Last Hope Chapter 1 Part 3 Merlin (FluffySadist)


You are a black and white tuxedo Pegasus foal you have volunteered to go on a mission to find food for you’re family your Mummah told you that she had a brother named Merlin who lived in a place called The Green Roof and he might be of some assistance. What she didn’t mention that there was an entire city built inside this old building and after some searching around and talking to Fluffies especially one by the name of Benezi who was able to shed some light of Merlin most wasn’t that flattering but she did know where she could be a shack with green sign once you arrived here and learning that it was a stallion bar in a bad part of town you felt a little surprised but. Not feeling deterred by this unusual location and full of hope in searching for you’re Uncle you open the door and head inside. Once you’ve stepped inside you didn’t even know how to start describing what was infront of you all around you from almost every corner of the room there were fluffies packed inside. Just trying to move was a challenge and it didn’t help that most of them were almost double your size music was blasting throughout the place. From looking around you could see a multitude of fluffies doing all sorts of things some were drinking out of bowls others were giving each other hugs and kisses and some well… I better just to move on and stay focused on finding Merlin in this place while walking you noticed some of the patrons giving you stares some with confusion and shock others well lets just say you didn’t even want to think about. But eventually you reached the bartender and gave in a few words “Excuse Babbeh mistah hab 'ou seen fwuffie named Mewwin anywhewe?” the bartender gives a long sigh preoccupied cleaning a bowls and says “Mewwin’s in bip awea woom 78.” he says that with an apathetic tone not even looking up from cleaning the bowl “fank 'ou nice mistah” I say and start heading towards the Vip area you noticed it was a lot darker and more quiet. Heading in it was almost silent walking down you thought to yourself what type place that serves drinks has a vip area? you brushed that thought aside as you finally reached room 78 swinging the curtain open your entire demeanor beaming with the anticipation of meeting a long lost relative.

Once opened you were immediately taken no it couldn’t be could it? sitting before you was for all intents and purposes one of the most pathetic disheveled excuses for a Fluffy you’ve seen this day. He was black out drunk he had a silver coat with a light gray mane he was a unicorn and on top of that he was wearing a light blue robe with a long pointy hat of the same color. You felt flabbergasted no it couldn’t be maybe he was just having a bad day so you decided to try to wake him up. at first when you started tapping his shoulder nothing seemed to happen than after a few seconds suddenly he jolted to awake “MEWWIN IWW PAY 'OU BACK GIB MEWWIN FEW MOWE DAYS!” Merlin frantically looks around before calming a little bit realizing there’s only you “WHO AM 'OU WHY AM ‘OU BOTHEWIN’ MEWWIN!” you were a little shaken but you hoped could explain who you are and he will calm down. “SPIWW IT!” Merlin said “am youw nephew Mewwin Babbeh was towd to find 'ou by Mummah to hewp famiwy find nummies!” Merlin looks at with both a face of confusion and disbelief. " What dah heww am ‘ou tawkin’ about Babbeh Mewwin has nu nephew aww fwuffy’s bwothews an’ sistews am dead 'ou am cwazy!" you gasp a little and respond “buh babbeh am!” you say Merlin looks unconvinced “if ‘ou weawwy am Mewwins nephew teww Mewwin somethin’ onwy mewwin can know.” He gives an overconfident look like had just won the toughest argument in his life “Babbeh’s Mummah am dawk pink unicown wiff dawk bwue mane wiff withewed weggie.” Merlin gives a wide eyed expression “howy mummah of poopies 'ou am Mewwins nephew” Merlin has a complete look of shock on his face " how am dis possibwe dis has to be an dweam" Merlin looks like he is about to faint " pwease uncwe stay awake we hab to go we hab nu time to wose!" Merlin stares at you for a few seconds before suddenly pushing you aside to go out to the hall were he ultimately starts vomiting in a trash barrel after he collapses beside it taking deep breaths.

