We Can't Expect God To Do All The Work Ch. 1 [By BFM101]

The votes were countedand the majority wanted my new Tombola Fluffy to go to Father Francisco Bruni, which is good cause now I have an excuse to bring him back into the fold. For continuity sake this takes place a week after Adult Education, you can read that first to get an idea of who Father Bruni is but after the introduction tying up that story this will be its own thing.

Quick note though, while Father Bruni is a Christian, I am not, in fact I’m not religious at all. I mention this because Father Bruni will be using some Christian teachings to help guide his new Fluffy and while I’ll do my best to be respectful and accurate, I may make a mistake or interpret some things differently. If that happens I mean no disrespect and I hope everyone can appreciate the story regardless.

Francisco Bruni stood outside of his parish, enjoying the warm Monday afternoon while he waited for his guest to arrive. He looked down beside him, making sure that his two Fluffy friends; Mary and Joseph, were kept safe and happy. Of course as Francisco had found out over the last week, there was very little to make these cute wee furballs unhappy, Mary had a few nightmares about her old mummah, the uptight old-bat Elaine Carmody, but they softened over the few nights she had her mate Joseph stayed with Francisco.

Francisco smiled as he watched Joseph push some extra nuts and berries towards Mary, at just over a week pregnant Mary was starting to have trouble walking it still be some time before she was completely immobile but she was clearly much slower than she was before. As such, Joseph was adamant about Mary keeping herself relaxed, anything she wanted he got her without question, food, water, hugs, he was there waiting on her hand and foot.

Francisco knew part of it was his devotion to his mate, and part of it was his guilt over how their foals were conceived. Despite everything Francisco had tried, Joseph clearly still considered himself a bad Fluffy and it would take a lot longer than the week they had together to break through to him.

Just then Francisco noticed a car pulling into the church car-park, his guest had arrived, he turned and knelt down in front of Mary and Joseph.

“Ok guys, this is your new mummy. She’s the daughter of your old mummy but she’s much nicer and has agreed to take you and your babies in. Do you remember what I told you both?”

Both of them nodded, Joseph spoke first. “Onwy hab speciaw-huggies if mummah say su. An if speciaw-fwiend say she wan dem tuu.”

Mary continued. “If mummah say nu hab woom fow babbehs, nu be meanie, wisten tu wha mummah say.”

“Good work, now let’s go meet her shall we?”

Francisco picked the two Fluffies up in his arms and gently carried them over to where Margaret ‘Peggy’ Jessop had gotten out of her car and was now walking to meet them halfway. Upon seeing Francisco, Peggy let out a short laugh.

“Well, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you in regular clothes Father, it’s a little odd I have to say.”

Francisco chuckled, it had been a while since he wore his regular jeans and polo shirt. “I’ve got a few days off, figured I’d try the normal life for a little bit.”

“Well you enjoy those days, Lord knows when you’ll have some time to yourself again. Are these Mary and Joseph?”

“They are indeed, guys this is Peggy, she’ll be your new mummy.”

From Francisco’s arms, Mary and Joseph waved at Peggy. “Hewwo nyu mummah, Fwank say yu owd mummah’s babbeh.”

Peggy laughed, she was almost in her 40s and hadn’t been called a ‘baby’ in decades. “Yeah I guess you could call me that. But don’t worry, I promise to be much nicer than her, in fact I understand you’re going to be a mummy soon too Mary.”

Mary nodded. “Mawy am soon-mummah, hab biggesh heawt-happies. Mistah Fwank ek-pwain tu Fwuffies dat nyu mummah nu hab woom fow aww babbehs, an sum might hab tu gu tu udda mummahs an daddehs. Mawy an Joesep hab sadies, bu undastan dat am mummah’s wules.”

Peggy glanced up at Francisco, impressed that he’d managed to get them to understand that so quickly. She then looked back down at the pair and smiled.

“Well… we do have a big house, I’m not saying Yes, but we’ll see about letting you keep some of them, depending on how many you have.”

Mary and Joseph squealed. “Yeh, fank yu mummah.”

Francisco had to tighten his grip or risk them both slipping out of his arms. “Easy there guys, I almost dropped you there.”

“Sowwy mistah Fwank.”

“It’s ok, no harm done.”

Francisco carried the pair over to Peggy’s car where she had a carrier cage set up in the backseat, Mary started shaking as she remembered Elaine tossing her about mere days ago in a similar looking cage, but Peggy had outfitted it with soft cushions and a food bowl. With some convincing the happy pair were placed inside and left to cuddle in close to each other, singing their Babbeh song.

“They’re adorable, no wonder mum hates them.”

“They’ve been good company, aside from the conception they both do as they’re told and understand what ‘No’ means. I think Elaine just wasn’t prepared for a creature so… lively.”

“She’s always been like that Father, in fact when I told her I was taking Mary and Joseph back home with me she was instantly on social media being her passive-aggressive self, talking about ‘loyalty’ and ‘all sinners together’. Utter bullshit. But I suppose I was foolish enough to think a happy Fluffy would break some joy into her life, instead of her sucking the life out of it.”

