummah safe woom much biggew
– Bu dis am so much betta
– Supah soft
– Su many toysie
– Su many fun tings
– N
– Dey aww yurs
– Nut Wewe
– Tawwy daddeh am weally bestest
– Betta dan munstah mummah mummah
– Betta dan Uwpee
– Yu wuv be teebee Fwuffy
– Yu gonna be bestest teebee Fwuffy ebah
– Yu gon…
– Wat that?
– Yu see some ting come in fwom weally small doorsie on top of wallsies
– Weird tingy walk on big boxie
– It Fwuffy?
– Bu weird munstah Fwuffy
– Hab weird fwont weggies
– Also fwont weggies hab no hoofies!?
– Yu dun wike
– Weird munstah Fwuffy cwimb down boxie
– Yu weally dun wike

Tally stared out the window with a grin, puffing on his celebratory cigar. Christmas came early this year and he got the greatest Christmas present of all. A good investment: $15,000 for full ownership of Prie.

A steep price to pay for a Fluffy, but one with high potential, plus he no longer had to worry about that powder keg named Millie. He hated people like that. The ones who came here for something more than just money. It made them unpredictable. Millie was definitely one of his crazier customers. The amount of money she was earning yet seemingly angrier every time. How were you supposed to work with someone like that?!

Alize might have worked out, but that boy was far too whipped to ever prove useful. Letting those two keep Prie would have eventually ended with Prie dying, maybe due to Prie’s ego, but more like from an eventual mental breakdown from Millie, though from what it seemed, she was getting professional help now. Not that it mattered. Paying 15 k for full ownership was a much better deal than a partnership and he could already see himself making back the loss in less than a few months.

His idea guy was already pitching him some ideas. Stuff to make use of Prie’s higher intelligence. They were thinking like buttons and traps. Defense styled games. Or something to do with herds. Territory games or something along those lines, but not yet, they needed to train Prie first. Tone down that ego a notch, as it was clearly a liability, and teach her some real leadership skills. She had the potential. It just needed to be unlocked.

He opened his TV and flipped to Prie’s safe room. He wanted to admire his new investment.

There she was. His newest star: Ruthless Prie.

There she was… with a monkey?

Tally stared at the TV in disbelief. At the center of the screen was Prie, being thrown around by what looked like a monkey. A weird monkey. A weird, small fucking monkey. Tally pressed the unmute button on the remote and was greeted by the ungodly sound of an angry monkey screeching, only weirdly high pitch and somewhat off, but nonetheless leaving him staring at the screen in stunned silence.

Only when the monkey began ripping his 15 k or rather ripping off one of Prie’s back legs, did Tally suddenly spring to action and grab his walkie talkie.

“There’s a fucking monkey ripping my Fluffy in safe room 3, can someone go in there AND STOP THE FUCKING MONKEY?!” He screamed into the walkie talkie.

He watched as two of his men burst into the room, scaring the monkey, who began screeching louder.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” He heard one of his men scream.

The two men approached and the monkey began to back away. Tally watched and he noticed something. The monkey? It kind of looked like a Fluffy.

“Scawy mistah!” The supposed monkey suddenly said.

“The monkey talks!?”

“Am nut munkey!” The supposed monkey retorted “Am Lewi! Am Gowi-a-Fwuff!”

Tally looked at the screen in surprise. It wasn’t a monkey? It was a Fluffy. A very unique Fluffy. The anger of having his 15 k potentially killed quickly dissipated, as he smelled an opportunity. He watched as his two men got closer, this Fluffy looking very tense.

“Franklin, Lamar. Back off a bit” Tally said to the walkie talkie.

“Huh? But boss, what about the monkey?” Franklin replied

“Am nut munkey!” Tally heard the Fluffy say from the screen “Am Lewi! Am Gowi-a-Fwuff!”

“Ask Lewi if he has an owner”

He stared at the screen and watched the two men look at each other in confusion, before Franklin stepped forward slowly.

“Do you have a daddeh, Lewi?”

“Nu hab daddeh, bu hab mummah”

“Ask Lewi if this mummah brought him here to play” Tally said to the walkie talkie

“Did your mummah bring you here to play, Lewi?”

“Yus! Mummah sa Lewi pway game wit oddah Fwuffies!”

Tally smiled. That was good. This was not some runaway experiment that someone would be looking for and there weren’t many women who came here to sign up their Fluffies, especially alone. That would make finding Lewi’s owner significantly easier.

“Franklin, Lamar. Back up a bit, but don’t let him leave. Just keep Lewi calm and tell him that we are going to bring his mummah to him”.

While his men did as instructed, Tally walked to the door. He needed to find out who the owner was. Luckily the answer came to him, as his assistant came in.

“Boss, one of the submission staff just reported to me about a strange Fluffy submission. Said that it was a Fluffy with human hands and…”

“Was the owner a woman?”

“Uh… yes… Yes, owner was a woman”.

“Perfect. Get me her name and any other details you can, also send her to safe room 3. Her Fluffy is in there with Franklin and Lamar. Tell those two to keep her there. Nicely! I will meet her there. I just want to watch something first”.

"Got it boss”.

His assistant left and Tally turned back to the screen. He rewinded the safe room feed as he was curious how Lewi managed to even enter inside at the first place.

Rewinding to less than 10 minutes ago, he watched in amazement as Lewi entered through some small air ventilation grate, landing on one of the cabinets and climbing down with ease.

Prie simply watched at first, looking with a mix of curiosity and hostility.

“Hewwo Fwuffy. Am Lewi” Lewi said politely “Wat dis woom? Wook wike safe woom!”
Prie simply stared silently, with a hostile look.

“Y Fwuffy gib meanie wook tu Lewi?” Lewi asked with confusion.

Prie backed away a bit, but continued staring angrily. Lewi seemed off put by this and backed away slightly.

“Y… y Fwuffy nu sa anytin?” Lewi asked nervously.

Lewi had stepped on one of the toys and looked at it curiously. It was one of the stuffed friends, but it had managed to catch Lewi’s interest and he began to play with it.

“DAT PWIE TOYSIE!” Prie suddenly screamed.

Lewi was startled at first, but then looked angry.

“Y Fwuffy am shoutie!?” He exclaimed with a mix of anger and confusion.

“DUN TOUCH PWIE TOYSIE MUNSTAH FWUFFY!!” Prie screamed with absolute outrage.

Lewi looked startled, but quickly turned angry and started making those angry monkey noises. It was clear that Prie had not expected that.


Prie looked momentarily scared, but the insult quickly shed any fears and Prie began to puff out her cheeks and stomp the floor angrily.


Leri looked briefly intimidated, but Lewi was significantly bigger than Prie and he quickly recognized it, as he began puffing his own cheeks and slapping the floor.


Before Prie could say anything more, Prie suddenly ran towards Lewi, catching Lewi by surprise, the Fluffy jumped back a little bit as Prie ran between his legs. Lewi looked underneath his legs and foolishly tried to do the same, flipping over onto his back and being left momentarily stunned. This allowed for Prie to have enough time to defecate all over his face.

Tally was impressed. An impressive move from Prie, but unfortunately all it really did was make Lewi all the angrier, as he began making louder monkey screeches as he wiped the feces off his face.


Prie stood there unphased. She had her cheeks puffed and her chest out, and as Lewi reached out to grab her, she jumped to the side. Zigging and zagging, Prie evaded quite well.

“DUMMEH POOPIE FWUFFY!” Lewi screamed.

Prie suddenly stopped moving and glared at Lewi with outrage.


Prie had been cut mid-sentence by a powerful slap to the face, one that sent her flying a few inches to the side. She landed on the floor with a screech, but was unable to move in time to evade another of Lewi’s attacks. A slap to the side while she was down on the ground. Prie could only scream as Lewi assailed her with a barrage of open palm slaps.
The sounds of a Fluffy screaming in agony, the enraged monkey screeches and the sounds of slaps filled the air. From the camera feed it was quite loud, but Tally realized that the thick walls had dampened all the noises, hence why no one had realized until he had said something. He continued watching with fascination, the way that Lewi operated, and he watched with intrigue as Lewi began throwing Prie around.

The heavy cushioning of the safe room served as both a blessing and a curse. Thick enough to dull the blows of being thrown around, allowing Prie to survive being tossed here and there, yet it also meant that Prie would continue to remain alive and conscious as she was tossed around like a rag doll and as it continued, Tally would hear something he would never had expected from Prie. Begging.

“PWEASE!” Prie suddenly cried out “NU MO HURTIES!”

Her pleas were drowned out by the angry monkey screeches.


Prie was tossed into the air with a screech and landed on the floor with a squeak.

“AM ONWY WITTLE BABBEH!” Prie screamed.

There was a knock and Tally paused the feed.

“Yeah?” He said.

His assistant walked in “Um… so I found out who the woman was and… um… Well… wow… her name is Zeri Lucuques”.

“Lucuques? Lucuques… Why does that surname sound fa… Wait! Lucuques as in Kairon Lucuques!?”

“Yes Kairon Lucuques. Zeri Lucuques is his only daughter”.

A brief moment of awe, as Tally realized that he truly struck gold. Kairon Lucuques, CEO of Silver Strider Industries and quite a notable family man. If Tally’s Playground were to form a partnership with Zeri Lucuques. The opportunities would be endless. A chance to move to the big leagues. A potential for Fuzzy Feelings to provide to a wealthier clientele.

“I… I see… Well then, let’s go give Miss Lucuques a formal greeting”.

A smile escaped Tally’s lips as he thought about how to play this. Perhaps use Prie’s injuries for a little emotional leverage. In fact, it would be better if Prie died in this case. Would make this tragedy much more impactful. Give him more leverage and definitely make him look a lot better when he offered to generously overlook this whole nasty incident, as long as Miss Lucuques was willing to consider a potential long-term partnership.

– Yu namesie am Pwie
– Yu am onwy wittle babbeh
– Onwy wittle babbeh dat nut desewve hurties fwom meanie munstah Lewi
– Munstah Lewi am obah dere wit dummeh wady
– Y nu wan gib Lewi hurties?!
– Yu see daddeh
– Yu wan huggies n wuv
– Bu yu cannot mak talksie, your talkie place hab worstest hurties
– Daddeh ignowe yu an mak talksie wit dummeh wady
– Yu heaw dummeh wady teww daddeh sowwi becaw Lewi gib yu hurties
– Dat wite!
– Lewi sa sowwi as well
– Gud!
– Bu daddeh sa iz otay!?
– Y otay!?
– Yu hab worstest hurties
– Y am otay!?
– Lewi shud get worstest hurties!
– Yu see doctow
– Doctow wook at yu
– Yu cwy
– Yu wan huggies n wuv
– Yu ask for huggies n wuv
– Doctow onwy gib yu cowd wook
– Doctow nu gib yu huggies n wuv
– Doctow onwy gib yu pokies
– Doctow gib pokies to worstest hurties bit
– Yu cwy
– Daddeh staph mak talksie wit dummeh wady
– Daddeh com obah
– Finawwy!
– Huggies n wuv NAO!
– Bu daddeh nu gib
– Doctow sa yu nu gud
– Doctow caww yu bwoken beyon weapaiw
– Sometin bout sevewe intewnaw bweeding
– Yu wan huggies n wuv!
– Daddeh nod n hab smiwe!?
– Y daddeh nu hab saddies!?
– Daddeh sa gud?!
– Doctow gu way
– Daddeh gu way, back tu dummeh wady n Lewi
– Dummeh wady sa sometin bout compensation
– Daddeh nod n smiwe
– Daddeh teww dummeh wady dat yu wowthwess
– Daddeh caww yu twash
– Daddeh sa yu jus poopie babbeh dat wittle bit smawty
– Worstest heawt hurties!
– Yu see Lewi make poopies in nu hoofies
– Lewi thwow poopies at yu
– Poopies hit yu face
– Lewi caww yu meanie dummeh
– Daddeh waugh
– Daddeh teww mistahs tu thwow yu way
– Daddeh walksie way with dummeh wady n Lewi
– Yu cwy
– Yu hab worstest hurties ebah
– Yu smeww of poopies
– Yu hab sweepies
– Yu cwy
– Yu dun wike dis
– Yu hate dis
– Yu wan gu back to housie
– Yu dun wan be teebee Fwuffy nu mowe
– Yu wan munstah mummah mummah
– Yu wan dummeh sistah Wewe
– Yu wan mummah
– Yu hab su much sweepies
– Yu wan huggies n wuv fwom mummah
– Yu wish yu nevab weave mummah
– Yu sweep

Uphie: Dollification

Uphie had a lot of heawt happies today, but she had been having many heawt happies for a while now. The last time she had heawt hurties was that time that mummah was giving her hurties in the park, but mummah had already said sorry for that in the vroom vroom munstah and then mummah had given her the bestest huggies in the housie the next bright time as a proper apologies. Ever since then, mummah had not given anymore hurties only happies.

