WHAT'S YOUR HEADCANON? ep4 (by eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Welcome back to WHAT’S YOUR HEADCANON the show where I ask YOUR headcanons!

as we know in real life the heat between Russia and the Ukraine is growing to the point of a war!

but what if fluffy’s could have wars? they do have herds that may meet and fight a bit after all! for that we have three questions for you all this episode,

todays headcanon questions are…

  1. can fluffys have wars in herds or other groups?

  2. why may fluffys have said wars?

  3. what happens before and after fluffy wars?

im getting bored of saying Next>


They can war, but it’s just like little herd-on-herd turf wars. Whoever wins gets the grass/garbage can they were fighting over, the losers go lick their wounds or grump. So less armies, more rival gangs.

It’s kind of like a house fluffy being territorial and saying “this is MY yard and daddy, not yours, you can’t have them” but on a larger scale.

  1. YES. Like any other living thing and/or Biotoy capable of actual thought, Fluffies establish dominance, pecking orders within groups, claim ownership, and curate/spread their bloodline through both intimidation and violence. Fluffies not lead by an aggressive Smarty may find compromise easy, and the often limited memory and understanding of the world leads to confusion (as most in the habit of keeping a Herd in a Feral-emulating domestic environment can attest as they evaluate the wallpaper depicting pastoral valleys as if it is actually land they can physically enter). But whether posturing, shouting, or murder, conflict inevitably happens.

  2. Depending on the breeds in the Herd and current state of Programming Bulbs in the lineages Fluffies may fight any time a Smarty encounters another Smarty. Sometimes fights last until one tires, is bored, or backs down. Other times until a Smarty is so injured visually that they have been shamed from the state of “perfection” from which their power derives. Others, particularly those who rule by strength in spite of appearance, only severe injury death will end a conflict. Some Herds have been observed utilizing an Oversmarty in large Herds which is established by personal Herd size, delegating to clan leader Smarties who then delegate to Toughies; usually present in long lineages of adapted Ferals or Mattbio programming which was designed with “army building” collecting in mind. Escaped Domestics often seek to prove dominance in all ways, stemming from the awakening of highly incomplete behaviors in their programming that were designed to keep a lost Biotoy alive until found, but ironically this is a common cause of death as they challenge all other Fluffies, humans, and lawnmowers to fights to the death. Ferals are far more prone to quick fights over immediate observable resources such as flowers or compost piles, eschewing the tactic of letting Toughies fight in favor of quickly neutralizing the opposing leadership then claiming “captives” from the other Herd and driving the rest away.

  3. Highly dependent on circumstances. Domestics of course tend to engage in practices leaving no survivors among their own, or crippling their numbers to the point of constantly needing casualty replacement; thus when resources are eventually claimed successfully it is never enough as the “more Fluffies are better” mentality never goes away. Successful Domestics are thus always in conflict, leading to new breeds occurring regionally as weakness is constantly worn away. Ferals will rarely abandon an effective Smarty, sometimes carrying crippled ones or finding ornamentation such as seashells or plastic garbage to cover scars. Feral Toughies rarely engage other Ferals except in case of severe need, with Herds preferring to save them for fights against other animals. Thus Feral Toughies gain a degree of veterancy that leaves Domestic Herds unable to compete. In some breeds Foal slaughter is witnessed often, in others the Foals a resource and are assigned to new parents in the Herd, even if the original parents remain alive and are absorbed as “captives”. All Fluffies usually claim Mares, aside from the most xenophobic breeds. In some Herds only Smarties are allowed to reproduce, in others only Toughies. Generally a way of finding a Herd where all members breed is checking for female Toughies or Smarties, which usually comes along with reduced color/mutation racism and increased cooperation internally and externally.

In all cases, though tragic, Fluffy conflict either results in the broader improvement of the species or destruction of disadvantaged traits. Even in the microcosm of a Smarty who defaults to programming or desire instead of thought leading only because its colors are garish enough to attract a large following of similarly idiotic followers who overwhelm and destroy superior survivors for being “ugly”, it will inevitably lead to the deaths of its followers and all its often rape-spawned offspring.

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  1. Yes

  2. Normal fluffy reasons

  3. Fluffies are alive, followed by fluffies being dead.


I would say more like unavoidable scuffles. Fluffies can and will kill each other, if sufficient motivation is provided, but most solve disputes with either playing or running away.

Rival herds who either need a food/water source must have really good reasons to choose violence over cooperation or flight.


It would be more of a tribal war than anything else, but yes fluffies can go to war. This is usually spared on by competing herd that are too close to on another and would be fighting for the right to ‘nummie-wands’ or if one is provoked by another’s leader.