“It’s not so bad.” Francisco said smiling as he watched Joseph pull a blanket over Mary through the car window. “If you hadn’t given your mother Mary, then she would’ve never have found Joseph.”

“I meant to ask, what happened between them, I got bits of it from what you told me and what mum tried to scream at me down the phone but I never got the full story.”

“Mary’s biological clock went off, telling any nearby stallion she was ready to have kids. Joseph was a nearby stallion but he was half-asleep when he did the deed. Neither of them had any idea they’d even had sex until I explained to them.”

“Yikes, bit rapey isn’t it Father?”

“Perhaps, but we’re looking at it from a human perspective. There’s a reason Fluffies call it ‘special huggies’, to them the act of sex is an act of care and love that you share with your partner, you are making a family with them, you are bonding in a way that only a few other animals can understand and honestly I wouldn’t even put humans as one of them. Fluffies don’t have much in the way of casual sex, to them the act of special huggies is one of the most important elements of being with your partner, it’s also why bad huggies are so traumatising, because not only is the Fluffy being violated, but someone is corrupting this sacred act not for the benefit of building a family, but for their own gratification. Joseph didn’t do attack Mary for gratification, he bonded with her because he loved her and wanted to build a family with her, it just happened that neither of them were conscious enough or aware enough to understand what they had done.”

There was a brief moment of silence before Peggy started laughing. “Christ Father, I didn’t expect that from you. What, you have a week of Fluffy ownership and suddenly you’re a psychiatrist?”

“I did a lot of research, wanted to make sure I didn’t mess up when you took them in. Honestly I find Fluffies fascinating creatures and my time with Mary and Joseph has only increased that. I may look into getting a Fluffy myself, could use the company sometimes.”

“Well if you do, make sure you get them from a reputable breeder, we got Mary from Carter’s Creature Comforts and she cost a pretty penny but it meant most of the training was already done when we got her. Cheap breeders are a waste of money and Ferals are free but you’re more likely to pick up a Smarty piece of shit than anything good. Then of course you have this Foal-in-a-can malarkey.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Foal-in-a-can, they literally jam just born foals into these cans, stick tubes into them to shit and piss at one end, give them shitty, barely nutritional water disguised as milk at the other and throw them into a vending machine. They have enough milk for maybe two weeks, if they’re lucky, if they aren’t chosen before then, they starve to death having only known loneliness and depression. You can buy them for less than a can of cola so it’s clearly not a money making scheme, likely it’s just a way to get rid of extra stock without having to worry about paper-work.”

“Well… damn. Now I’m depressed, thank you Peggy.”

“I’m sorry Father, I’m not 100% Hugboxer, but if you pardon my French , I fuckin hate those things.”

“No, I understand, they sound horrific. Listen I don’t want to keep you so feel free to tell an old man to shut up and I’ll get out your hair.”

“Not at all Father, anything to stick it to mum is fine with me. Thanks again for looking after them both, I’ll keep you updated on them and send you pictures of the foals when they’re born.”

“Thank Peggy, you take care now.”

The two adults said their goodbyes and Francisco watched as Peggy took his two friends and drove away, he kept waving until the car was out of sight, feeling a little bit sadder than he expected at their departure.

He decided to make a start on finding his own Fluffy sooner rather than later, he had all week to himself so at the very least he could test the waters nearby and see what came about.

Not like he was going to buy the first Fluffy he saw, right.

Francisco lived in a quaint little town situated a few miles outside of the main city, close enough where you could still go in if you wanted a day out or if there was an event happening, but far enough away to avoid most of the hussle and bussle. Fluffies were seen around the place but they were a rare sight, more often being pets than ferals who preferred the more common back alleys and tipped bins of the city.

When the Fluffy plague of F.A.07 hit the city the year before, Francisco noticed some of his own neighbours attacking owned Fluffies under the guise of ‘preventative measure’, then had the gall to be in Church that weekend. The infection never reached the town, it barely even left the city, getting as far as the Chikahiro river and no more. Now that a cure had been found, Francisco wondered if those same attackers felt guilt over their actions, or if they were closeted abusers looking for any excuse to lash out.

The point being, Francisco couldn’t just find a free feral and take it home, all he had were breeders and he knew some of them could be pricey for a decent Fluffy. Money wasn’t an object, but he didn’t want to be taken for a sucker when all he wanted was all he wanted was a companion, colours or types be damned.

He briefly considered calling his nephew Jacob and his friend Kathy for help when he turned the corner and saw it; here in his own hometown was a genuine Foal-in-a-can machine.

“What the Dickens is this doing here?” Francisco said aloud as he approached the machine. It was clearly more high-tech than he expected, about a foot taller than him, it’s glass front was entirely frosted so you couldn’t see inside, instead there was a red light for an empty space, and a green light for a space with a Fluffy still inside.

