Charlie's First Fluffies (by ShitratStomper)

Hello! For those that are new, this is part four of an ongoing story I’m writing, you can catch up below:

First | Second | Third


Rimjob opens his eyes, it’s the next bright time, the only thing he remembers quite clearly is smacking a ball with his head, before he was knocked unconscious. He looks at his special friend, she’s sitting in her new cardboard box, happy as can be, eyes closed. Rimjob feels happy for once, it’s something he’s never experienced in his turbulent life.

He begins looking around the room more, the heater hum interrupting any thoughts the Alicorn could potentially form. It’s too loud for Rimjob to focus on anything else aside from it. The heating element is a bright orange, obscured only by a thin sheet of metal with several holes punched in it. Massive amounts of heat is thrown out from it as Rimjob stares curiously into it, it’s nothing like he’s ever seen before, this truly is foreign to him.

“Owange gwowie am new fwend? smawty name am Wimjob, Wimjob am daddeh soon, find new safe pwace fo’ speshuw fwend to hab bestes’ babbehs an’ bestes’ nummies an’ bwockies fo’ babbehs. Make new dummeh daddeh take speshuw fwend an’ Wimjob to new nest fo’ new hewd.”

Rimjob blankly waits for the inanimate object to respond to his assertions, he wants the heater to know that he’s the leader out of the two. For obvious reasons, these words fall on deaf ears. Rimjob isn’t happy that he’s shared so much with this thing, and yet it couldn’t be bothered to give a simple greeting, he thinks it’s very rude.

“Nu wisten? Hewwo? Fine, since 'ou nu wisten to Wimjob, ‘ou gon’ get Wimjob’s stwongest sowwy hoofsies!” Rimjob raises his hoof, and cocks back as much as he can before releasing it forward.


The heated metal sheet received Rimjob’s strongest punch, but in return, he received the singing of the pattern into his hoof by the sheet. Rimjob shoots back, what sort of attack was that? How did it even hurt him? He was confused more than anything.

Without thinking, he sets his right hoof down, only to be met by extreme pain as he sets it down. He cries as he does this.

“Huuhuuuhu… Wowstes’ buwnie huwties, wowstes’ buwnie ebew! Why owange gwowie gib buwnie huwties? Buuhuuhuuu…”

Rimjob is crying at this point, he’s hurt his strongest hoof, how could he protect his new family like this? He could barely even walk now, this wasn’t good for him. Rimjob’s head sped through the limited options his small brain could think of, and of course he settled on retaliation yet again.

Rimjob whips around, ass now facing the heater. It gives off an uncomfortable heat to Alicorn, but he doesn’t care, it’s time for revenge.

“Take dis! Dummeh owange gwowie!”

Rimjob gives a rear kick with both of his legs, of course this immediately produces the same result. The heater shakes and rattles before a hiss is heard. His hooves are burnt by the red hot metal covering and he jolts forward, a stream of shit and piss flying at the heater, ruining it. He cries out loudly, he uses his front legs to pull himself forward. This doesn’t last long however as he can’t put much weight on the injured hoof, and he drops to the cold cement floor, the injuries make it near impossible for him to walk like he could a mere minute ago.

“Wimjob gib sowwy poopies! Wimjob am nu abwe to wawk, hoofsies huwtie su bad. Huuuuuuhuuu…”

Rimjob gives up on moving forward, and drops to his side. He tries suckling on his burnt right hoof, it makes him whine more. He swiftly swaps to the left hoof, the now only uninjured out of the four, he cries to himself quietly.

Out of the corner of her eyes, the mare notices her special friend. He’s in pain, he’s crying, and she can’t even move to make him feel better. She can’t even give him hugs to help, it’s useless to struggle for her, the cardboard is an insurmountable mountain in this instance, she cannot do anything but watch Rimjob suffer in pain.

The mare cries out to him, in a borderline useless attempt to comfort the injured stallion. “Wimjob, am ‘ou otay’ speshuw fwend? What happened to hoofsies? Pwease come to fwuffy, gib bestes’ huggies fo’ bestes’ heawin’ fo’ owwies to hoofsies… Huwwy up!” The mare squirms her useless limbs, like it’ll encourage Rimjob to drag himself forward, as if she’s a cheerleader.

Rimjob looks at his special friend, or what he can see from the box, he hears her pleading for him to come over, but he can’t. He can’t muster the strength to drag himself over to her. He cries even more as he suckles his hoof, it’s the only thing to bring him any solace right now.