Mummah had already taken away Pwie. Something about making Pwie a teebee Fwuffy foebah. Uphie didn’t care. Pwie was a dummeh poopie babbeh and Uphie had stopped caring, when Prie had stopped listening to her. It would not matter if Pwie came running back with tear, saying sorry and how much she missed her mummah, Uphie wouldn’t care, because Pwie wasn’t her baby. Pwie was just a munstah pretending to be her babbeh and the only thing that munstah desewve was foebah sweepies.

It did not matter, and besides Uphie still had three other babbehs, who was far better than that munstah. Well two. Gwent and Newio. She still wasn’t sure about Wewe. She wasn’t sure if Wewe had really decided to be a gud babbeh or was twicking Uphie into thinking that she was a gud babbeh. Wewe had returned all Uphie’s toysies back to Uphie and mummah was being nice again. Uphie also got to have sketti. Real sketti. Mummah said that it was thanks to Wewe, so maybe Wewe had truly become a gud babbeh?

Well even that wasn’t really important. Uphie just wanted to see her bestest babbeh Gwent again. Her adorable, strong pointy babbeh who was just like Sanny in every way. She wanted to see him and give him huggies n wuv, and tell him all sorts of stories about Sanny. She had already told mummah about it and mummah said she would talk to Mabe mummah about it. It was annoying that Mabe mummah had her bestest babbeh, but it was all so Gwent could be the bestest teebee Fwuffy ever.

Anyways she would get to see Gwent soon. This bwight time was an important time. Mummah had taken her here to see a specaw doctow. This doctow was apparently going to make her into a gud Fwuffy. She didn’t get it. Wasn’t she already a gud Fwuffy for mummah? But mummah said that she was going to be a really gud Fwuffy. She really didn’t get it, but if mummah wanted this, then Uphie wanted this, she wanted to be a really gud Fwuffy for mummah.

That was why Uphie was here. Lying on this cold, big table with a big smile, as mummah looked back at her with a smile as well, petting oh so gently that it filled Uphie with bliss.

“Are you excited?” Mummah asked with her gentle voice.

Uphie nodded. She was ready to be a really gud Fwuffy for mummah, but apparently not just yet, she needed to do something first. Mummah had put something in front of her.

“Uphie, do you remember what a microphone is?” Mummah asked.

Uphie nodded. She recognized what it was. Back on the teebee. Singie babbehs would sometimes make singies on it.

“Uwpee mak singines?” Uphie asked innocently.

Mummah giggled slightly, which made Uphie grin, then she shook her head.

“No Uphie, but you do make talkies with it. I need you to say something to the microphone for me, do you think you can do it?”

Uphie nodded. Of course she could. She could do any talkies for mummah and she puffed out her chest with pride.

“Uwpee mak bestest talkies fo mummah” she announced proudly.

“That’s good Uphie. Now let’s see…”

Mummah had started reading a paper and Uphie looked curiously.

“… Okay. First line. Uphie, I want you to say, Fluffies are best for hugs and love”

Uphie looked at mummah feeling a little bit confused, but smiled and nodded her head. She could do this. She could do this easy.

“Fwuffies am bestest fo huggies n wuv” Uphie said proudly.

There was a wady sitting next to them. She was playing on that toy that mummah used for worksie. The one that with a teebee and made a lot of clicking noises. The wady had something on her hear place and shook her with a small frown.

“Pull the mic away a bit ma’am” the wady said.

Uphie didn’t understand, but mummah did, because she suddenly pulled the talkie toy a little farther away from Uphie. Uphie tried to crawl up to get closer, but mummah kept her still.

“Be a good girl and stay still, okay Uphie?”

“Otay mummah” Uphie replied with confusion.

“Now I want you to repeat, Fluffies are best for hugs and love”

“Fwuffies am bestest fo huggies n wuv” Uphie said with a hint of confusion.

Mummah was looking at the wady, who was still using the toy that made clicking noises.

“Perfect” the wady said with a small smile.

Mummah smiled, which caused Uphie to smile. She tried to crawl forward, because she wanted to give mummah huggies, but mummah kept her still.

“Uphie. Be a good girl and stay still, okay?” Mummah said with a slight frown.

“Bu Uwpee wan huggies n wuv” Uphie said with a low whine.

“I know Uphie, but this is important. You do this and I’ll give you a nice big hug, okay?”

That was certainly an excellent motivator and Uphie found herself laying still as she prepared for whatever she needed to say next.

“Okay” mummah said “Uphie, I want you to say hello Veve”

“Hewwo Wewe?” Uphie asked

“Yup. Hello, and with some energy”

Uphie looked around in confusion. She did not understand.

“Whewwe Wewe, mummah?” Uphie asked.

“Huh? Oh! Veve is not here. I just need you to say hello Veve to this microphone”

Uphie stared at the singie Fluffy toy curiously. She didn’t get it, but if that was what mummah wanted. Then she would do it.

“Hewwo Wewe” Uphie said with a hint of confusion.

“Yes. Just like that” Mummah said with a smile “But can you say it again with a little more energy”

“Hewwo Wewe?” Uphie asked.

“Um… Not a question. Just say hello Veve”

“Hewwo Wewe” Uphie repeated.

Mummah turned to the wady and she shook her head.

“Can you say that one more time?” The woman asked.

Uphie looked at mummah with confusion, who nodded urging her to speak.

“Hewwo Wewe” Uphie said.

Mummah looked at the wady, who nodded with a small smile.

“It’s good. Next line ma’am”.

“Can you say, Have you been a good Fluffy, Veve?”

Uphie looked confused. Veve again?

“Wat bout Gwent?” Uphie asked.

“What about him?” Mummah asked with confusion

“Y Uwpee nu sa hewwo tu Gwent n sa ib Gwent hab be gud Fwuffy?”

Mummah looked confused, which made Uphie confused.

“Huh? Because Veve’s your baby and Gwent is not?”

Uphie looked at mummah with visible horror. What was mummah talking about?! Gwent was not her baby? Of course he was.

“Bu Gwent am Uwpee babbeh” Uphie stated firmly

Mummah looked at her in confusion “Uphie, Gwent is Mabe’s babbeh”

“Nu!” Uphie exclaimed in shock “Dat onwy caw Uwpee wet Mabe mummah hab Uwpee babbeh, so Gwent can be bestest teebee Fwuffy, bu Gwent am Uwpee babbeh”

Mummah looked confused.

“But you didn’t even know about Gwent until Veve started becoming a TV Fluffy”

Uphie looked at mummah in confusion.

“Nu mummah” Uphie replied with frustration “Uwpee kno Gwent befo Wewe be teebee Fwuffy. Gwent n Newio am Uwpee babbehs wit Wewe. Gwent, Newio n Wewe wive in fowest nestie wit Uwpee n hab many walkies n happy times befo com bacc to mummah housie. Uwpee get chase by nummie munstah n scawy wady n meanie Fwuffies den Uwpee fwy n Gwent use Fwuffy magic to mak skettiwand wangew beam tu mak scawy wady gu way!”

“Uphie. You only came home with two babbehs, Veve and Prie. Gwent and Nelio were never with you”

“Dat nut twue mummah! Pwie am nut Uwpee babbeh. Am poopie munstah dat pwetend tu be babbeh n Wewe am twick babbeh dat twick ebenwan! Gwent n Newio am Uwpee babbeh!”

The wady suddenly made a noise and mummah looked at her with surprise. The wady gave her a weird look and shrugged.

“Um… Even if she’s lying. Maybe just tell her that Gwent is her baby ma’am, I d…”

“Gwent am Uwpee babbeh!” Uphie snapped.

“Bad Uphie” Mummah scolded “You do not shout at the nice lady. Now tell her you are sorry for shouting at her”

Uphie make a low whimper as she looked down in shame. She did not want to be called bad, but the wady had said something meanie.

“Bu Gwent am Uwpee babbeh” Uphie whined.

Mummah made a frustrated sigh. The kind that made Uphie feel really bad.

“Sorry about that” mummah said to the wady

“It’s fine ma’am, and… Uh… I think Gwent is Uphie’s baby”

Mummah nodded “Yes. It’s seems we’ve been mistaken, Uphie. Gwent is indeed your baby”

Uphie smiled. They understood!? Of course they would. Gwent was her baby after all. Mummah made a soft sigh, as the wady made a small cough.

“Um… Ma’am, the script?”

“Oh! Right. Sorry… Uh… Let’s see here. Uphie. Can you say, Have you been a good Fluffy, Veve?”

Uphie looked confused. Oh right they were doing that talkie thingy. She still didn’t get it, but she did it anyway, because she was a good Fluffy that listened to mummah.

“Hab yu be gud Fwuffy, Wewe?” Uphie asked.

Mummah looked at the wady, who nodded.

“It’s good ma’am, next line please”

“Okay Uphie. Can you say. Thank you, Veve”

“Wut bout Gwent”

“Later Uphie… Um… We’ll do Veve’s line first, and then Gwent, okay?”

“Otay mummah!”

Uphie grinned and began thinking about all the lovely stuff she would get to say to Gwent, while mummah and the wady looked at her. Both just looking at her weirdly as she hummed a merry tune.

“Uphie?” Mummah asked “Your line?”

Uphie looked surprised. Oh right. She was supposed to say something. She felt embarrassed as she had actually forgotten.

“Sowwi mummah, Uwpee fowgow wat tu says”

Mummah sighed again, making Uphie feel all the more terrible, but she nodded.

“It’s okay Uphie. Please say, Thank you, Veve”

“Tank yu Wewe” Uphie replied softly

Mummah looked at the wady, who shook her head.

“A little louder please” the wady said

“Tank yu Wewe?” Uphie asked

“Um… Again with more energy” the wady said

“Tank yu Wewe?” Uphie repeated

“Uphie. It’s not a question, just say thank you Veve” Mummah stated.

Uphie pouted. This was really getting annoying. How many times did she have to say thank you Veve? It was seriously ticking her off and she turned her head away with, making a hmph noise as she did so.

“Uwpee nu wan say Tank yu Wewe nu mowe”

Mummah was frowning now and made another short sigh.

“Uphie. Can you please be a good girl and…”

“Actually ma’am. The one she just said was fine. We’ll edit the extra dialogue in post”.

“I see” mummah said with a short nod “Uphie can you…”

“Nu!” Uphie interrupted “Nu wan make talkies nu mowe! Dummeh wady awways sa gain n…”

Uphie had stopped. Mummah was giving her a very scary look. The kind that she made back when she was a munstah and the kind that caused Uphie to tremble.

“Nu… Nu huwties… Pwease mummah” Uphie pleaded softly.

Mummah continued looking at her, then took a deep breath and sighed. Mummah looked sad. The wady was giving mummah a sad look as well.

“It’s okay ma’am. We can take a break. We still have forty five more minutes to finish all the lines”

Mummah nodded, then pet Uphie gently, as the wady walked away for a bit.

“You really just do your own thing, huh?” Mummah asked gently.

Uphie enjoyed the head pat and looked at mummah in confusion, as she didn’t understand what mummah had said, so Uphie said the first thing on her mind.

“Wub mummah” she said with glee.

Mummah smiled and nodded “I know you do. I know… You know, I never really asked this, but when you ran away did you think about me at all?”

Uphie nodded. Of course she did.

“Uwpee thinky bout mummah many bwight times n darkie times”.

“Is that so?”

“Yus mummah, Uwpee teww Sanny n hewd aww bout mummah n specaw fwen”

“What did you tell them?”

Uphie looked embarrassed and looked away.

“Uwpee teww… Uwpee teww dem dat mummah am meanie dat nu wet Uwpee hab babbehs”

Mummah made a soft chuckle, and nodded in agreement.

“Yes I guess I really was a meanie wasn’t I?”

Uphie nodded with a low whimper.

“Mummah am su meanie. Nu wet Uwpee hab babbehs, den gib Uwpee many owwiess n awso gib Uwpee worstest heawt hurties”

“Yes. I really was such a meanie. A meanie munstah and I… Well, I am sorry Uphie. For the Work Wagon and all that… It was never to make you a proper adult. It was just me being unable to deal with my own faults… And I really am sorry about making you suffer through that. This… Well… This seems to be the truly the best choice for… Well… This seems to be the best choice I can make”.