They will form raiding parties to go and attack the opposing herd, but leave their own undefended…

(This may have sparked another short story I will never finish. Thanks. :+1: )


Ah, Wars and fighting others. Currently, that’s not a thing. Until I find some way to implement my stolen Alicorn head cannon bits into my head cannon, it’s a fight free world. At most, is the Herd trying to figure out what to do with a Smarty. Some herds would rather the hand of human render punishment to a Smarty, while others switch the Pals (Enfie, Litter, and Poopeh) roles with the Smarty, making them take on all three Pals roles. This removes the stigma of the foals in those positions and are accepted back in the Herd and are going to be given lots of “Sowee Bwuddah/Sissies” love, and eventually tokens gifted to the former victims.


1: Outside of human influence, Fluffy herds can engage in wars, not all the time with Smarty friends looking for peaceful passage or even collaborate but most of the time it’s Smarty dick swinging.

2: Primarily for territory with both leaders claiming “Dis am Smawty wand”, however the more sadistic leaders will attack a weaker herd for practice, for catharsis or just for boredom

3: Usually both herds will spend most of the time before the fighting blowing raspberries and puffing cheeks as intimidation tactics. Even the most blowhardy smarty doesn’t WANT violence

After the fight the victor will either assimilate the losing tribe into their herd, usually by killing foals and claiming mares as breeding rights whilst taking the Toughies as their new protectors, or they winning herd will fully annihilate the losers.

In both cases the losing smarty is killed so there is no contest for leadership. How they die is up to the victor

  1. Yes, they can have a wars. It’s a whole herd thing.

  2. Same reason humans do, resources. Shelter, land, water, food, mates, being the main reasons.

  3. Before. The leaders talking. When no peace can be reached or if they can’t resolved it by the leaders fighting. The others join in. There are three out comes, the invaders leave, the one being invaded fall, or they all die.


wow that was a LONG read the WYH team thanks you for thinking about this so much!

(btw how do you know so much about this???)

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my theory is that he is just naturally smart and knowledgeable in enough areas to type out scientific documents on the spot

  1. Of course. They’re more like gangs than armies, so a strategic or well thought out battle plan isn’t going to happen.

  2. Fluffies will fight each other for the same things anyone fights: Land, resources, or the belief that their opponents are dummies who need the worst owies.

  3. Before? Lots of puffing of cheeks and raspberries, followed by devastating insults of “dummy.” Sorry poopies usually signal the start of the actual violence, which will consist mostly of a few fluffies getting hit, falling down, and crying.

About 80% of fluffy conflicts end with everyone sad and no real damage being done. The winners are whoever more of is left standing. Hugs will be had and the losers will move on to lick their wounds for another day.

When a violent smarty gets involved, then bad things happen. Bad special hugs, babies trampled, stomping fluffies to death. Since fluffies aren’t violent by nature, a violent smarty can cause a lot of damage by rewarding other fluffies with equally antisocial tendencies. While they may become the dominant herd in an area, their belief that they’re invincible inevitably leads to their destruction.

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Well fed fluffy groups combine and hug it out. They enjoy meeting new friends.

Groups would fight for resources if they were scarce. If they survive they might become a raiding parties or defensive group.

It would take a smart one to organize anything resembling war. Though possible


Overthinking things is fun, and I’m more into toy history through the lens of Toy Story/Indian In The Cupboard/Small Soldiers than cute aggression.

Thank you for reading it.

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  1. In the Vetriverse, not particularly. Certainly not in any effective manner. Vetriverse fluffies lack any effective offensive weaponry, even against each other. While they can snap at each other with dull pseudo-teeth, run into each other, or make weak little kicks at each other, it’s little more than startling and unpleasant thus not making the “progress” against each other needed to actually have a war. Coupled with the naturally sweet fluffy temperament, and anything outside of occasional yelling at each other is vanishingly rare.

  2. If they could, it would be over scarce resources. Even then, though, they’re still more likely to (attempt to) cooperate than to compete.

  3. Generally, the two groups end up merging into one for good or bad.

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  1. Ferals had wars all the time before they were mass-redomesticated.
  2. Same reasons as always - resources, greed, ambition.
  3. The winners make the losers into enfie trophies. Babbehs get nummed. Lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth. Experts think it’s hilarious.
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  1. Feral herds can have wars due to years and generations of living in the wild promoting more aggressive behaviors in fluffies.

  2. Mainly over territory and food. If the herds can’t cooperate together to share resources, it is possible that the fluffies will come to blows so one herd can have the turf/food.

  3. Ferals are larger, stronger, and more aggressive than their domesticated counterparts, in addition to their hooves being hard and callused making them actually capable of harming each other. So there can be hurt or even killed fluffies on both sides. The losers will usually flee (assuming they aren’t killed off entirely), while the winners are often left licking (read: hugging) their wounds. Both sides will complain about the “meanies”.

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  1. No. No remake of Warriors in the wood D: But they can fight over ressources
  2. Turff ?
  3. nothing before, and after a lot of death due to wounds :v
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