“Dummeh Wimjob why nu come to speshuw fwend? Nu wike speshuw fwend anymowe? Fwuffie am not pwetty enough? Why gib speshuw huggies if Wimjob nu wan’ to be fwuffy’s speshuw fwend! Fwuffie hate 'ou! Nebah evah tawk to fwuffie again!” The mare confidently states as she closes her eyes and looks away from her former partner, it’s over she’s decided, she has jumped to one hell of a conclusion pretty quickly. However she hasn’t decided what to do with their children, this is far away from her small mind’s thoughts, it doesn’t concern her at this moment.

Meanwhile, Charlie’s alarm blares, it’s 7:00. He shoots up and goes through his morning routine and is dressed and ready to tackle his day by 7:15. He immediately rushes out of his house into the next door garage he owns, it’s modest, but it gets the job done for someone like him. The small grey sedan sits and stares at Charlie, he approaches the driver door and reaches under the dash to open the hood.

“IT’S BEEN THREE MONTHS! This thing is a piece of shit!” Charlie yells as he stares into the now ruined engine, it’s the second time with this car. He’s over it, and figures there’s no point in fiddling with the thing, it’ll just piss him off more.

He returns to the house, it’s a short but cold walk to the door. He opens it and walks into the kitchen immediately before cooking a small breakfast for himself, he truly doesn’t remember much of last night.

“Maybe it was a fucked up dream.” he mumbles as the bacon cooks in the pan, he pushes the thought aside, he’s too hungry to debate the validity of this right now. After finishing his breakfast, he walks into the living room and looks for his keys to the house, they’re nowhere to be seen.

“Fuck me they’re in my pants from last night I bet.” Charlie runs to his bedroom and grabs the jeans in a hurry, he opens his pocket and feels the keys before noticing there’s a foul smell coming from them. He turns the pants around before noticing the smeared shit and urine soaked spots on them. This definitely wasn’t Charlie’s work, that would’ve been at the toilet, no, this was something else.

Charlie grabs the shirt next to where the jeans were and rushes to his laundry room and throws them in with copious amounts of soap. As he does this he hears a rattle coming from his basement and a loud cry. He runs to the door and unlocks it before rocketing down the steps.


“What th-”

Charlie forgot he put the board at the base of the stairs and the board was immediately introduced to his left shin. He falls forward as the board smacks the ground, he braces himself by sticking his arms out and as he falls he feels it, a coat of thick, crusty, fuff. He looks up and sees the engorged mare who has her head up in disgust with her eyes closed. He then turns his head to his left to find the source of the crying, Rimjob.

It all comes back to Charlie, it wasn’t just some random dream, he really brought a new fluffy family into his home. He remembers the kick, the mare’s song, the shit in the corner he obliviously missed, the red ball. It was all real, very fucking real. He stares further, and then notices his heater behind the fluffy, it’s off and smoking, he then notices a pile of shit piling out of it as well as a puddle of urine.

“What the fuck, you ruined my heater, you little shit! What’s your goddamn problem huh? I should kick the shit out of you for that you know? Motherfucker!” He stands up, pushing up off the unaware mare who makes a grunt as he does. She opens her eyes and notices her dad, she immediately opens her mouth.

“Dummeh Wimjob gib himse-” she doesn’t get to finish the sentence before Charlie fiercely interjects.

“Shut your mouth! I wasn’t talking to you was I, Shit-For-Brains? Close your mouth and keep it shut or I’m doing it for you.” Charlie looks angrily at her. He’s already over the fluffies talking again.

“Hey jackass, you alright?” Charlie prods Rimjob who is still sucking the uninjured hoof. He slaps the hoof away from his mouth and grabs the Alicorn by his scruff, he’s wriggling like crazy.

“I asked if you were okay, Rimjob. Answer now.” The words leave Charlie’s mouth in a stern tone, he wants his answers in a timely manner when he asks his new fluffies any questions.

“Huuu-” Rimjob’s pathetic whines are interrupted by Charlie. “Cut the crybaby shit Rimjob, I don’t need to hear it, just tell me if you’re hurt or not.”

Rimjob sniffles and looks up at Charlie and nods, he can’t muster the words right now due to the pain. “Figured, but you’re gonna have to deal with it until I’m back though. I gotta get to work and I don’t have time to grab any pain meds for you or I’m gonna be late. Sorry buddy.” Charlie does feel bad, but this idiot is sentient, and he’s done this to himself. It’s simply mind boggling to Charlie that Rimjob would even do this, it’s just plain stupid, but he knows that smarties never live up to the name.