“wook Kid Mewwin wiww admit that fo’ 'ou to twack Mewwin down am pwetty impwessibe. Buh Mewwin just nu can wite nao I’m way to busy to hewp.” Merlin gets up and slowly starts to walk out “nu ‘ou cant weabe Babbeh famiwy am goin’ go foweba sweepies pwease nu 'ou hab a heawt!” Merlin looks back for a few seconds having a look of confliction on his face than looks back and proceeds to leave. “BABBEH WIWW NOT GIB UP BABBEH WIWW NEBAH GIB UP!” I go quiet for a second I didn’t mean to be that loud it just kind of came out. Merlin’s ears go up for a moment than he says “yeah keep twyin’ it’s suwe to conbince Mewwin” he says it with a sarcastic tone I can feel myself getting a little angry so I decide to follow him and try to further try to convince him to help. once back in the main area I noticed that it was a lot more quiet and there were a lot less fluffies here. Merlin was a acting little strange it seemed he was trying not to be seen always going the darkest parts of the room he hadn’t noticed me eventually he got to the door and left and soon the same for me. Once out I noticed it had gotten a lot darker out only illumining source were the lights of the city. Following Merlin I hid behind some bushes when he looked back for a few seconds with a standing there for a few seconds before looking back giving a sign after that he started climbing some scaffolding to the second level of the city where instead of the stalls and shops on the first level on the second was almost all housing and when I got it was nearly empty as looking up through small holes in the ceiling I noticed it was dark out and to be honest I was starting to feel tired I wondered were there could be a place to sleep and feeling a little overwhelmed by the scale of everything than suddenly I noticed I have completely lost tack of Merlin I started panicking looking up and down side ways and running down everything looked identical it was like a maze than I heard the sounds of screaming running down looking I found Merlin but something was deeply wrong.

“Wook hewe 'ou idiot ‘ou wewe towd time aftah time that Bwoody Mawy wanted hew money an’ it seems wike 'ou nu hab it!.” Infront of you was an earth pony with a black coat and dark blue mane he was covered head to hoof in scars in his mouth was a knife he had Merlin pined to a wall with no way of breaking free. You had no idea who Bloody Mary was but if she wan the one to send a Fluffy like him to collect money she must be really mean. “Pwease one mowe week Mewwin pwomise iww bwin’ ‘ou doubwe dah amount owed!. Merlin had a look of pure terror on his face. You knew you had to do something but you had 0 ideas except 1. Neither Merlin or the earth pony noticed you so with a deep breath you charged. "Sowwy Mewwin Fwuffy doesn’t bewiebe ‘ou dis was am wastes’ chance su am goin’ to hab to fucking’ cut off youw weggies an’ im goin’ to enjo- ARGHHHH.” I can’t believe what I have just done I rushed towards a debt collector with a knife and ripped open one of his scars I was even a little surprised my teeth were developed enough to do something like that. The thug let out a scream of pure agony letting his grip of Merlin go holding his wound for a few seconds as blood was gushing out he soon turned to me with a look of pure hatred and soon started running towards me with the knife “IM GOIN’ TO FUCKING GUT 'OU!” I had no idea what to do I was completely frozen in fear I had have never been in a fight in my life the closest being some playful roughhousing with my Bwuddah. Through by pure instinct and a miracle I somehow was able to dodge the first attack the knife nearly slicing my throat open. But I wasn’t so lucky on the second as the knife cut through the right side of my face barely missing my eye. The pain was excruciating almost immediately I lost focus than the Thug hit again with his hoof on my nose causing it to bleed. I fell to the ground looking up the Thug has the face of pure psychotic rage as he started to raise his knife for the final attack suddenly he fell over unconscious as at the last second Merlin threw a piece of concreate right at the Thugs head causing him to get knocked out. but I didn’t see much as like the Thug I went unconscious as well only hearing a few words from Merlin before total darkness “HOWY SHIT HOWY SHIT!” Merlin said with a tone of fear and panic as I fell asleep.

