Babbehs Make Everything Better. Right? #21 - 22 (by: FallenAngel)

Original Story and Comish by @BFM101

You can read the story HERE



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Never really understood why Mary couldn’t just eat the grass around the outside of the den. She’s not leaving, or is she really that dumb?


The latter. Note she was a domesticated dumb fluffy especially how she answered her owner’s question.


Yeah that is true tbh


Awesome as always! :two_hearts::sunglasses::beers:

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Someone punt that obese grape plz?

Also i look forward to the witchy comic next installments XD


Just eat the green little shit its a win win then


The good part is come up soon. Can’t wait to see it. Keep up the good work, FA.

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Is the little one going to survive?? D.:

The other babies should’ve killed and eaten Forest when they had a chance.


Domestic Fluffies rarely even think grass is food (They would only think it’s Nummies when they are desperate and saw other Fluffies eat them…)

Mary is also the only fluffy that can starve while surrounded by food.


In the original story I had intended for Mary’s home to be woodland based, a ground of twigs and dirt surrounded by bushels. Mary couldn’t eat the leaves for fear of exposing her home to predators and the elements.

However during writing, this plot point got sidelined, and then forgotten about.

For this adaptation, Mary literally is too dumb and too domesticated to know she can eat grass, she’s never seen it as a food source before and doesn’t know it’s even edible. As for why Clover never told her, he was gone too long and returned home too exhausted to think to say anything


I guess stories about fluffies having trouble getting food can be hard to write when fluffies can eat pretty much any plants they find. Grass is pretty common in most places and even in forests you get some plants growing due to gaps between the trees allowing sunlight through.

Though cities, deserts, and rocky areas make more sense due to very little growing there.

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the little red onw with the horn will make a lovely leader if they can make it that far. lets hope they can save their sister…
Forest i hope you choke on your own shit


Apple is a little tougher than her siblings, pretty much immediately seeing through her mothers bullshit.

Perhaps not a leader, but she’s a born Toughy


I enjoyed the story up until this point, without spoiling it for whoever hasn’t read the full text story I just think a single foal wouldn’t survive that and “set off into the night”

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Puessssssss… me parece una exelente idea. Pero creo que como dicen que al ser domesticos no saben que el pasto tambien lo pueden comer

Clover is never heard from again in the story. He gone out for nummies and the kids never seen him again. Probably living a better life in the town over with a herd, with bitches and black jack.


I have pretty much given up on the idea of this story not being a tragedy. Forest can die in a fire and drown in a freak boating accident for all i care but i am sad to see his siblings suffer from the consequences of his entitlement and greed.


That comes much later, it’s actually the ending you’re thinking of.

Is it plot armour? Yeah probably, but the character needed to suffer elsewhere more than what could be dealt with here