“I got some gauze, bandages, and burn cream, but I’m not sure how serious your burns are bud, I’ll take care of it for now but no moving today okay? It’ll have to be a quick job cause I’m already cutting it close.”

Charlie rushes to his bathroom and reaches into his medicine cabinet, he grabs all the items and runs down the stairs then he crouches at the defeated Alicorn, he can’t really do much for his pain but he can at least soothe it with the cream somewhat. Quickly he slathers the injured hooves with the cream before setting a sizable amount of gauze on each, then wrapping them with the bandages.

“Wait… You can’t move can you?” Rimjob looks over at Charlie as he says this, then quickly shakes his head side to side. Charlie thinks for a second, before snapping his fingers. “Well since you can’t move, you can’t get to the litterbox, and I don’t wanna clean any other messes… I’ll just have to leave you in the litterbox all day.” He glares meanly at the mare as recalls her mess from the other night, she cowers and tries to hide her head. Rimjob looks meekly up at Charlie, is this a punishment from him?

“Pwease daddeh, nu am wan’ be in wittah box! Pwease!” Rimjob pleads with Charlie, but he cares little for his situation other than the injuries at the moment. He picks the fluffy up and sets him down in the litter box, he can’t do a thing but watch Charlie set the food and water dish in with him and then walk up. He doesn’t bother to set the board up, considering the trouble it gave him, and then the door slams.

Rimjob stares, there’s no way this is happening right? He’s a smarty, smarties don’t belong in situations like this, it’s very demoralizing for the blue Alicorn, at least it’s clean though. He whines to himself, the pain is unbearable and his hooves throb every second, it’s almost torture for the fluffy. His former mate hasn’t said a thing to him since her abandonment, she cares little about this situation. In her mind, he hates her now and she hates him back, little does she know that it is far from the truth.

Hours pass, Rimjob can do nothing but either stare or attempt to get some sleep as he waits patiently for Charlie to return home with the medicine. He can’t keep waiting though, he has to at least get out of this litter box, Rimjob props himself up on the one good hoof he has left and drags himself forward in the litter box. The sand grains hurt his stomach, and they’re a lot sharper than he thought, but he keeps going.

The dishes of food and water are just out of his reach, but if he keeps at it he can eventually have some refreshment. In his haste, Charlie absent mindedly put the dishes away from Rimjob. Rimjob keeps going and eventually he arrives, he doesn’t know how long it took but it was worth it. His stomach hurts a lot, but he doesn’t pay any mind as he greedily drinks from the bowl, before adjusting himself and gorging on the kibble.

Satisfied, he takes a small nap and wakes up to excruciating pain, he doesn’t know how long he can last with this constant pain. He props himself up again before moving to the left side of the litter box slowly, before his front half is dangling over. He scooches forward and he falls out, straight onto his front hooves. The pain shoots through his paw like a knife was stabbed into it, he immediately falls to his side again from the sensation before crying to himself for the next couple of hours.

The door to Charlie’s workplace closes, he still has Rimjob on his mind and immediately rushes to the nearby veterinarian. The clerk asks him if he has an appointment before returning to clacking on her keyboard. “Actually I was wondering if you happened to sell any pain meds? I have a fluffy who hurt his hooves pretty bad this morning by burning them.”

The receptionist looks puzzled, she thinks if Charlie was an abuser, he probably wouldn’t have came to seek out any help for the poor thing. “Well sir, we’d have to see him first to asses the damage and what we’d need to do.” The receptionist stops typing as she says this before looking at the monitor. “Actually we have a 4:30 open if you could hurry back with him.” She looks back at Charlie and waits for him to respond.
“Sure thing, his name is Rimjob.” Charlie smiles, then begins walking out as the receptionist apprehensively types the obscene name in, she chuckles as she does this.

Charlie rushes home, it’s 4:00 and he needs to get back quickly so they can treat the injured fluffy. He opens the front door, then rushes to the basement door before hurrying down the stairs. He notices Rimjob has moved, he doesn’t have time to scold him, that’ll come later tonight after they get back. He looks to the mare and then grabs both dishes and puts them in front of her.

“If you make bad poopies again I swear I will fuckin kick you in the stomach Shit-For-Brains, a lot.” He has little time to process her reaction, but this is merely a threat and nothing else at this point. He grabs Rimjob by the scruff and runs up the stairs and out, leaving the front door ajar slightly.


Hope you all enjoyed! I believe I’ve settled on what I want to do here so I’m gonna be writing some drafts for the next day or so. Ideally I’ll get the next entry out before the weekend is over.