Welcome to Battlefluffs [Roster is now Full! See you at Fight Night!]

I officially offer my entry as both an artist and a combatant.


The Fornicator is now in Battlefluffs. Thank you for volunteering.

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I return with the first ever two BATTLEFLUFFS:
BULLDozer and Bowzer BuzzSaw… if it pleases @Karn they will be added to the house fluffies.

The original battle:


We do have a mighty need for more fluffs.
Are you wanting to volunteer as well?
If so, pick Bulldozer or Bowser Buzzsaw as your primary and we’ll enter the second as filler.

Man, i loved this event last year! Count me in again >:D

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We’re almost at eight artists but we do need more Battlefluffs.
Would love to see what you come up with.

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I don’t know if i can be an artist this year, next month is gonna be hella busy. I’m still gonna submit a battlefluffy, i can also make new house fluffies as the list time

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That’s perfectly fine.
I eagerly await your champion.

how many battlefluffs do we need?

I was going for 12-16, depending on interest.

We are now at the point where non-volunteers will be picked, as we have a slew of fine and talented artists.

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Kevin is in as a Battlefluff. Thank you for participating.

Spin to win is now a Battlefluff. Thank you for your tribute.

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Shitstorm is in as a Battlefluff. Thank you for your entry.

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BullDozer is now a Battlefluff. Thank you for entering the tournament.

Bowser Buzzsaw will be on standby if we need an extra.

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The Bronze Bull is now a Battlefluff. Thank you for entering.

We are at twelve.
It’s a good number but I’m willing to see if we can get it to 16, since we have so many artists willing to help out.

Four more slots left.

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is this alright
if its ok im in


Perfectly alright. Like a fluffy crossed with The Shredder.
Wasabi is now in Battlefluffs. Thanks for the entry.

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Hey @FederalChemical1728 ,
I’d love to see either Riket make a return or Riley joining battle fluffies if possible!