What artist would you really like to come back to the community?

Honestly its a toss up Between Spoosh and G1r_M1; I also like Cursed Pig Horse a lot but I don’t think he left the community (though I’d love to see an ending to ‘Splouwin Babbeh’


Hey @gr1m_1 , you’re being summoned again.

Image may or may not be related




I’m touched but I was never gone just am lazy

@Virgil LMAO
There’s so many But I would very much enjoy meeting Mwike my heart would probably burst. Heart hurties Egor is sorely missed as one of the few true animators of the fandom also, Micron, Ginger Fig, HK, TitanFluff, Babbehteef, ShaferAraks, GWN, WTF, Fiddwe, Pillows charming pixel style or even classical artist like Artist-kun


@pillows and @artist-kun are here, remember :wink:


Yes this!


I too have been look for more of Shafers stuff but I can only find so much on reddit.

I would kill for an archive somewhere.


We’re actively working on getting more complete archives available.


Oh for sure, no criticism, just a comment.

I lurk mostly but for more of Shafers/Wolfram/MickyGs(Mcgonagall) I will pop in.


I’ve posted nearly all the McGonagall that I had, already.
I just wish we could hope for more, one day.
These days I doubt it, but there was a time when I said we’d probably never see Carpdime again, and I was wrong.
Maybe I’m wrong again.


Oh they absolutely are, but I still miss Mircron’s brand of weird.


I wanna see wolfarm_sparks makes a comeback


Twistee. Magow-Magow. Gr1m_1 (I know he’s around, but would like to see a lot more).
They were the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse during the Booru’s golden age.

Shafer_Araks, whose awful fluffy visages somehow communicated true despair.

Gardel. Hugboxing_faggot. Ginger_Fig. The dude who wrote “Not all pillowfluffs are happy fluffs”.


@Gardel is here, fortunately. Twistee is active but only as a write.


A lot of the artists I covered in the Sam Adams Guide are artists I’d love to see again, especially the hugboxer ones who put in a lot of effort into defining fluffies and their world outside of an abuse/sadbox context.

Of course, KMEB and Marcusmaximus are both artists I want to see back. I actually had the plaasure of meeting Marcusmaximus last year, but he got very busy IRL apparently. KMEB has been the most fascinating to me, and the reason why I’m putting so much effort into Aww Staw Supah Fwuff, which is my “official” tribute to him.

Since so many people are not included in @WhalerTom’s list, I’ll list out the artists who I’d love to see come back, especially the hugbox ones, in no particular order:

Waggytail: Okay, Waggytail is the one I’d admittedly love to see come back the most. If Carpdime is my biggest inspiration in fluffies, Waggytail is my biggest inspiration as a hugboxer.

Squeakyfriend: I’d put Squeakyfriend on the same level as Waggytail. Squeakyfriend has the distinction of having illustrated a children’s story for the booru, and while he defined his art as “cutebox” as opposed to hugbox, it was pretty much the same thing. Squeakyfriend had A LOT of rgeat ideas, and I need to get round to reuploading them. He also had a pretty cool game idea called the Toy Castle

PeppermintParchment: Another hugboxer/sadbox I’d love to see come back. I always wanted to see a resolution to Kegstand and FIsher.

Phantomfluffy: I kind of want to see him continue Fluffy Neighbours. Plus his take on a breeding mare with many teats accounts for their ridiculours reproductive rates as opposed too “too many foals, too few teats”

Fosterfluffy: Fosterfluffy was the biggest recent hugboxer and was active since at least 2019. I really genuinely hope he’s around.

Meh: I wrote my own resolution the NISC story, but I am kinda curious as to how Meh himself would have continued the story.

Mutagen: Same with @mutagen and Postfluff

GRANPA156: Same with Granpa and Seabreeze.

MrPaint: Same with MrPaint and his Smokeyverse

FierceDeityLynx: As mucha s FDL mentioned he does not plan to return to the fluffy pony fandom, I still feel that, if anyone should finish Plum’s story, it should be FDL himself

Yehdoo: I really love Yehdoo’s design of her fluffies. While long legged, they had puffy cheeks, and were definitely fluffy.

Gowdie: Gowdie was like Muffin before Muffin existed.

As for artists I have yet to cover:

Bluefluff: I really like the cute stuff Bluefluff did. And he was a kiwi, much like Waggytail


Thanks a lot for your extensive, well-informed and thorough answer. I’ll revisit some of the artists you mention.


I really recommend them since people tend to focus so much on the abuse-centrics but gloss over the hugboxer/neutralbox ones. Its part of the reason why I am doing my Guide story, on top of my other tribute work.

Another good starting point is the christmas pic Kerosine did. (which reminds me - I need to comm a followup)


Well, since i am not from the booru times, but joined after it, i have 0 clue ho those people are. :frowning:


Micron for me because no one could top their weird box, I kind of regret that I didn’t download much of their artwork before the booru shut down.


Still here