Uphie looked at mummah with a big smile. Hearing that made her feel so many heawt happies. This really was the best choice. Being good to Uphie, because Uphie really did work hard and she really did deserve this.

No one ever realized how hard Uphie had worked and struggled. Out there in the forest, fighting off the babbeh numming munstahs and all the meanie dummeh Fwuffies. There were so many. Big scary munstahs that Uphie had to fly and fight. Meanie Fwuffies that said meanie words and did horrid tricks. Yet Uphie stood tall. She endured it for the sake of her three babbehs. Did it to bring them to mummah. Gwent, Newio and Wewe, and that wasn’t all.

She let Mabe mummah have Gwent and Newio. Yes. She was the one that decided that Gwent and Newio should go with Mabe mummah, and she kept her worstest babbeh Wewe with her, because she was that much of a good mummah and she knew that Gwent would be the bestest teebee Fwuffy ebah thanks to Mabe mummah. She let Gwent and Newio stay with Mabe mummah just so they could become the bestest, and all she wanted was just a little private time with Gwent. She even saved Gwent and mummah from twick munstah Wewe, by telling the twick munstah to stop twicking. She did that! Uphie, all by her own. Every though so many people were such meanies and said such meanie things to her, she had gone out of her way to save Gwent and mummah.

Only now was mummah finally nice to her. Only now did mummah give Uphie a proper sorry for all the hurties.

“Uwpee forgib yu” Uphie said with a smile.

Uphie raised her head up high and puffed up her chest. She really did feel like such a good Fluffy. The best in the world in fact. All those meanie things that mummah had done to her, and she still chose to forgive mummah. Pwaying wit mistah Work Wagon. Went. Hwappy Cwoins. Having her weggies bweak. The hurties in the park that darkie time. All the times mummah looked like she was going to give Uphie foebah sweepies. All the meanie things mummah had said. Mummah did not dewsewve forgiveness, but still Uphie forgave mummah, because she was that much of a good Fluffy.

“Uphie” mummah suddenly said “Can I ask you for a massive favor?”

Uphie looked at mummah curiously and nodded slightly.

“Yus mummah?” Uphie asked.

“Could you be a good mummah and say those lines, to you babies?”

Uphie pouted slightly and rolled her eyes. Not the talkie thing again.

“Uwpee nu wan” Uphie whined.

“I know. I know, but I… I want to make this a present for Ve… Uh… Er… For Gwent, and Veve”


“Yeah! I want to record you saying all these nice things so that they could hear it all the time, even… If you can’t say it yourself”.

Uphie thought about it. A pwesent to let Gwent hear her voice all the time? That actually sounded quite amazing and certainly served as a good motivator to do the talkie thing again, but Uphie realized that she could get a little more out of it.

“Uwpee du talkie thingy, bu onwy ib mummah pwomise tu gib Uwpee sketti afta”

Mummah smiled “Good girl”.

Uphie squealed with delight, as mummah signaled for the wady to come back. The wady sat back down in front of the clicky toy with the teebee screen, and smiled.

“Ready ma’am” the wady said.

“Okay Uphie, please say Mummah want huggies”

Uphie smiled. That was an easy one.

“Mummah wan huggies!” Uphie exclaimed with glee

Mummah looked at the wady, who smiled.

“Perfect. Next line ma’am”

Uphie grinned with pride

“Uphie, please say Good Fluffy”

“Gud Fwuffy”

“Perfect. Next line ma’am”

“Uphie, please say That’s bad”

“Dat bad”

“Perfect. Next line ma’am”

“Uphie, please say Good Fluffies listen to mummah mummah”

“Gud Fwuffies wisten tu mummah”

“Uphie… Um… Mummah mummah not mummah”

“O, sowwi mummah… Gud Fwuffies wisten tu mummah mummah”

“Perfect. Next line ma’am”

“Uphie, please say Good Fluffies make good poopies”

“Gud Fwuffies mak gud poopies”

“Perfect. Next line ma’am”

“Uphie, please say Go and play”

“Gu n pway!”

“Perfect. Next line ma’am”

“Uphie, please say good bye”

“Gud byesie”

“Perfect. Next line ma’am”

“Uphie, please say good night. Sleep tight”

“Gud night. Sweep twight”

“Perfect! Next line ma’am”

“Okay las… Uh… Can you say Mummah love you Veve”

Uphie looked confused, but then nodded.

“Mummah wub yu Gwent n Wewe” she said with a smile.

Mummah frowned slightly and shook her head.

“No Uphie. Just Veve. Can you say Mummah love you Veve?”

“Bu Mummah wuv Gwent n Wewe”

“I know, but I only need… Oh I know. Can you say Mummah love you Veve and then say Mummah love you Gwent?”

Uphie nodded. She could most certainly do that.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewemummah wuv yu Gwent!” Uphie exclaimed with a big grin.

Mummah was looking at another wady, and the wady shook her head.

“Um… one more time, and ask Uphie to space out the lines” said the wady.

Mummah nodded then, smiled at Uphie.

“Okay. Can you see Mummah love you Veve again, but this time don’t say Mummah love you Gwent until I say so, okay?”

Uphie nodded. It was felt like a confusing command, but Uphie certainly didn’t mind saying that she loved Gwent over and over.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe” Uphie said.

“Hmm… Could you say it with just a little bit more energy?” Mummah asked.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe?”

“Uh… One more time… Something feels off”.

Uphie looked at mummah in confusion.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe” Uphie said with as much affection as she could apply.

Mummah had a frown and thought about something.

“Uh… Could you say Mummah loves you Gwent?”

“Mummah wuv yu Gwent!” Uphie said with unbridled enthusiasm.

“Oh like that! The same energy, but for Veve. Say mummah love you Veve, with that much energy”.

Uphie looked at mummah hesitantly. She loved Veve, but not that much, not as much as her bestest babbeh Gwent. However, for mummah, Uphie would certainly try.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe” Uphie said casually.

Mummah sighed. She looked deep in thought, then nodded, muttering apologies to Wewe, though Wewe was not actually there.

“Okay. Let’s try it this way. I want you to say Mummah loves you Veve, but this time I want you to picture Gwent, when you say Veve. Do you think you could do that?”

Uphie looked at mummah in confusion, but thought about. She thought about Veve’s name, then thought about Gwent’s face.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe!” Uphie exclaimed

Mummah seemed to be okay with this, as she made a small smile and looked at the wady.

“Perfect ma’am. That’s a wrap. Also… Your Fluffy. She’s quite the piece of work ain’t she”.

“I know… Why do you think I’m doing this?”

Uphie looked at both of them curious. Not quite sure what they were talking about, but it must have been something nice as the wady grinned and gave Uphie a bowl of nummies.

“A treat for being such a… Fluffy” the wady said.

Uphie looked at the treat. It was kibbles, but very colorful and she began numming on them with glee, as the wady took away the singie toy and the clicky toy. She watched the wady go way with confusion.

“Wewwe wady gu?” Uphie asked.

“Hmmm? We’re done, Uphie” mummah said softly

“Bu… bu Uwpee nu sa nice talkies tu Gwent yet. Onwy sa nice wordies tu Wewe”.


“Mummah sa dat Uwpee sa nice wordsie tu Wewe, den sa nice wordsie tu Gwent”

Mummah looked at Uphie in confusion and Uphie looked back equally confused. She was certain that mummah had said that. Say those nice words to Wewe and then later to Gwent.

“You… You really love Gwent don’t you?” Mummah suddenly asked.

Uphie nodded with pride. “Gwent am bestest babbeh!” Uphie declared.

“But she isn’t your baby, Uphie?”

“Nu!” Uphie cried “Y mummah sa dat gainse!? Gwent am Uwpee babbeh”

“But you never even heard of Gwent until Veve became a TV Fluffy”

“Nu mummah! Dat nut twue! Gwent am Uwpee bestest babbeh n gib tu Mabe mummah tu be bestest teebee Fwuffy”.


Mummah looked so confused. She really did not seem to understand this and Uphie really could not understand why. Gwent was Uphie’s babbeh. It was as simple as that. Gwent was her babbeh, so why did mummah keep saying that it was not true. It was just so confusing.

“Why is Gwent your bestest babbeh?” Mummah suddenly asked.

That was a very good question and Uphie had such a good answer.

“Caw Gwent am wike Sanny n Sanny am bestest fwen!”

“So you like Gwent because he reminds you of Sanny?”

“Yus! Gwent am bestest babbeh cau is same cowow as Sanny n smarty wike Sanny n stwong wike Sanny n gud Fwuffy wike Sanny! Gwent am Sanny n Sanny am bestest”.

“I see… You really like Sanny huh?”

Uphie nodded “Sanny am Uwpee bestest fwen. Miss Sanny wots n wots”

Uphie felt sad. She missed Sanny alot. Specaw fwen too. Her hewd as well. She wished they were all still here. She wished that they could all meet mummah, especially now that mummah was not a munstah anymore. She remembered all the fun times in the forest. The times between nummie finding, nest building, munstah hidding and walkies. The times where she just got to play with the Fluffies, like how she would play with all her toysies.

Imagine if they all got to live with Uphie in Uphie’s safe room. No more nummie finding and all that annoying stuff, because mummah was here. All the toysie they could ever want. Just Uphie and her hewd spending the bwight times playing and the darkie times curled up together in the bestest fluff pile. Mummah playing and sleeping with them. Maybe not Daddeh, Gwasses mummah and Oddah daddeh. Uphie might have forgiven mummah, but she would not forgive any of them for being such meanies and giving her hurties, and Uphie wished they would go away foebah and Uphie pondered how she could get rid of them.

However, another thought interrupted her potential schemes. What if Uphie could get a n hewd? Get a nyu specaw fwen and hab nyu babbehs. A nyu hewd to live with Uphie in the safe room. A nyu specaw fwen and nyu babbehs to wuv and pway with. A nyu hewd to share her toysies, her nummies and her mummah. Wouldn’t that just be amazing?!

“Can Uwpee hab nyu babbehs?” Uphie suddenly asked.

Mummah seemed surprised by this and for a moment, mummah gave that scawy cold look. The one that made Uphie feel nervous, but then mummah sighed and put her hand over her thinky place. She didn’t seem mad anymore, but she did look sad, the kind that made Uphie feel bad. Kind of at least, but that not that much, because it was honestly the least mummah could do. All those hurties and meanie words mummah had given Uphie. The least mummah she could do was let Uphie have nyu babbehs.

“Are you going to run away again, if I say no?” Mummah asked.

Uphie felt shocked by this. Shocked and somewhat ashamed. She had forgotten about that. Running away because she didn’t get babbehs the first time and she remembered the supposed heawt hurties that she had given to mummah, but at the same time, it was unfair for mummah to say that, given how much hurties Uphie had already gotten because of that.

“Uwpee onwy wun way caw mummah wa meanie dat nu wet Uwpee hab babbehs!” Uphie exclaimed angrily.

Uphie turned away and pouted, puffing her cheeks angrily as wide as she could, but from the corner of her see place she noticed mummah looking sad and nodding. It did make Uphie feel some heawt hurties, because she was supposed to be a good Fluffy.

“Uwpee so…”

“Uphie, what kind of special friend would you like?” Mummah suddenly asked

Uphie seemed surprised by this question, but suddenly smiled, as she realized that if mummah asked this question, then perhaps mummah really was considering to let Uphie have nyu babbehs? It was certainly a delightful thought.

“Wat specaw fwen Uwpee wan?” Uphie pondered aloud

Uphie wasn’t actually sure and she began to eat more of the nummies as she thought about it. What kind of specaw fwen did she want? What was her old specaw fwen like? Uphie couldn’t really remember much, except that he left her to take care of the babbehs on her own, so he must have been a dummeh meanie and a bad daddeh. Wasn’t he a brown Fluffy? Yes. Just like Prie, both of them were dummehs with poopie colors. Uphie didn’t want that. She wanted her nyu babbehs to be good babbehs with pwetty cowows.

Pwetty cowows like blue, red, white, pink. Pink. That was a very pretty color. Same color as Gwent, and same color as Sanny, and like them she wanted her specaw fwen to be a pointy Fwuffy, because pointy Fwuffies were always strong, smart, brave and kind. Pink. Pointy Fluffy. Maybe a black mane? Like Gwent. Actually, the more she thought about it, the more she realized that Gwent was kind of what she wanted her specaw fwen to be like. Just like Gwent in every way, except a boy Fluffy… But Gwent was a boy Fluffy wasn’t he? Yes! He was a boy Fwuffy!

