[CLOSED] Christmas Requests for Y'all

Here you go!

This one’s pretty detailed, but I’m a sucker for these “fuck you, that’s why” stories.

Purple unicorn mare, pink mane, sparkly coat. She’s given to a girl as a Christmas present, is spoiled rotten, and becomes a brat. She starts begging for ‘babbehs’ after too much screen time (just like widdow hooman mummah!) and escapes to get knocked up by a feral stallion. The human family, amateur fluffy owners, are not prepared to care for a large litter foals, and chaos ensues- maybe the destructive toddler gets ahold of one, or maybe they don’t properly weed out ‘poopeh/munstah babbeh’ behavior and the mare kills a brown foal, or perhaps both- and the father of the family kills her remaining chirpies before leaving the whole lot of them in a box on the side of the road in the cold. Go nuts!

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Here you go!

I don’t understand how this part is rude. One of my friends is close with her stepdad and she still calls him by his first name because he’s not her dad.

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I think it means calling her by her first name rudely, not that calling your stepmom by her first name is inherently rude.

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I do know you’ve closed the thread, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t get this last idea out to round out this collection of stories you made.

A deliveryman, driving a van filled with dozens of fluffies bound for their new homes, is arrested the morning of Christmas Eve for drunk/reckless driving or what have you.

Due to a miscommunication on the officer’s part, nobody comes to collect the van. The vehicle, and the fluffies within, are stuck on the side of the road all night amidst a frigid snowstorm. Slowly, their joyful anticipation of new homes turns into terror as the darkness and cold sets in. One by one, the trapped, freezing fluffies die of exposure.

Merry Christmas.


… Yeah, you’re right that’s too good to pass up. Might be late but I’ll do it.


Here you go!

Here you go!

Here you go!

Here you go!

Thank you! I always forget to check my messages

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