What to put in an 'Unsafe Room?'

Foreign objects in their kibble dish, eg: marbles, thumb tacks, big chunks of broken glass.

@eidalac now I’m just imagining a foal getting pancaked between two neodymium blocks.


An anti-sleep system detection and sound system, the purpose of this is to ensure that no fluffy in this will every get any meaningful sleep in this room ever again.

  1. high pitch sounds and beeps that go off at random times.

  2. Bright LED lights that flood the room at random intervals

So observe when the fluffies their going to sleep and once they hit that deep sleep stage, the lights and sounds go off every time the fluffies try to sleep. Just how long can a fluffy stay awake? Think of it as the “Fluffy sleep experiment” maybe they’ll start eating each other after awhile.


Just scatter Legos on the floor.

Fluffies step in them with their soft hoof pads or swallow them.


A nest about 1,5 m in the air, with narrow steps leading to it. No railings anywhere, of course.


If you have a small room with pipes,that has litterboxes of sand mixed with rocks,water that tastes yucky,objets like a vase,stuffy friends made out of wood so that they don’t like cuddling with them and a mix of vegetal food like the fluffy mush so that the mix of vegetables is horrible,add beds made out of wood,and add a proyector that displays an skyscraper from the top use it on the night,so fluffies that can’t sleep or that wake too early see it and are scared,you got a room that exploits fluffies fears like height and makes them miserable but keeping them alive,oh,and add knifes in the ceiling so that when a fluffy screams,the knife will fall,explain what the knives are for,so that when a fluffy screams,the other fluffies will beat him up for endangering the group,and last thing,separate the two halfs,put the least desired colors in one of them(yellow,brown,green) and the most desired colors (colors that are not yellow,green or brown) in the other half tell them the other half is living a perfect life to both of the halfs,then treat them good the last day so they are full and the other half looks amazing compared to before so they will fight over which half gets to dominate (recomendation:get smarties in both sides) and you got yourself a fluffy arena

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Wouldn’t that just be a normal room?
Just like look at the things around you and ask yourself “how can fluffy pony destroy itself?”


A giant tube labyrinth with lots of trap doors which drop fluffies in already exciting traps in the room, and slopes that leed to a dark narrow dead ends, which are too slippery and angeled for fluffies to backtrack. Contrary to the sign on the entrance, there are no cool toys an sketties in the labyrinth


Switch them around at random times so they’re never sure which one is the safe one.


dangerous plants to eat when normal food runs out. Like fish tail palm, gympie gympie, poison ivy, cacti.


A sign that says “Run with Scissors”.
That’s really unsafe.


Here’s a couple ideas I have:
. After a long day of injuries offer to give them a nice bath, but have it turn out to be a bath of any substance that cause their injuries to worsen and make them feel more suffering, raw pure lemon juice is an example that comes to mind.

. On special occasions offer them skettis, but have it be the forbidden kind. Aka those intestinal parasites that look like pasta (Not even bothered to look up their name, those things give me SERIOUS jibblies).

And that’s all I have in mind for now, but if I come up with anything I’ll probably reply to this post.


Ultraviolet light, box of matches, carbon monoxide detectors with no batteries, plastic rings, old leaking batteries, small objects, pushpins, medicine, and food thats a little out of date.


The floor is covered in glass shards or with random spots with thumb tacks sticking up to prick their feet


Hahaha you already know me and I would also leave they dishes of sketties with fiberglass powder In case anyone were to be left alive :smiling_imp:


Rough wood floors full of splinters, uneven nails, gouges in the wood, and small separations between boards. Kitty bridges spiraling around the room from floor to ceiling. Barbed wire nailed into the baseboards. Deep water bowls and kiddie pools. Lots of tiny easy to swallow toys like marbles, legos, army men, jacks, and micro machines. All furniture would be unfinished wood with sharp edges and corners. All cushions would be filled with needles. One mean cockatiel (with it’s cage set up properly hanging from the ceiling) given free reign to dive bomb and otherwise pester the fluffies.


Lawn darts, metal slides, all the other “unsafe toys” of the 20th century that moral guardians managed to get banned because some kid displayed a moment of fluffy-level intelligence


Make some curious tiny areas where only their head can fit, put food there to entice them; once they stick their head in, the flash of very strong light would temporarily blind them. If they manage to pull their head out, they would bump into everything lol

And also - carnivorous plants big enough to eat a foal :3


Just feed a bunch of little ones to them. Bind up their insides.

Let’s not put quotes around the word “unsafe” when talking about Lawn Darts. They were literally just small metal spears.

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Table saws with really short legs.

Parsley plants.

Oil paints

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