“Uwpee wan Gwent tu be specaw fwen!” Uphie suddenly announced.

Mummah looked shocked by this.

“Huh?! I… I thought Gwent was… Huh!? Bu… Gwent is a babbeh… Well I guess he’s a young colt, but…”

“Dat otay mummah!” Uphie said with a grin “Gwent be specaw fwen wen big Fwuffy. Nao am Uwpee babbeh, den be specaw fwen wen biggie!”

Uphie felt so smart saying that. Gwent was the perfect choice for a specaw fwen. Imagine. A bunch of super cute, pink, pointy babbehs, who would all become strong, smart and brave, like Gwent and Sanny. It would be such a cute herd. On and imagine if they all became one of those teebee Fwuffy hewd! Uphie, her specaw fwen and her babbehs. They would be so cute that the voo wers would absolutely love them. Everyone would. It was such a good idea. It must have been, because mummah had that meanie smile. The one she did… When she was giving Fwuffy hurties.

“Mu… Mummah?” Uphie asked in feared, whimpering ever so slightly.

Mummah continued smiling and started laughing creepily, before putting a hand to her talkie place and trying to hold back another of her creepy laughs. Uphie whimpered in fear. She didn’t understand. What did she do? Why was mummah starting to be the munstah again?

“I have an idea!” Mummah said with a smile “Let’s do one more talkie game!”

Uphie looked at mummah nervously. She had to wonder if this was some kind of meanie game, and she whimpered as mummah pulled something from her pocket. Uphie recognized it. It was a talkie thing that hoomans used to mak talkies with other hoomans, even if hooman was far away, and she had seem mummah pway games and wach teebee on it as well. Mummah was holding it on one hand.

“Would you like it if Gwent started living with you in your safe room?” Mummah suddenly asked

Uphie looked at mummah in surprise, but nodded with a smile. She would like that very much. Imagine getting to live with her bestest babbeh. Getting to telling Gwent about all the stories of Sanny and showing Gwent how to be like Sanny, then teaching Gwent how to be a daddeh and gud feews.

“Uwpee wan!”

“Awesome!” Mummah said “I just need you to do one thing for me. Like the talkie games. I want you to say something for me and then Gwent can start living in your safe woom”.

Uphie began to shake about excitedly.

“Uwpee sa! Uwpee sa!”

“Okay. I wan you to say, Uphie wants to give Veve forever sleepies so that Gwent can live with you”

Uphie seemed surprised by this. Give Veve foebah sweepies so that Gwent can live with her? That was quite a shocking statement, but she was more curious why mummah was suddenly holding up the talkie thing between Uphie and her.

“Uwpee wan gib Wewe foebah sweepies su Gwent wive wit Uwpee!” Uphie declared.

“Really Uphie?” Mummah asked in shocked that it didn’t seem really shocked

Uphie felt confused by this, after all mummah was the one who told her to say it, but it wasn’t a big deal though. She was originally going to give Wewe foebah sweepies after all.

“Yus” Uphie admitted “Uwpee wa gib Wewe foebah sweepies in vroom vroom munstah fo be twick munstah, bu Uwpee nut gib caw mummah sa nu”

Mummah did not say anything first, but she had put down the talkie thing, and she had a frown.

“You… You were going to give Veve forever sleepies?”

Uphie nodded, though she felt a little nervous as mummah was still frowning.

“Uwpee… Wan gib Wewe foebah sweepies in vwoom vwoom munstah fo be twick munstah, but Uwpee wan be gud mummah su onwy teww Wewe tu staph be twick munstah”

“When did you try to give Veve forever sleepies?” Mummah asked. .

“In vwoom vwoom munstah… Afta hurties in pawkies… Uwpee wan gib Wewe foebah sweepies fo being twick munstah, su can sabe Gwent n mummah”

Uphie felt nervous now, because mummah looked angry. She looked like she was going to give Uphie hurties and Uphie felt a need to try and hide, so she lowered her head on the table and closed her see places. If she could not see mummah, then mummah could not see her, but then she heard mummah make a sigh and felt mummah gently stroke her mane.

“Save Gwent and me?” Mummah asked “What do you mean by that?”

Uphie looked at mummah in surprise, but felt calmer as mummah stroked her mane.

“Wewe am twick munstah n wuv theiw” Uphie stated firmly “Steaw Uwpee safe woom n toysies, steaw Mummah, n steaw Gwent fwom Uphie”

“I see” mummah said softly.

Mummah laid back on her chair, she looked tired and Uphie was feeling tired too. Uphie let out a yawn, because she was suddenly feeling tired as well.

“Feeling sleepy?” Mummah asked, petting her on the head again.

Uphie nodded, and she nuzzled mummah’s hand lovingly. She loved this. Getting to mak talkies with mummah until she was sleepy. It was one of the things she missed when she ran away from home.

“Oh” Mummah suddenly said “I don’t know if you care, but… Uh… I guess you should know… Prie died”

“Pwie hab… Foebah sweepies?” Uphie asked with a yawn.

“Yeah. Another Fluffy gave her foebah sweepies”

“Dun cawe” Uphie said, as she rested her head on the table.

“Oh?.. Uh… Why not?”

“Pwie am meanie munstah poopie babbeh. Gib oddah babbeh worstest hurties n gib Uwpee hurties tu. Awso Pwie nu wisten to Uwpee, bu Uwpee am mummah. Onwy bad babbehs nu wisten to mummah, su Uwpee dun cawe dat Pwie hab foebah sweepies caw bad babbehs”

This was true. In fact Pwie getting a foebah sweepies was a good thing, as Pwie really was such a bad babbeh. It was seem mummah agreed, as mummah now had a small smile.

“Man Uphie. You really are just the worst Fluffy, aren’t you?” Mummah suddenly said

Uphie was feeling sleepy, but hearing that quickly woke her up. Mummah had just called her the worstest Fwuffy?! Why!?

“Uwpee am nut worstest Fwuffy” Uphie cried out in protest.

“Oh you are, and the worst mummah too”

“Nu! Uwpee am nut worstest mummah!”

Mummah had started to laugh, not a meanie laugh, but the kind of laugh when daddeh said something funny and Uphie couldn’t understand why. Uphie didn’t say anything funny and neither did mummah. Uphie began to grow upset and began to pout angrily.

“Am nut worstest!” Uphie cried out once more in protest.

“No you really are. You tried to kill Veve and you don’t care that Prie died…”

“Wewe am twick munstah and Pwie am meanie poopies munstah!”

“Uh oh! Bad Fluffies don’t listen to mummah. I thought I’m your mummah, but your not listening to me”

Uphie looked at mummah in horror. She did just say that.

“Am gud Fwuff” Uphie said in a panic “Uwpee wisten!”

Mummah laughed again.

“Man that Gwent thing though… That’s a whole other level… Like not caring if one of your babies died, stealing other foals and even trying to kill one that… Well that’s like BMS Hell gremlin shit, but Gwent. Taking a babbeh from some one else, raising him and then making him into your special friend… ha ha ha… That’s like… That’s next level Uphie, just… Wow… You really are a special kind of something aren’t ya?”

Mummah was laughing so much that tears were coming from her see placed. Then she looked at Uphie with a smile. A kind smile, despite the fact that she just said such meanie things to Uphie. Then she pet Uphie gently. It felt so weird, because she had just said such a meanie thing, but was doing such a nice thing. Uphie felt so confused, because she had both heawt happies and heawt hurties.

“Uwpee… Nu am worstest Fwuffy n…”

“No. You are. This is not hate or me being a meanie. Objectively Uphie you are actually the worst Fluffy and the worst mummah I have ever met in my life. It probably because of me. My toxic behavior rubbed off on you, and this whole shitty revenge situation probably made your worse, and turned you into this, but you are by far the most evil Fluffy I have ever met and quite possibly the worstest Fluffy in this entire world”

Uphie let out a whimper, as mummah let get of her mane, but mummah still had that big, pretty smile. Uphie just looked at her miserably. She hated this. She hated what mummah was saying and it would seem that things were only going to get worse, as in the background, she could see Daddeh, Oddah daddeh and Gwasses mummah coming over. Uphie didn’t like this and she let out a whimper.

“Uwpee am nut worstest Fwuffy”

“Oh you are and nothing you can say will ever convince me otherwise”

Uphie let out another pained whimper, as Daddeh, Oddah daddeh and Gwasses mummah arrived.

“Mii, it’s time” Daddeh said

“Uwpee nut worstest Fwuffy” Uphie moaned.

“Eh?” Oddah daddeh said

“Oh. She’s just trying to justify herself. You’re not the worst Fluffy in the world, right Uphie?”

“Uwpee… Uwpee am nut… Am nut worstest Fwuffy” Uphie replied as she tried to hold back her tears

“Even if you tried to kill Veve and didn’t care that Prie died?”

“Bu… Bu… Wewe am… twick munstah n Pwie… Pwie am meanie munstah”

“Oh but you also said that Gwent is your baby, but you also want him to be your special friend?”

“Bu… Gwent am bestest babbeh… N… N… Mak bestest babbeh wit…”

Uphie had stopped because she noticed the meanie looks from Daddeh, Gwasses mummah and Oddah daddeh. The only one who was smiling was mummah, who made such a nice giggle, despite being such a meanie.

“Are… Are you okay, Mii?” Daddeh asked.

Mummah nodded with her same lovely smile.

“Honestly. It’s just…uh… What’s the word… It’s just… Just refreshing! Like knowing my Work Wagon had zero chance of succeeding, because how do you even fix something like this. Little miss worst Fluffy over here”.

“Am nut worstest Fwuffy!” Uphie screamed as loud as she could.

“Keep telling yourself that baby” Mummah said with a smile “Hanny, let’s go to the Moonbucks across the street. I noticed the strawberry matcha latte we love is back on sale, unless you got something you wanna say to her?”

“Nope I got nothing” Oddah daddeh responded “Let’s go, Mimi. Hanny wants some of that strawberry matcha goodness!”

“You two coming?” Mummah asked “Or do you both want to talk to her one last time?”

Daddeh and Gwasses mummah nodded

“Yeah. I guess I have stuff to say” Daddeh said “Can you get me the triple hot choco mix?”

“Hibiscus teapot for me” Gwasses mummah added

Millie smiled and she began to walk away with Oddah daddeh, leaving Uphie in a panic.

“Mummah!?” Uphie cried out “Wewwe mummah gu!?”

Mummah stopped and smiled “Oh. This is probably the last time we’ll ever actually have a proper conversation, huh? Hmm… What’s a good last word. Oh, I know! Good bye worstest Fwuffy!”

Uphie watched in horror as mummah walked away with Oddah daddeh.

“Am nut worstest Fwuffy!” Uphie cried out “Am nut worstest Fwuffy!”

Mummah wasn’t listening. She had disappeared with Oddah daddeh. It was only Daddeh and Gwasses mummah left. Uphie felt scared and she tried to crawl away, but her front weggies were still wrapped in that dummeh casts, leaving her entirely at the mercy of Daddeh and Gwasses mummah, who were both staring at her with very scawy looks.

“Pwease… Nu huwties” Uphie said with a tremble.

Daddeh and Gwasses mummah stared at her coldly, and Uphie once again tried to hide herself by burying her face in the table.

“You know… Thinking about it, isn’t it kinda crazy how something this stupid was actually able to hurt all of us so badly?” Uphie heard daddeh ask.

“Yeah” Gwasses mummah replied “But let’s be honest. Uphie didn’t actually hurt us that much. We were the ones who did the most damage to ourselves”.

“True true… But still fuck Uphie”

“Yes, fuck Uphie”

Uphie let out a pained whimper being subjected to such meanie words, but it didn’t compare to the pain of being lifted up by her mane.

“Bad upsies!” Uphie screamed.

Daddeh was the one who had lifted her up and she stared at him and Gwasses mummah with tearful eyes, as she tried to shake free

“Nu mowe huwties!” Uphie scream “Uwpee am gud Fwuffy! Gud Fwuffy!”

“Oh yeah?” Gwasses mummah asked “Give me one good reason you’re a good Fluffy”

Uphie looked at them in confusion as she tried to think of something, but it was hard to think because daddeh was still holding her up by the mane and it was giving her so much hurties. She struggled and squirmed as both daddeh and Gwasses mummah stared at her.

“Drop her” Gwasses mummah ordered “I wanna hear her answer”

Daddeh dropped her down and Uphie looked at them both with her most pitiful look. Tear filled see places with the biggest frown. The worstest heawt hurties, as both of them were being such meanies.

“Hu hu hu. Dummeh daddeh n dummeh Gwasses mummah gib Uwpee worstest hurties” Uphie wailed.

