"What To Do?":Part 4

(hhhhhhhh work has been a BITCH! Im back I promise I’m alive! Bare with me, things get a little weird.)

It was at least a week or so later, Pluto and Spearmint were now four months old, official fluffy puberty had begun, and already Nebula was now immobilized. In that time, Cocoa and Evergreen had gotten to a healthy size and weight for their age. Pluto however had finally lost the majority of his milk weight. He and Spearmint have gotten bigger and Spearmint had been getting abit chubby herself. It was a healthy amount of chub however. Pluto recognized that since he had been getting healthier he had so much more energy.

Nebula hated it. Her bestesh babbeh was no longer strong and muscular(fat as fuck)! Soon he’d no longer be a babbeh. Since Nebula was a furry balloon now, Mitch and Joanna saw no problem with letting Cocoa and Evergreen sleep in the saferoom. They still needed Nebula’s milk for a while but were bottle fed. Jo took pleasure in Nebula’s frantic screeching about stealing milk when she pumped her.

Not to mention Nebula had also been a little terror to everyone. It’s actually quite surprising that Joanne hadn’t milk bagged her yet, but mostly because Mitch probably wouldn’t let her. If she ends up having a poopie foal, or monster, they will have to keep it away from her.

Spearmint and Pluto were watching TV when the Danceh fluffy show came on. On screen was a beautiful white wingeh mare with red heart markings on her cheeks, mane, and pink hooves. A purple bow tied around her tails base and blue eyes. This was cupid, the official host of Danceh Fluffies! Her angelic voice (to a fluffy) sang to the camera as she danced around with foals. Her big milkie places bouncing as she hopped. Spearmint felt something stirring in her.

She felt her face grow hot as she continued to watch the mare shake her rump and Pluto finally figured out where she was looking. “Why Speawmin wooking at Coopid’s miwkie pwaces?” “H-huh? Am nu wooking at dat…” Pluto was suspicious. However he was yanked out of it when he heard some giggling, and felt two fuzzy beans climbing on his back. He smiled warmly seeing it was his siblings but Nebula was not pleased.

“Stoopid dummeh poopeh babbehs! Get off betesh babbeh!” Nebula called. Pluto sighed and said, “Mummah, babbehs am nu poopeh.” He had enough of his mother, and was sick of her and her dumb hierarchy complex. Mitch was at work and Joanne had went to get some milk producing kibble for Nebula so they were alone in the saferoom.

Out of nowhere Spearmints tummy started to hurt. Well it felt like her tummy, but it was lower. “Hmm. Speawmin nu feew pwetty…” She didn’t know what this was but it was aching and felt like cramping, when suddenly she felt something warm amd wet trickle down her leg. Cocoa and Evergreen shrieked, seeing it was blood coming from her special place. “EEEEK SISSIE HAB BOO-BOO JUICE!” “SISSIE AM HUWT!?”

Pluto was startled, trying to calm the babbehs down. Nebula scoffed, knowing what it was. It was something humans called a ‘pewiod’ and happens to most female born creatures like humans and barky monsters. Spearmint freaked the fuck out, not understanding what was going on. Pluto knew she couldn’t bleed all over the floor so he grabbed her by the scruff and dragged her to the litter box. He instructed her to stand in there until someone got home.

The babbehs were scared about what was happening to their sister, sniffling and hugging their brother’s leggies. Nebula hated how much they were touching her bestest, never mind her bleeding daughter. She wanted so badly to smack them away from him but her ballooned state prevented it. She just kept screeching at them to let go of him, and between Spearmints little accident and his mother being an annoying bitch, and the crying he said, “Hey babbehs! Wan miwkies?” He wanted to shut her up and this would be the perfect way.

Nebula’s mind clicked, as she realized what her bestest said. There was no feeder in here except for her. Spearmint looked over, tilting her ears to hear better, squatting over the litterbox. She made good pee-pee’s but it was heavily saturated by the leaking blood which made her whimper. Pluto smiled at his mother and trotting over with the babbehs in tow. “Ebagween, ou get dat miwkie pwaces, an Co-Co get dat one!” He knew how much his Mummah hated feeding her poopie babbehs.