Francisco figured the frosted glass was to ensure that people didn’t ignore the less ‘pretty’ foals, but judging by the broken glass and small pools of blood nearby it was clearly not deterring people from bulk buying and tossing away the poor creatures they didn’t want.

Francisco stood there looking at the machine for longer than he should’ve, he knew he should walk away, take Peggy’s advice and find someone reputable. But he knew if he left he’d never forgive himself, to have the chance to save a foal from a short, excruciating life and not take it, how could he live with that. It was difficult for him to not buy the full stock and save them all, but he knew he couldn’t, aside from the cost he knew by tomorrow, the machine would be full again and more unknown, uncared for foals would be born to die alone.

‘You can’t save all of them’. The words of his mentor and friend Sergeant Cyrus ‘C.J.’ Jacobson rang in his ears, he’d learned a tough lesson when he heard those words, one he needed to remember now.

Francisco held his breath and put the shockingly low amount of coins into the machine, he then pressed F-7, his name and date of birth, whatever came out he would take care of and love like he’d loved Mary and Joseph.

The machine whirred, Francisco could make out some vague movements behind the frosted glass, and then a canister dropped, a little more violently than Francisco would’ve liked. He bent down to pick it up and look at his new friend.

Inside there was a tiny little Fluffy, it looked shaken up from the sudden jolt it just experienced as it pulled itself closer to the synthetic nipple it assumed was its mother, small tears in its eyes and large gulps of milk in its throat. Francisco could see the catheter in its anus moving slightly as it took the scardie poopies into the waste container.

Francisco’s heart broke, it was honestly a depressing sight, which made him all the more determined to protect this poor thing.

He examined the foal closer, judging by its size and the fact it’s eyes were still closed, it was only a couple days old if that. Francisco could just make out a tiny set of penis and testicles so it was a he and he was an earthie, no horns or wings not that that mattered to Francisco. His Fluff was a purplish red, closest probably to Burgundy than anything else, and Francisco could see tufts of a dark green mane spouting on top of his head.

Softly he cradled the can in his arm, fighting every natural instinct to save the poor guy from his cramped prison since he knew he needed a delicate hand to remove him.

“It’s ok little guy, I’ll get you out of there.”

The foal seemed to react to Francisco’s voice, shaken at first but then somewhat comforted as it shifted its skinny body towards the noise.

Francisco cursed himself for not thinking this through, he was in no way prepared for this, nothing was set up in is home, he had food but no milk, he didn’t even have bottles to feed him milk. With a final chastise for his bleeding heart, Francisco pulled out his phone and called his nephew.

“Jacob? It’s Uncle Frank, listen, I got a favour to ask you.”

Chapter 2


Ohhh interesting story for Father Franscisco. A bew friend. Wonder what life would be to the priest with this, he is gonna be very busy with it. :grin:

Glad Mary and Joseph ended up with a new good family. Looks like Carter’s name will always be remembered as a good shop to adopt a good fluffy.

Is Kathy was Carter sister? Correct me if im wrong :thinking:


Kathy is Lewis’ niece. Her mother Hannah is Lewis’ sister.

I swear I’ll do a flowchart connecting everyone one of these days.


I see cause most characters get to me very familiar on your stories so I tend to forget whos who.:sweat_smile:


So when do we start hunting White Fluffs

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“Fwuffy suwvive coz da buwnies inside am bwita dan da buwnies ousside.”

It’s just a reference, though I might use Graham as inspiration for a religious Fluffy in another story.


Totally fine. And because (despiate what some American evangelicals believe) we are not a homogenous whole with the exact same beliefs? Hey, wrong for one group, right on for anotehr. I quite like Father Bruni :slight_smile:

Nice read, quite enjoyed it. Its your writing and slice of life, so hey, two of my favorite things :slight_smile:


Excited to see Father Bruni in full daddy mode. He seems like he’d be stern when needed up kind-hearted the rest of the time. This is definitely near the top of my list now of anticipated stories.


I like the start of this story arc! I don’t know a whole lot about Christianity because I can’t wrap my head around a lot of things the congregation I had to endure as a child did, but I have my own mix of beliefs as far as spirituality goes. I like that you’re approaching it without judgement and pretty much stick to the cores I think and you’ll be good with your own interpretations.

(My heaven has all of my past pets waiting for me when it’s my time, I just can’t believe jerks like humans can go to heaven, but pure, innocent creatures can’t.)


The color combo reminds me of 2 things. 1 is the sacrificial wine used during mass. (The stuff is cheap and not at all good). 2nd is purple is the main color used during Lent in the cathloc church. Your suppose to give up something for 40ish days (Sundays don’t count). Think it is suppose to represent the fourty day Jesus spent in the desert fasting.



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It is, when the first story was written I needed a good uptight name so naturally I went with the most heinous bitch I could think of.


I hadn’t caught it at first when I read that one but god you are a Genius!

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