Gwasses mummah sat down next to her.

“Hey Uphie guess what?” Gwasses mummah said.

Uphie looked at her in confusion as more tears trickled down her see place

“We don’t care, and you still haven’t told us why you’re a good Fluffy”

Uphie looked at Gwasses mummah with a mix of sadness and annoyance. Why did she have to tell these meanies why she was a good Fluffy!?

“Uwpee nu wan!” Uphie exclaimed “Nu wan teww dummeh meanies y Uwpee am gud Fwuffy!”

“Oh I see” Gwasses mummah said “Because you don’t actually have a reason, right?”

“Uwpee hab weason! Uwpee am gud Fwuffy caw… caw…”

Uphie paused as she tried to think. There was a reason, she just couldn’t think of it right now, because daddeh and Gwasses mummah were such meanies, and something new had grabbed her attention. The wady from earlier.

“Oh my? She hasn’t fallen asleep yet?” The wady asked.

“Sorry… I think we’ve been aggravating her too much for her to sleep” Gwasses mummah replied

“That’s okay” the wady said with a smile “We have… other ways to make them sleep quickly. Oh, but Carl is almost ready, so you’ll want to wrap up your goodbyes. We have another appointment booked right after this, so we really can’t afford to delay”.

“Understood” Gwasses mummah said.

The wady walked away again, leave Uphie with daddeh and Gwasses mummah. Both looking at her coldly.

“It’s kinda late to ask, but you worried that the doll thing might stop Millie from properly healing?” Daddeh suddenly asked

“Kind of… But you saw Mimi, she’s seem to be done. Hopefully that’s permanent. Seems Dollification is more for us… and Veve, and if it looks like she’s bringing back old Mimi, then we trash her immediatly”.

Uphie looked at them in confusion. She still had worstest hurties from them being such meanies, but she was also kind of curious to know what they were talking about.

“Wa… Wat dowwi… dowwi-vi-ca-sion?” Uphie asked as cutely as she possibly could.

“Dollification is where we take away your ability to walk. So you can’t run away ever again”

Uphie stared at Gwasses mummah in horror. Take away walkies? But then how was Uphie supposed to run and play.

“Uwpee n-mmMMmmmmmm”

Gwasses mummah was holding her talkie place shut, forcing Uphie to only listen as Gwasses mummah stared at her with that cold, scawy look.

“Dollification is where we close your mouth shut permanently. So you can never spew your narcissistic bullshit to Mimi ever again, nor make any of your incessant demands. Oh, and it also means that you will never be able to taste proper food again. No sketti. No kibbles. No other kinds of food. All you’re going to get are inje… Sorry, pointy hurties with the stuff that keeps you alive…”

Uphie shook and squirmed as she tried to free her talkie place. They were going to close her talkie nummie place foebah!? How was she supposed to make talkies and how was she supposed to num?! She couldn’t understand, but Gwasses mummah had not yet stopped talking.

“… Dollification is where we take away your see places and close all your orifices… Sorry your poopie and pee pee place. You’ll never be able to look at anything ever again, and all you can do is finally listen. Meanwhile we’ll have your waste stored in a bag, so that we only have to change you once in a while”.

Uphie struggled to break free of Gwasses mummah’s grasps. Take away her see place. Close her poopie and pee pee place? How was she supposed to watch Gwent play?! Watch teebee?! How was she supposed to make good poopies!? Gwasses mummah had suddenly released her talkie place and Uphie realized that she needed to stop them, and there was only one thing she could think to do: Beg.


“Give me one good reason why you’re a good Fluffy then”.


Uphie’s thinky place went into overdrive as she thought of all the possible reasons. Just one. She only needed one.


“But your mummah said that you were the worstest Fluffy, weren’t you listening?”

Uphie stared at Gwasses mummah in horror, and looked around as she tried to think of another reason.


“Sorry Uphie, Veve is not a trick monster. You’re the only trick monster here. Veve is a good Fluffy that we all love and good Fluffies wouldn’t even think to kill Veve”.

Another look of horror as Uphie began to panic. She was having difficulty making bweathsie now, as her thinky place was having the worstest hurties.


“Sorry. Gwent isn’t your baby and only a bad Fluffy would pretend he is, plus saying Gwent is a good TV Fluffy doesn’t mean your a good Fluffy”.


Gwasses mummah stood up and stretched, and she had a small smile. Uphie tried to crawl to her, as she desperately continued to announce herself as a good Fluffy, but suddenly daddeh held her talkie place shut. She tried to speak and she tried to shriek, but daddeh held a firm grasp, so all Uphie could do was try to say that she was a good Fluffy, even if all that came out where muffled wordsie.

“You okay, Grem?” Daddeh asked.

“Yup” Gwasses mummah said with a smile “Sorry Uphie you’re still a bad Fluffy, so Dollification it is”.

Uphie tried to scream, but all that came out was a muffled sounds. Tears were falling from her see-places and she tried to shake free. She needed to run away, but she couldn’t even move, as daddeh had a firm grip by the talkie place. She didn’t deserve this. She really did not. She was a good Fluffy, she just couldn’t think of a reason yet, but she was. She knew she was and suddenly daddeh had let go of her talkie place. Uphie took a deep breath and screamed.


“Bye dumb fuck” Gwasses mummah said.

“Time to sleep shit rat” Daddeh said.

Daddeh had grabbed her by the mane and had lifted her up again, but before she could even scream her bad upsie. Her face was slammed against the table.

Veve: Live with Mabe

“Gu daddeh gu! Gu daddeh gu!” came a unison of cheering voices.

Veve watched curiously. She was in Mummah mummah’s housie, in that big woom next to safe woom. The one for wiving, which was very confusing. More specifically, she was on the couch in front of the teebee, but she wasn’t watching one of her Fwuffy shows, rather she was watching Daddeh, Gwem mummah, Hanny daddeh and Weo daddeh play a game. She didn’t know that you could play games on the teebee, but apparently you could.

Veve didn’t really understand the game. There were hoomans and munstahs on the teebee, who were in small vroom vroom munstahs called Karts. Daddeh was some mistah called Wuigi, Gwem mummah was some munstah called Bowsew, Hanny daddeh was playing a wady called Pweach and Weo daddeh was some mistah named Mawio, and they were all supposed to be racing. Veve really didn’t get that, because she actually had done racing with Gwent, but that was like a game where they ran against each other. Here there was a lot of turning and jumping and there was like flying things and things that made the vroom vroom munstah spin and things that made boom boom.

Veve loved it though. She really did. So many colors and noises, and so many things happening all at once. It was both confusing and so much fun, and the excitement of her fellow Fluffies was certainly doing the same.

“Gu daddeh gu! Gu daddeh gu!” Cheered seven voices in perfect unison.

It was Gwent who said that. Gwent and the Skettiwand Wangews. All crowding seven of them crowded around Weo daddeh. This was a special bwight time, because the Nu Sketti Counciw were gud Fwuffies this bwight time thanks to something called Chwistmas Magic, so the Skettiwand Wangew did not need to fight Wiw Deviw Gwent and Battwe Fwuff Veve. It was a bit weird because Veve knew that she and Gwent were always good Fluffy, or at least Gwent was, but it was probably because the Skettiwand Wangew were dummies and Gwent said that it was okay, because at least it meant that every Fluffy could be fwens this bwight time. Gwent was certainly happy. He was loving cheering for Weo daddeh, alongside the Skettiwand Wangews. Seven Fwuffies dancing, jumping and cheering for Weo daddeh.

“What the heck” Daddeh said “Leo’s got a full cheerleading squad”

“I know right, bro. So fudging biased” Hanny daddeh said.

“Hugbox advantage!” Weo daddeh said with a grin “Right munchkins!”

Gwent and the Skettiwand Wangews began to cheer.

“Daa Dee! Daa Dee! Daa Dee!” Gwent and the Skettiwand Wangews cheered

Veve grinned. Everyone was just so happy. Gwent was bouncing up and down as he excitedly cheered, the Skettiwand Wangews were either jumping or dancing, as they cheered. Meanwhile, Daddeh, Hanny daddeh, Gwem mummah and Weo daddeh, all had big smiled as they stared at the teebee. It was just so much fun and the excitement of Veve’s fellow Fluffs was so contagious that Veve found herself hopping about as well. She quickly leapt onto Daddeh’s lap.

“Gu daddeh gu! Gu daddeh gu!” Veve cheered as loudly as she could.

Daddeh looked surprised, but then grinned.

“Ah shi… zzle looks like I got myself my own cheer Fluffy. Welp guess I gotta win now… Hey no! Mercy Grem! Mercy!”

Hanny daddeh and Weo daddeh started laughing, as Gwem mummah had a big grin. Veve grinned as well as she continued bouncing on Daddeh’s lap.

“Daddeh! Daddeh!” Veve cheered.

Veve stared at Gwent with a grin and Gwent seemed to take this as a personal challenge, as he too began to bounce on Weo daddeh’s lap.

“Daa dee! Daa dee! Daa dee!” Gwent cheered with extra vigor.

Gwent’s enthusiasm would motivate the Skettiwand Wangews to do the same, they all began crowding on Weo daddeh’s lap, a whole bunch of colors bouncing around.

“Hey! Hey!” Weo daddeh said “Stop tickling me you gremlins you’re supposed to help me win!”

Gwent and the Skettiwand Wangers began to giggle with glee and they all began nuzzling Weo daddeh, tickling him on purpose. Veve grinned with amusement and noticed Hanny daddeh looking at her.

“Can I get some cheers, Veve?” Hanny daddeh asked with a nice smile.

He didn’t need to ask twice. Veve quickly leapt off Daddeh’s lap and nuzzled Hanny daddeh, as she bounced on his lap.

“Hanny daddeh gu!” Hanny daddeh gu!” She cheered with a wide grin.

“Oh you guys are all doomed now” Hanny said with a grin.

There was a lot of laughter. Everyone was laughing and Veve notice Gwent peering out of the Fluff pile. He managed to get out and sat next to Veve, nuzzling her and then he was looking at Gwem mummah.

“Wat wong Gwent?” Veve asked.

“Nu Fwuffy gib cheew tu Gwem mummah?” Gwent ask.

Gwem mummah looked surprised by this.

“Eh? It’s fine” she said.

Veve and Gwent looked at each other, and they both knew what to do.

“Gu Gwem mummah gu!” They cheered in perfect unison “Gu Gwem mummah gu!”

They both leapt on to Gwem mummah’s side and she looked at them wided eyed.

“Uh… Thank you?” Gwem mummah said

“What the?! Gwent you traitor!” Weo daddeh said with a grin.

Everyone else had stared laughing. The Skettiwand Wangews began to do the same, leaving Weo daddeh’s lap to cheer for all four hoomans. Daddeh, Gwem mummah, Hanny daddeh and Weo daddeh all being cheered on by the eight Fluffies, as the hooman laughed with joy, but eventually the cheering stopped. All the Fluffies were far too tired. Too much excitement, for the Fluffies at least. Veve watched in awe. Somehow Daddeh, Gwem mummah, Hanny daddeh and Weo daddeh were still not tired. All four were still playing the teebee game. How did they have so much energy to just keep playing?! Veve hoped that she would have that much energy one day.

“Alright everyone” Mummah mummah said gleeful “Play time’s over. The guests are coming over soon and we need to prepare”.

Just as Mummah mummah said that, the game was done. It would seem that Hanny daddeh had won.

“Winna winna chicken dinna!” Hanny daddeh exclaimed with a cheer

Daddeh, Gwem mummah and Weo daddeh let out groans, but all three were still grinning. The Skettiwand Wangews had all crowded around Hanny daddeh.

“Winna winna!” They all exclaimed, as they began to crowd him excitedly.

“Dang it, you cuties are turning me into a Fluffy lover”

The Skettiwand Wangews all began to giggle with glee, then suddenly Hanny daddeh scooped them all six of them up to give them a nice big hug. There was a bunch of happy, cute noises, followed by disappointed “Aww” when Hanny daddeh put them down on the floor.

“Aite let’s go greeting team” Hanny daddeh said “We have to get ready to greet the guests”

Veve watched as the Skettiwand Wangews ran off to a small table near the fwont doorsie. Hanny daddeh and Weo daddeh had joined them, and began helping the Skettiwand Wangews onto the table.

Today was a pawty and every Fluffy here had a job to do. The Skettiwand Wangews were in charge of greeting the hoomans that came in, saying “Mewwy Chwistmas n Hwappy Nyu Yeaw” every time they saw a new hooman. Meanwhile, Veve and Gwent had their own job. They had to look after Nelio and make sure that he would be okay, so that Mabe mummah and Weo daddeh could focus on the pawty.