“NUUU MIWKIES AM NU FOW POOPEH DUMMEH BABBEHS DEY AM FOW PWETTIESH TUMMEH BABBEHS! WHY BESTESH MAKE POOPEH BABBEHS TAKE MIWKIES!?” Pluto just sat their, smiling and waiting for the babbehs to get their fill. Jo came in the room, after finishing her errands. She figured that she’d make Spearmint and Pluto Sketti for being good Fluffies. Besides she wanted to mentally and emotionally hurt Nebula even more.

“Spearmint are you oka-” “MUMMAH JO SPEAWMIN AM BEEEDING OUT OB SPESHIAW PWACE PWEASE HEEEEWP!” She cried. "Ooooh yep the vet warned us about this, don’t worry I got something. But you won’t like it. A few minutes later to problem was taken care of. “Mummah…why Speawmin weawing bawky munstah diapew?” She asked.

Technically no one has made menstrual products for fluffies, considering it lasts three days. So she used an easy to get off and on rewashable dog diaper used for when dogs have their periods. She got he smallest she could find and it was a three pack. “Yeah I’m sorry but let me know when you gotta use the litterbox, and I’ll help get it off, ok?” She said. “Otay…” “Hey listen it’s gonna be ok, I do it every month too!” This made Spearmint feel a little better.

“Wiww sissie be otay?” Evergreen asked, coming over to them and inspecting the strange new contraption around his sisters rump. “She’ll be fine, no need to worry. Now, tonight I have decided to make, Sketties!” Spearmint and Pluto lit up, they have heard about the fabled sketties and how it’s taste was like sweet ambrosia. Jo could already see the excitement on their little faces, but…

GASP NEB-YU-WA AM GETTING SKETTIES! FANK YOU MU-” “Oh no, not you, hell no.” She took great delight in watching Nebula’s fantasy come crashing down. “HUHUUU! DUMMEH MUMMAH! WHY NU GIB SKETTIES!? AM GOOD FWUFFY!” she protested. “Good!? You neglecting Cocoa and Evergreen, fully ready to leave them when we found you, you punched Pluto last week, and constantly screamed at us. You aren’t getting any.”

Nebula couldn’t say or do anything. It was true she had done all those things…was it possible? Was she a bad…No! No, Mummah Jo had to be wrong! Nebula was bravely saving her milk from the dummeh poopeh babies! Giving Pluto sorry hoofsies, was disciplinary! She was a good mom! She had to be! She chose to live in this ignorance. Unbeknownst to them, someone was coming over to play!

Rebecca was Joanne’s friend. She loved Fluffies, and had her personally fluffy with her. His name was Biscuit. He was a pale brown alicorn stallion, with a darker mane. Other than Candace who they couple has contacted the owner about to schedule meetings, they figured socialization with other Fluffies, grown ones included, would be good. Biscuit was a very well behaved fluffy, only the occasional tantrum, but other than that, a real good boy.

She knocked on the door, Biscuit excitedly tapping his hooves on the porch as he waited. When Jo answered it, she greeted Rebecca and looked at Biscuit. He was a big boy. Since he was rescued they had given him supplements in his food that had some…adverse effects. Decreased libido and growth were two of them. He was seemed so happy to see her. He could smell other Fluffies. A mare, filly, colt, and Babbehs! He wanted to meet them!

“Ok buddy, this way, to the safe room. But umm, be careful, Nebula is very very mean.” She warned. “Bizcut, undewstan.” She opened the door to the room and when Biscuit rushed in, Nebula shrieked at the sight of a massive poopie monster. “SCREEEEE MUNSTAH FWUFFY MUNSTUH!” He pulled his ear back and even the four children looked a bit startled. “Play nice, Nebula if i hear you being rude to our guest it’s the stick.” This shut her up. For now.

Spearmint and Pluto cautiously walked up to the big fluffy. He towered over them and looked down. “Hewwo wittwe babbehs! Am Bizcut!” Pluto looked up at the stallion in awe. He hasn’t seen one before. Cocoa looked over and found herself transfixed. She cautiously walked up to the big brown alicorn and said, “h-hewwo big fwuffy…” she had never met a fluffy similar to her in color. She seemed happy regardless. Biscuit’s heart melted at the sight of a brown filly.

“Aww Hewwo, what am youw namesies? Nu can just caww out babbeh!” “Oh…am Co-co.” She said shyly. Biscuit sat down and smile warmly at the babbehs, looking over to Nebula. “Mawe am soon Mummah?” He asked. “Mawe’s NAMESIE am Neb-yu-wa, dummeh poopeh munstuh.” She snapped at him. It still stun to be called a poopie monster. Evergreen seemed to be off in his own little world, barely looking towards the new fluffy.

