Joseph (from the Sam Adam's Guide) for OculusFluffy (Artist: SqueakyFriend)

In my story, Joseph is a Squeakyfriend breed fluffy, and thus I was immensely grateful that Squeakyfriend herself did an illustration of the character.

Joseph is a fluffy of the Squeakyfriend breed, and one of the fluffies owned by Samuel Adams, the founder of the Advocacy for Biotoy Adoption as Pets (ABAP). He is a friend of Maurice, the Waggytail, and was formerly introduced in Chapter 4. Joseph played a key role in Chapter 5, when he was involved in the search and rescue of the protagonist who ended up in a parallel universe by accident. A darker alternate version of the character was also seen in the April Fools/Halloween special.

In the world of the Sam Adams Guide, certain breeds of fluffies like the Foxhoarder, Gowdie, Fillialcacophony and Fluffsplosion are capable of bending the laws of physics to a certain degree, and thus are capable of teleportation, a reason why fluffies have been used in the story for that purpose. However, such weirdbox fluffies require the use of a special device and setup in order to tap into this power, and they cannot really control it.

In the case of Joseph, not only is he capable of portals, but he is aware of his ability, and has better control of teleportation and portal creation compared to the average wierdbox fluffy. Thus, and without the need for a box, Joseph can make a portal out of any door he touches. In addition, due to his more developed powers, Joseph is able to experience/sense parallel universes and, in some cases, seek out individuals from his universe that have been lost to an alternate/parallel timeline, as seen in Chapter 5.

This image was used to illustrate the Squeakyfriend breed/brand fluffies in the Index to volume 1, though this illustration also gives me some more ideas with Joseph in future (if I ever have the time!)