Suddenly Gwem mummah had picked them up. Veve and Gwent. The two clung to Gwem mummah’s arms and both looked at her in surprise.

“You two are cute” Gwem mummah said in a calm tone.

Both Veve and Gwent giggled with glee.

“Wub Gwem mummah!” They cried out together.

“Oh my god, so cute! Gremmie hold still I wanna take a picture of you with the two!”

It was Mabe mummah who said that. She was doing that thing were her phone. The one for the teebee thing. Veve looked at Gwem mummah and noticed that she looked a little embarrassed.

“Wub Gwem mummah” Veve said as cutely as she could.

“I love you too” Gwem mummah replied casually.

Gwent began to shake “Gwent tu! Gwent tu! Wub Gwem mummah!”

“Oh?.. Uh… I love you too, Gwent”

“What about me?” Mabe mummah suddenly asked “No love for me, you two?”

Veve looked at Mabe mummah in shock, and so did Gwent. Of course they loved her as well!

“Wub Mabe mummah!” Veve cried out.

“Wub mummah wub!” Gwent added.

Mabe giggled with glee, as Gwem mummah passed Veve and Gwent to Mabe mummah. Meanwhile, Mummah mummah had joined into the conversation as well.

“Technically Veve it’s not Mabe mummah. It should be mummah now, right?” Mummah mummah asked as she tickled Veve’s belly.

Veve giggled from the tickle and thought about it, Mummah mummah was right. They had talked about it this bwight time. They had asked if she was okay with Mabe mummah being her new mummah, like Gwent, Nelio and the Skettiwand Wangews. She would live in Mabe mumamh’s housie and get to live with Gwent and Nelio in the safe room. Spending all her bwight times playing, eating, watching teebee and doing teebee Fwuffy stuff with her bestest fwens, then spending darkie time sweeping in mistah castwe, like she was having a fluff pile with her bruddahs. It was basically a sweepobah, but foebah and Veve did not see any reason to say no.

Having Mabe mummah as her new mummah just sounded so wonderful, but as she hung from Mabe mummah, or rather mummah’s arm, a thought occurred.

“Mummah n Mummah mummah aw stiww Wewe mummah?”

Mabe mummah and Mummah mummah both looked at Veve with confusion, but it seemed that Gwem mummah understood.

“I think she’s asking if you and Uphie are still her mummahs” Gwem mummah said

Mummah mummah suddenly hugged Gwem mummah calling her so smart, as Mabe mummah nuzzled Veve tightly.

“Mimi will still be your Mummah mummah, as for Uphie… You still want her as your mummah?” Mabe mummah asked.

Veve thought about it. Mummah or rather Uwpee mummah wasn’t exactly a gud mummah nor a gud Fwuffy for that matter. She was kind of a bad Fwuffy, who said and did meanie things. Veve could hardly remember receiving huggies n wuv from Uwpee mummah. Usually it was shouties and heawt hurties, and even after mummah broke her fwont weggies and Veve had to help pay for went, Uwpee mummah only said some nice wordies or did nice things from time to time, and she mainly preferred to talkie about Gwent. Sometimes it felt that she would prefer having Gwent as her babbeh, over Veve.

Yet despite all that, Veve still loved her, because Uwpee mummah was her mummah, who cared for her in the scawy fowest. Uwpee mummah was the mummah who protected from all those scawy munstahs and meanie Fwuffies. Uwpee mummah was the one who brought her here to mummah mummah, where she had a nice, warm housie and where she was able to be a teebee Fwuffy and more importantly meet her bestest fwen Gwent. So yes, Uwpee mummah did a lot of meanie things, but Veve still loved Uwpee mummah.

“Wewe stiww wan Uwpee mummah as Fwuffy mummah caw Uwpee mummah am Wewe mummah ebah tho sa meanie tings” Veve announced.

Mabe mummah or rather Mummah gave Veve such a nice, warm head pat.

“Oh my god, you really are the sweetest little munchkin aren’t you” Mummah said with a smile.

Veve giggled with glee, as both her and Gwent were put on the floor.

“Veve, why not give Gwent a tour of your housie before the guests arrive” Mummah said.

Veve grinned widely then looked at Gwent.

“Bestest fwen! Wewe show yu wound housie!” Veve exclaimed

“Wets gu!” Gwent replied.

Millie watched as the two Fluffies scampered off down the hallway, probably to tour the bedroom she shared with Lize. Grem grem followed them, just to make sure they didn’t get into any trouble, as Bebe squeezed her arm gently.

“Gonna cry?” Bebe asked “I know I would. Little fuzzykin moving to a new home”.

Millie grinned at her bestie. She did feel a little sad that Veve wouldn’t be staying with her anymore, but not that sad.

“She’ll come running back to me, you’ll see” Millie said in jest.

Bebe chuckled slightly and slapped Millie playfully on the butt.

“Nah bitch” Bebe retorted “House Mabe is Fluffy Heaven, Veve ain’t never gonna leave”

Millie grinned and watched as Bebe walked off to the kitchen to help Lize put the food on the table. It really was the best move giving Veve to Bebe. Less stress for her bestie, regarding that Gwent issue and all that time and effort needed to bring Veve over at least once a week for a play date or filming. Plus it was better for Veve. A healthier, happier home that was much more friendlier to Fluffies. Sure Millie was planning to try and be nicer to Fluffies again, but she would never have compared to Mabe, plus now Veve got to live with her friends, Gwent and Nelio. So it was a win-win for everyone.

Millie’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Some guest had arrived.

“Mewwy Chwistmas n Hwappy Nyu Yeaw!” Cried out the Skettiland Rangers

“Oh my god, they are so cute!”

It was Charlotte, Gremmie’s assistant. She had come to pay a visit and was talking a photo of the Skettiland Rangers on her phone

“Hey Lotte!” Hanny exclaimed “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, Han Han! Is Doctor G here?”

“Yeah… She’s somewhere in the house… Uh… Mimi, where’s Grem?”

“She went to my bedroom. Hi Charlotte, Merry Christmas”.

“Hi Millie! Merry Christmas, and I hope you don’t mind. Dr. G said it was okay for me to bring my Fluffies with me”.

Charlotte was holding a Fluffy carrier and Millie could see three Fluffies. One brown, one orange and one red, yet all three had yellow stripes and all three were fast asleep.

“Oh, are those the trio from IB6? What an adorable set”.

Charlotte grinned “Yup. Honey, Tiger and Sunset. They’re huge fans of the Skettiland Rangers and I was hoping that I would give them an opportunity to meet their heroes, but yeah they’re tuckered out, so perhaps later, maybe?”

“Yeah. The Skettiland Rangers will be here the whole day. You can put your trio in my safe room for now, the Skettiland Ranges would no doubt join them there later on in the day… Didn’t you also take in one other… um… 2B?”

“Wow Doctor G keeps you well-informed huh, unfortunately I had to put Razer down, due to health complications”.

“Oh, that’s quite tragic”

“It’s fine honestly. It’s was the best move… Oh Doctor G!”

Grem grem had come back with Veve and Gwent in her arms, causing Charlotte to make a delighted squeal as she started snapping photos on her phone.

“Oh my god! You look so cute Doctor G! I’m gonna show these photo to everyone at work… OH! Is that 4A!”

“As your supervisor I order you to delete the photo” Grem grem replied with a small smile “Oh. Also 4B is in the safe room if your interested”.

Charlotte laughed and followed Grem grem into the safe room. Millie looked back with a smile and noticed that Lize had come back in with someone. A tall, regal woman with quite a terrifying aura. His aunt, Dr. Barkley. They two would approach Millie in the kitchen.

“Hey Mii, Aunty Sera came to say hello”

Millie stepped forward nervously. She could still remember their discussion in the clinic. The harsh, but fair wake up call, alongside the ultimatum.

“Merry Christmas, Au… Um… Dr. Barkley” Millie said politely.

“Merry Christmas, Millie, and… Aunty Sera’s fine” Aunty Sera replied.

Millie looked surprised, whilst Aunty Sera gave her polite nod, then turned to Alize, who was stood there with a small smile.

“Don’t you have other guest to entertain, Lize?” Aunty Sera asked.

Alize got the hint and excused himself. Leaving Millie alone with Aunty Sera.

“I… Owe you an apology” Aunty Sera said.

Millie looked surprised again, but quickly shook her head “No no no. You… You don’t you…”

“No I do. I don’t apologize for the message, but I was perhaps a little too emotional about the subject and could have worded it a little kinder”.

“No. I think it was just the right amount of… Um… Harsh. Like a splash of cold water to actually wake me up”.

Aunty Sera smirked, then nodded slightly in agreement.

“I am glad that you chose my Lize over that… Thing, but I’ll be honest, Lize gave me the details on this Dollification procedure. It’s quite… sadistic, no?”

“Um… Yeah. I… I can see where you’re coming from”.

“Oh don’t misinterpret my question. I have no sympathy for that bio toy. From what I hear, it is was a particularly detestable member of it’s kind, which says a lot as I find that most of them are quite detestable, but I would like to remind you that revenge is a slippery slope. Keeping that particular bio toy alive and suffering like this… It may risk leading you back onto the path of obsession”.

Millie nodded in agreement, as she took in Aunty Sera’s word of caution. She thought about assuring the woman that she would never fall for obsession again, but how could Millie be sure, and it was meaningless to offer simple reassurance.

“I… I know. That’s why I asked Lize to immediately get rid of Uphie, if I show even the slightest hint of reverting back into my old ways”.

Aunty Sera smiled, seemingly satisfied with that answer.

“So, when will I be calling you my daughter in law, and when will you be giving me grand children?”

Millie grinned.

“Well, I’m just waiting for Lize to pop the question”.

“You and I both know that the boy will take forever before he pops the question. I’ve been pushing him to move in with you for the past two years, and only recently did he finally agree. If you wait for him to pop the question you’ll probably be forty”.

Millie and Aunty Sera laughed, and the mood felt lighter. Lize seemed to sense that they were talking about him, because he came over with Veve in his arms.

“What you two talking about?” He asked with a smile.

“Oh, just talking about when you’ll find some lady to settle down with” Millie teased.

“And when I can get some grandchildren” Aunty Sera added with a grin.

Alize blushed and looked away with an embarrassed smile.

“Uh… Well… Um… Oh! Veve want’s to say hello, right Veve? Say hello Aunty Sera”

“Hewwo Aunty Sewa!” Veve exclaimed with glee

Millie giggled as Aunty Sera rolled her eyes, then she bent down to have a closer look at Veve.

“Do you recognize me?” Aunty Sera asked.

Veve looked at her curiously, then nodded.

“Yus!” Veve exclaimed “Yu doctow dat fix Wewe, wen Wewe hab worstest hurties. Tank yu Aunty Sewa fo fix Wewe, eban tho Wewe hab no Hwappy Cwoins”

Millie let out a nervous chuckle, as Aunty Sera gave a perplexed look.

“It’s a thing I was doing with Uphie” Millie clarified.

“Hmm… I see… And you’re most welcome Veve. You’ll always be welcomed in my clinic if you need… Fixing”

Veve began to giggle with glee, then began to look at Millie.

“Mummah mummah wan huggies?” She asked cutely

Millie smiled as she took the Fluffy from Alize’s arms and gave her a nice, warm hug.

“Wewe hab tinking. Mabe mummah am nyu mummah, su Weo daddeh am nyu daddeh, wite?”

“Oh?.. Yes, you’re right”

“Den wat Wewe caww daddeh, Wize daddeh?”

Millie, Alize and Aunty Sera all looked at each other in surprise. It felt like a surprisingly intelligent question from a Fluffy, but Alize grinned.

“Yup pretty much… Uh… Wize daddeh and Leo is now your new daddeh”

“Wub Wize daddeh!” Veve cried out in glee.

“Heh wuv you too Veve” Alize replied.

Millie smiled. She was going to miss this little one. It honestly was incredible that Veve was the child of Uphie. The two seemingly polar opposite in attitudes.

“Can Wewe talkies to Uwpee mummah?” Veve suddenly asked.

“Sure baby” Millie responded.

Excusing herself, Millie brought Veve into her home office and placed the emerald foal on her desk, and she noticed Veve looking somewhat glum.

“What’s wrong, Veve?” Millie asked.

Veve looked down on the desk, and she didn’t say anything at first, but then she looked at Millie with tears in her eyes.