“What am fiwwy weawing?” He asked. “Speawmin hab weaw dummeh bawky munstah diapew fow boo-boo juice.” “Ooh am Sowwy.” He said. Spearmint hated this stupid thing and wanted to rip it off, it itches! She tried scratching with her back hoof but it didn’t do much. Pluto brought one of the balls kicking it into Biscuit’s side. He got the hint and went after Pluto to play ball.

“So how have you been?” Rebecca asked Joanne, knowing that something weighed on her mind. “It’s just Nebula. I really fucking hate her. If it wasn’t for Mitch I’d have milkbagged her by now, I don’t want her to hurt any unpretty foals. Not to mention she’s a week away from popping. Im just nervous.” She said. “Hmmm well you managed to break Pluto out of the bestesh baby cycle but then again Nebula is too far gone with BMS. As much as I am a hugboxer, I can understand when a fluffy goes too far, I don’t dilute myself with well behaved ones.”

Spearmint was watching fluffy TV again wit Evergreen. He was on his hind legs, trying to copy Cupid’s dance moves. However Cupid was trained to dance on her hind legs while Evergreen was not. Spearmint kept staring at the pretty mare. She was feeling itchy again but…in a different kinda way. She felt her hips buck against the ground but paid no mind to it at first. It felt embarrassing, almost like she knew it should be somthing private.

The ball eventually turned into play fighting amongst the rowdy male fluffs, Cocoa cheering her brother on. When Biscuit was pinned on his back, she went up and started tugging at his ear. Her teeth were still to soft so she had to be careful not to break them as she tugged. “Ooooh dis am stwong babbeh!” Biscuit said to try and boost her confidence. Nebula if course had to be snarky. “Stoopid poopeh babbehs am nu stwong! Why munstuh wie!?”

Biscuit had just enough of her already, his playful demeanor evaporating. He charged up to her and said, “Munstuh hab namesie.” Immediately the bitch mare began quivering. “Bizcut knyow dat babbeh wiww be stwonger den ou eba hope to be!” “Nu tawkies tu soon mummuh wike dat! Bestesh babbeh, gib munstah huwties and sowwy poopies!”

“Nu.” Pluto said. “NU!? HOW DAWE OU SAY NU TO MUMMUH!?” She was furious. She really thought Pluto would obey her command. Biscuit smirked, enjoying that the assumedbestesh babbeh was defying his mother, and choosing not to be rude. He had to admit, it was very refreshing to see.

Spearmint had to use the litterbox, so she trudged out the door, her walking a little bit awkward. She found Jo sitting in the living room with another woman. She had very poofy black hair and dark skin, almost the same color as Cocoa’s fluff. She was very pretty but she went to Jo and said, “Mummah Jo? Speawmin nee go pee-pees…” “Alright sweetie I’ll help.” She carried the mint fully back to saferoom and Pluto bolted up. “Mummah Jo! Mummah am bein meanie to Bizcut, keep cawwing him Poopeh munstuh!” “Is that so? Well Mebula you know what happens next.” She said.

She’d punish her after Rebecca and Biscuit leave but for now she was content listening to Nebula huuhuuing over her inevitable punishment. She undid the diaper which allowed Spearmint to use the litter box. It had splatters of blood in it now and it freaked out the babbehs. Her special place was now caked in thick menstrual blood. She was a heavy flow type it seemed which was always horrible for a first timer.

After a bit of playing Rebecca told Jo she had to leave but loved seeing the new fluffs, reassuring her that she’d bring biscuit back some other time. Mitch had gotten home and with that, Joanne could cook up the highly coveted Sketti. It was only a few minutes before all the Fluffies in the living room could smell it. Once they were done, Mitch, Jo, Spearmint, and Pluto had a heaping plate of spaghetti.

The two Fluffs were salivating, their little minds unable to comprehend the played heaven in front of them with the couples permission, they dove right it. The softy chewy noodles, the tangy sauce, the meatballs! Oh GOD the meatballs! They were in skettiland, they had to be, this was the best thing ever, and Nebula was missing out. She could hear her babbehs eating Sketti, without her! Nebula had gotten her lashing, only one however since she was pregnant. All she got was bland old kibble.

