Cannibal Fluffy Fan Art (by AngryGiant)

Cannibal fluffies. I love them. You love them. Or you’re a liar. Or you’re wrong. Ever since Shadysmarty’s wonderful Dash comic I’ve been in love with the little bastards, and today I decided to make a little tribute, both to the old masters who’ve left us, and to the new talent that’s sprung up. New to me at least, I was gone for a long time.

First off, the original and best, Jessibell herself. I’ve wanted to draw fan art of her since the first time I saw her. I even tried it once, but I wasn’t too happy with the result. I don’t think I ever posted it.

Second, Miss Nibbles Jackson by @SqueakyFriend, a strong contender for cutest fluffy ever created. I couldn’t really capture the essence of the original, but I may come back to this one.

Third, Stranger by @Leatherfeather, who works magic with incredibly minimalistic art (I know you’re only showing off a fraction of your power, you fiend). This Fillyjonk-looking thing was very striking and deceptively difficult to draw. By the time I realized how much I had misread the design, it was too late to go back.

Last but not least, Cattail by @FluffyChimera, who’s produced a lot of great art for having only been here a few months (you better not be a secret fluffy veteran, or I’ll look like a chump). Since your reference picture wasn’t really shaded in the traditional sense, I decided on a whim to experiment. This picture has the distinction of being my first ever attempt at soft shading (Jessibell back there being my second). I don’t know why he’s making that face, I was just getting tired of drawing fluffies smiling for the camera.

Bonus picture. I found that old Jessibell drawing I never bothered to upload back in the day. It’s a piece of fluffy history at this point.


Juuuuuust admit it
Yer one a’ 'em Voooooore furries ain’t ya

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My goodness, I love her! Miss Nibbles Jackson looks so squishy and huggable, I wanna just smush those big cheeks! :heart:

The others look super awesome too! You’ve managed to imitate the various styles really well and I adore the different aesthetics on display here, great job!!


Miss Nibbles Jackson has the best name any fluffy could hope for.


OMG!!! All of these so, so amazing!! I can’t believe that’s your first attempt at soft shading, Cattail and Jessibell looks SO GOOD!!! You really emulated the original art styles really well! I really love how excited Cattail looks, it seems he found something he REALLY wants to eat! :sparkling_heart:

And you’re no chump, I am new to the fluffy community! I’ve been enjoying all the work I come across from so many artists and writers! It’s really inspirational!

Thank you so much for this gorgeous fan art! :sparkling_heart:


Jessibell RuleZ!


If hating canibal fluffys is wrong then I don’t wanna be right




i love how you mimicked everybody’s style down to the shading & highlights :heart:


Glorious! I love them all!

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I like them, at least the idea. Some people seem to try and go for style points over originality…? Or something like that. Wanting something edgy and cool as opposed to unique.

But these guys look interesting.

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Omg!!! How am I only seeing this now???
my word, you captured all of these styles wonderfully!! I adore how you drew jessibell, she’s what got me into fluffies if I’m being honest!

Thank you for the compliment and an even bigger thank you for including my little stranger it just means the world to me!

And a personal thank you drawing just for you my good man!


Protect Miss Nibbles at all costs