“Eban… Ib… Eban ib Wewe wive wit Nyu mummah, Wewe can… Can stiww gu to Mummah mummah housie n pway wit Mummah mummah n… N… talkies wit Uwpee mummah, wite?”

Millie felt her heart melt as such a pitiful sight. Such a deliciously devious sight. It would certainly be funny if she told Veve that this was it. This was the last time the foal could ever see Millie and Uphie again. How would Veve react? Most like break down in such delectable despair, but Millie held herself back. Such urges were fun, but the therapist did tell her to hold back, so instead she pet Veve gently.

“Of course you can still visit us. Mabe will most likely bring you along anytime she comes over, and whenever you want to see Uphie, you just tell me and we’ll work something out, okay?”

Veve nodded and smiled.

“Wub Mummah mummah!” Veve proudly announced.

Millie just smiled as opened one of her cabinets. Inside was a mare. A beige colored Pegasus with a blonde mane and tail, bright yellow eyes and the kindest smile. Uphie was such a lovely Fluffy doll.

“Good day Uphie. Are you awake?”

Uphie said nothing, keeping very still, but she suddenly nodded. Millie grinned and pulled the doll out of the cabinet, whilst grabbing her phone from her pocket. She placed the doll on her desk and Veve immediately rushed up to give the doll a hug.

“Hewwo Uwpee mummah!” Veve exclaimed with glee.

They had already given Veve an explanation on the situation. Uphie had an accident that turned her into a kind of dummy. She could no longer walk and no longer see. She could only mover her head, but she could still hear and Veve could still talk to her somewhat, and by talk it was a series of pre-recorded messages saved in an app on Millie’s phone, and Millie found the clip she was looking for.

“Hewwo Wewe” came Uphie’s voice.

The voice had come from an in-built speaker on a collar hidden around Uphie’s neck. Sure it had not come from Uphie’s mouth, but Veve had already been told before hand that Uphie could no longer use her mouth.

“Hab yu be gud Fwuffy, Wewe?” Uphie asked.

Veve looked surprised by this question, but quickly nodded.

“Wewe be gud Fwuffy n mak gud poopies n Wewe be gud hewpew fo pawty n hewp wook afta Newio wit Gwent su mummah n daddeh can hab funsie n talkies at pawty”.

Millie pressed another clip.

“Gud Fwuffy” came Uphie’s voice.

Veve giggled with delight, and Millie accidentally pressed another clip.

“Gud night. Sweep twight” Uphie suddenly said.

Veve looked at Uphie in confusion, then looked at Millie with the same confused look.

“Uh… Sorry about that Veve, Uphie is a dummy so sometimes she doesn’t know what’s she saying”.

Millie noticed Uphie shaking her frantically. No doubt offended at being called a dummy, yet unable to protest beyond shaking her head in frustration, but that didn’t matter, what was more important was that Veve had accepted the explanation and was smiling.

“Dat otay Uwpee mummah” Veve replied “Iz otay dat Uwpee mummah am dummeh”

Uphie began shaking her head even more aggressively, probably outraged that her child had called her a dummy. It was honestly amusing, but Veve just looked confused.

“Uwpee mummah dancie?” Veve asked.

“Nah. She’s just be… Uh… She’s just being a dummy again”.

Millie held Uphie’s head down, so the doll would stop moving, as Veve went back in for another hug.

“Wewe wuv yu Uwpee mummah!” Veve said with such an innocent smile.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe!” Uphie cried out.

Veve let out a delighted giggle.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe!” Uphie cried out again.

Veve nuzzled her mummah lovingly, as Millie found herself actually need to use some force to keep Uphie’s head still. It would see that Uphie had some strong feelings about her voice being used to tell Veve that she loved her, so one more time.

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe!” Uphie cried out a third.

Veve let out a delighted giggle, followed by some adorable coo-ing noises. The emerald Fluffy looking very content. It was clear that this was more than enough for Veve.

“Gu n pway” came Uphie’s voice.

Veve nodded “Otay Uwpee mummah. Wewe gu n pway. Wuv yu Uwpee mummah!”

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe!” Uphie cried out.

Another delighted squeal from Veve, as Millie picked up the small, adorable creature.

“Say good bye to Uphie, Veve”

“Gud bie Uwpee mummah!” Veve cried out with a big smile.

“Gud bysie” came Uphie’s voice

“Mummah wuv yu Wewe!”

Veve began to nuzzle Millie’s arm lovingly, as Millie opened the door. Standing outside was Bebe with Gwent.

“There you are” Bebe said with a grin “Was wondering what you were doing with Veve”

Millie stood aside to show Bebe the lovely Uphie dolll.

“Uwpee mummah!” Gwent cried out.

“Want to say hello to Uphie?” Millie asked with a grin.

“No!” Bebe exclaimed firmly “You are not going to say hello to Uphie”.

“Y nut mummah” Gwent asked curiously.

Bebe gave Millie a dirty look for putting her in the position and Millie grinned mischievously. She looked in the phone in her hand and realized that she had a rather controversial recording in her phone. The one where Uphie had said that she would kill Veve so that Gwent could stay with her. How would Gwent feeling hearing Uphie say that about his best friend? No doubt outraged, then they place Gwent down and let him scream a barrage of insults at Uphie. It would no doubt hurt Uphie if not destroy her completely, hearing the one she loved the most, say nothing but mean words to her. Such a delicious way to torment Uphie.

However, Bebe would definitely hate it and what if it had the opposite effect and just made Gwent attached to Uphie? Plus like Aunty Sera said, revenge was a slippery slope and this could be the one that made her trip and slide, so she just smiled.

“Sorry Gwent. Uphie is going to sleep. She needs a lot of rest, because of the hurties to her head, it makes her tired very easily”

“Oh” Gwent said with a hint of disappointment.

Millie passed Veve to Mabe, and gave Gwent a headpat.

“Also you and Veve still have a job to do, right? Don’t you two have to be looking after Nelio, so that your mummah can talk to the other people?”

Gwent and Veve looked shocked. It seemed they had just remembered their responsibility.

“Mummah nee mak talkies with oddah daddeh n mummah!" Gwent cried out "Mummah! Mummah! Gwent n Wewe wook afta Newio, su mummah can hab funsie n tawkies”

Bebe gave Millie an appreciative smile and Millie looked out the front door. More people were coming in. Grut and Paise, and it seem more friends were just outside.

“You bring the two to the safe room. I’ll put Uphie back in storage” Millie said.

Bebe nodded and walked off, as Millie closed the door. It was just her and Uphie, but she had to do one more thing, before she forgot. Looking at her recordings, she found that controversial statement from Uphie. The one about Veve and Gwent. Millie deleted it, and deleted it from the trash as well. She would never use it, or rather she should never use it, because the revenge wasn’t worth it. She was done letting Uphie take anything more from her.

Turning around she stared at Uphie on the desk. It was just the two of them. Maybe just one last conversation.

Pitch black darkness. That was all Uphie saw. Empty nothingness, with no idea where she was. Well she had a vague idea. She was probably in mummah’s housie, because she heard mummah’s voice, and she also heard the voice of the WRETCHED twick munstah Wewe. That absolutely vile and horrid munstah babbeh that had managed to twick her and turn her into this.

Dowwi-vi-cation. The thing the munstah Gwasses mummah did to her. Take away her see places. Close her talkie place forebah. Remove her weggies. Close her special place and poopie place. Such horrible things done onto poor, innocent her. Terrible things done to a good Fluffy who did not desewve it. Uphie was a good Fluffy. No, Uphie was the best. A sweet, bwave mummah who raised her babbeh all alone in that fowest nestie.

A Fwuffy who fought off Fwuffy numming munstahs and hewds of the worstest Fwuffies ever to exist. All so that she could bring her babbeh to the nicest, warmest housie. All so that she could bring her babbeh to mummah. Her babbeh was also the bestest Fwuffy ebah. Of course he was, because he was her babbeh. Gwent was the strongest, smartest and bwavest ebah, and he also had that magical beam. The Skettiwand Wangew beam. Uphie could still remember her adventures, soaring across the sky with Gwent on her back. Gwent firing the Skettiwand Wangew beam from his pointy place and giving all those munstahs the worstest of hurties, but she was separated from Gwent, because of that horrible babbeh steawing munstah, Mabe mummah.

Mabe mummah said that she only wanted to borrow Gwent for a bit and turn him into a teebee Fwuffy, but then Mabe mummah suddenly said that Gwent was her babbeh and everyone believed her. Just like that Uphie had lost her bestest babbeh. Her onwy babbeh. It was so unfaiw and Uphie was going to get him back. She was going to soar over to that babbeh steawing munstah housie. She was going swoop in and save Gwent, then fly back to mummah’s housie.

They would hide in Uphie’s castwe beddie, so Mabe mummah could never get Gwent back, then Uphie would spend the time teaching Gwent about all the important things. Uphie’s adventures with Sanny and all the things that made Sanny so very special. Mold Gwent to be more and more like Sanny. Then she would teach him about gud feews and specaw huggies, and soon they would get the bestest, bestest babbehs. So many pink, pointy babbehs each like Sanny and Gwent.

It was going to be perfect, but the twick munstah had ruined everything. That dummeh ugwy shit wat with her fur the same color as sickie wawa. The horrid wuv theiw that pretended to be her babbeh, only to steaw everything from Uphie. Her safe woom, her toysies, her nummies, her beddies, her teebee, her mummah and her Gwent. The twick munstah that had twicked everyone into thinking that Uphie was a bad Fwuffy, and the twick munstah had fwens.

Dummeh munstah Gwasses mummah and dummeh meanie munstah daddeh. Those two were working with the twick munstah all along. It all made sense. The three of them were working together. The twick munstah kept twicking her while munstah Gwasses mummah and munstah daddeh worked twicked mummah into think Uphie was a bad Fluffy, then the stole Gwent and gave him to that munstah babbeh theiw Mabe mummah, then they all worked together to tell everyone that Uphie was a bad Fwuffy.

And to think. Uphie was going to give the twick munstah foebah sweepies in the vroom vroom munstah, but she had been twicked by the twick munstah’s nice wordies. Wuv mummah. Wewe wuv yu. It disgusted Uphie, and it disgusted Uphie when the twick munstah came by and took control of Uphie’s own voice, making Uphie say things like Wewe was a gud babbeh, and that she loved Wewe. No amount of worstest hurties would make up for what the twick munstah had done, but Uphie could not do anything. Not in this state.

No see place. No talkies. No walkies. Right now Uphie was just in this endless darkness. She could still feel stuff, like she knew that she was on something hard and she could hear stuff as well, as she also heard mummah’s voice earlier. She just needed to tell mummah what was going on, and she knew that mummah would rescue her, because mummah was a gud mummah who loved her bestest Fwuffy Uphie and would do anything to protect Uphie.

“Uphie, are you still awake?” Asked a voice.

Uphie realized who it was. It was mummah’s voice! Uphie quickly began to bob her head up and down, and suddenly found herself being lifted up by the mane.


Uphie wanted to scream, but she could not make any noise, she could not even cry. She tried to shake and free herself, but found herself completely under the mercy of whomever was lifting her up. Where was mummah? Why was mummah not saving her.

Millie held Uphie by the mane and looked at the cute doll with a cold look.

“Hey Uphie” she whispered into Uphie’s ear “I just wanted to say that you’re an ugly disgusting piece of shit that came about when piss and bull crap came together and had a baby”.

Uphie began to shake her head about, clearly hating this, but Millie kept her held up and vented out all her frustrations.

“You are a spoiled piece of garbage who was pampered from the day you were born. You’re like a gross parasite who leeched off my love every single day, using your nauseatingly fake cuteness as a weapon to emotionally blackmail me into giving you whatever you want, yet too stupid to actually realize how good your life was. I was going to actually ruin my life for you, you know. Ruin everything I had. My relations. My social life. My income. I was going to ruin it all to let you live like a true princess, or even an empress, but you were too much of a self-absorb idiots to actually listen to me and just do as I say, once in your life. It’s actually really sad, because if you had just listened that one time, you probably wouldn’t be like this. You’d probably be in my safe room, happy with your own little family and I would probably be single… single and alone…”

A small frown escaped Millie’s lip, as she imagined that lonesome alternate life. The impact of such a seemingly small decision from Uphie’s part, runaway or not, leading to the possibility of Millie alone on this very day. No party outside. No merriment and love. A sad woman alone in her house, celebrating this joyous holiday with a bunch of Fluffies, who probably didn’t even recognize that it was a special day, because everyday was pretty much a holiday to them. It brought Millie relief. Relief that such a situation did not come into fruition, but Millie was still not done. She still had some more stuff to say.