When dinner was over the two happily waddled back to the saferoom, their tummies full and satisfied. Nebula glared at them as everyone set in for the night. Fluff tvs night time programming came on, a pretty mare on screen, nursing chirpies accompanied by piano music. Everyone else was sleeping, except for Spearmint. She was watching the mare. Her eyes transfixed on how pretty she was. “Enf…enf…” Spearmints hips bucked the floor again. She had the strange itch again, she needed relief, looking around for something, then she spotted Nebula’s stuffy friend. A purple rabbit.

Nebula woke up, hearing the grunts, looking around only to nearly scream at what she saw. Spearmint was humping at her stuffy friend. She had no idea why but this was satisfying her itch. “Enf enf enf…” Nebula screeched as she started crying hysterically. “HEWP HEWP! SPWEAMIN GIBING WABENDEW BAD SPESHIAW HUGGIES!” Pluto bolted up while the babies shit themselves awake at the screaming. Mitch burst in at the yelling, only to start cackling at what he saw.

“Oh my god, Nebula, it’s a toy!” Mitch said trying to calm her while Spearmint kept going at the stuffed rabbit before, “GUUD FEEWS!” Spearmint had ‘finished’ so to speak. This caused Nebula to go hysterical once again, and then said the words no fluffy wanted to hear. “SPEAWMIN AM BAD BABBEH! MUMMAH HATECHU! HATCHU! HATCHU!” Spearmint’s ecstasy had worn off and the words hit her. “M-mummah?” She had no idea what went wrong.

They had read that humping was normal when fluffies hit puberty, similar to dogs, but were unaware that fillies could do it too. Hasbio sites said something about developing their sexual maturity and getting used to the feeling in preparation for breeding age. It made enough sense but boy was it hilarious. “Hey Speary, it’s ok you didn’t do anything wrong you just got a little excited is all.” Mitch tried comforting her.

“What got ya riled up anyways?” “Pwuto fink it Teebee mawes. Speawmin kept stawing at miwkies pwaces.” She hid her face in embarrassment. “She was staring at their boobs? Well I mean I guess whatever gets your gears turning.” Mitch said. He managed to calm everyone down and get them back to sleep, while Nebula started at her own little filly in pure hatred.

(It’s mostly filler but I figured I might as well get something out, I’m still working out my headcanons as you can tell. Also tell me what kinda psychological torment you want Nebula to go through! I’d love some new ideas!)

Part 3: What To Do?: Part 3 (FluffnPuff) - #16 by AlicornEisenhorn

FINALE: https://fluffy-community.com/t/what-to-do-finale/51926


Hmmm that is a tricky question… i may need to re read part 1 to now to get a better idea.
In meantime i have to ask, if Nebula is 1 week from birth does that mean she’s immobile or legs are suspended cuz of her swollen belly?

Also what if theres a Hasbio Foal Station or BMS station. Basically think of it this rack, but with leg holders to immobilize her without pillowing her (Huggies save lifes (By: NekuChan))
The foals can still get the milk and stuff but Nebula can never see or touch them.


Well her legs are suspended, so yes she is technically immobile, can’t go anywhere which is why Mitch and Jo are comfortable with letting the babbehs sleep on there. Also that’s a really good idea, I’ll look into it! I haven’t seen too much of Neku’s work but I’m sure it can give me something!

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Heads up there are some kinda weird stuff there… also that apparatus is a breeding station for mares and simply put the foals underneath to feed on milk until they’re weaned and sold.
You could also give her muscle relaxers which will immobilize her preventing her from hurting foals and putting a blindfold on her. Also a milk pump and fake teat feeder too to deprive her of more foal interaction. Complete isolation

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@MostlyNeutralbox has a great story with a bitch mare and they put her in a leg immobilization board, basically what @3KindlyOnes is suggesting. I also put my vote in for a clockwork orange style brainwashing to convince her to love all babies, and/or using her new litter for emotional manipulation, assuming she likes them


Oh she not gonna like em. All but one.


Also i was referring to something like this too…Basically still same essect, completely cut off from the litter cant see them.

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Hey, I keep joining the lgbt thread but it keeps kicking me out. How do I read the last part of the story? I’m desperate to finish it. I made my account a few hours ago.

Huh, I don’t know why it keeps kicking you out. … I assume you could just try joining again, but its best to ask Mr Owl

I figured it out. I clicked join but didn’t notice that you had to click the smaller join button on the lgbt page.

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