As I awoke it was morning I was in some strange place on the walls there were ingredients everywhere everything seemed messy and unorganized but at the same time everything seemed pretty peaceful. and I noticed I had a bandage’s covering my face and on a nightstand next to me there was a bowl of fruit nummies. I started eating feeling starved for I haven’t ate since I left and than I heard his voice. “Finawwy am awake that was such dummeh thin’ ‘ou did fowwowin’ Mewwin that Fwuffy neawwy kiwwed 'ou! buh nu wowwy kid Mewwin heawed ‘ou up dah wound shouwd heaw in few days an’ who knows it wiww weabe an pwetty badass scaw.” Merlin after saying that and giving a nervous chuckle I fall back in bed not amused by his “attempt” at comedy. “Hey awso fank if 'ou wewen’t dewe id pwobabwy be wegwess ow dead” Merlin is beside me and after giving his thanks he gives me a hug it feels pretty nice. “Im sowwy fo’ how Mewwin was actin’ back at that Baw” a little curious about all the stuff around me I ask Merlin about it. “Hey Mewwin what am wiff aww dis stuff awound Baby it aww wooks pwetty stwange?” Merlin looks a little surprised that you asked this question but answers anyway “oh aww dis ‘ou see Mewwin’s speciawty am wizawdwy an’ awchemy. that means Mewwin pwefowms an’ magic an’ Mewwin cweates things wiff stuff acwoss dah kingdom. Mewwins done that since dah day mewwin watched an mobie about it back when Mewwin was onwy an babbeh.” “An mobie? an Kingdom?” you were super confused some questions were answered but it only seemed to lead to more questions. “oh wet Mewwin expwain ‘ou see mobies am kind of wike pictuwes buh dey mobe dis mobie Mewwin saw eben though much of it Mewwin does not wemembah much of it. aww Mewwin wecawws was somethin’ about some swowd in an stone. Buh it was what showed what Mewwin wanted to do An passion an’ it what gabe Mewwins name an’ fo’ am second question dis pwace Gween Woof am dah fwontiah wegions of dah Kingdom of Motow. Wuwed by am majesty. King maximus unitah of dah 10 heawd’s.” Merlin than points outside a small window showing on the upper third level a giant not so well made portrait of an earth fluffy with a white coat and golden mane wearing some sort of crown. “fwontiah whewe’s that?” you were a little confused what was a frontier region? “Gween Woof am dah most faw pawt of dah kingdom 'ou see it’s pwetty faw fwom dah capitaw stabwewot 'ou see Mewwin been dewe it makes dis pwace wook wike wittwe biwwage its insane!” Merlin said it with glee in his voice. You didn’t know how to process this information hearing this information sounds crazy that there was a whole Kingdom and there was even a larger settlement Stablelot that made this giant city look like a village to be honest it was kind of overwhelming. “wiww 'ou hewp?” I said this catching Merlin a little off guard as he didn’t expect you to bring it up his smile gone he looked away outside for a moment taking a deep breath before looking back “Nephew ‘ou know aftah what ‘ou did sabin’ mewwin think dah weast can do am gib an hewpin’ hoof. Yes mewwin wiww hewp 'ou”

[Merlin has joined the party!]

Hearing this makes you collapse in tears and completely catching Merlin off guard you give him a hug and he gives one back as well "Mewwin has one idea to hewp Mewwins Sissy an’ Babbeh’s Bwuddah an’ Sistews. we must twabew to Bweadbasket bit nowthwest it’s whewe aww nummies am gwown. buh mewwin wants to wet ‘ou know two things fiwst outwaws am aww obah that wegion an’ second dewe’s dis gwoup we must be cawefuw ‘cos of that am gon’ nee’ dis. Twainin’ begins in an houw. As Merlin begins to talk he goes in to another room and when he comes back he hands you the knife of the thug. Fin

Thanks you for reading my story!
sorry if it came out a little later than I wanted school has been kicking my ass lately but I hope you enjoy and of course constructive criticism is always appreciated!

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