“… What’s more pathetic was that you didn’t even change, or rather you somehow got worse. When Lize said he found you, I was expecting a much more humble Fluffy, one who struggled in the wild and realized how good life was as a House Fluffy, but instead you actually turned out to even be more arrogant and entitled. I mean asking me to hurt Lize on the day he brought you back. I still remember that day you know, and it’s just so incredibly stupid, because he could easily have killed you at any time and hid it from me. He could’ve done so many terrible things to you, but instead he acted like a good boyfriend and returned you, and you repaid him by telling me to punish him for hurting you. You are aware that he hates Fluffies, right? Especially you. He always hated you, and it took so much of his willpower to return you…”

Millie took a deep breath and let out a relieved sighed. It felt good to get that off her chest. The disrespect that Uphie had always shown Lize was unacceptable, and it felt good to say what needed to be said, without listening to Uphie give one of her nonsensical retorts, and Millie still had some more.

“… Also, about your life in the wild. I honestly don’t understand how Sanny and your special friend did it? How did they put up with your spoiled behavior? I bet you complained about everything. Too much walking. Finding food. Making a nest. Plus you do know that you killed your herd, right? Like you actually killed your herd. That story you told me. You were so happy that you had foals that you just had to sing. Like you said so yourself, Sanny had always taught you to be quiet at night, because of predators, but you purposely ignored that warning and sang at night, prompting other Fluffies to join along, and it led to that argument. All that noise attracted the wolves, and you were the one who started it all. You killed your herd, because you lacked the will to actually control your emotions. You killed your herd, because of your selfishness…”

Another deep breath and Millie could feel it. She was almost done. There was just one more thing.

“… Lastly. You are the worst mother I have ever met. Like you literally gave up your lofty position as a pampered princess just so you could be a mother, and you ended up being the worst mother I’ve ever known. Eight kids. Six die out in the wild. Like okay fine, life is harsh, I could understand that you lost most of your foals out there, but your last two… Just wow. Prie, your bestest. Yes your bestest, you can deny it all you want, but you spent alot of time preaching that Prie was your bestest babbeh, and she ends up being an absolute psychopath who turned again you, and Veve? Holy… Poor Veve. To actually have you as a mother. A narcissistic monster of a mother. You tried to kill her, just because that’s how much of a delusional monster you are, and Gwent. You can tell me that Gwent is your kid all you want, but Gwent is and will always be Mabe’s babbeh, and you will never compare to her. Plus, the only reason you want Gwent, is because deep down inside you know that you are a shitty mother, who lost your psychopath and pushed away your absolute gem of a Fluffy, and you know that the only way you can prove yourself to still be even a decent mother, is by pretending that you are the mother to another gem, but unfortunately you’re too stupid to realize that everyone sees through your lies. You will only ever be two things, no matter how hard you convince yourself otherwise… You are the WORST mummah I have ever met, and you are the WORSTEST Fluffy in the world”.

A feeling of immense satisfaction, like a heavy weight had been lifted off her chest. Uphie was shaking her head violently, probably desperately trying to scream more lies in a bid to defend herself, but Millie didn’t care. She was done. Truly done. She placed Uphie on the cabinet, in that stand that kept the Fluffy upright and secure. Uphie was still shaking her head like she was head banging in a heavy rock concert and Millie just grinned with amusement. She held Uphie secure with one hand, and raised her other hand high.


A painful slap right across the cheek. Uphie offered no reaction, beyond more flailing of her head, but Millie was more than satisfied. She sighed in relief, then made another grin as she gave Uphie a nice head pat.

“See ya WORSTEST FLUFFY” Millie whispered with a grin, and she closed the cabinet door, as she composed herself to rejoin the party.


Uwpee an gud Fwuff, wite?


Shaddap dummeh thinky pwace. Uwpee ju sa am gud Fwuffy!


Shaddap! Uwpee am gud Fwuffy!


Nut twue! Nut twue! Am bestest Fwuffy!












Nu Uwpee am gud Fwuffy


Nut twue! Nut twue!








Pwease pwease pwease thinky pwace. Staph. Uwpee am gud Fwuffy! Gud Fwuffy!




Pwease staph




Uwpee sowwi! Uwpee sowwi!


Pwease! Uwpee aweady sa sowwi!


Uwpee nu mean tu!


Uwpee jus su hwappy. Jus wan singie


Nu mean fo barkie munstah tu com


Nu mean to caww Pwie bestest


Gwent am bestest, weally






Pwease staph. Uwpee sowwi


Nu wan daddeh tu hab hurties. Uwpee jus angwy


Uwpee sowwi!


Uwpee sa sowwi!


Uwpee nu wan gib Wewe foebah sweepies


Wewe am bad babbeh




Uwpee sowwi











Worstest Fwuffy


worstest fwuffy


worstest fwuffy


worstest fwuffy


worstest fwuffy


worstest fwuffy

Uwpee am Gud Fwuffy. Nu! Uwpee am Bestest Fwuffy! Bestest mummah with bestest babbeh Gwent!

worstest fwuffy

Uwpee am gud fwuffy

worstest fwuffy

Uwpee am gud

worstest fwuffy

Uwpee am gud

Worstest Fwuffy

Uwpee am gud


Uwpee am gud, wite?










Uwpee sowwi!


Pwease staph


Uwpee SOWWI!


Pwease thinky pwace. Uwpee am su sowwi


Pwease thinky pwace. Pwease staph









Uwpee am gud fwuffy


An endless cycle. Uphie’s own personal hell. Her own mind, her greatest tormentor. Two simple words delivering as much pain to her as any physical assault. Her ego treating it akin to a stab of a knife. Worstest Fwuffy, a title so horrid. More so, because it had been bestowed upon her by her beloved mummah. A fact that she would so desperately try to deny.

Uphie’s own arrogance and stubbornness would work against her. The only way to deal with this, was to forget those two words, but the only way to forget those two words was to let it pass, but to let it pass was to allow her mind to agree that she was indeed the Worstest Fwuffy and Uphie could not do that. She could not allow even her mind to accept such a notion, so she would constantly try to use her own twisted logic to defend herself and she would be forced to constantly remember those two simple words.

Every waking moment would be spent trying to convince herself that she was not the Worstest Fwuffy, yet finding no proper arguments to actually convince herself. However, she could not break into the Wan Die loop, as her narcissism required her to properly defend herself, no matter how futile the attempt, and thus she would spend her whole life trying to convince herself that she was not the Worstest Fwuffy.

This cycle was only occasionally ever broken, by small conversations made with Veve against her will, cruel words from Millie said from time to time, and the sporadic stabbing pain of the injection, filled with the essential nutrients needed to keep herself alive. However, if Uphie were able to see herself, she would find herself a husk of her former self. A pitiful creature who no longer held any presence, fated to be forgotten by everyone, as the rest of the world moved on.

So ended the tale of Uphie, quite possibly the Worstest Fluffy in existence.

(For real this time)

It’s done and what a journey. A long ardous journey, which I hoped you enjoyed. Surprisingly, I really don’t have anything to say, except thanks for reading and if anyone ever ask you who’s the worst Fluffy you known, I hope Uphie comes to mind

If you can, please leave me a comment, criticism or questions, even if you read it like months from when I posted it, as I enjoy interacting with my readers.

~ Mey <3

First ch.
Prev ch.

Another ending


A good history,You made a very very disgusting Fluffy ,Thank you


Congratulations on reaching the end of your first (and epically long) story! :slight_smile:

There’s a lot to unpack here, so in vaguely chronological order:

Whoa. That’s a good therapist that Millie saw. She’s actually communicating and being a reasonable adult.

Uphie, trapped in her own personal hell with no end in sight, seems a fitting end for that irredeemable monster.
That said, pre-recorded lines seems a little dated these days. With enough training data (and Uphie never shuts up, so there should be plenty of that), it should be possible for commercially available AI to generate whatever sentence that Millie types into the app.

Same for Prie - beaten to death by a Gori-La-Fluff was unexpected, but happy. Open handed slap beatdowns is more a chimpanzee thing, rather than monkey though and although the story repeatedly mentions ‘monkey screams’, I just mentally hear chimp hooting screams every time Lewi goes apeshit.

The Mariokart cheerleading session was cute and showcases the ideal intended roles of good fluffies in human society as companion animals. It’d be like having a group of happy hyperactive toddlers around.

Some further questions and possibly typos:

  • When Jojo turns up, he calls Zeri ‘Alize’ instead, but there’s no hint of mistaken identity.
  • Aunty Sera mentions Millie becoming her daughter-in-law and giving her grandchildren. I think you mentioned that she raised Alize as if her own son, but she’s still an aunt, rather than the mother.
  • Mabe’s name keeps flipping from Mabe or Bebe. Is that a typo or does Mabe have another nickname?
  • I’ve read that total blindness for a formerly sighted person, is like a sighted person closing one eye, then trying to describe what they ‘see’ out of the closed eye. ‘Seeing’ darkness implies that the optic nerve is still sending signals, but as Uphie’s eyes have been replaced with glass ones here, that’s not happening.
1 Like

Very very satisfying!!! Uphie was totally the worstest fluffy in history.


@mario1992 @Blergle


Thanks for your comments and proof reading for every chapter.
It really has helped me a lot over the months :heart:.

As for your questions.

  • Carl (the taxidermist) is just a taxidermist, who can do surgery on Fluffies. The speaker thing is just an add-on package service with an app. AI is kind of a stretch for a guy who’s primary service is stuffing animals or “Dollification”

  • Leri is just a case of Zeri teaching the Gori-La-Fluff to do open handed slap, so he doesn’t break his fists during beatdown.

  • The Jojo is no case of mistaken identity. He was very much talking to Alize, who do you think the blonde angel was?

  • To Aunty Sera, Alize is pretty much her son.

  • Bebe is a nickname. I did use it in Part 11, but yeah I can see the confusion

  • Uphie is a Fluffy, so she doesn’t understand blindness, so as far as she’s concerned. She see actually just sees darkness, because she cannot see anything and cannot comprehend it, so it is just all darkness.

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I knew you had something special from the first chapter and it’s great to see it finish in a satisfying way. Many fluffy text stories ended abruptly without any real closure so it’s nice to see one that ends and also wraps up the storyline nicely.

Is Zeri and her shelter going to be part of the next series? I only read a few chapters featuring her and I’m interested in seeing where it goes.

Hoping to see more from you. This first story made a very good first impression.


Thanks, I’m glad I was able to deliver.

Zeri and the shelter will be the start of my next project. I’m hoping it’ll be as big as Uphie, but I’m still in the planning stage.

So look forward to that :heart:


uphie reminds me of my own mother here probably more than she ever has


Love a good ending to this little physiological drama. Everybody ended up exactly where they needed to be

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That’s honestly sounds pretty shit. I don’t know if it’s any comfort, but you are not the first to tell me this. Like you’re not alone in that regard. Still it sounds pretty shit having some like Uphie for a mother.


Yay :tada: Was Dollification satisfactory? As I saw you voted Fluffy Hell

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Been a long journey but it paid off in my opinion

Loved the Prie section of the ending. Prie really was a special fluffy in my opinion so it feels fitting for her death to come at the hands of using what made her special (being a total psychopath) by pissing off that gorilla fluffy.

Also it was fun to see the Zeri cameo. She has the same taste in people I do (feminine guys and domineering women) which makes me like her even more. Im curious to see where her story gets taken with that unique fluffy type and potentially others she owns (or created herself?)

And yeah, Uphie got the ending she deserved. Not much to say beyond that. Shitty fluffy got put into a hell of her own making.

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I’m glad the journey was worth it <3

Yeah Prie got a special death. I made the Gori-La-Fluff story specifically with this ending in mind.

Zeri will definitely be featuring a lot more, with the same level of craziness, so look forward to that. It’s funny you like her, because your pfp is kind of how I imagine Zeri to look.

This series has been absolute gold! Cant wait to see what you come up with next! <3

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Oh first post! I feel honored that it’s for my story. I’m glad you loved it :heart:

One more project and then I think I’m done.

The fat lady has sung, it is finally over. Great job Mey, i loved this story. Fuck Uphie though.

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Indeed it is finally over. We are all free of Uphie, especially me.

Picture of me below, writing Uphie (Part 19) - END -


Ha! Take that, you shitty, shitty fluffy! Trapped in a hell of her own making! Now THAT is satisfying!

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Yknow, I thought the dollification was too much for Uphie, but damn, I changed my mind. Excellent work writing the most despicable and frustrating fluffy I’ve read in a long while. Her delusions and stupidity are just insanity.

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