Nuusphere by:Foxhoarder


Never underestimate a fluffy’s ability to get into trouble


Damn little things always ask for help when they can do it themselves

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One of two images centered around a headcanon that Fluffies are capable of breaking the laws of Physics. I alluded to this fact in Chapter 2 of the Sam Adams Guide, and it became the basis for use of fluffies as a means of teleportation in that series.


it only goes one way. they can only get IN trouble, not the other way around.

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Let’s see if Schrödinger cat theory can be used with fluffys too

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The theory of the Nuusphere led to the Grand Huu-huu Paradox, where it was discovered that the probability of how severe karma effects fluffies is an inverted bell curve proportional to how bad the fluffy is.

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The theory thus far, seems correct.

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Time to up and throw the whole jug out. The cooler can be reasonably cleaned, even though I personally wouldn’t be able to drink from it again. Not without involuntarily picturing a feral fluffy’s dirty asshole pressed against the intake.

For the abusers out there. You have a prepackaged toy filled with nightmares for its soul occupant.

For the hugboxers. There’s probably a box cutter somewhere in the office you can use to free that fluffy.

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