Title: Runaway Frozen
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That’s what you get!
At least she dies knowing it was entirely her fault that she murdered her babies with her selfishness and incompetence.
At least this one acknowledge the truth while a genuine bitch mare would have blamed everyone except itself.
Shove a stick on grape poopie place and she will die as popsicle
Grape Poopsicle
Aww thats very sad…
… - sighs - alright who’s gonna put her out of her misery and NOT IT !!!
I’ll do it by setting her on fire
It looks like her special friend is already frozen to death next to her.
lol dumbass
At least she admits she’s an idiot.
Like most fluffys do … they learn running away always leads to one thing … not sketties but eternal sleep…
Hahahahaha what a stupid mare.