ANNIHILATION 2 :: adapted by CuddilyBloodily (story by BFM101)

This section brings us to beaten and broken Chip… and Josef, Tara’s cousin. It’s the morning after the herd arrived in Tara’s freshly planted garden (damn the soft soil, that allowed the herd to dig their way in…

Tara has gone home to take care o’ business. She patched the fence and ensured the rotten, rogue herd can’t get out…

From BFM101’s epic tale - Annihilation Ch. 1

Annihilation Comic Adaptation - Part 1

(panel inspired by…nay, borrowed from @SHADOWSTEIN and Mortis Goes Outside :slight_smile: - check it out!

How most of us feel when fluffies say “nu knyo wut fwuffy did, but neba du again

<<< Part 1

Part 3 >>>


There she goes! Get em!!


Its hilarious smarties especially the asshole type would bark at you and threatened you even he knows or not…he cant win on humans.

And when you show him some pain,they cry like a fucking baby and ask what he did wrong.:man_facepalming:


Unless they are in the hands of an abuser, in which case they usually cannot know what they did because they actually did nothing.


I want Crimson to be there with Tara as she goes postal on the herd…maybe Crimson can help with the mental recovery for Chip with a conversation like:

“Chippie fwen, am gunna teww out stowee. Meanie hewd…nu wonga gib ou hewt ouchies. Cwimsun sees an angew on angees makies meanie hewd hab manee ouchies. Den, da angew fixies ou housies. Am pwetty housies, Cwimsun am jewwus wif da angew fixies ou housies, ou hab am manee huggies tu hewp ou hewt ouchies. Cum, Chippie, ou nee gud huggies and wub tu.”


Grab a 4.10 ( a very small shotgun) and shoot one in his legs and arms also can you set one on fire


the trump winning 2024 gave me a chuckle. she’s not going to like the future.


Well at least I am with low gas prices


must. hold. back. from. liberating.


Sorry it’s I’m going to start driving soon and gas prices are high no hard feelings

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‘Existing” is doing something…and that’s good enough for us!

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Love the Mortis homage, very fitting for what’s about to happen


Ps. Gas prices aren’t controlled by anything but foreign oil companies. If you want cheaper gas (for lighting fluffs on fire, obvi) you should talk to the billionaire oil company moguls enjoying their record profits. Lol you think any president would keep them high when an election is nearing, if they could do anything about it? Putin shits out 1/3 of the worlds oil, so maybe bitch about him, it would make a lot more sense. But it’s less fun I am sure, than wearing red hats and carrying torches…to light fluffies on fire (post is relevant, see?)


I tend to avoid using guns in my stories (the exception being Hunting Wabbits where the shotgun needed to be established for the ending) mostly because I feel they’re too easy and lack the good punch of manual abuse



It’s why I said 4.10 its the smallest shotgun so it will injure him with out killing him

Huch Mongola do i missed that rage

People that love smarty abuse wanted to absolutely murder Angelica Pickles as kids before we knew what murder was.

“Ex won the lottery” well, that sure says a lot about her xDDD loved the angry-o-meter.
Can’t wait to see what awaits the herd!